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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 189 KB, 800x490, phd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11187573 No.11187573 [Reply] [Original]

How's your research going anon?

>> No.11187586 [DELETED] 
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Nobody on this board is smart enough to actually do science or math. They just talk about it when they get their 30 minutes a day to use the computers in the asylum.

>> No.11187590
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Nobody on this board is smart enough to actually do science or math. They just talk about it when they get their 30 minutes a day to use the computers in the asylum.

>> No.11187592


the thread did okay last time

>> No.11187594

projecting much?

>> No.11187603
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desu yes.. very much so. out of time in 5 minutes, but I'll probably talk about this in group later....
I'm hoping to be able to go to university for biology whenever I do get out of here =/

>> No.11187606

lel, I mostly lurk but I have a PhD in neuroscience, 200+ citations, and my i-10 index and h-index are 7

>> No.11187629

tfw i wasnt accepted to a phd programme

>> No.11187630

a UK program? Never gonna make it anyways

>> No.11187633

Not him, but I am яussian and I use UK spelling for everything.

>> No.11187635

Well, I'm currently a high school physics teacher as the last requirement to get my PhD. But I'm also taking this opportunity to do first hand research on the average American teenager. And the only thing my research has concluded thus far is that they're all fucking morons.

>> No.11187636

I'm American ("Americanyets" for you), but I've studied enough European languages that I habitually write in UK English nowadays.

>> No.11187638

>3rd year, engineer
>topic: fluid mechanics
>have to finish next year
>no financial support for needed and last experiments
>prof: "you can start writing your thesis"
>I dont feel like I have done anything important and all of it is garbage
>he says its enough for magna cum laude
>this work will be a useless piece of shit
>what am I even doing here ..

>> No.11187663

You might have impostor syndrome.

>> No.11187676

I am finally crawling out of the deep pit of burnout and depression that has had me trapped for years now. My funding is long gone but my supervisor still believes in me, my thesis is nearly finished. My mental health is finally good enough for me to give it a final shot. If my brain holds out on me I can finish in a few months.

>> No.11187902
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Yes this website is the perfect microcosm for how stupid the Jews have successfully dumbed down the western world

>> No.11187957

Im finishing my EE undergrad.
Im going to be doing a masters on control systems and signal analysis.
Should I do a phd?
Ive always been very academical in the sense that gaining deeper and deeper understanding of what I know has always interested me more than working at industry.

>> No.11187964

the title feels not to be deserved since my contribution to the knowledge is rather small and irrelevant.

During your high school times your teacher surely thought different ...

Great quote by someone, whos job was to create and control an army of fanatics and retards; also back to /pol/.

>> No.11187965

You might have to think pragmatically OP.

Just finish pHd, Leave amazing things for later (if you plan postdoc, that is).

>> No.11188040

>signal analysis
Dude, just go into a PhD program straight away specializing in signal analysis, then apply for one of those quantitative trading firms. You'll be making millions by the age of 30.

>> No.11188490

>my contribution to the knowledge is rather small and irrelevant.
So is everyone's contributions these days -- pretty much every interesting thing has been already done and not by one person but by hundreds of them. If you have something new to say, even if it might be a small nick in the massive corpus of knowledge that is mechanics then surely it's worth writing down. You're being too humble. Consider that most people can't even understand the basics of your field.

>> No.11188535

is that normal in neuroscience? citation counts vary a lot in between fields

>> No.11189009

How do I go into a phd program straight away if phd programs require you to have a masters?

>> No.11189011


>> No.11189471

Pretty good Im about to get my masters in music education

>> No.11189501

That's not always the case, but you do need some merit to be accepted straight away, i.e. have incredible references and networking as an undergraduate.

>> No.11189503

Why learn math and science when you're going to die one day anyway and likely won't actually contribute anything new or useful for future generations? Waste of time and energy. We should all mass suicide.

>> No.11189696

why do anything?

>> No.11189714

Because they're fun.

>> No.11189721

Exactly. That's why I don't do shit.

>> No.11189735

I'm a senior in undergrad CS.... 4.0 gpa
i go to a state school in california

i know with my grades i should go enroll in a master's program, i can probably get into a pretty decent one

but i hate school so much and desperately want to be done. i'm poor as fuck and want to finally enter the phase of my life where i have financial freedom. instead of paying the college for me to do 40-50 hours of work a week.

Ideally i want to work in something that relates to research..... what should I do? should i just get my BS and fuck off into the working world? or should i just suck it up and go to more school...

>> No.11189748

The DOE decided they're not going to be funding any new projects on my grand, and I'm pretty sure this means I'm not going to get my RA position next semester. My advisor is doubtful he'll be able to secure me a TA position in time. I have a FAFSA I filled out back in March. If I walk into a financial aid office on Monday, do you think they'll be able to get me a student loan for next semester? Or is December too late and I'm basically totally fucked?

>> No.11189785
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Why do so many PhD students hate doing research?
I met so many people who do not like reading papers, don't listening to talks even outside the immediate subfield of their project topic, never bother to read up papers from current conferences to see whether they can connect their work to new topics and complain that they cannot ask others for solutions for their problem. Every paper rejection or failure leads to a nervous breakdown. Why even bothering with staying in a phd for years if you dislike the main activity?
Or is it a CS thing?

>> No.11189787
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I just signed up for the qual in January.

>> No.11189795

a lot of them are in the program because they don't want to find a job. This is the case with alot of Chinese students I've met over the years. They generally excel academically and don't do so well in a proper working environment so they enrol in Masters/PhD programs but they're not thrilled about research.

>> No.11189797


Ha! Don't worry, man. Quals are tough, but chances are you'll pass as long as you give it your best.

>> No.11189808

It's a little above average for someone at my career stage but not unheard of.

>> No.11190542

But why do they stay after realizing that they don't so do well in a research environment either? Fucking nerds. Also I have met exactly two chinks in my field and both were based (and from Taiwan).

>> No.11190554

what equations are those that the tard frog is thinking about?

>> No.11190560

What do you mean by references?

My gpa aint the best but I've got a math specialization, ive had a job in industry for a year and can get about 10 different profs and my bosses to write customized recommendation letters praising me, including the signal analysis prof, is that enough?

>> No.11190846

I am a first year chemistry PhD student focusing on biophysical chemistry. The first-semester has been very difficult for me and I have been struggling to adapt to the changed pace/focus compared to my undergraduate program and life in the big city. I was worried about failing statistical mechanics but have come through to the B- range which I am ecstatic and proud of myself for. I have submitted my advisor selection form and am now waiting to hear where I will be placed.

I am disappointed in myself for having lost most of my focus/work ethic in my classes that allowed me to be in the program I am in. I have become lazy in my classwork but truly enjoy my opportunities to search the literature and do write-ups for rotation projects so, hopefully, this indicates that I am pursuing a fitting career path for myself.

>> No.11190850

You can read about the culmination of my research here:


>> No.11190864

I am motivated by the ability to learn and add to the detail in which I can 'imagine' objects relating to chemistry in my head and how they move/interact with things around them. It doesn't matter to me if I make any contribution to the greater world as long as I can obtain a job in academia to support myself and a family. I also am motivated by learning enough to comprehend what other experts who are making leaps-and-bounds in a field are doing and its relevance.

>> No.11191082

Most papers feel useless, most talks feel useless. In general a PhD honestly feels useless. My advisor tells me my expectations were too high though.

>> No.11191088

>How's your research going anon?
my research is on hiatus while i do some pointless curricular writing for my committee

>> No.11191153

not bad anon.
working on 2 papers and a patent. grad studies is going real nice. it's a lot better than undergrad.

i think grad school gets a lot of shit because of people that go into a research based thesis with a professor that hates their life and a project that they dont care about.

I've known a few grad students and now im pretty sure everyone who endlessly complained just shouldnt have been in that program.

>> No.11191396
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>I've known a few grad students and now im pretty sure everyone who endlessly complained just shouldnt have been in that program.
and then those people were probably just told they have imposter syndrome. what's would a venn diagram of people with imposter syndrome and actual dumbos look like

>> No.11191425

Here's a tip for you frends. Don't forget the Ph in PhD. There's been a trend since mid 20th century starting with figures like Feynman and people like Dawkins and other pop scientists to discard philosophy. This was not the case for Einstein and prior scientists. Philosophy of science is one of the most important things to learn during PhD and philosophy in general is important to learn for life. Especially since most academics are killing for reputable journals, nobels, ego, respect, citations, etc. Don't get drawn into their bullshit rat race and live a good life anons.

>> No.11191660
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breddy gud

>> No.11191719

Brony tier as shit

>> No.11191829


>Don't get drawn into their bullshit rat race
My general philosophy is to try and focus on quality over quantity, and to not give myself more work than I need to. I have been told by both professors and some folks in industry that quality matters more than producing tons of papers. My advisor seems to disagree with this somewhat, noting that it would be difficult to get hired at the university I am studying at if I did not have maybe 10 or so papers under my belt.

I'd like to not get dragged into the rat race. But I'd also like to make sure I'm hired, and that I get tenure if it's at a university.

>> No.11191847

i was about to say "postdoc here AMA" but then i saw "El Arcón" in the name field of a recent post, so, pass

>> No.11191971

Any research position in CS is going to require an MS at least.

>> No.11191980

If you're smart it's likely nobody will hire you for CS, they just want idiot code monkeys who know their place

>> No.11192366

has anyone missed a deadline for departmental requirements? how much of a bitch would i be if i asked for an extension?

>> No.11192501
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>> No.11192515

I got a PhD in ECE a couple years ago. Now I work in a government research lab. The pay is not ideal but it's pretty fucking great. I don't think I would leave this job any time soon.

>> No.11192638

Your english is so bad that it brings me joy to see your counter to him was name-calling.

>> No.11192678

I'm doing a CS masters right now at a state school. It is pretty fun, I'm enjoying it so far, but I'm only just now finishing my first semester of it. I'm really enjoying getting ready to do a thesis, and hopefully will come out of this with 2-3 papers under my belt + the thesis itself. Not sure if I'd want to do a PHD afterwards or not yet, guess it depends on how my published work goes.

>> No.11192682
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>go to #1 school in world
>MS student
>have opportunity to do PhD
>am a bit older, will be ~32 when I finish
>want big family and need to find a wife now
>constantly at odds with myself if I'm going to do the PhD or just take my masters and get some comfy SV job
>literally keeps me up at night
>don't think I'm smart or creative enough for the lab I'm interested in

>> No.11192711

>Not sure if I'd want to do a PHD afterwards or not yet
protip: you wont do it

how would doing PhD stop you from finding wife? you'll probably have more free time as grad student than with full time job

>> No.11192717

1. 45k/year income vs 120k/yr I could be getting in industry. Not just looking for a wife, but the best woman I can possibly get.

2. I don't intend to work in the area and don't think looking for a wife in a city I plan to leave is wise

3. dating grad students isn't sexy when you're late 20s and trying to form babby

>> No.11192720

>my i-10 index and h-index are 7
Its like the e-penis of the academic world

>> No.11192722

Why do you think I won't? This is a joint program Master+ PHD, so I can stop anytime I want after the first 2 years and have a masters under my belt. Why do you think I wouldn't do it?

>> No.11192777

I spent 6 years in grad school working in a large (many students) research center. I can't tell you how many times I've heard from masters students that they are "thinking about" doing PhD. Every single one of them would leave with the masters. The people who stayed for PhD were always sure about it from the start.

>> No.11192798

How does one get convinced about doing a PhD? It's not like it sells itself very well. One of the things that interested me about that route was that I'd be working on novel stuff, but I never saw how I was supposed to bring or propose anything creatively myself. The thought of outlining and defining some specific area of research and the certain methods I'll be using like I know for sure I want to spend years and yearson it scares the shit out of me

>> No.11192809

>How does one get convinced about doing a PhD? It's not like it sells itself very well.
You don't get convinced. You either want it or not.

>One of the things that interested me about that route was that I'd be working on novel stuff, but I never saw how I was supposed to bring or propose anything creatively myself.
You don't yet see how you are supposed to do it because you don't know how to do research yet. The point of the PhD is to learn how to do research.

>The thought of outlining and defining some specific area of research and the certain methods I'll be using like I know for sure I want to spend years and yearson it scares the shit out of me
You will most likely be given the topic from your advisor based on what he has funding for. But yeah you will want to be very sure that you are up for the task because it's a long time commitment. But if you are up for the challenge then you will succeed; it's more about dedication than anything.

>> No.11192817
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>You don't get convinced. You either want it or not.
That's a pretty simplistic way of thinking. People were obviously convinced at one point that they wanted to do a PhD. Maybe I missed a conversation with somebody who can really sell the merits of taking up such a journey. I guarantee there are a good amount of people who did a PhD for no reason other than wanting better management prospects in some major company or organization later down the road, so little tidbits of information like that could potentially be useful to somebody who isn't just innately drawn to spending his early 30s marking labs to make ends meet

I had to propose research in my undergrad, which was mostly bullshit, so that I could even get into MIT for a MS. Now here I have to propose mini research projects with my prospective PI that are pretty much entirely up to me. I don't know how I'm supposed to know what to explore and what methods to use and why the fuck it would be interesting at all.

>> No.11192826

>People were obviously convinced at one point that they wanted to do a PhD.
No they weren't. I already told you this. You either want it or you don't. Sounds like you don't, which is fine.
>Maybe I missed a conversation with somebody who can really sell the merits of taking up such a journey.
I've seen these conversations a hundred times. The person never does it. If they need to be "convinced" then they don't want it.
>.I guarantee there are a good amount of people who did a PhD for no reason other than wanting better management prospects in some major company or organization later down the road,
I doubt it because that's a really dumb reason to do a PhD.
>marking labs to make ends meet
You mean being a TA? Get a fellowship nigga. Work for a professor who has funding nigga.

>> No.11192828
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Moreover, this is more of a commentary on the specificity of technical research papers, and in general, the scope of most graduate student work (if they are relatively focused in one area). I read a new paper on a specific method applied in an algorithm that reduces it's computational complexity with performance guarantees, sure that's cool and will be useful when and if I need to implement it, yet you look at the authors and their work and you see they've spent 3-4 years to slightly improve some nuanced algorithm's performance in very particular situations. That just seems like such a dreadful and tireless struggle to achieve something fairly insignificant and most entirely useless at the current time.

I can see how I would love to do research in some sort of humanities field as you have fairly open ended questions and freedoms not common of some of the more technical areas of academia.

>> No.11192830

>I don't know how I'm supposed to know what to explore and what methods to use and why the fuck it would be interesting at all.
Like I said, doing a PhD will teach you how to go about doing research. Once you know how to do it, and you know the current state of your field (latest advances, etc), it's pretty easy to come up with new projects and ideas. I could shit out 10 of them right now in my field. The trouble is finding the time to execute all the ideas.

>> No.11192834

>yet you look at the authors and their work and you see they've spent 3-4 years to slightly improve some nuanced algorithm's performance in very particular situations. That just seems like such a dreadful and tireless struggle to achieve something fairly insignificant and most entirely useless at the current time.
Reading this, you clearly aren't cut out for research. Don't do the PhD. I don't mean that as an insult but as sincere advice.

>> No.11192835

>Reading this, you clearly aren't cut out for research.
I've got 2 first author papers into IROS, 2nd author in IEEE and I'm not even a PhD student, suck my fat cock and get off your high horse nigger

>> No.11192841

Wow you are so sensitive. I wasn't even trying to trigger you and here you are seething. Anyway, like I said there is nothing wrong with not doing the PhD and not going into research. I never said you couldn't do it, but with your attitude and "commentary" written above you clearly aren't suited to doing it as a career. And please don't try to brag about having a couple conference papers lol

>> No.11192850

I would never consider academia as a career, that is true. I see myself more as chief research scientist on some major project rather than a professor. Also for future reference, consider not everyone is as useless of a peasant as you are and have 140k (+ ~100k signing bonus) offers from SVniggers doing really interesting shit hanging over their head. Ever driven a Porsche 911? How about having sex at all? I'm 26 fucking years old I need to think about things seriously before I commit 4 years and ~$400,000 in losses to them, fucko.

>> No.11192859

>I would never consider academia as a career, that is true. I see myself more as chief research scientist on some major project rather than a professor.
Most PhDs in STEM don't go into academia. You can also have a research career with an MS but positions like Chief Scientist will probably require a PhD.
>Also for future reference, consider not everyone is as useless of a peasant as you are and have 140k (+ ~100k signing bonus) offers from SVniggers doing really interesting shit hanging over their head.
Not really sure what you're trying to say here. You don't know what I do. And 140k in SV is dogshit.
>Ever driven a Porsche 911? How about having sex at all? I'm 26 fucking years old I need to think about things seriously before I commit 4 years and ~$400,000 in losses to them, fucko.
Yeah you do need to consider these things. It sounds like you'd be happier leaving with MS and getting a higher paying job now rather than staying for PhD. I tried to tell you this.

>> No.11192861

As for the sex part, I'm not sure where you're going with this. My sex life was at its peak during grad school. Plenty of free time, flexible schedule, living in area with constant influx of young girls.

>> No.11192869
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>hahaha he's 31 and he's still in school?
>LMAO swipe left stacy you need an actual man

>> No.11192870

Well I was like 23-28 during grad school and that wasn't a problem at all. This dude is older but I still don't think it would be any issue. If this stops you from getting laid you just suck at getting laid.

>> No.11192875

It's not about getting laid, it's about the type of women that want to either fuck or have a relationship with you if you don't have financial security and stability by that age in your life.

>> No.11192887


>> No.11192970

He's not wrong though
Go back already

>> No.11193313

>want to get a masters
>no academic references (graduated 5 years ago)
What do? Take some classes at a local uni and hope a prof likes me?

>> No.11193323

work experience and classes, yes

>> No.11193498
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Does therapy and medications really help with depression and burnout? I am considering going to my university's counseling center, but I just can't even imagine this helping me.

>> No.11193677

Most people only have short-term depressions, therapy can help to get you out faster. Everybody on pills is crazy, only take them if you cannot avoid.

>> No.11193707
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>It's an "undergrad still hasn't understood his final project topic after three months" episode

>> No.11193720

prove it faggot lmao

>> No.11193726

This. Post dick on PhD certificate.

>> No.11193736

Only up to a point, depending on how deep your depression is. It can potentially treat you out of it entirely, or it can at best manage it better and keep it from getting worse.

>> No.11193756

depression isnt real. start lifting and get laid fucking nerd

>> No.11193786

Do a masters, get a good scholarship. Get into google/Facebook research, make 300k. Do PhD while there

>> No.11193808

i want to marry depressed submissive academycuck momiji.

>> No.11193903

Welp. I have managed to avoid being unable to take classes next semester. Although my advisor now has no fucking research funding and no TA money, as it turns out, I had an offer for around 18k in student loans that had somehow not managed to come in the form of an award letter for me to decline.

Nearly doubling the amount of student debt I have for one semester is going to suck, but I'm pretty sure if I pass my prelims, the school is obligated to offer me 5 semesters of free tuition. Hopefully it won't take that long to write a dissertation.

>> No.11193916

>paying for your phd
they're telling you to go and stay go

>> No.11193920


Everyone else with my advisor is suffering the same problem. I was originally working on a grant supported by the Department of Energy, and then they just decided, "we're not funding any new projects." This being for a grant that was supporting professors across many different universities.

Fuck Rick Perry.

>> No.11194215

Yes that's science
99.9% research goes nowhere

>> No.11194230

Although I agree with you about paying yourself for PhDs grunt money drying out is not uncommon.

>> No.11194349

>45k/year income
Holy crap do PhD programs pay so much in the US?

>> No.11194384

A guy who is getting STEM PhD is seen as pretty desirable from that point of view.

this is bad advice but also great advice

>> No.11194388

Don't pay for your fucking PhD nigger, find an adviser that doesn't suck balls. Get a fellowship

>> No.11194390

So what piss poor major/department are you in? Some type of natural science I'm sure.

>> No.11194421

he probably means postdoctoral fellowship income

>> No.11194462

Computer Science.

My focus is in Cybersecurity. He's the only cybersecurity guy left in the university. In any case, this should only be for one semester. After this, I become a PhD candidate (so the university has to pay my tuition), and two of his other students will be doing their defenses, so there'll be funds freed up.

It's a shitty situation, but it's the best available at the current time.

>> No.11194476

>Computer Science
>no funding
damn thats fucked

>> No.11194477

Holy shit man that's not what I was expecting you to say. Cybersecurity is fucking flush with cash, every CIA nigger and their brother is throwing money into it. Fuck man, you should go to a better school for the PhD

>> No.11194492

So are you in latin america or eastern europe?

>> No.11194523

that's on the higher end for a grad stipend, but definitely not unheard of

>> No.11194545


Why yes, there is lots of cash. Problem is timing. My advisor has informed me that getting these grant applications approved can take months. And considering the DOE dropped the ball on us in the middle of the semester... I basically was left with no options for funding for Spring semester.

I swear though, we better get something from DARPA or the Office of Naval Research or something by next Fall, or I'm going to have an aneurysm.

>> No.11194555

Go to a better school for the fucking PhD man. You shouldn't even be having to worry about this shit. There are so many labs that are fucking flush with DoD cash

>> No.11194559

>but definitely not unheard of
yeah it's pretty much unheard of outside of the top 20 grad schools in the world

>> No.11194564


Kind of hard to just go switching schools halfway through the year, and when you're one semester away from candidacy.

>> No.11194573

Not really if you have any connections with actual decent professors with funding. They'll take you on with short notice and the "deadlines" won't even apply if you have a professor that wants you in. If you don't know any talk to your DoD friends and they'll put you in touch with one.

>> No.11194640


Pacific Northwest.

>> No.11194645

I promise you it's unheard of in Oxford/Cambridge. Maybe in the US

>> No.11194655

britain is a dystopian police state though

>> No.11194681
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>believing EU and US anti-UK propaganda
It's once again Britan against the world baby

>> No.11194693

Nice post, I hope it increased your Social Credit rating and you don't have to go to the gulags now.

>> No.11194815

do you have a license to post here?

>> No.11194850


just because someone has a bit of research money doesn't mean they're worth a damn. i worked with some chink bastard because he gave me an assistantship. half a decade later, i pray to god every day that he chokes on his lunch.

go with someone you actually like, even if it means paying more money.

>> No.11194889

reality check: if you can't get a position where they pay you money AND you work with good quality people you really should just give up

>> No.11194892


nice math

>> No.11194894


i'm going to off myself if i don't get my phd so i really have nothing to lose by being persistent.

>> No.11194908

you're going to end up the next Tooker (/sci/'s resident homeless rambling schizo math PhD)

>> No.11194914

i was going to say this >>11194889
but not be quite as negative. seriously you should be able to find somebody who doesn't suck if you don't suck. and obviously never work with chinks. ABCs are fine though.

>> No.11194918


i'm not schizophrenic, my mind is clear. but i have no desire to continue living when ingrates and idiots have phds and i do not.

if opportunity and fortune never shine on me, then i'll die without regret.

>> No.11194922


and that's an awfully sad story if it's true. someone should get the man some help.

>> No.11194928

chinks are good lab grunts, i'd even go so far as to say that they're some of the best lab grunts
unfortunately the majority of them lack foresight and creativity and are absolute shit in any position of power
work with chinks, but never for them

>> No.11194930

you've already failed with this kind of mentality
there's nothing special or noteworthy about having a PhD
if getting a PhD is your end goal seriously get out of academia now
PhD should just be a way of getting education paid for so you can research things you are interested in

>> No.11194936

>so you can research things you are interested in

that's what i'm trying to do. if i'm to have any hope of doing that professionally, i need a phd.

>> No.11194941

getting into a good research programme isn't about what you know, it's about who you know
you gotta network more bro

>> No.11194949

i'm on /sci/ all the time and never heard of this. quick rundown

in my line of work, working with chinks is totally out of the question in most cases

>> No.11194954

the dude is giving you good advice. do some networking and find a good adviser. fuck you can even just look them up and write them a cold email if you have to. oh and you can still have a research career with only a masters. I work along plenty of masters. They usually wont get PI or Chieft Scientist type positions but that's still a sweet job and they can go back for it later. Maybe that's what you should do until you find a better advisor. I'm sure you can get a job in a DoD lab with only a masters no problem,

>> No.11194955

>i'm on /sci/ all the time and never heard of this. quick rundown
the dude is like 70% of the posts on this board how do you not know who he is
tl;dr he got a maths PhD and then schizophrenia kicked in and he became a homeless schizo shitposter

>> No.11194958

I don't think he actually completed his PhD. A master's at most, he then worked a real job for a while iirc

>> No.11194960

oh yeah you're right he was only a PhD student in his first year or something before the timesand anal rape implant time machines teleported him into our universe :^)

>> No.11194969

how do you know? is he a name fag or something? i see plenty of schizo posts but never heard any of this shit

>> No.11194972

He's the guy who keeps posting about the neighborhood of infinity and other schizo posts.

>> No.11194974

did somebody doxx him or something?

>> No.11194976

The new jannies delete posts too often. There was a thread about him 4-5 months ago.

>> No.11194983

He used to email researchers with his schizoid papers in real life.

>> No.11195255

Research says we’re fucked by machine learning, climate change, and fascist dictatorship

>> No.11195310


It's mostly the machine learning that's gonna fuck us. Man-made climate change is keeping us from going into an ice age right now, and fascist dictators are vulnerable to bullets.

>> No.11195401

Why not become a genetic engineer and dedicate yourself to finding immortality/curing sickness?

>> No.11195451

He trolls academic subreddits as well posting his shitty vixra papers all over the place. I hope the dude finds some help, but if he hasn't at this point, I doubt he will ever.

>> No.11195503

Undergrad math student in some third world shithole here. Doing a PhD seems quite fun. I read here that I should be networking a lot, but I want to know how I am supposed to do it. I somewhat autistic/anti-social and I don't imagine living in a third world country is helping my chances of getting into a good PhD programme in a better country. So who am I supposed to talk to or work with and will it give me a chance to get into a nice PhD programme or am I doomed before I even start?

>> No.11195579
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>prove it
ok boomer

>Post dick
board is sfw, posting dick = ban

>> No.11195772

no one actually cares

>> No.11195796

I'm not him but someone did ask for him to prove it.

>> No.11195976

then why ask buddy

>> No.11196040
File: 742 KB, 2122x1259, sci_phd_realism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this one next time

>> No.11196050

>How's your research going anon?
still unsure on the specifics of it. But it will deal with craniofacial anomalies.
My heart is still set on the surgical aspect of it, but I have to move away from that, that ship sailed off a while ago.

>> No.11196075

That's really rude Anon

>> No.11196164
File: 846 KB, 944x768, 1513860562657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having panic attacks about possibly missing this stupid committee meeting deadline. I'm in my 5th year, have 4 publications, 1 first author, another one in the works. The rest of my lab consisted of staff scientists (former grad students who stayed after graduating) and they all got laid off, so I'm alone. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression through the school's health services and therapy and they put me on gabapentin and klonopin. I'm shitting my pants and can't sleep because over fear of dismissal, either because I don't get this paper and presentation in good quality in time or because we're so close to the end of the semester that I won't be able to schedule the meeting itself for it among my committee, and since I'm on probation, this was my last semester to get this done. This is the last thing I need to do before I'm all-but-dissertation.
My therapist says not worry so much about it because grad students in good standing don't typically get kicked out for these reasons, and that it wouldn't be terrible to ask for an extension. I just can't even focus on it. I didn't even procrastinate, I've been working on it for months and tracking progress but I just absolutely suck at getting writing done.
My advisor also is the worst, I picked the group because the research is cool. But in my second year he told me if I quit that he would slit my throat.

>> No.11196263

Thoughts like this are such a fundamental part of the scientific method

>> No.11196341

Start of the second year, got a first-author paper brewing and a second-author imminent. Also some nth author papers past and future knocking about which I don't take much ownership over.

Unfortunately my research is brainlet-tier and I also don't have the personal qualities necessary for success anywhere. I'll probably write a thesis that nobody will give two shits about and then work at McDonalds or something.

>> No.11196906

>I'll probably write a thesis that nobody will give two shits about
aka everyone's thesis

>> No.11197130

What's his endgame? Are his papers total gibberish or what? I'm not a mathfag so I can't even tell.

>> No.11197133

Honestly I don't know man. I would try to publish in some international conferences. When you attend them you can try to meet people.

>> No.11197139

People read and cite my PhD research regularly.

>> No.11197234

Research is one thing, thesis is another. Even if people read your work, they'll probably only ever read the abstract and maybe look at the pictures of your most popular papers. They almost certainly won't even glance at your actual thesis.

>> No.11197252

I actually find theses to be pretty worth reading as they usually start with a decent introduction to a field you may be unfamiliar with. In contrast whatever particular results as PhD found are usually irrelevant and uninteresting.

>> No.11197255

i'm not talking about your articles brainlet

>> No.11197290

The thesis contains the research. My "most popular papers" and my "thesis" contain the same exact content. And people look at it on both forms. Though I typically prefer they look at them as journal papers I have had the actual dissertation document cited as well.

>they'll probably only ever read the abstract and maybe look at the pictures
welcome to the research world

Are you really not aware that most dissertations are just the persons 2-3 best articles pasted together into one document?

>> No.11197293

As an introduction to the field maybe, sure, but for the actual people in your field (who'd be reading your work in the first place), they don't need a grad student doing babby's second literature review for them.

>whatever particular results as PhD found are usually irrelevant and uninteresting
This certainly does not hold, as within many fields a lot of the actual legwork will be done by the PhD students. Even if there's a Big Dick PI who's firing off the bombastic ideas, the first author will often be a student.

>> No.11197305

>Are you really not aware that most dissertations are just the persons 2-3 best articles pasted together into one document?
I think this is almost literally true for some countries/systems and less literally true for others.

>> No.11197320

Most PhDs do not produce interesting work. This isn't limited to PhDs, but all scientists in general.

>> No.11197355

Fine if you think that, but we were talking about people reading theses. Most people, of course, will read neither article nor thesis, but of the small subset that does find your work interesting it is likely that vastly more will read your articles rather than your thesis. I don't know why you're being obtuse about this.

>> No.11197364

it depends how important your research is
if you discover a way to cure HIV/AIDS everyone will be reading both bro

>> No.11197366

This is awesome. I'm doing research in orthopaedics engineering as a first year undergrad and I've been struggling to read through everything I want. I wish I could drop all of my classes and go into a phd or just do a four year long internship doing research instead. Sadly I need credentials.

>> No.11197381

I'm in a PhD. The foundation undergrad bullshit laid for me was necessary. Trust me. Even the english bullshit required classes in some way helped. The only ones that did not were the religious classes, because I just don't buy it, but that was my fault for accepting a religious school's money. Just trust me, it's for the best you have to jump through the hoops of undergrad and the application process of grad school before you get a PhD.

>> No.11197411

My point is that theses are usually more helpful than your actual work because babby's second literature review gives you a quick and succinct overview of the field which can be used by a large number of people, and always includes the generally useful results, whereas your own personal work is likely to be highly specialized (and of little interest) and not particularly interesting compared to the highlights of your field you cover in your thesis. The small selection of people that do find your work interesting will obviously be more interested in your work, but for the much larger number of people the thesis is significantly more useful to read.

>> No.11197581

What country do you guys live in where someones articles and thesis are not the exact same material?

>> No.11197658

US, they are probably talking about background chapters.

>> No.11197671

Most universities do let you do a sandwhich thesis but it's true that you write significantly better introductions to explain why your topic is interesting in those than in typical articles, where I assume most people are just sick of the intro and just want to write down their results.

>> No.11197674

If you don't live in USA or UK you are ESL so why would you even use the same words as us you have different language for different concepts.

>> No.11197762

is this how long it takes? really?

i'm about to be a sophomore in uni, pretty sure i'm gonna max myself out with a masters after an extra year here. does a phd really take another 3 years?

>> No.11197772

are you just trying to humblebrag about some joint program your school does with undergrad+masters

>> No.11197775

no im seriously asking

and i guarantee you the degree i get is going to be worthless to employers, the only real option is phd and teaching (most likely not at university) or being a self-employed author

>> No.11197779

>does a phd really take another 3 years
in the US phd is 4+ years (rarely 3).
i know in europe you clowns like to say
>hurr durr my phd was only 3 years
but you dipshits do your masters before which is 2 years.

>> No.11197814

seems to take most about 3-6years beyond the masters. it took me 4.5 but i was pretty lazy and could have done faster

>> No.11197823

yikes. i can't afford that much time. i've wasted so much already. seriously considering becoming a police officer or something after uni. maybe if i can swing a different major for the masters i can work at a think tank or federal or something. i can't get a phd and teach, reading 18yo kids asspull papers from the night before.

>> No.11197845

Phd is something you get for a research career. If you don't want to go into research, don't do it. What's your major, math or some other useless shit?

>> No.11197856

Theology. Archaeology or some kind of forensics or language would be a good double major for research, but I'm more interested in the philosophical aspect of the field. I would like to go into research, but like I said for my particular interest apologetics or the language side of things I don't know how useful I'd be to any employer. The options literally seem to be teaching or being a successful author with a regular job on the side. Or become a Catholic deacon/priest.

>> No.11197859

yikes just become a catholic priest and aim for becoming a bishop
best you can hope for with a meme degree

>> No.11197861

holy shit lol
>my particular interest apologetics...don't know how useful I'd be to any employer.
or to humanity

>> No.11197862
File: 83 KB, 832x1024, letmebeclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful with that edge anon. And nah church politics is not for me, and going that route requires serious considerations. It's not just a career path, or something to do because you can't deal with life as an khv incel. I can do more good on the outside.

>> No.11197865

It's not a meme, it's THE meme

>> No.11197877

>holy shit lol
based right?

>or to humanity
Nah you'd be surprised. I'm very right wing, conservative (imo that's what the liberal arts are all about, stewarding the canon), and can see PLENTY that is wrong with our culture today. Social issues that the wokest of the woke don't talk about, or worse make the suffering of others into a joke or claim it as a right. There's lots of arguments to be made that could actually change the world for the better while also finding a paying audience.

>> No.11197882

>it's THE meme
I'm curious, how so? I'm surprised to find someone who even has an opinion about it.

>> No.11197893

I'm happy you want to improve the world but I'm very skeptical that someone who unironically majored in theology is capable of doing that in a significant way. Good luck though.

Do you even know who coined the word?

>> No.11197894
File: 68 KB, 949x508, video-jon-stewart-half-baked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else on drugs?
you don't have to believe in theology to study it you fedora face

>> No.11197900

Yeah, Dawkins. What does that have to do with a degree being a meme? Saying his name doesn't win arguments or prove theism incorrect.

Thanks for the kind wishes anon. Religion can be a touchy subject for incels and fedoras, but billions of people on this planet are believers. And the philosophical foundations for this belief have yet to be disproven. Religion is not simply a matter of correct belief, it is a partner of the state and should be seeking the good and the true and the beautiful. The right arguments have an immense potential for effecting change. I just don't see anyone doing this. It's a shame so many people are being introduced to the subject by someone as vulgar as Jordan Beeterson, for example.

>you don't have to believe in theology to study it you fedora face
Tell it to Kant. And you're thinking of Religious Studies, which is a different major. Theologians actually believe the truth of what they study, and the term is typically reserved for people in the Abrahamic traditions.

>> No.11197906

>Saying his name doesn't win arguments or prove theism incorrect.
I know that but I'm not going to get into a debate about religion on 4chan. Anyway I think what you wrote is very silly (that's putting it nicely) but anyway you seem like a nice guy so good luck to you.

>> No.11197920

>I know that but I'm not going to get into a debate about religion on 4chan.
Too late big guy. For what its worth I'd be interested to hear your take. I've found even the very greatest atheists have been unconvincing: Hitchens was brilliant but willfully obtuse on the subject. Dawkins and the rest don't even rate mentioning. Mostly they can't even get a leg over the problem of evil. Just because Scuton and Peter Hitchens and the rest are pompous inarticulate bores doesn't mean they are wrong.

>Anyway I think what you wrote is very silly (that's putting it nicely)
That parenthetical subverts whatever niceness you intended you big brainlet. And implying the PhD system isn't deserving of criticism. Most of those authors are writing in such a niche market or enforcing (willingly or not) their mentors and peers own echo chamber prejudices it's no surprise the liberal arts are stagnant these days. Wouldn't be surprised if the same effect was happening in STEM especially in the more politicized sciences.

>anyway you seem like a nice guy so good luck to you.
Thanks my lad.

>> No.11197926

I had the same feelings about school due to the same reasons. I just needed money and had been a dependent leech for my entire 25 years of existence.. I was sick of it.. My advice is go and land a good paying job anon dont worry about your actual tasks just worry about how high your starting salary will be. Work there until you burn out, so ideally like 1-2 years. On the weekends treat yourself real nice, go out do some coke and fuck 10/10 hookers with your 100k salary but keep your cost of living as small as possible and save as much as you can (rent an apartment with some college kids, etc.) You basically want to gather as much money as you can to be able to tell your boss to fuck off in two years and go back to school for your masters. Find something to invest the savings into (flip things) and find small part time work maybe as a freelancer. when you quit. By the time you get your masters you will be able to leverage yourself into a 100k job guaranteed in the position you actually want (research) and by then please stop the coke and hookers and find yourself a qt 18 year old trad wife to bear your white children

>> No.11197930

dont be the idiot that leases a brand new tesla two weeks into his job fresh out of college

>> No.11197937 [DELETED] 

>state school
join the Army, anon. serve one enlistment on active duty. 36 months and they'll cover 100% of your tuition at a state school and give you a monthly stipend. just don't fail any classes. you're not too old. yet.

>> No.11197946

Sorry I just am not interested in getting into a debate about it. I generally agree with Sam Harris if that gives you an idea where I stand. Say whatever you want about it.

I really don't know too well about the non-STEM majors but you could be right about the echo chamber thing from what I've seen. I don't think I ever implied the PhD system shouldn't be criticized. In engineering I can tell you the echo chamber thing is basically non-existent.

It's gonna be tough to get a research job right out of undergrad but it does sometimes happen. If you get a good paying job you'll never end up going back for a PhD though. You could probably just have your employer pay for an MS while you're working.

nice larp

>> No.11197966
File: 717 KB, 2010x2376, samharrisBTFOhimself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I generally agree with Sam Harris if that gives you an idea where I stand. Say whatever you want about it.
I heard a few of his podcasts a couple years ago. He is not a careful thinker. And he's another one of those guys who doesn't understand the problem of evil. He's stuck on the same argument from Epicurus, thousands of years ago.

>In engineering I can tell you the echo chamber thing is basically non-existent.
Yeh, I bet. I was thinking of those hard sciences as the most resistant to groupthink nonsense. I'm assuming that's your field. Good for you.

>> No.11197975

I see nothing wrong with that pic. I don't find it very interesting though and I was more talking about his views on religion.

Yeah, I'm in ECE. It's not a field you can really bullshit in because it is so quantifiable and objective (in most cases). There is sometimes some use of buzzwords which is annoying but that is mostly just to placate some of the idiots who control the purse strings. However, like every field, we have a reproducible issue. But this is more out of laziness of documenting work rather than an inherent flaw in methods.

>> No.11197976

>we have an actual theology major in here

Amusement aside, wouldn't you be better off consulting /lit/ or /his/ about your particular career paths? I'm afraid you're relatively unlikely to find any advice for working to seriously better humanity with your degree from us.

>> No.11197986

I already found a solution to the problem of evil though. Spoiler: it's a perceptual phenomena created by socio-linguistic structures formed during the evolution of our species. "me ape man, me no want hurt hurty, me say man who hurt me or thing i no want hurty evil, he bad me say god tell me this so people listen, me smart"

>> No.11197994

>implying /sci/'s input is not valuable
>implying /his/'s is
wew indeed. I was just cruising by and saw the thread and had some questions. My man here has been mostly helpful and I am thankful for that.

Very interesting, thanks. It's cool to see how even the precise language of a field like engineering can be the point of failure because it is humans doing the talking. Seems a good opportunity for some bright student to codify a new technical writing standard, causal checklists that sort of thing.

And if you care he makes logical errors throughout his argument. Begging the question (despite his protestations against same, not all minds are conscious nor capable of sensing pain). Supposing there are not oughts in the world, then introducing oughts in his argument. And his conclusion is a joke. Facts good. Values bad. That might work for an NPC like Harris, but real people and institutions public and private have moral questions that need to be answered and claiming morality ought to be irrelevant to everyone because it is irrelevant to him is not an argument. There's scientific arguments that morality -- a moral sense, one that enables compassion and mercy and makes man alike to God as Shakespeare wrote -- is in fact in our genes, it's a feature that helped us survive as much as thumbs or symbolic thinking.

>> No.11198010
File: 29 KB, 567x459, witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were doing really well calling it a language game, until you threw in the cynical observation about abusing the notion of God in statecraft. This ignores legitimate, personal mystical experience, and also the larger portion of the question. Specifically, evil being a privation of good, and coming from the good, and its final cause. Or even its formal cause. It does not exist in itself. What we can say about evil is that it is a product of man (who, being created, is good), but also a judgment of man. Evil is what we call events we don't like but also don't understand.

>> No.11198014

>wew indeed. I was just cruising by and saw the thread and had some questions. My man here has been mostly helpful and I am thankful for that.
Who me? Not sure how I have been helpful.

>Very interesting, thanks. It's cool to see how even the precise language of a field like engineering can be the point of failure because it is humans doing the talking.
I wouldn't really put it that way. It's more of an annoyance than anything hearing people use stupid terms like "big data". I don't think it's really a serious problem.
>Seems a good opportunity for some bright student to codify a new technical writing standard, causal checklists that sort of thing.
That doesn't sound like a good idea in any way. It sounds like a solution in search of a problem.

I think you are getting Harris totally wrong but not really interested in discussing it too much. More interesting in talking about PhD and research related things here.

>> No.11198017

>legitimate, personal mystical experience
every single instance of supposed mystical experience has been disproven
people just went to sleep, had "visions" (dreams) and thought it was DUDE SUPERNATURAL LMAO due to ignorance
maybe if it was the 16th century and you were an ignorant farmer i could understand you believing in "mystical experience", it's just poorly understood interactions in your brain
you're right about not understand tho, the majority of human beliefs are based on ignorance and fear
>inb4 tips fedora

>> No.11198027



>> No.11198054
File: 113 KB, 734x414, YBkz0iT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't live in uk or us you are ESL

Brainlet take

>> No.11198064
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>> No.11198074


>the problem of evil
Would evil exist if each and every period possessing the qualities of "possesses a cluster B personality disorder" simultaneously suffered a heart attack?

>> No.11198080

Assuming you meant person not period. Yes. In real terms evil is a privation of good, a signifier we arrive at by a judgment. This judgment is made by men with limited faculties, but as I said before it is typically a label for things we don't like and also do not understand -- that is, we ask why such things happen. We ask why because we assume these evil things should not happen if God is omnipotent and merciful, because these events seem to us to be unjust. The mistake man makes is passing judgment at all. We don't know the plans of the transcendent, and being so uninformed can hardly claim to be qualified to pass adequate judgment upon it. This is the solution to the problem of evil, which so many otherwise smart guys seem to be unable to parse. Usually because of a personal bias against religion. But I haven't said a word about religion in this post.

>> No.11198087
File: 203 KB, 500x694, perish_like_a_dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain why you believe evil is a privation of good and not an inversion?

Cold is a privation of heat, but pain is an inversion of pleasure.

>> No.11198088
File: 445 KB, 968x928, wojaksnappedout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is to say, if all cluster Bs suddenly got snapped out of existence, "evil" accidents could still happen. Catastrophic natural phenomena like tsunamis and earthquakes and volcanoes would still kill thousands and leave more homeless. Even in the so-called normal humans, injustice and moral carelessness would still exist. The causes of war and famine would still exist.

>> No.11198090
File: 214 KB, 1200x823, jackedaquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pic related. We're playing a language game of course, but words still do mean things.

>> No.11198092

cringe retard virgin philosopher: why do things happen?
based chad: things just happen bro

>> No.11198093

Is this the kind of shit theology majors actually study all day?

>> No.11198094

Am I misunderstanding Aquinas? He seems to take evil being a privation of good as a premise. He simply says it and uses that idea to justify the idea that good things can causing evil.

I want to know why evil is a lack of good and not an inversion, or opposite, of good.

>> No.11198105
File: 600 KB, 700x6826, fiveways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that question is not common to pretty much everyone and not just philosophers
Pretty sure I've had more sex than you kiddo.

No. This is more philosophy freshman tier, but Aristotelean-Platonic philosophy is pretty closely tied to the Christian tradition.

>I want to know why evil is a lack of good and not an inversion, or opposite, of good.
He explains it clearly there. I'm afraid you are misunderstanding him.

The premise he is using comes from Genesis, where God spoke creation into existence and called it "good," but it's also supported by Aristotle, the Neoplatonists, and their successors the Scholastics who viewed God as pic related. Evil is not an inversion or opposite of good because it cannot exist except as a failure of good. It is contingent upon some created thing, all of which are good. If you take a look at Aristotle's view on change, or Aquinas' explanation of it, you'll see all change requires some "motus" or motion. This is not the same motion we think of in physics today, its rather more like a means. The thing changed inherits from what it is changed by. For example: to change a white fence to a blue fence requires blue paint. To change water to ice the water inherits some measurable quantity of cold. In this way, evil is not an inversion or opposite of good because it cannot inherit from good. Good cannot change itself to evil, good is only called evil when it fails to achieve whatever standard of good we have decided on using.

>> No.11198109

>Pretty sure I've had more sex than you kiddo.
Yeah it's pretty easy for faggots to get laid.

>> No.11198112
File: 38 KB, 600x483, howcanshe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To change water to ice the water inherits some measurable quantity of cold.
you just completely rekt your own argument

>> No.11198118

If every thing that is created is good, does that mean you think that things that only have the ability to cause human suffering are good?

Is children with bone cancer good? Is parasites that devour men's organs from the inside out good? Is a plague good? Are earthquakes and forest fires and droughts that kill millions good?

Or is this some abstract "divine good", far removed from our traditional understanding of the word good?

>> No.11198123

>does that mean you think that things that only have the ability to cause human suffering are good?
No, absolutely not. The opposite in fact. Read the jackedaquinas pic again: "only good can be a cause; because nothing can be a cause except inasmuch as it is a being, and every being, as such, is good." Being here refers literally to something existing physically. Some material thing. Created things. Only good things can be a cause (in the Aristotlean sense) because only good things exist materially to have cause upon each other for us to observe.

>Or is this some abstract "divine good", far removed from our traditional understanding of the word good?
No. There are no tricky word games here, this is philosophy not sophism. It is based in good faith argument - we don't want to win arguments, we want to seek and know truth.

>Is children with bone cancer good? Is parasites that devour men's organs from the inside out good? Is a plague good? Are earthquakes and forest fires and droughts that kill millions good?
Your first example is one frequently brought around by atheist apologists like Hitchens. That's fine, I like Hitchens quite a lot. But it's an appeal to emotion and you know it. The inconvenient and unappealing answer is yes. I'll explain why. It's good in the sense that bone cancer is a material thing. If cancer should be perceived as injustice, it is only evidence for Aquinas' premise. We call it evil because as I said twice before -- we have only our mortal faculties that are incapable of understanding the intentions of the transcendent and therefore don't know the final cause of any of these events. Theologians call it divine providence. It's a black box. If there is blame to be placed, it can go there. And then I would refer you to the title character of the book of Job, and the answer he received therein.

>> No.11198124


Natural phenomena can't be "good" or "evil", they just are. War isn't a natural phenomenon, and its cause can be primarily attributed to the actions of humans. Multiple humans who by definition must have empathy (because the absence of empathy and/or remorse is what puts you into the Cluster B category) making the decision to just up and slaughter the people of another country? Doubtful.

>> No.11198128


So I think we agree about the idea of an unmoved mover, Aquinas and others have made very solid arguments in favor of that. Whether we want to call that unmoved mover god... I don't know. It's this part that worries me:

>It's all a black box.

Doesn't this just mean we know nothing about god other than the unmoved mover part? We don't know what god values, we don't know what he wants from us. How is this different from being agnostic?

>> No.11198129

>War isn't a natural phenomenon
Agreed, it is a consequence of injustice. What is more unjust than a war that displaces and kills innocents? Here is where I break with the church and Saint Augustine, who argued for such a thing as a just war theory. Although the criteria was not such things being natural phenomena, but rather what would the effect of removing a group of psychologically unbalanced humans from the population. I never said war was natural, though I suspect it is. Link related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

>Natural phenomena can't be "good"
Okay. Says you.
>or "evil"
Agreed, I made this argument just above your post.

>making the decision to just up and slaughter the people of another country? Doubtful.
It has literally happened in your lifetime. Multiple times. Soldiers are not demons or robots, they're men with mothers and fathers. They make a choice every time they pull a trigger. They are forced by economic causes, famine, social pressures, ethnic hatred, whatever. There are many reasons even good and moral people choose to do bad things. Link related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment

>> No.11198130

>We don't know what god values, we don't know what he wants from us.
This is why faith is a theological virtue. If we believe the classical argument that God is perfect and omniscient and created us out of a superabundance of love, that God is a slowly-revealed form of the Good, then having faith in his purpose (his telos, or final cause) is a good act. This isn't even counting what, if you are a believer, Jesus literally says about how we should act with respect to each other and to God; sermon on the mount, sermon on the plain, etc.

>> No.11198134

It's been very nice chatting with you but I've got to finish this fucking homework. Semester's almost over and I hate this paper's topic but it has to be done because I can't afford to fail.

If you're interested in this sort of thing, I recommend looking up the catechism of the Catholic church. It's available free online. See what it says about the theological virtues and the cardinal virtues, which incidentally are also the classical Stoic virtues. There's a lot of old philosophy inherited in the tradition, and it helps provide some degree of rigor that makes the leap to faith credible if not necessarily easier.

>> No.11198138

>God is perfect

We don't know that

>God has an abundance of love

We don't know that

>God is good

We don't know that

>God has a purpose

We don't know that


We don't know that God (the one responsible for the universe) is the abrahamic God.

All we know is that there is an unmoved mover and we name him God. You said it yourself, it's just one big black box. Ascribing any other qualities to God is an exercise in futility.

>> No.11198143
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I agree, it has been a very nice chat. I only ever took one intro to philosphy course in my freshman year so it was nice to refresh my mind on the subject of God.

I wish you the best of luck with your theology degree, you might not make as much money as a CSfag like me but I think your journey has been much more intellectually fulfilling

>> No.11198150
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I said providence was a black box: God's intentions, or plan, not God himself. :^)

>We don't know that
see Aquinas' first way. would be interested to hear your answer to his argument. make a thread in /lit/ and link it here, i don't want to drag this thread any more off-topic. see you tomorrow anon.

Thanks fren, you're a cool dude. Don't eat any bad cookies.

>> No.11198378

How competitive is a PhD in CS in USA and UK? I came from a third world country and will receive grants from our government if I get accepted in any foreign universities.

>> No.11198419

Get the PhD at MIT or CMU in the States or maybe Imperial/Ecole in Europe.

>> No.11198684

I’m a non-STEM grad student and reading shit like this in combination with your massively inflated perceptions of your own knowledge and understanding is exactly why STEMbots are going to drive human society straight into the ground. You already did it once with the industrial revolution, again with the invention of weapons of mass destruction, and now with ubiquitous surveillance and urbanization. Spoiler alert: your degrees are centered around trivial bullshit, you’re only contributing to a machine that is destroying both the only home we have and our very natures as non-robotic beings, and the only reason why 99% of you are pursuing this path is because you are virgins with poor social skills who would rather spend your lives in front of a computer than actually experience it and learn about those things that are of true importance.

but nothing I say is ever going to do anything but provide you with slight discomfort, understanding the truth about your predicament but unwilling or, more likely, not aware enough to actually admit to it

>> No.11198755

What country? I'm a third world math major as well. Wouldn't mind going into CS, but I don't have a masters or anything. I've done a summer course at IMPA though if that means anything.

>> No.11198834

Is admission their really hard? What is the coverage of their entrance tests?

From the Philippines, we were recently ranked as the worst in reading, writing, and science. And honestly, I would love to get the hell out of here. This is the only country where you are smarter than the professors themselves(well most of them anyways).

What's your area of interest? Mine's cryptography, but unfortunately it seems like I have to go to my 2nd option, A.I. to get that sweet funding.

>> No.11198850

Due to heavy competition, you'll need pretty much perfect grades and substantial research work during undergrad/master's. Plus really strong references.

>> No.11198881

Is Magnificus a cool dude?

>> No.11198896

Are you saying CS is easier?

>> No.11199092

Actually, living with a mortician is how I found out about the holocaust being a lie; the natural progression is to see what that lie has been used for. Look up how fast the process of cremation is if you're so sure you're right.

>> No.11199141

>War isn't a natural phenomenon
fucking pseud
EVERYTHING is natural, because EVERYTHING THAT CAN POSSIBLY EXIST is constrained by basic fundamental physical laws

>> No.11199210

if everything is constrained by physical laws, how can time be explained? for time is either infinite or finite, yet a basic physical law of the universe is that everything that is measurable has quantity, and everything that has quantity is finite, so time cannot be infinite, yet another basic natural law is that everything occurs in time, so nothing could have occurred outside of time, so time must be finite, given that yet another basic natural law is that there must always be something in existence. how do you explain this apparent contradiction?

>> No.11199213

*given that there must always be something in existence, and that time must exist for something to be in existence, time can not be finite either. so time must either be finite or infinite, yet both are impossible

>> No.11199222

Well, at least you have the advantage of being a native English speaker.

>> No.11199251

Isn't a phd only for people that struggle with finding a job with just a bachelors/masters? If it wasn't a necessity to get a job with your worthless degree, it were a waste of fucking time, right? Poor non-engineerinig STEM-tards

inb4 it's my passion, I love doing science man!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

>> No.11199283

>Isn't a phd only for people that struggle with finding a job with just a bachelors/masters?
lmfao is this really what engies think?

>> No.11199292

a lot of phd students (especially in math and cs) intern in the summer at top companies so its not like they can't get jobs.

>> No.11199307

Yeah, cause they're phd students. They would never get hired even for intern with only a masters as non-phd students

>> No.11199309

you clearly have vast amounts of experience with post-graduate education l0l

>> No.11199320

most grad students at top programs would have a resume that is completely filled with publications and internships at the best companies. The standards are impossibly high these days.

>> No.11199424

Academia is for based retards that can't go off the tracks. You should only get a degree if you need a DEGREE.

>> No.11199496
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The echo chamber in STEM is as bad as the humanities, especially at graduate level. Scientists think they know everything and don't apply the same level of scrutiny to politics as they do to their work. They think that what they are studying is more important than family, yet they don't realize that their interest in creation is meant for the purpose of helping their family. Scientists are notoriously awful at looking at politics and making a simple connection between two things and thinking it is the obvious solution, without accounting for the sheer number of factors at play.

>> No.11199645


Natural as compared to artificial (human-made).

>> No.11199843

>>14289819 made a thread :D

>> No.11199890
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>> No.11200046

I disagree.

>> No.11200806

Met with my advisor today. He said I should have been publishing in a different journal than the ones I've published in. Trying to figure out a) how much of a piece of shit he is and b) whether to drop him after five years.

>> No.11201060


>> No.11201469

are they mdpi journals

>> No.11201665
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If only "if only..." posters knew how quickly I would use the nuclear weapons to make it all nice and clean.

>> No.11201671
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>> No.11202057

No, I have a couple of publications across a couple of related fields and he wants me to publish in some journal that is completely unrelated to anything I've worked on. While refusing to sign IRB for any of my research.

>> No.11202126

Did you go into academia or industry? I'm curious to know what the impression regarding your indices was during the job hunt as we have similar stats.

>> No.11202146

Good post because we know exactly how your research is going.

>> No.11202180

Is it worth going to academia if I live in a country worse than India(in terms of academics, not hygiene)?

>> No.11202217

What is the funding situation like there, and what is your end-goal? In my field, there is still an unspoken stigma towards research not conducted in the US/Europe/Japan/Taiwan/Singapore. Academics from, for example, India still publish, but rarely in high impact factor journals. I feel that this limits their upward mobility out of their home country, but they still "easily" have tenured positions/fully-funded labs, etc. in their home countries. Easily being relative, you still have to bust your ass.

>> No.11202244

Its quite easy to get, I just need to pass the examination. Although, I have to work a certain number of years here in my home country after grad school, but it is pretty good. The stipend per month is greater than what the average college grad gets here, but slightly lower than IT.
Unfortunately, the field that they will give a grant to is limited, I plan to pursue CS in grad school, and they've limited it to just AI and Data Science. The specialization that I want is in Cryptography, to work for the glowniggers at the Pentagon.

>> No.11202278

>Not born in the US.
Good luck ever working for the spooks here. You can always work for the spooks where you are.

"AI"/machine vision/learning and data science are big right now. They're hot fields with tons of funding being poured into them. Security is heavily-government sponsored here in the US, as you can imagine, but obviously there's a ton of controls on that research and being a US citizen is a must. Technically, a PI can list only their US citizen RAs on the contract, while letting anyone in their lab work on the technical details, but have fun come reporting time.

>> No.11202313

May not end up having to take out loans. I'm being considered for a TA position now.

For those of you currently working as a TA, any advice on efficiently juggling TA work with research?

>> No.11202522

Academia. Directly following my PhD I applied for and got a grant to fund my post doctoral work. I'm now on a follow up grant for another 3 years.

>> No.11202534

And just to clarify: there wasn't actually a job hunt after my PhD. I already knew where I wanted to go after my PhD, and had a job offer from that lab without applying. The grants were just an added bonus, to spice up the CV and give me a little more room to set up my own line of research.

>> No.11202566

Gotcha. Congrats. Are you going to go the private/national-lab PI route, or look for a tenure-track position later on down the line?

>> No.11202568

how are you so good?

>> No.11202587

What is the fastest path to speed-superintelligence?

>> No.11202614

Having the proper network helps a lot, but you still need to have product: results, publications, grant awards. I'd be willing to bet anon busted their ass.

People may not agree with publish or perish, and might like the idea of quality over quantity, but when department heads rank their faculty's output, both quantity and quality (sometimes relative to the field) are factored into the equation. When your PI is pushing you to publish, it really is to the benefit of the both of you.

>> No.11202634

Depends on the next few years. My wife is also in academia, and it's difficult for both of us to get tenure in the same city. So it's possible that one or both of us transition to industry, simply for job security reasons. I'd like to become a PI and have a decent shot at it too I think, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my private life for it.

Just luck. Really. I did a few high-risk high-reward projects during my PhD and they payed off. I also had a pretty supportive PI and we got along well. He was really a proper mentor, and way more patient than I could ever be. That was invaluable.

>I'd be willing to bet anon busted their ass.
I did work a lot, but that wasn't the primary reason that things went well. It helped, but I know a lot of people who work as much as I do and did not produce anything good enough to build a career on.

>> No.11202637

Biologically inspired mean field models with additional control parameters to regulate global gain in a stim and context specific manner I'd guess. Flexibility is what's missing at the moment and such control parameters could help there. But I don't know, I'm not an AI guy.

>> No.11202658

Sorry, I meant how to increase the speed of the brain and CNS in the phenotype? Is a drug theoretically possible?

>> No.11202673

I dunno man, you'd have to basically re-design the thing from the ground up and remove all the inefficiency and leak that takes up space and computational resources. Unlikely that any single drug is able to do that. But even if it could, you'd basically be killing the person and replacing it with another. So you might as well directly go the AI route.

>> No.11202683

Or, your average PHD student isn't used to interacting with those of lesser (normal) iq

>> No.11202704

I'm not too concerned about 'dying'. This strange post on /pol/ explains a possible way with phenotypic engineering:

Unfortunately this method would cause a permanent change which would make interacting with the environment difficult.

>> No.11202721

>post on /pol/
Ive lost interest, have a nice day

>> No.11202726

How very unscientific of you.

>> No.11203114

Why didn't you run it by him before you submitted there?

>> No.11203116

the word cringe gets thrown around a lot but this actually made me cringe

>> No.11203122

>The specialization that I want is in Cryptography, to work for the glowniggers at the Pentagon.
absolutely based.
You don't need to be born in the US but you need to become a US citizen, renounce your other citizenship, and get a security clearance. It is possible.

>> No.11203133

what country?

>> No.11203161 [DELETED] 

Now everybody's got advice they just keep on givin', Doesn't mean too much to me

>> No.11203194 [DELETED] 


i tried to network over the years but my advisor was never interested in collaborating with other departments, or really anyone who wasn't chinese. this limited me somewhat.

>> No.11203205

I dropped out. If I do a shitty mini thesis I can get a masters

>> No.11203215 [DELETED] 


everything was done through him. he arranged collaborations, he broke off contacts, he made new ones. he introduce me but i never felt truly acquainted with any of his associates. they were all foreigners who would come and go seemingly at random.

this is part of why i think he's an asshole.

>> No.11203226 [DELETED] 


a fate truly worse than death

>> No.11203304

Meh, I make more money now at least

>> No.11203401


i've got too much time and effort sunk to go that route. they'll sooner find me hanging in a closet.

>> No.11203540

just finished my NDSEG research proposal

holy shit that was harder than I thought

>> No.11203594


>> No.11203598

I don't consider war to be evil. The justifications or intentions can be, but not combat itself. Combat and war are just extensions of ecologically natural competition and territorial hostility. I think deception, misrepresentation, dehumanization, and genocide are evil, but not war in itself.

>> No.11203622

Well shit sucks desu, but I'm willing to transfer to USA, to get a much better life.

How hard is it to get there to the US?

The Philippines.

>> No.11203623


fuck off we're full

>to get a much better life.

read: "bigger paycheck"

>> No.11203650

does anyone have any stories of grad students getting kicked out rather than leaving on their own?
i only know one guy who, from what i've heard, was kicked out due to lack of research progress because he would leave in the middle of the day to go to the gym.
i just have a crippling fear of dismissal at one of my committee meetings

>> No.11203806

Honestly I don't know how hard it would be for you, but I wish you the best. We need more smart people helping the glowniggers against the chinks.

>> No.11203814

>does anyone have any stories of grad students getting kicked out rather than leaving on their own?
We had one guy selling hardware from our lab on ebay (which was donated by a company we worked with). The company found it on ebay and notified the professors.

>i only know one guy who, from what i've heard, was kicked out due to lack of research progress because he would leave in the middle of the day to go to the gym.
There is nothing wrong with going to the gym in the middle of the day. Most grad students get paid for 20hrs/week and have a flexible schedule. As long as he attends necessary meetings and gets work done this should not be an issue.
>i just have a crippling fear of dismissal at one of my committee meetings
Why? Do you suck?

>> No.11203909
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>Mfw I aspire to have a PhD in Physics some day but I have a D- in Calc 1 right now
Should I just stop?

>> No.11203942

with a D in calc i wouldn't even want you in sociology let alone actual science

>> No.11204013

It's not unscientific to stay a-political. The text starts with "dear übermensch"...

Aside from that, it's a stream of convoluted word-vomit that basically describes way to achieve in-vivo genetic modification that is more risky and less practical than techniques that already exist today. It reads like it was written by an undergrad drop out.

>> No.11204085

depends, did you get a D- cause you're a retard or because you didn't try?

>> No.11204145

My average grade in college was a C- and I'm making 600k a year now in an industry that is full of PhDs. Sometimes you just have to take another path if things don't work out for you.

>> No.11204453

uhm. well a lot of the masters students dont really know what they're doing until the second half of their last year. some are so unmotivated hat their masters takes them 4 years that i know can be done in 1 by someone who is competent in the field. then again i guess thats a big reason why people go to grad school, to learn.
as for the imposter syndrom i dont know. if people think they aren't smart they keep it to thrmselves. granted when you're surrounded by people who are very specialized in their fields it's easy to know how much you dont know. most of the people i know who complain are in ecology. im sure it's partly due to the professors being shitty but i think the biggest issue comes down to the questions asked in the field. unless you're lucky you wont have good results and if you are lucky you will have boring results. a lot of the time these people lack mathematical competence and so lack a good ability to recognize, abstract, and solve problems. by the way the 4 year masters guy is a math physics undergrad and now works in modelling. daily determination and problem solving are absoputely necessary for work where you're the one incharge of your own results and thoughts.

>> No.11204460

thanks anon.

my philosophy is to put my heart into the things i love. when i am no longer needed in a field I'll leave. im lucky enough that this approach is possible wih my abilities and their isnt a crazy cut throat academic life like there is in china. if you make good good work, other people who love the field as much as you do will turn their heads.

>> No.11204622

>doing PhD in math
>get my master's en-route
>absolutely hate research and want to drop out
>want to teach at community college
Been in a bind past few months wondering if I should do it.

>> No.11204741

Get a job and teach on the side.

>> No.11205049

what the fuck are you doing that pays 600k?

>> No.11205063


>> No.11205068

quantitative research

>> No.11205072

sounds pretty vague. im guessing you're in finance?

>> No.11205073

quant trading yes

>> No.11205079

how did you get into that without a phd from a top school? and shit grades

>> No.11205080

so high frequency trading?

>> No.11205089

my firm doesn't use fast trading or HFT but all of our trading is fully automated.

>> No.11205986

>i just have a crippling fear of dismissal at one of my committee meetings
Pussy. Rub your dick in their faces and call them Olga.

>> No.11206189
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i need to get off my chest that i'm irrationally pissed off at the advertisements wiley journals put into their article pdfs. and the fucking papers cut off at the last line when you print them out

>> No.11206206

>using a for profit publisher
not even once

>> No.11206213

oh shut the fuck up as if there's even a choice

>> No.11206236

of course there is a choice. what field are you in?

>> No.11206241

do you seriously think for every piece of work done that people publish the same thing in parallel in for-profit, non-profit, and open-access journals?

>> No.11206243

what i meant is that you may need to read articles in for-profit journals but you don't need to publish there. i never would. i'm happy that in my field almost nobody does so i very rarely even need to look at articles in for-profit journals.

>> No.11206260

oh yeah i always push to publish my own shit in open access

>> No.11206266

that is ideal of course but unfortunately the best journals in my field tend not to be open, and often the open ones have a big fee. at the very least though i publish in non-profits and post the PDFs online so anyone can find them with a google search

>> No.11206427

Non-profit journals? What the fuck are you talking about? Can you name one? In my field, any serious journal is for-profit. You know that open-access and non-profit are not the same thing, right?

>> No.11206469

Non-profit means that the publishing organization is a non-profit organization. IEEE is an example. IEEE has both open access and paid journals, but the organization is non-profit. Elsevier is a for-profit company.