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11114229 No.11114229 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11114414
File: 34 KB, 361x373, brainslug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. We would probably either be enslaved or dead if we encountered an extraterrestrial species. They would already be capable of interstellar travel and at maximum, a galactic civilization. It would really depend on the moral structure of the civilization and how they perceive our existence.

>> No.11114422
File: 154 KB, 600x746, warp-travel-ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we enslave and kill them first?

>> No.11114426
File: 4 KB, 250x187, 1572281041441s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah primates that can't even colonize other planets can enslave a intergalactic civilization.
Are you a brainlet?

>> No.11114461
File: 588 KB, 300x168, tinfoil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't mind control aliens be a valid answer to the Fermi Paradox?
why is this possible solution to the paradox never given any serious consideration, examination, and experimented/tested for?
is it because scientists are afraid if they do they'll appear as "crazy tinfoil hat wearing" people? Isn't the fact they're afraid of appearing that way, proof that they're being manipulated/mind controlled in some way?

I'm not saying it's true btw. Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary proof. All I'm asking is why nobody in the scientific community even fucking mentions it? and pointing out that the "answer as to why" also serves as a valid proof to support the claim which only increases the need to examine/investigate this possibility.

>> No.11114472

Thanks for answering my question.

>> No.11114489

No, you should enjoy your life.

Being afraid won't change anything. If they wanted you dead there's nothing you could do about it.

Chances are they are benign. They may even have helped us. Evidently they have disabled nukes at multiple occasions.

What you should do is to not be hostile.

>> No.11114497

No, we humans are very fucking violent and absurdly cunning when it comes to killing things.
If we ever encounter aliens we would probably devise ways to massacre them in the first year or so of contact.
If galactic civilization becomes a thing we would definitely be the sadistic bunch everyone else is afraid of, kinda like mass effects krogans but without the cringe and with exceptionally high intelligence and unparalleled cruelty.

>> No.11114508
File: 196 KB, 790x982, Emperor_Upon_Throne-790x982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a silly notion.

>> No.11114511

>Chances are they are benign
see >>11114461
If the insane tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist meme/trope is an invention if their devising designed to curtail investigations into their existence, then it begs the question of how "tin foil hat" conspiracy types became crazy? Were they crazy to begin with? or did they use their "mind control" to break their mind and make them insane, simply because they were curious?
Mind breaking people for simply being curious is NOT benign.

>> No.11114544

>Mind breaking people for simply being curious is NOT benign.
Humans aren't benign.
First of all you can't look at this from a human perspective. As if following our rules somehow should be the standard.

Humans enslave cows, pigs. Whatever. Kill them when they want.
And you want other species to not follow our example? Quite hypocritical .

If super intelligent species exist then we are the cattle.
You can only count on them to have a higher moral standard than most humans.

If mind manipulation for good reasons is the extent of interference you can be pretty happy. That's highly speculative of course.

>> No.11114587

This video but unironically, better be the tyrants than the tyrannized

>> No.11114608

>Humans enslave cows
Humans made cows. It's not a wild animal, it's the product of thousands of years of animal husbandry.

>> No.11114632

Who cares. Same could be true for humans.
It doesn't change anything anyway.

>> No.11114808

No, because the likelihood that human civilization ever encounters an alien civilization is astronomically small.

>> No.11114920

>Evidently they have disabled nukes at multiple occasions.

Stopping nukes isn't necessarily benevolent.
It's just protecting their investment, would could be self serving actions or not.

It doesn't prove anything one way or the other.

>> No.11115187

Obviously not. If a race is advanced enough for interstellar travel, than it's probably advanced enough for anti-aging tech, thus life has high value in their society and must be protected. Consider an ant. You look at an ant, and then, suddenly, it starts talking to you. Literally communicates with you in English. Would you kill it?

>> No.11115210

>They would already be capable of interstellar travel and at maximum, a galactic civilization
You're assuming that they will make first contact with us. What if it's the other way around? There are good odds that we are one of the earlier species in the universe.

>> No.11115218

They do though. It definately falls under "superpredator civilizations" or whatever.

>> No.11115228

Why would we ever be afraid of aliens? There is literally no motivation for aggression and UFOs have never been hostile

>> No.11115231

Tell that to my ass.

>> No.11115260

>literally no motivation for aggression
If we encounter them, the odds are they have been in space for longer than humans have existed. They've been empirically testing your notion a lot longer than you have.

>> No.11115294

>If we encounter them, the odds are they have been in space for longer than humans have existed. They've been empirically testing your notion a lot longer than you have.

There is zero motivation for aggression from aliens. Resources are practically infinite even in one solar system.

>> No.11115298

>Resources are practically infinite even in one solar system.
Again, you don't know what practically infinite entails for them. Or whether resources are the only issue.

>> No.11115309
File: 726 KB, 561x4197, Star_Trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should we be afraid of aliens?

No, but they should fear us.

>> No.11115351

based humans

>> No.11115463

> Again, you don't know what practically infinite entails for them.

If a hundred billion tons of iron was removed from Mercury annually for a billion years, it would only put a dent in its mass, and Mercury is the smallest rocky planet. One year of production would be sufficient to produce, for example, over one thousand Super Star Destroyers from Star Wars. 7.5 billion humans only pull about two billion tons of iron out of the earth annually, so to suggest that the resources contained within one solar system could ever be insufficient for a species is simply ridiculous. Even if they weren’t for some reason, and we imagine that they need billions of tons of Yttrium to turn their moon into a god-machine computer, which they’ve decided to do for some reason, the necessary resources to do so would probably be within the immediate solar neighborhood.
Why would resources ever be a concern for a species capable of interstellar travel?

> Or whether resources are the only issue.

Resources are by far the dominant cause of all human conflict, as well as animal.

>> No.11115489

> Again, you don't know what practically infinite entails for them.
Okay, and what about their second god machine, or their third, or their trillionth? Nothing is truly infinite, and it'll all catch up to you in a matter of time.

Sure, resources are the dominate issue, but not the only issue. It's well likely that a race with a view of the universe that is utterly alien to our own may believe the extermination of humanity to be a moral duty.

>> No.11115503

>Okay, and what about their second god machine, or their third, or their trillionth?

There was no reason to build even one, so that’s not a concern.

> Nothing is truly infinite

A lot of things are practically infinite, like resources on interstellar scales.

> Sure, resources are the dominate issue, but not the only issue. It's well likely that a race with a view of the universe that is utterly alien to our own may believe the extermination of humanity to be a moral duty.

Useless conjecture with no evidence.

>> No.11115511

>There was no reason to build even one, so that’s not a concern.
Again, you're predicting the actions of a mind that is likely neurologically wired different than yours.
>A lot of things are practically infinite.
Practically infinite from our perspective. A kid with one warehouse full of chocolate has a practically infinite supply of chocolate, but to the ceo of a chocolate company, that's almost nothing.
>Useless conjecture with no evidence.
Tell that to the piles of bodies of people who were killed for religion, race, superstition, ideology, psychopathy, power thirst, etc.

>> No.11115531

>They have disabled nukes at multiple occasions
what are you talking about?

>> No.11115555
File: 279 KB, 480x480, hmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evidently they have disabled nukes at multiple occasions

>> No.11115577
File: 214 KB, 1348x1086, 1444876653075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The counter point to this meme.

Only a social species that values cooperative behavior can progress through the filters of evolution. Any space fairing race would have socially evolved to realize war and aggression are wasteful. Especially against the vastness of space.

>> No.11115655

Thankfully earth is under the protection of an extremely powerful entity. [Spoiler]Mankind[/spoiler]
The aliens however are not and never will be your friends.

>> No.11115683

Yeah we should be. With all the light pollution and radio wave pollution it should surprise nobody that they are coming. For all we know they already have immortality. Or longer life spans, or aren't even individuals. Point being there, is that we view life in very short days/week/years/ in terms of how time is collected. For them a 100 years travel maybe short. So they could very well be on their way.

>> No.11115690

it logically follows that at some point there should of been a mistake, a false alarm that lead to the end of the war. In fact this has happened several times.

Catastrophe was averted by cooler heads prevailing. if you believe that aliens, either seeded worlds, or guided human evolution way past primates, or you look at alien interactions and tie them to gods.

Several ways of looking at it, can fundementally end up at we should have died, and something got in the way by a miracle.

>> No.11115711

>aliens or you can look at it, gods.
you are on top of the real explanation yet so far.

1. You first assume you know that the world would have ended by human hands.
2. The world hasn't ended.
3. You conclude that something/someone not-human must have saved it.

The real explanation is that your first assumption was wrong. The same mistake people have been making for thousands of years, giving credit to supernatural forces because their original assumptions about natural forces were incorrect.

>> No.11115827

I formally disagree. Current evolution models don't exactly account for the direction of human development and the singular species basically rapidly evolving intelligence on the grand scale.

And then never dying, horribly regressing, or being mutated or land locked into a boorish uncivilized state. This didn't happen due to disease, time, ice ages. And yet there is evidence we have come close.

There was evidence of one population squeeze down to several thousand. And now there is copious evidence we should have nuked ourselves.

The credit isn't also to supernatural forces. Specifically off world ones. Human beings are an enigma. I lob neanderthals and donovans into the same category to be frank.

I personally only suspect that worlds where likely seeded or guided in terms of evolution. It's quite possible in my view that DNA reproduction inevitably is meant to lead to greater and greater colonies of energy users. Leading to development of broad energy using infrastructure scaled infinity as a way to teraform planets.

There are also many nukes out there now. The failsafes are also not all that grand to be frank. It would only take one estranged cult to fire off a nuke, or fuck with a specific detection system. And yet the days keep on moving. Decades old soviet era ballistic computers don't seem to falfunction, aren't these some miracle safety measures.

You either subscribed to off world interference or you claim that people in the absolute sense each time it happened prevented total anhilation out of the goodness of their heart.

I believe that some could have. But no one decided against it? Really? No officer was done with the world, or convinced badly enough to launch?
It's exceptionally convenient but plausible I suppose. We really need to get to mars and find life.