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11193016 No.11193016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

owo what's this?

>> No.11193018
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>> No.11193021
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>> No.11193026
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>> No.11193041

>Women fuck the top 1% of men during their teens and early twenties
>They eventually get impregnated and abandoned by Chad, so they are forced to lower their standards and look for a beta who would marry her and raise her baby
That's how modern dating works

>> No.11193042

t. Never gone outside

>> No.11193043

whats the point of this thread

>> No.11193105
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>> No.11193106
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>> No.11193109
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>> No.11193113
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>> No.11193122
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I think my enemies concocted and broadcast some mockery of my desires for love and affection, and it was so evil that it literally fucked up an entire generation.

>> No.11193126

I think it is possible to deduce directly from this dataset alone exactly why women suck at STEM compared to men and that, in general, men and and women certainly are not equal, and that the masculine sex is the superior sex.

>> No.11193135


I hate Babylon

>> No.11193142

Chads>betas (objectively)
The betas shoul be glad to raise the superior man's progeny. There own genes will just pollute gene-pool.

>> No.11193169
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Helene is certainly the literal Whore of Babylon of Biblical notoriety.

>> No.11193170

What the fuck? Women want to date people they're attracted to? Fucking sluts.

>> No.11193179

you still don't get it do you

>> No.11193186

It sucks but this is true >>11193170
Let's not pretend that men are any different. If she doesn't get my dick hard I ain't interested even if the personality is good. Trouble is, the attractiveness threshold had by women for men is much higher

>> No.11193187
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>What the fuck? Women want to date people they're attracted to? Fucking sluts.

>> No.11193192

It's meant for bluepilled people who say only personality matters or that personality can compensate over looks, as long as you're funny, rich, hard-working etc. Blows every claim like this out.

>> No.11193193

404 no rebuttal found

>> No.11193197

It's about looks>personality. I'm not attacking the woman, of course she has the right to date who she wants. It's just that even when the man has literally everything going for him except his looks, she won't be attracted to him.

>> No.11193208
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>> No.11193211

And if a woman had everything going for her except looks would you be interested? (note, I'm not saying she would just be plain, I'm saying her looks would be such that you would not be attracted to her physically at all)

>> No.11193214

t. so ignorant of history to not realise people have been making the same claims about women for generations now

>> No.11193220

>And if a woman had everything going for her except looks would you be interested? (note, I'm not saying she would just be plain, I'm saying her looks would be such that you would not be attracted to her physically at all)
Yes, absolutely. If she had the same interests at me, I would even date a fat, acne ridden and a generally ugly female, provided she has a nice personality.

>> No.11193221


>> No.11193223

>If she had the same interests at me, I would even date a fat, acne ridden and a generally ugly female, provided she has a nice personality.
Guys always say this, but never walk-the-walk when the opportunity arise.

>> No.11193224

Dude I'm literally an incel.

>> No.11193226

Dude, that was practically a nonsequitured rebuttal. And either way, incels would be the worst offenders of the previous claim.

>> No.11193262

Doubt it, for men this is the case for women however no, the ability to suceed is what women are looking for, not that they also don't like good looks but it's less meaningfull than for men.

>> No.11193265

-people, especialy women, know that women cannot keep their legs closed
- people know that most men never amount to anything

virginity is the best discriminant for people:
-good women are not tramps
-good men manage to make something of their lives (and, since women are loose by nature, fucking a woman is not so hard (if you do not fuck a woman, you better be good at something else))

naturally, this utopia never occurs:
-women spread their legs chasing their fun, especially through good sex, thanks to the men ready to serve them
-very few men go beyond women
men never amount to anything besides providing entertainment for women, since providing for women is the easiest thing, especially when it comes to giving them gifts.

>> No.11193271

Youre full of shit.

>> No.11193280
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>another incel general

>> No.11193283

what's wrong with incel generals?

>> No.11193296

>"I personally can't have sex and therefor society is collapsing"

I'm getting really sick of this incel shit. Hell we might even want to officially name it the "incel fallacy"

>> No.11193302

>what is statistics

>> No.11193322

statistics are for incels and racists

>> No.11193325

t. Never had sex

>> No.11193336

This has to be bait

>> No.11193349

ask yourself: who is always posting charts and stats? it's always some stormtard pissbaby

you never see one of them willing to have an earnest dialectic, it's always brute force fact dumping while they stick their fingers in their ears and shout "nigger nigger nigger" like a twelve year old

>> No.11193358

You don't have to be an incel to recognize that people are increasingly lonely and isolated male or female.

>> No.11193372


>> No.11193378

You're not even remotely trying to blend in.

>> No.11193445

To the contrary, if the man has nothing going for him except plenty of money, then she will be attracted to him.

>> No.11193557


>> No.11193566
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Some women are total whores who want to date around and fuck men from 18-26 after they turn 26 and have stable careers they want to settle down with a man who has a job and is self sufficient. Marriage is more for women than it is men. If you have a girlfriend and she is not like most modern progressive women then you're golden. Anything less and your settling with a car with very heavy mileage that needs repairs. So you make the choice. Ideally men can just date younger women to circumvent used 26+ year old women. So use that to your advantage.

>> No.11193567
File: 79 KB, 850x400, quote-when-looking-for-a-life-partner-my-advice-to-women-is-date-all-of-them-the-bad-boys-sheryl-sandberg-141-93-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11193575

of course she would be jewish...

>> No.11193577

>Some women

>> No.11193578

This one is going into the bag, and her children, and probably everyone at her shul too.

>> No.11193589

Due to popular culture, feminism, and female sexual liberation. Walk on any university campus in Western countries and you'll know most women believe in not settling down and having "fun". Take it as you will.

>> No.11193593

Most women think like that i.e. are whores. It's not just "some women".

>> No.11193601
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>> No.11193604

But incels are also fucking stupid. The best advantage men have is age. If a woman in your age range is a deviant whore date younger. Say you're 27 go down to 21-23. Most men truly become self sufficient at around 25years old given they have education and are goal oriented. If you wish to play the game of Chad fucks beta gets suckered then go ahead, but the amount of lackluster no personality women you will meet will be quite high. If you enjoy going to raves, general social activities, and being extroverted chances are you'll play into the societal game of women.

>> No.11194465

I know this is not possible.
I see it all the time with my male-friends, they go complain about super-hot girl not wanting them, but when they have chance with not so good looking one they are always like "I don't know man, she seems nice, BUT SHE IS JUST SO UGLY".
People always try to hold others to higher standards than themselves.

>> No.11194480
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>> No.11194788

>swipe rate of not even 1%

jesus, even the pareto principle is optimistic at this point