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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 129 KB, 640x376, 1558722484044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11165399 No.11165399 [Reply] [Original]

newfags can't [math] \mathrm{ \LaTeX } [/math]

>> No.11165437

\frac{1}{7} = \left ( \frac{142857}{10^6} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^6} \right )
&= 0.142857 + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^6} \\
= 0.142857 + \left ( \frac{142857}{10^{12}} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{12}} \right )
&= 0.142857 \, \mathit{142857} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{2 \cdot 6}}\\
= 0.142857142857 + \left ( \frac{142857}{10^{18}} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{18}} \right )
&= 0.142857 \, \mathit{142857} \, 142857 + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{3 \cdot 6}} \\
= 0.142857142857142857 +\left ( \frac{142857}{10^{24}} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{24}} \right )
&= \underset{n}{ \underbrace{0.142857 \, \mathit{142857} \, 142857 \, \mathit{142857}}} + \frac{1}{7 \cdot 10^{ \overset{n}{ \overbrace{4}} \cdot 6}} \\
\\ \displaystyle
\Rightarrow 0.\overline{142857} = \frac{1}{7}

>> No.11165517

I have some copypasta too, let me dig it up

>> No.11165523

this was a fun one

\displaystyle\rlap { \lower{-1.5em}{You ~can't~ travel }}
\rlap { \lower{-1.9em}{Cant}}
\rlap { \lower{-2.5em}{
~~~~~~~~can't ~travel~ the~ speed}}
\rlap { \lower{0.6em}{of~ light}}
\rlap { \lower{0.5em}{of ~~light}}
\rlap { \lower{1.9em}{only~ a~ fraction}}
\rlap { \lower{2.5em}{
~~~~~fraction }}
\rlap { \lower{2.7em}{
~~~~~~fraction }}
\rlap { \lower{3.4em}{
\rlap { \lower{3.5em}{
\rlap { \lower{3.4em}{
\rlap { \lower{4.2em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}}
\rlap { \lower{4.25em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}}
\rlap { \lower{4.1em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}}
\rlap { \lower{4.7em}{you~ can ~travel ~at ~the ~speed ~of ~light}}

>> No.11165525


>> No.11165533

[math]\text{ }^{\color{#511da7}{\displaystyle\text{w}}}\text{ }^{^{^{\color{#4136c0}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3e56cd}{\displaystyle\text{a}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#4274cd}{\displaystyle\text{t}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#4b8dc1}{\displaystyle\text{'}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#57a0ad}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#66ae94}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#78b67c}{\displaystyle\text{u}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#8ebb66}{\displaystyle\text{p}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#a5bd55}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#bbbb48}{\displaystyle\text{b}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#cfb440}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#dea53b}{\displaystyle\text{t}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e58e36}{\displaystyle\text{c}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e56e30}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{\color{#df4828}{\displaystyle\text{e}}}}}\text{ }^{\color{#da2121}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}[/math]

>> No.11165538

oh dayum

>> No.11165542
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x720, 1567252832981.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\boxed{ ~\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\mathbb{WARNING} \\\ ~ \\\ ~~~~~~~\mathfrak{This \ \ \ meme \ \ \ contains \ \ \ content \\\ ~~~~~~~~~~that \ \ \ may \ \ \ trigger \ \ \ autists. \\\ ~ \\\ } ~~~~\mathcal{MATURE \ \ AUDIENCES \ \ ONLY ~~~~~ \\\ } }[/math]

>> No.11165631

yes we can $$\LaTeX$$

>> No.11165634
File: 4 KB, 350x90, chrome_bLrEyKrVEZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this being you
my condolences dude

>> No.11165637


>> No.11165641

eurotrash doxxed

>> No.11165735


>> No.11165769

samefagging this hard

>> No.11165775


>> No.11165822


>> No.11165830

holy fuck you copypasta’d my TeX! noyce

>> No.11165841

[eqn]{E_r^2}=(m_0c^2)^2 + (pc^2)^2[/eqn]

>> No.11165848

how to multiline

[math]1 + 1 = 2
2+2 = 4[/math]


>> No.11165849

\\ or \\\ in [eqn]

>> No.11165852

oh, i"ve always just been doing [math]

how to multiline

[math]1 + 1 = 2
2+2 = 4[/math]




>> No.11166138
File: 59 KB, 1283x724, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, I made that webm. Didn't think I'd see that again.

>> No.11166751

Barnett's infinity is the largest known infinity. A set is said to be "Barnett Infinite" if there exists a bijection between the set and the set of Barnett integrable functions [math] \mathcal{B} [/math]

[math] \mathcal{B}=\left \{f \in C(\mathbb{R})~:~\int \int \int f(x)~{\mathrm{d}^3 x}\leq \frac{-e^{i\pi}}{11.999...}\right\} [/math]

An interesting theorem is that a Barnett infinite set is infinitely more infinite than any countable set (Barnett, 2012).

>> No.11166758

>Barnett Infinite
So it's an inaccessible cardinal?

>> No.11167399


>> No.11167433
File: 115 KB, 1100x1100, 37b1882a6e5848c1bf69343d2438eced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like [math]\mathfrak{little child}[/math]

>> No.11168487

[eqn] latex [/eqn]

>> No.11168502

[math] %Haha, warosu[/math]

>> No.11168520


>> No.11168628

[math]\bf \color{#ff0000}I \color{#ff2700}m \color{#ff4e00}a \color{#ff7500}g \color{#ff9c00}i \color{#ffc400}n \color{#ffeb00}e \; \color{#ebff00}n \color{#c4ff00}o \color{#9cff00}t \; \color{#75ff00}b \color{#4eff00}e \color{#27ff00}i \color{#00ff00}n \color{#00ff27}g \; \color{#00ff4e}a \color{#00ff75}b \color{#00ff9c}l \color{#00ffc4}e \; \color{#00ffeb}t \color{#00ebff}o \; \color{#00c4ff}r \color{#009cff}a \color{#0075ff}i \color{#004eff}n \color{#0027ff}b \color{#0000ff}o \color{#2700ff}w \color{#4e00ff}t \color{#7500ff}e \color{#9c00ff}x \color{#c400ff}t \; \color{#eb00ff}o \color{#ff00eb}n \; \color{#ff00c4}/ \color{#ff009c}s \color{#ff0075}c \color{#ff004e}i \color{#ff0027}/ \;[/math]

>> No.11168647

I \hspace{5mm} am \hspace{5mm} a \hspace{5mm} newfag \hspace{5mm} and \hspace{5mm} I \hspace{5mm} can \hspace{5mm} \LaTeX \\
\mathbb{Y} \mathbb{O} \mathbb{U} \hspace{5mm} fucking \hspace{5mm} \mathcal{B} \hat{i} \math al{C} \mathcal{H}

>> No.11168650

oldfags can't english, that is worst issue.

>> No.11168655

W & E & L & L & & \\
F & U & C & K & & \\
I & & & & &\\
F & A & I & L & E & D

>> No.11168661

cant be that hard:
[math] \mathrm{ \LaTeX } [/math]

>> No.11168719
File: 77 KB, 500x500, nothowitworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]/ \curlywedge \color{#d4416d}{\rlap{\,\blacksquare}{\blacklozenge}}\,\llap{\color{#d4416d}{_{^\blacklozenge}^{_\blacklozenge}}\llap{\color{#89112d}{\bullet}}}\!\!\color{white}{^\bullet} \,_{\smile\!\smile}\; \color{#d4416d}{\rlap{\,\blacksquare}{\blacklozenge}}\,\llap{\color{#d4416d}{_{^\blacklozenge}^{_\blacklozenge}}\llap{\color{#89112d}{\bullet}}}\!\!\color{white}{^\bullet}\curlywedge\backslash \qquad\color{#d4416d}{\textsf{
That's not how it works, you little shit}}[/math]

>> No.11169211


>> No.11169218

\int \int
\int \int \int

>> No.11169219

\int \int
\int \int \int

>> No.11169248

[eqn]\int_M d\omega = \int_{\partial M}\omega[/eqn]


>> No.11169913


[math] \fbox{\textsc{Inside the minds of} \textbf{real} \texttt{\int /SCI/ \int posters...}}
\rightarrow [/math]
[math] \left \||\mathbf{YO\bigcup^{are} looked^{upon} as^{the} \Delta archetype^{of} new^{and^{weak}} }\textsc{posters}.|\right \| [/math]
[math] \mathbf{Y \Theta U'R\sum -\Lambda N-INFINITE \propto -\fbox{J\Theta K\sum.}} [/math]
[math] \textsl{IN THE}\pm \mathfrak{game}
> > >\mathrm{TH\int S\cdot GAM\sum \cdot IS\cdot \sqsubset \Delta LL\sum D:::} \underline{\texttt{5 minutes of fame}} \because \therefore < < < [/math]
[math] \emph{\fbox{YO\Cup \cdot WAST\sum D\cdot 4\cdot MINTUTES}} [/math]
[math]\mathfrak{NOW\because YOU\therefore GOT\because SECONDS\therefore LEFT} [/math]

[math] \textbf{Kick it.} [/math]

>> No.11169922
File: 119 KB, 695x642, 06d65ec180d40e3022416ea9b09d83b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally right below the fucking box dialog where you post you dumb ADHD-bearing zoomer

>> No.11169937

Are you actually brain-dead?

>> No.11169941


\bigcirc \bigcirc \\
\; \; \| \\
\; \;\; \| \\
\; \; \cup \\
\; \; \;\wr \\


>> No.11169949


>> No.11169964

[math]\frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = \sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{n}}{n!} \frac{\partial^{n} b_{n} p}{\partial x^{n}} [/math]

>> No.11170322

epic win

>> No.11170335

post the multiline gradient