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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11023385 No.11023385 [Reply] [Original]

So basically just another article casually mentioning how the entire foundation of modern testosterone research and specifically the recent theory that autism was based on a hyper-masculine brain - all of it turns out false. Another one came out not long ago which stated that testosterone, contrary to the widely-accepted belief, does not actually make you aggressive.

Why is modern science allowed to get away with shit like this? Why does everyone forget that a complete 180 happens every decade and whatever was pushed relentlessly everywhere - all of it just disappears as if it never happened and academia is forgiven yet again for finding the "correct" cause with no one being held accountable that false trash was being pushed to easily build careers? The exact same shit happened with the food pyramid with bread on the bottom and everyone just forgot about it.

>> No.11023464

science fundamentally misunderstands what they label as "hormones" in the first place. what did you expect?

as well

>> No.11023473

once you take the the IQ pill crushed and cooked up in a spoon intravenously.. you will see that medicine is just as far as it was 200 years ago when they were hacking off limbs with corncob muzzles.

the human body is so fucking complex and every single puzzle piece "understood" is a drop in the bucket, and is entirely dependent on the whole puzzle which is not even close to being understood.

>> No.11023482

>garden grow big and stronger without weed when spray spray weed killer
>garden plants be control by weed killer!

modern hormone science

>> No.11023485

>imagine going to the modern hospital in the year of our grug 2019 and letting Dr. BoneMan fuck with your million years of evolution with his BoneBook scriblings and BoneJuice

>> No.11023487

>no worry dr. bonegrug make u feel good grug gain'
>see it work
>why stop breathing little gruglin?
>time of grug journey to after grug 20 bones past stick

>> No.11023613

>Why is modern science allowed to get away with shit like this?
You are free to try to do something about it. I will happily listen to your ideas. I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11023622

Say it one more time for the people in the back:
>Replicability Crisis

>> No.11024479 [DELETED] 

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts

>> No.11024480 [DELETED] 

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024483

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024485

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024486

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024489

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024490

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024493

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024494

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

>> No.11024496 [DELETED] 

>I grant you my attention for up to 10 full posts.

does that about clear things up? Good.

>> No.11024534

Na I Nedd another 20 to really get what your saying.

>> No.11024545

There is an axiom of science that we have forgotten because of our on false sense of seperioirity.
Nothing is ever true or false in science, it is only ever the most correct.

It's called the scientific method.
We are supposed to present a hypothesis (idea) to other scientists in a similar field (peer review )
Then if it checks out we add it to a list of accepted theories.
Because we can't actually check for example what something is doing light years away, so we propose a theory bases on the data.
Carl Sagan said science puts us in a difficult position because we need to be completely open minded no new ideas, no matter how controversial, while being endlessly critical of even the oldest most established facts.

But the system has become corrupted.

Early theories will always have some errors it's the nature of the game.

>> No.11024601


>> No.11024602


>> No.11024605

shit, thanks for the heads up. hard to hear back here, wait are you saying that nigger said "Replicability Crisis"?


>> No.11024705

Incredibly based.

>> No.11024752
File: 35 KB, 970x514, Lookbutdonttouchfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it takes brass balls to make posts like I do.

>> No.11024929


>> No.11025127

I remember reading about that more than ten years ago. Back then and now still, consensus is that women are more sociable and nicer, while men are more aggressive. In that study back then they found out that actually testosterone makes you more sociable and that in fact, men were more likely to help others and understand other people's struggles better.
I guess if scientific results don't fit the current narrative they are disregarded by the general public. That's why it's important not only to educate yourself, but also to stay educated and go with the times.

>> No.11025129

Male brain had nothing to do with testosterone, it's just that logical thinking and visual spacial ability are considered male traits, it wasn't literal you fucking autist.

>> No.11025475

Holy based!

>> No.11025484

>Male brain had nothing to do with testosterone

>> No.11026207

Translation: Acute one-time administration of testosterone does not “impair” performance on a computerized assessment of empathy.

The body takes time to changes due testosterone intake, and some major changes just happens in devoping stages of human body, t’s like feeding a child 1 sugar cube, taking its weight, and saying sugar doesn’t cause obesity or It’s like saying that chemotherapy has no effect on cancer based on a single administration of a chemotherapeutic agent.
bulshit meme paper

>> No.11026217

And then you niggers are pushing your "most correct" conclusions on everybody else because you're supposedly experts and because there's a "consensus" among you. Fuck you.

>> No.11026224

>you will see that medicine is just as far as it was 200 years ago when they were hacking off limbs with corncob muzzles.
id' say we're further than before, but in 200 years we'll laugh at the stupid primitive humans who tried to treat cancer with poisonous chemicals and irradiation

>> No.11026263

What about pre-natal T? That's the one that affects one's life the most and implicated in autism.

>> No.11026296


>> No.11026301

What do you mean? I’ve never heard this claim before but I don’t know much about hormones in general. What is the misconception scientists have about hormones?

>> No.11026309

because women write it to justify their sexual attraction to little boys

>> No.11026340


Because science barely actually follows the scientific method of replication. It became obvious when pseudoscience like IQ denial and racial equality are being preached in scientific circles, and the truth is actively ignored.

>> No.11026355


>> No.11026375 [DELETED] 


>> No.11026587

Weak study.

Previous study did a prenatal study on babies that were not yet born. The current study is on adults given skin treatment.

I don't think its a valid comparison.

>> No.11026619
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>> No.11026711 [DELETED] 

>does that about clear things up?


>> No.11026716 [DELETED] 


>> No.11026760

>not understanding why low empathy high logic would be considered 'male brain'

>> No.11026796 [DELETED] 

>they deleted it
this subreddit is wild my friends.

>> No.11026802
File: 994 KB, 1331x1366, 1500424361641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the difference between male and female brains is simply chemicals and hormones bro
>the brain is a social construct

>> No.11027030

Only autists ever believed autism was masculine. Only dyels think T makes you aggressive.

>> No.11027259

only marianas trench IQ's believe autism is anything but environmental/lifestyle/low IQ mothers poisoning when the autism rate has skyrocketed by orders of magnitude in the last 50 years.

>pump moms full of garbage pharma and BC, and mcdonalds
>why my son all fucked up and retarded.png
>must be muh autismsmssms disorders!

>> No.11027293

like tears in the rain, these niggers just fade away apparently.

>> No.11027357

Apparently there's twin studies on autism that confirms that autism is somewhere between 50-95% genetic. That's stronger findings than what they've got on the heritability of intelligence. That doesn't mean that there isn't some truth to your statement as there should still be a little bit of room for nurture. Probably more for some genotypes and less for others.

>> No.11027371


Some part of autism may be epigenetic as well, for example passed on via the environment in the womb. They call autism an developmental disorder because it doesn't really manifest until a few years after birth. If it doesn't manifest early in life it rarely manifests at all. The causes for developmental disorders are often in this murky zone of nature AND nurture. Schizophrenia is another one that often doesn't manifest until mid twenties. Thus the range in which nurture can trigger it is potentially much greater than with autism.

>> No.11027490

theres also twin studies for every other condition under the sun, the difference with autism is the exponential growth in previous years, far above other conditions.

>> No.11027507

>theres also twin studies for every other condition under the sun,
But do not all turn out the same, because the conditions really are different.
>the difference with autism is the exponential growth in previous years, far above other conditions.
There has also been exponential population growth.

>> No.11027562

>There has also been exponential population growth
im talking about per capita. if you actually look at the data, you will be fucking astounded. were talking like 20,000% increases compared to other diseases/conditions.

>> No.11027695

Alright, link me? I mean, I am not sure why that would readily convince me. Why cannot it be that those with genes associated with autism somehow (because of some change in the environment) got more kids in this period of population growth? Is it so insane to hint at increased fitness for people with autistic traits in the computer era? That is assuming more people with subclinical autistic traits means more people with full blown autism. I do not suggest actual autists have good fitness. They clearly do not.

PS: I do not have good knowledge of biology and completely open that this is wrong. Please spoonfeed a bio brainlet.

>> No.11027767

As we expand our understanding mental health will be the big one where we are seen as little better than using leaches today.
We are prescribing medications that we have no idea how they work only that they have some favorable effects in some cases.

>> No.11027786

When I was in school they made our class of random idiots try to do scientific testing.
All the normies just falsified their data like it was nothing.

>> No.11027825

The smart way to run that class is to make the experiment and data easy to fudge and tell everyone they are looking for the wrong results, low grades for getting that result, high grades for saying your data doesn't match.

>> No.11028531

The study is beyond flawed, it implies that single dose testosterone will change behavior that was never the case testosterone is know to be responsible for changes in brain morphology wich may only happen in development stages over continuous production of testosterone.

>> No.11029076

>IQ denial
You realize that IQ is not good to measure non-retarded people's intelligence, right?