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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10977429 No.10977429 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Scientists and Mathematicians afraid of Hindu–Arabic numerals?

1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4 (cgs)

Afraid of losing their Jobs?

>> No.10977432


still no answer.

>> No.10977448

Scientists defined the speed of light as 29979245800 cm/sec to hide that four-dimensional time/space universe for Mathematicians and themselves, so they both could keep their Jobs.

>> No.10977481

>still no answer.

because nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.10977543

We knew you Scientists and Mathematicians would say that.

>> No.10977562

It's just different units, senpai.

>> No.10977944

>1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4 (cgs)

I like the Square Root of the Universe

>> No.10977957

What value of c did you use?

>> No.10977962


>> No.10977970

3 * 10^10 cm/sec

>> No.10978005

Somebody is full of shit here....

> 1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4 (cgs)
1/299792458^4=1.237990147236... × 10^-34

>What value of c did you use?
The wrong one, it seems...

>> No.10978025

>obviously a scientist or mathematician or both saving his or her job by hiding the men of galilei universe (pic related)

>> No.10978031

Because its anti-Christian.

>> No.10978148
File: 317 KB, 760x749, 170612-multiverse-mn-1515_266eac1decce12ae64fed27574746675.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4) x (1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4)

so there is no multple universe, scientists and mathematicians are full of shit.

>> No.10978161

Stop spamming, schizo.

>> No.10978191

> and they always get angry making false accusations and calling you names in order to hide the universe so they can write silly books about multiple universe(s) and keep their jobs.

(1/c^4)^2 = .0524157875... x 10^-81 sec^8/cm^8

>> No.10978314

Why would you want to distract yourself from your probem by talking about things which would pose a disadvantage to you?

>> No.10978320

Why would you want to distract yourself from your actual problem by talking about things which would pose a disadvantage to you?

>> No.10978329

Is this a new form of garyposting?

>> No.10978402

Yes, since the base unit for measuring "time" is the second and the base unit for measuring "space" is the metre, that four-dimensional universe "time^4/space^4" is a more accurate description for c's "space/time", misnamed "space-time", Imo.

1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-40 sec^4/cm^4
1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-34 time^4/space^4
1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-34 sec^4/m^4

DID they also misname c's "space/time" as "space-time" on purpose, like their hiding of that Hindu-Arabic numeral universe, to keep students and kids confused for saving their Jobs?

c = 3 x 10^10 cm/sec
c = 3 x 10^8 space/time
c = 3 x 10^8 m/sec


>> No.10978454
File: 94 KB, 907x510, big-bang-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-32 time^4/space^4
>1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-32 sec^4/m^4
Oops. Sorry. See big bang at -32 .../...

>> No.10978507

International System of Units

1/c^4 = .0123456789... x 10^-32 s^4/m^4 (big bang)
1/c^4 = 0.123456789... x 10^-33 s^4/m^4 (second1)
1/c^4 = 01.23456789... x 10^-34 s^4/m^4 (second2)
1/c^4 = 012.3456789... x 10^-35 s^4/m^4 (second3)

Delete thread. Keep jobs.

>> No.10979106

G=2/c, c=2/G, 2=G*c (natural units) Wisdom of God
three (3) Universal Laws of Gravitation and Light
Galilei and the Men of Galilei are all insane.
Gee Whiz Dadgum - unemployed.

>> No.10979118
File: 294 KB, 900x1321, Mario, the schizophrenic and homosexual chimpanzee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly are you referring to?

>> No.10979144

all physical constants to infinity... all done.

>> No.10979146

r2e2 over and out

>> No.10980892

I don't understand what you are trying to say