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File: 239 KB, 1280x720, humans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11186678 No.11186678 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there millions of species on the planet but only one of them puts together decent weapons and keeps other animals in zoos or slaughterhouses?

>> No.11186680

One of them developed sentience and significant intelligence, the others did not.

On that note, since apes like gorillas and bonobos have been observed using tools, is it possible that one day, a new species evolved from them might have something similar to human intelligence?

>> No.11186682

Don't worry. The species who did all of that is doing everything in their might to revert to original oga boga state of being by racemixing.

>> No.11186687

Humans lack the survival adaptations of other animals. To compensate for this, we evolved high intelligence which gave us the ability to observe the environment around us and manipulate it to our own advantage

>> No.11186744

What about the galaxy/universe? There's probably a hyper-intelligent apex predator out there.

>> No.11186772
File: 104 KB, 542x467, orangubro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget orangubros not only use tools, they build shelters, and have a rudimentary language with vocabulary that drifts across geographical areas.
The problem with a new intelligent hominid is that they'd be competing for a niche that Humans have had on lock for tens of thousands of years.
You'd probably be better off uplifting a primate species.

>> No.11186776

>One of them developed sentience

Uh oh, someone doesn’t know what sentience is. All craniate animals are sentient. Humans are just sapient.

>> No.11186790

>You'd probably be better off uplifting a primate species.
Is this even possible outside of science fiction?

>Uh oh, someone doesn’t know what sentience is. All craniate animals are sentient. Humans are just sapient.
Well, that's what I meant then. Whoops.

>> No.11186805

>Is this even possible outside of science fiction?

Of course it is. We actually know a few of the specific mutations that increased the intelligence of human ancestors, so we could apply them to their genomes, see how that works, and go further from there.

>> No.11186814

>Is this even possible outside of science fiction?
Sure, but I suspect you'd have all kinds of ethical issues trying to create a new intelligent species.

>> No.11186852

>Sure, but I suspect you'd have all kinds of ethical issues

Morality is nothing but emotional intuition, so ethics is a study as worthless and devoid of meaning as studying leprechauns.

>> No.11186855
File: 130 KB, 900x950, Do-Ants-Farm-Aphids_1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are NOT the only animals that farm other animals. Ants will even keep their aphids in enclosures if they need to.

>> No.11186883

I mean, considering the sort of stuff CRISPR is capable of, I guess that makes sense. I'd rather we use that shit to prolong our human lives and get rid of our genetic disorders first though.

Man, can you imagine how apes must feel if they do get uplifted and find out they were a bunch of dung-flinging retards before we made them intelligent? I'd imagine that would be very embarrassing.

>> No.11186884

>Why are there millions of species on the planet but only one of them puts together decent weapons and keeps other animals in zoos or slaughterhouses?
>only one

That's where you're wrong. Humans aren't even the top of the chain on this planet.

>> No.11186920

I'm sure there's a lot of answers to this but as far as the "only one" part it's probably because you couldn't have multiple equal competitors indefinitely, someone has to win out. It's the same principle as competing organisms in some niche.

>> No.11186930

Yes, that also determines, that spiece is only on ONE planet, what an evolutionary advantage.

Maybe one who kills and is agressive wins the fight, but races that are in space evolved beyond that, because getting fast in space agressive is stupid.

>> No.11186943

What about wanting to grow plants faster? What would you do?

Realize what is desired, to have more yummi yields with better nutrition.

Maybe plants cannot move, but, I have no idea what do they want, but in fact... Maybe animals people eat have to eat something too.

If animals are eating recycled shit without light, they may be sick and you get sicker if you eat them.

Yes, mouth, eyes, nose...

All is way to accept light from the sun. Even skin is.

Why do you recycle light by chicken?

Wouldn't eating fresh things much better?

But then you would be less violent, you wouldn't survive in society with zoohouses.

This seems like a dark age to me.

>> No.11186967

Based schizo poster

>> No.11186991

>I mean, considering the sort of stuff CRISPR is capable of, I guess that makes sense. I'd rather we use that shit to prolong our human lives and get rid of our genetic disorders first though.

Sure, but I think we ought to uplift all possible animals and eventually turn the earth into a fully controlled environment like an aquarium. Nature sucks ass for the animals in it and wastes a lot of resources that could be put to our advantage.

>> No.11187006

Interesting ethics that I somewhat agree with. It would be enough if we somehow managed to turn carnivores into herbivores (akin to pandas, but not as inefficient), then no higher animal would have to suffer from predation at least.