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File: 6 KB, 300x168, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11274712 No.11274712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sci, I need your help. How can I stop being a coomer? I think I'm addicted to this poison, I don't want to do it but the urge is overwhelming, it's like a drug addiction and it's destroying my brain.

>> No.11274715

Cut off your balls. However, let a professional do that work for you.

>> No.11274720

Just stop looking at porn.

>> No.11274731

This could just make things worse

I'm avoiding porn and not looking at any but I can't stop thinking about it

>> No.11274749

>I can't stop thinking about it
You've fried your brain well, the worst mistake would be going back to porn. You need AT LEAST 90 days of continuous abstinence to break the cycle.
Make a resolve and download rewire companion app to keep track of your progress. Certain people recommend supplements and herbs to overcome withdrawals, you can research them but in the end it's just raw will power.

>> No.11274759

I think I will start going back to church as well, that might hell. It's fucked up how easily accessible porn is and how promoted it is in western culture. It's so bad for the brain.

>> No.11274779

Church might help in that you will need to ground yourself if you have too much yang energy. from semen retention.
This is just a snippet of the full picture, I wish I could refer you to any literature but I had to make sense of it on my own.

>> No.11274787

Thanks anon, yeah I think it's just a willpower thing that you have to overcome yourself. Are you completely abstinent now?

>> No.11274792

It will become easier and easier with time. Keep at it! It will be very rewarding! They start fading after 1 week and it takes about 3 months for urges to stabilize. They will not completely disappear, but they will be much less intrusive and easy to withstand for most of the time. Going NoFap as well makes it easier in my opinion. Keep a diary where you write down every time you watch porn and/or fap. Having to write it down makes it seem more serious and also helps you see patterns in your behavior. Try to figure out what happens right before you relapse the first time (because an initial relapse usually triggers a binge over many days). For me it usually is some very revealing but not quite pornographic photos or videos I stumble upon on pretty vanilla places on the internet. For example in a youtube video. They get me just enough aroused to want to seek out gradually more arousing stuff. One time it was binging ASMR girls on youtube that started it. Psychological distress and sleep deprivation is also a huge trigger for me. Try to catch yourself from falling into these traps.

>> No.11274794

>Are you completely abstinent now?
Yes, sometimes I get nocturnal emissions but you can't really prevent that.

>> No.11274808

Yeah I can relate to this too anon, I sometimes watch ASMR videos and then get an urge to coom afterwards from something pretty vanilla, I’ll try avoid most things. At the moment I’m trying to challenge my thoughts, when I get an urge I try to fight it off with a contrasting thought as to why I shouldn’t do it.

That’s good, I’d like to be the same ideally. Seems very good for the mind

>> No.11274824

>Sci, I need your help. How can I stop being a coomer?

Get a girlfriend and have sex with her daily

>> No.11274826

>It's fucked up how easily accessible porn is and how promoted it is in western culture. It's so bad for the brain.

No it isn’t. It’s bad for creepy weirdos with addiction-prone personalities who won’t just have sex.

>> No.11274827

>Yes, sometimes I get nocturnal emissions but you can't really prevent that.

Abstinence is a mental illness. Have sex.

>> No.11274829

>having meaningless sex is somehow better

hello coomer

>> No.11274832


>> No.11274834

>having meaningless sex is somehow better

Nothing has meaning, dumbass. Enjoy being alive and then die. Having sex is definitely superior in almost every way to being a creepy weirdo jacking off to anime in his dank and dark apartment that looks like a cave because the light burns his slimy skin, and it’s also better than being a volcel retard afraid of vaginas.
Go outside, have sex, make a kid or two. Goddamn you guys are so depressing

>> No.11274846
File: 11 KB, 344x427, A40CBF3E-A0CF-474A-BBAA-988134A351DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing has meaning, dumbass

>> No.11274847

>Look mom I posted the picture again

Define “meaning” and demonstrate meaning to exist.

>> No.11274850

>using have sex unironically
Hard pass on whatever your agenda is

>> No.11274851
File: 32 KB, 574x534, BA607B6E-8869-4661-B463-6BFBE18F0C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go outside, have sex, make a kid or two. Goddamn you guys are so depressing

>> No.11274852

If meaning didn't exist, no one would be able to communicate dumbass. Language is packaging meaning into sound.

>> No.11274854

>Hard pass on whatever your agenda is

My agenda is to tell you to go have sex. Why don’t you want to fuck? Are you afraid of le spooky vagina? I can’t imagine how disappointed I’d be if my son grew up to never have sex.

>> No.11274860

are you going to assume that anon meant a poor reason behind having sex or are you just going to continue being autistic

>> No.11274861

>If meaning didn't exist, no one would be able to communicate dumbass

Words have meaning, yes. They convert ideas and information to other people, but what does it mean to say that an action is “meaningless”? Sex is an activity, not a word inofitself, so how could it be any more “meaningless” than any other action like opening a door or licking a spoon?

>> No.11274866

>are you going to assume that anon meant a poor reason behind having sex

How can you demonstrate any reason for having sex is inferior to any other reason?

>> No.11274867

Sounds good! Best of luck, Anon!

>> No.11275083

stop being a dumb teenager

>> No.11275108
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>> No.11275111
File: 186 KB, 952x717, 1575505635731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lurking on porn over 20 years now.

In past I would jerk off several times a day but now I lurk on porn few hours/day and think about it whole time.

Move from normal fapping to prostate play because normal fap was not fun anymore.

Moved from /s/ tier to traps and other anal shit.

Its been so many years that I am not even sure how would I feel without constant cooomin environement.

the other thing is fact that I moved into porn that much as way out of my problems shitty life and very shitty look.

If I had gf I would not waste that much time (probably)

I fried my brain, didnt I?

I wonder if its even possible to recover.

Curently I am unable to focus on anything even at work I postpone everything as long as possible.

And even today at this point despite fact that I am fully aware on how bad consequences it had on my life I am not 100% sure that I want to quit coooming.
Shit just feels too good

>> No.11275114

If you seriously believe the urge to fap becomes weaker after some time of abstinence you're deluded. As the weeks go on it will become worse and worse as your dick develops it's own life and you literally pop a full on raging boner while you walk around town. It becomes so bad that the friction of your dick pulsing against your pants will provide enough stimulation to make you cum. You will also feel like you want to stalk some hot girl so you can relieve yourself, but you're just going to cum in your pants before you even get the chance.
Then there's wet dreams where you basically fuck your mattress and even just a harmless kiss scene will make your dick explode all by itself unless you open your pants.

I'm not even joking, try it yourself and see. After a few weeks this whole ordeal will reach a plateau, but unless you drain the pipe or cut off your balls your body will make you drive crazy horny.

>> No.11275120

>If you seriously believe the urge to fap becomes weaker after some time of abstinence you're deluded.

it is
its not true only if you just hit puberty

>> No.11275125

That is simply wrong unless your balls don't work. You can get by without porn maybe, but not without ejaculating at all. It's simply miserable and your body will force it out one way or another.

>> No.11275131

For clamped low t beta males like yourself sure, but he's actually right

>> No.11275169

What you described is true for beginners, but you can actually transmute the sexual energy into creative force. With experience, you can learn to control your sex drive rather than being controlled by it, while harnessing the physical and mental benefits of increased testosterone.
This might sound stupid, but it has worked for me.

>> No.11275239

adult people dont get random erections from clothes/small pic or random bump lol

>> No.11275354


>> No.11275438

I did this for about 2 months before I just couldn't bear it any longer. I can imagine that it becomes easier to control with time but that's just the mental side of it. Your dick will continue to demand cumming and I'm not convinced any self control will change that. At best you're going to fuck your bed in your sleep every other night instead of jerking off.
I don't even see the point it's not like it's healthy to not cum for so long either. Sure, porn is probably bad for you, but if your dick is already masturbating itself from pulsing in your pants it's probably better to just let it do its work.
Yeah sure, if you're a porn addict who jerks off all day you'll have a hard time getting a boner even with a hot chick blowing your dick, but if your last orgasm was weeks ago you WILL get erections from the tiniest sexual stimulation, even just a fleeting thought.

If your nutbladder works, that is.

>> No.11275474

>At best you're going to fuck your bed in your sleep every other night instead of jerking off.
Excess sperm is either broken down and resorbed or you'll have the occasional wet dream, that's it.
If you cum from your dick being brushed against your pants, maybe practice edging and kegels instead. There's always more to learn my nigga.

>> No.11275500

I've never had sex and I'm not going to, sorry.

>> No.11275504

Yeah it's not going to burst, but that's not what I meant. I just don't see the point going that far. Also, it's hard to edge in public, when that would require to take off my pants because of my automasturbating boner.

>> No.11275514

>What you described is true for beginners, but you can actually transmute the sexual energy into creative force.

You went from speaking coherently to new age woo babble in one sentence.

>> No.11275515

>At best you're going to fuck your bed in your sleep every other night instead of jerking off.


Holy fuck that’s depressing. Get a hooker to suck your dick

>> No.11275527

>new age woo babble
Call it that, or you can look up Taoism which incorporates these practices, specifically the idea of jing and qi.
By mastering this stuff, you can even fuck sloots without having to coom if you decide to do so.

>> No.11275539

are you a fellow fan of richard and mortimer xd?

>> No.11275556

try to find a hobby or something that replaces what you are doing like playing video games, reading something (other than porn) or watching movies (not obvious porn)

>> No.11275589

>nothing has meaning dumbass
You forgot to add "I'm pickle rick!"

>> No.11275791
File: 112 KB, 724x900, 2kupq01k28m11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get nocturnal emissions

That's a sin. Tell your preacher as a confession.

>> No.11276400

Self control is always better

>> No.11276413

>Shit just feels too good
Its an instinct. All humans are just animals at the end. They all have instinct to reproduce. Its ingrained into our very core.
Self control is the way to go and only defining factor between humans and animals

>> No.11276643

I know what you mean, but the last sentence sound like something a ww2 nazi would say before killing ill/addicts


>> No.11276709

yes, having meaningless sex is definitely better than excessive masturbation

>> No.11276712

std approved post

>> No.11276871

You coom because you're sad.
You're sad because you have issues.
Work through your issues with meditation, self-reflection and a therapist.

>> No.11276901

didn't fap since 2018

what helped me was the book: your brain on porn.
having an orgasm is
>a drug as hard cocaine
>, when done frequently, lowering your sperm count and quality permanently
>, in the form of porn, used by israel in the war against palestine as a weapon
>making males behave more female(sticking to one partner) and females more male (sleeping around a lot)
>, when had a lot, causing you to be attracted to the gender you weren't attracted to before (this is well documented, called hocd, can happen to gays also and does what no conversion therapy could ever do)
>done by chimpanzees only when they are in captivity. Otherise they build their "nest" and search for food and get children the whole day.

nofap helped me to
>become religious
>believe that fornication is bad
>believe that sex should only be done to create children.
>increase my self discipline

>> No.11276904


>> No.11276907

the sentence about the chimpanzees is about masturbation

>> No.11276962
File: 128 KB, 506x337, porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just accept the fact that porn is a hard drug, just like cocaine and heroine (which uses the sexual reward circuit of your brain).

I was once an addict to face sitting porn like newMFX brazilian stuff and russian brutal facesitting.

I am clean now and will never ever masturbate again.

>> No.11276973


>> No.11276979

actually what helped u is low testosterone

>> No.11276983


>> No.11277161

>brutal fasesitting

what is that?

>> No.11277178
File: 30 KB, 425x239, TIMESAND___Beep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]