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10990703 No.10990703 [Reply] [Original]

Gigabrains, please tell me how the fuck do i figure out what i want to do?
I am 36 and lost job (wasn't really for), am jadded and bitter af and worried that i am going to end up like a bum spending all my families money.
How do i get back on my feet? I don't even know what my skills are.

>> No.10990708

if you don't know what you want, what is something you want to prevent in the future?

>> No.10990722

Honestly my mind is anxious and racing with negative prospects (as in; how am i going to make money 10 years from today, what happens if i get sick, will i ever even make decent $$).
The thing i want to prevent is me succumbing to my negative future self, i want to prevent me sliding DOWN the social ladder, i just feel so "unequal" to literally anyone in my circle who have 10+ years of jobs/careers some even families.

>> No.10990732

All I can do is list some things that I consider important. If any of these resonate with you, then you could work on that.

>A.I. development
>A.I. safety
>whole brain emulation
>anti-aging research
>genetic engineering
>climate change
>renewable energy
>fusion nuclear energy
>fission nuclear energy
>unifying quantum physics and general relativity
>understanding dark matter
>understanding dark energy
>zoning laws

Most of these are things that a lot of people are looking at, and which you would have to cultivate skills for in order to make a meaningful contribution. But if one of them stirs passion in you then I believe you can do it.

If not, you could try to find an area of research/work that is not very active but still beneficial for the world. Look for something that you think people aren't paying enough attention to. This sort of thing is very hard to find, but if you find it you can make a big impact relatively easily.

>> No.10990737

Just sell drugs dude lol its easy lol

>> No.10990741

I'm phil BA and MSc :/

>> No.10990753

Enlist in the army as an officer

>> No.10990754


>> No.10990757

I want sci input because different mentality.

>> No.10990761

Can you consider this ?>>10990753

>> No.10990770

Masters degree in philosophy? Well then you are at least qualified to write layperson texts about any of those subjects. If you just want to make a lot of money coding bootcamps are a somewhat fast track, and you can donate what you don't need to a worthy cause.

This site might also have some ideas that you find useful: https://80000hours.org/

>> No.10990774

As a recruit you have a limit of 27 or under.
Don't know what's it like with senior ranks. Mostly our countries (Croatia) military just promotes existing ranks. I applied for ministry of internal affairs and got an interview but i sucked there so didn't get in the next round.

>> No.10990784

What was the job u lost and why wasnt it for u OP?

>> No.10990786

That sucks man , just keep applying to government jobs

>> No.10990852

It was some membership selling chamber commerce, networking/marketing and low key shilling. All women team, felt like i wasn't even given a chance, was there 3 weeks.
Not sure if troll or not, but (some) gov jobs at least give mental peace and 0 stress.

>> No.10990853

Good site this 8000 hours thing. Thanks man.

>> No.10990890

I suck cock. Im not attractive but i still get 20$ for every cock i suck. Not a bad way to make a living.

>> No.10990898

If prostitution is legalized though you will be screwed. The number of people selling their bodies will almost certainly rise faster than the number of customers, and your price will have to fall.

>> No.10990931

Too far.

>> No.10990952

>I am 36 and lost job
Its over for you

>> No.10991100
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I am the strong man.

>> No.10991112

Play wow classic fulltime and get on disability

>> No.10991122

Why, isn't there something i can do to turn it around?

>> No.10991175

Maybe become a rope investor?

>> No.10991214

You should've suggested razors. edgy af

>> No.10991262

No, P&G stock went down for investing too much in razors. Rope is all the rage now.

>> No.10991285

This is a viable strategy if available due to the looming post-scarcity that's threatening the stability of the job market.

>> No.10991309

It's kinda wacky that something as positive as post scarcity "looms" over us, as something to be feared. Such an inversion suggests something deeply wrong with our current economic order.

>> No.10991321

Post-scarcity means the elite won't need you anymore. You have been replaced, goyim.

>> No.10991407

Just get a job in IT dude. Start at the helpdesk, get some certifications while working there and aim to become a sysadmin someday. Be making decent cash in a few years if you've got some brains in your head.