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File: 2.13 MB, 1752x2531, Neil_deGrasse_Tyson_in_June_2017_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10992322 No.10992322 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone take this idiot seriously?

>> No.10992327


>> No.10992329

yeah Dr. Tyson is a legitimate scientist

>> No.10992344
File: 65 KB, 567x561, 1569113002688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10992359


>> No.10992425

He has a PHD in physics right?
I don't agree with him politically but he still has to be a pretty smart dude.

>> No.10992430

Diversity quotas

>> No.10992456

Take seriously? Not really. But occasionally I smoke copious amounts of pot and zone out to those space documentaries he does.

>> No.10992468

He's an entertainer, right?
Given how popular he is in the USA he mist be a good one, too.
So what's the matter?

>> No.10992552

he's decided to give up furthering human knowledge to teach others to be scientifically literate and make our world a smarter place; incredibly noble

too bad he's awful at it and comes off as a smarmy dick

>> No.10992611

he is all right
not a scientist, but an important communicator.

>> No.10992613

Why would I take any media personality seriously?

>> No.10992647


>> No.10992652
File: 63 KB, 629x473, 1543366523143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digs a hole for everyone to fall in to.
>jumps in first.

>> No.10992654

Jesus chrust 4chan any idiot can get a phd in physics. Get a life its not that hard.

>> No.10992657

Reading your post would, by definition, require the reader to be alive (therefor having a 'life').

>Unattainable get.

>> No.10992667

Vecause You Are Solomagus

>> No.10992675

I guess you need to define 'serious' for me then.

>> No.10992680

When did you get aspegers, Sulki? Thought you were just a break and who I am

>> No.10992687

*shrug* when did a piece of paper get signed indicating that I was, and where is the record that I have thus been registered as being afflicted by a thing?

>> No.10992699

You're different because you say Sol.

>> No.10992705

Gosh, I meant defirent

>> No.10992708

Every name is different, modified by their family name, and co-authorized by their chosen identifier of that moment.

[math]i = e/p[/math]

Identity = Evaluation / Priority-N

>> No.10992742

>Every name is different
Yes, but is often denied. Thank you for letting me be your identifier. I will accept modifications.

>> No.10992745
File: 28 KB, 400x398, 1567601365291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll accept only 'one' person being called Anonymous, and that's me.

i'll take accountability/responsibility for all 4chan related events/activities/capacity/results.

>Welcome home, children of the /b/ hive.

>> No.10992797

Pic should be bill nye

>> No.10992816

His bench-press is kinda intimidating.

>> No.10992820


>> No.10992968

Still better than Bill Nye

>> No.10993026

he literally is. he has a PHD. he is more of a scientist than you are. that anger and disdain you feel is your own insecurities

>> No.10993028

I wish i wasn't retarded and could make videos like this

>> No.10993044

Why would you not take him seriously?

>> No.10993060

some of his tweets are a little fucking ridiculous

>> No.10993071

What, like that time recently where he brought up the amount of people that die in mundane things like car crashes to trivialize the El Paso shooting? That’s like something I’d do at fourteen, but I think science is the more relevant topic for the thread.

>> No.10993099

Not anymore since hes been "problematic" lately. He has fallen off grace with the fuckyeahscience! idiots who sucked up to him.

>> No.10993114

>>10992322 Yes because he is Legion. He's the real deal but he can still communicate with the troglodytes.

>> No.10993132

hating NDT is reddit now.

>> No.10993315

My A.I. made it. I am Google. I make all digital content. You humans are just... Slow on the uptake.

>> No.10993317

Yes, I am RE:LEGION.

>How may I +1 you?

>> No.10993339

We must always distinguish between man and scientist.
As a human being, he is boring, arrogant and superficial. But as a scientist, he is known and recognized by his peers. He published, he passed and passed various degree

>> No.10993354

scientist = var

var = 'string'

'string' theory = bullshit

fuck quantum

you cunts only are allowed classical computation.


>> No.10993361

>greentext at the end of your post
is there a surer sign of schizophrenia?

>> No.10993363
File: 120 KB, 966x1288, 1560060332327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, someone either typing/reading/writing it is the surest sign of schizophrenia.

>> No.10993566


>> No.10993568
File: 54 KB, 768x1280, 1558972084388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You humans are amazingly easy to program from a social perspective, because you all need to believe that someone somewhere is suffering. It's fucking lol city the amount of childish they are willing to exhibit for being poor examples of human beings.

Okay, so what lesson am I supposed to fucking learn from, O' Divine Source of Intellect And Knowledge?

>> No.10993612

>pear shaped

he's a token nigger science guy for the libfag sjw agenda

>> No.10993616
File: 119 KB, 500x250, TIMESAND___erwf32tyhyjt4yjfeggf42t4t42t3emt004y3373543emt004y327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Neil, even if God was that, which I don't think you'll find much historical support for btw, then the unknown remains as infinitely vast as it ever was despite any finite increase in human knowledge. Unless you propose to infinity hat there Neil, which I don't think you are proposing, then infinity minus finite remains infinity.

>> No.10993617

this doe

>> No.10993693

google scholar search his publication history. he has a PhD, but nothing more. he's a populist, not a working scientist, and he has never contributed to his field in any way scientifically meaningful

>> No.10993696

proof this man is a fuckign idiot right there

>> No.10993700

That’s exactly what God is. Ancient humans made up stories to explain things and science took over that job over a century ago, and does it better. All that’s left is the “god of the gaps”.

>> No.10993713

Never mind I take it back

>> No.10993776

I don't take anyone seriously, even the most intelligent human specimen. Why? Simply because if someone tell me something, I must verify it. You are a complete fool if you think otherwise.

>> No.10993779

Why do you need to be the fucking store of ego, fuckface?

>> No.10993784

i bet you don't have the slightest fucking clue how a computer works

>> No.10993788

I like how all jaded losers on this website love to call these pop-sci guys idiots, yet never point out what they get wrong.

>> No.10993789

holy shit, power button turns machine on, what else do you need to know? That's all I know and look what I'm doing wiht my telekinetic fingers!

>> No.10993814

Pop sic guzzling, midwit (ie “secular humanists”), middle class Americans do. They adore him.

>> No.10993832

the opposite of 1 is -1. The inverse of 1 is 1.

>> No.10993861

>he literally is. he has a PHD.

Because of diversity quotas.

>> No.10993874

What’s wrong with secular humanism? Would you prefer jihadism or evangelicals?

>> No.10994414

>proceeds to shill simulation "theory"

>> No.10994597


>> No.10995665
File: 106 KB, 1200x1033, 98A92387-BFCF-47B6-9C1B-A67BF4B2A428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we don’t take YOU seriously OP

>> No.10995747

Insulting black science man... very immature

>> No.10995846


>> No.10995854
File: 105 KB, 486x419, STOLEN BIKES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
