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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11189119 No.11189119 [Reply] [Original]

I have devoted my life to discovering how to manipulate existence, and I'm looking for people who want to help.


I'll define a few words:


I define a "soul" as a universe. It is the universe where your thoughts, senses and emotions exist. By "universe", I mean "a place where only those things exist". It is the only universe qualia can exist in, as I'm defining it as "a universe that contains qualia".


Senses, thoughts, and emotions are qualia. The taste of a cookie is qualia, as is a smell, or a thought, or an emotion. It's what the soul contains. Qualia does not have to be thoughts, senses, or emotions - any data could exist as qualia, theoretically.

By "manipulating existence", I mean "manipulating the qualia inside souls"


>Part 1 of ???


>> No.11189120
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Math is logic, and the universe is logical. I have no proof for this, but I have no idea how I'd prove anything without logic, so I guess it's an assumption. The logic behind logic (what does that even mean?) is the only part of the theory I do not want to debate. It's not useful to question it, as there's no way to know anything if the universe isn't logical. No theories can be created without logic - well, none that aren't just random and baseless.

If (X = A + B) then (X =/= A + B + C) (=/= means "does not equal") unless C is 0. This means nothing can contain anything that isn't in its parts and everything is only itself. If matter can create/manipulate our living experience, all matter (of the same type(s)) is capable of creating/manipulating a living experience, or capable of being capable. Basically, it has to be possible to manipulate matter in a way which manipulates experiences, even outside the brain.

Thoughts, senses, emotions - these are all the products of, or literally are, physical things. The "data" that makes them up is located in the physical nervous system, and there's nothing suggesting any aspect of the qualia that fills our human souls is located anywhere else. Qualia is physical.


>Part 2 of ???


>> No.11189122
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The soul is made of data inside neurons (that data is also made of things, but we'll stop at the neuron to keep it simple), but the data inside neurons exists only as itself. Let's create a theoretical nervous system with 3 neurons - N1, N2 and N3. Those variables do not represent the neurons themselves, only the data that the neurons contribute to the soul. We can represent that mathematically as (soul = N1 + N2 + N3). However, that would imply the neurons are not the soul, as (N1 = soul) cannot be true unless N2 and N3 are nothing. That would mean the neurons are not what contains the soul, but also that the soul is the neurons, which is not possible. You'd think that would mean every neuron exists as a piece of the soul, but that can't be true, because then they'd all have their own souls, and they'd be separate - every human would have billions of individual souls, each with different qualia, instead of just one that contains all of those qualia (well, the qualia that is our conscious senses/thoughts/emotions).

The solution: every part of every neuron (the parts of the part of the neuron that contribute to the soul) has a soul that is filled with the same qualia that every other part of every other neuron (the parts ... ) has. That would mean the soul is located inside every neuron, and that (N1 = soul). This would be possible if every additional neuron changed the qualia of every other neuron as soon as it became part of the nervous system. It's as if the qualia is a string that goes through the souls of every neuron (the parts ... ) in the nervous system.

It may be possible that all involved matter creates a new soul every time the old soul is no longer full of information (I can't think of a way to disprove it with math), but it seems unlikely. Personally, I think the souls of matter stay the same, because the soul is the qualia, and the qualia is a physical part of the matter: a part that (probably) never goes away.


>Part 3 of ???


>> No.11189124
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The theory, when complete (and completely logically sound, meaning there is no alternative that wouldn't be illogical), would have a number of uses. Logically, the most-good use for it would be to make a soul's qualia entirely good. In terms of qualia, "good" or "goodness" means "the part of it that holds objectively positive value to the soul". There's a calculation we can use to find the good in any given qualia:

((qualia containing goodness) = (the part of the qualia that can't be defined solely as good) + (the part of the qualia that can be defined as good))

or ((the part of the qualia that can be defined as good) = (qualia containing goodness) - (the part of the qualia that can't be defined solely as good)).

Some qualia that almost always contain goodness would be happiness, tasty food, pleasure, love and pride. This list is very long (potentially endless), and different brains put goodness in different qualia just because that's how brains work. Things like context and mindset also matter. However, when qualia contains goodness, it contains goodness, period.

It could also be used, outside of human souls (the above idea is also outside a human soul), to create:
-AI with a soul. It could have the same things humans do: thoughts, senses, emotions, and potentially even more things. The AI could inhabit a robot body, or a virtual body, or anything else an AI can do.
-"qualia movies" (like, make a soul BE batman. All qualia would be written, like a script)


>Part 4 of ???


>> No.11189126
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I am obsessed with this. I've spent the last three months on Omegle, trying to find people who are interested in helping. I have no job and no school, so I've been doing this full-time. So far, I have unfortunately found nobody who's even half as devoted to this as I am - or I've been unable to motivate/lead them properly. I've got a Discord with a few people in it I found from Omegle, but it's almost completely dead.


>Part 5 of ???


>> No.11189129
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You don't need to be a physicist, or philosopher, or smart, or a chemist - you just need to want the answers, and believe you can discover the answers. Or, at the very least, you should want to help. There are several things that need doing:

-Organizing the theories (it's in the form of Omegle logs right now, and a bunch of assorted writings)

-Developing the theories

-Exposing flaws in the theories

-Simplifying the theories, without removing anything


-Sharing the theories (without being annoying or spam-y)

-Organizing the discord/reddit/wherever else

-Boosting morale (encouraging people to do stuff, without being negative)

-Learning about the theories

-Anything else that would help the cause

If any of these things sound like something you'd want to do, join the discord




>Part 6 of 6 (last one)


>> No.11189130
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If all things are elector-magnetic in spectrum, and math is made of numbers, and numbers are made of electrons then math is made of electrons.

>> No.11189138

Why start from zero instead of going with the two most effective ways of manipulating reality: physics and behioral changes?

>> No.11189152
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Death's one reason, another is that it's very hard to keep a human soul filled with good qualia for very long.

>> No.11189170

Probably because people don’t want life advise from a NEET.

>> No.11189177
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I always outsource my compression and entropic principles.

>OP works for me for I allow all, and OP is every wall.

>> No.11189180
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The theory is what you should judge, not me.

No, you don't, and no, I'm not.

>> No.11189190


>> No.11189198
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I posted the same thread there. It got no replies. Also, the theories are based on science and logic.

>> No.11189205

>the theories are based on science and logic.
have you taken any courses on either
because it's not.

>> No.11189209

Study pure mathematics and astrophysics and maybe you will scratch the surface, but I don't think homo sapiens have a great intelligence or mental capacity to do such things since we barely even understand existence or self or anything for that matter. We are not as evolved and smart as we seem to think we are.

>> No.11189216

have you read the CTMU?
it's been done by someone smarter than you OP

>> No.11189222


I wonder if academia will ever drop the math stick.

>> No.11189230

1st time posting on 4chan?

>> No.11189234

1st time performing advanced neurochemical impulse logic circuitry required to manipulate my 10 dimensional digit-function dance across the qwerty.

>> No.11189237
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this guy isn't me btw. I'm Mortefin

>> No.11189241

I already did

>> No.11189242
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Could you explain how to do it?

>> No.11189245

I wrote all my secrets down in a single leather bound journal shortly after returning to the United States from Europe, whereabouts my revelations were attained. They now reside with an unremarkable diabetic blacksmith somewhere in Washington state. Beyond that I will not tell you.

>> No.11189255

I am also flaccid, fellow dead-flipper.

>> No.11189345

OP you sound like a nice enough chap, and I don't want to be mean, so all I will say is good luck!