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10976802 No.10976802 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most unethical scientific experiment you can think of?

>> No.10976808

Giving drugs to pregnant women in order to test teratogenicity

>> No.10976825

killing millions of mice just for "research"

>> No.10976826

Giving LSD to Alzheimer's patients

>> No.10976831

The pain clinics.

>> No.10976832

i always thought it would be interesting to have a few babies raised by robots in a closed environment to see if they develop language or violence or sex without outside cultural influence

>> No.10976844

You sicken me.


>> No.10976970
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>> No.10977004

lol what's worng with that, they won't remember a damn thing

>> No.10977009

Creating new life. Aka babies.

>> No.10977245

forcing whites to live with blacks and seeing how long they'll take carrying the slack

>> No.10977247

also having to live with nihilistic misanthropes like this guy who actively work to kill us all

>> No.10977359

>Waaah hoomans hev to liveeeeee waa
Who cares, it's not my problem. The nature will replace us eventually anyways.

>> No.10977382

The ancient egyptians did this, the babies attempt to communicate hunger without knowing what language is.

>> No.10977387

>le cultural construct may may
Yes, anon. Humans are so special and different from every other animal that violence and sex are entirely, or even largely, cultural. Smash the cisheterocapitalistpatriarchy, amirite?

>> No.10977461

letting jews do their thing

>> No.10977514

fuck i was gonna say this

>> No.10977850

CO2 caused climate change hypothesis.

>> No.10977886

lel who gives a fuck about rats. I bet you're a basedcuck vegan

>> No.10977891

what the fuck is this.

>> No.10977892

how did they do this and where is your source from

>> No.10977898

>haha I am a sociopath xD

Veganism is superior

>> No.10977900

It's a bit of trivia I learned while learning about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis on Wikipedia. Good luck.

>> No.10977901

>killing animals for food or advancement of humanity makes you a sociopath
>veganism is superior
Fucking lel.

>> No.10977903

Either give source or this is shit. How would they even do it? They probably didn't have the technology to do it properly in any way.

>> No.10977909

Killing animals for food is neither necessary nor advancing humanity. Eat a plunt instead.
Yes, you are a sociopath for supporting unnecessary mass murder and rape lol

>> No.10977910

>Fetuses have value
Go Christfag somewhere else

>> No.10977912

>You must believe that a magical Jew came back to life if you disagree with the idea of murdering babies

>> No.10977914

>Killing animals for food is neither necessary nor advancing humanity
That's false. Otherwise you would most probably not be here posting cringe vegan moral propaganda on 4channel.org/sci/. Who gives a shit about rats? They also don't give a shit about us. Nobody gives a shit about any other specias you mongoloid.
Besides it's not like we are killing them in a way, that would make that species go extinct.

Also please look up on nutrition.

>> No.10977917

Vote for a dumb ass president and watch the crushing results

>> No.10977925
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>people still mad about trump to this day and feel the need to constantly post their opinion on an anonymous imageboard

I fucking love trump just for this

>> No.10977929
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I am not mad, in fact i love this entertaining experiment, but it is an unethical experiment nonetheless

>> No.10977939

>That's false.

Citation needed.
No, it doesn’t matter that it helped Gurg grow his brain a million years ago.

>Who gives a shit about rats?

Me and probably a few million other people.

>They also don't give a shit about us.

Wrong. They’ll give a shit about you if you get to know them.

>Nobody gives a shit about any other specias you mongoloid.

Wrong. Billions of humans have some level of concern for other species.

>Besides it's not like we are killing them in a way, that would make that species go extinct.


>Also please look up on nutrition.


Gonna go with the opinion of the largest nutritionist organization in the U.S and not you

>> No.10977953

"Can be adequate" "supplements may be needed"
But you know that humans wouldn't exist if not for meat and cooked food right? Maybe now you can get away with veganism because others have put in the work. Not the Anon.

>> No.10977961

>No, it doesn’t matter that it helped Gurg grow his brain a million years ago.
Why not? If he didn't you most probably wouldn't be here. simple.

>Me and probably a few million other people
Okay cool, continue doing so. If they can help us to advance in medcine I am definetely not against this. On what else oyu wanna test pharmacies? humans?

>Wrong. They’ll give a shit about you if you get to know them.
Gosh why am I even replying

>Wrong. They’ll give a shit about you if you get to know them.
Okay I wasn't clear enough. I meant no other animal gives a shit about another species. Animals also kill animals. No fucks given.

WHy? Because animals should have morals rights just like us humans? Again, animals kill animals for food, and they are smart enough to not kill them in a way that they go extinct.

Typical began who thinks he is on a moral highground because he supposedely cares about animals and the earth. Guess what, the production of onions any large amount of other various plants you vegans advocate for, are just as damaging to the environment as meat production. All those fucking monocultures fucks up the soil for decades. And big industry don't give a fuck because you demand your shitton of onions.

>> No.10977969

production of onions, if may correct myself.

>>Wrong. Billions of humans have some level of concern for other species.
>Okay I wasn't clear enough. I meant no other animal gives a shit about another species. Animals also kill animals. No fucks given.

>> No.10977974

>"supplements may be needed"

Lie. That quote doesn’t exist.
It’s really boring when people lie because no rebuttal is required other than pointing out the lie.

>But you know that humans wouldn't exist if not for meat and cooked food right?

It is irrelevant what Gurg and Gurg and their friend Brug did to survive in 500,000 BC. They’re long dead and so is their way of life.

>Maybe now you can get away with veganism because others have put in the work

We can “get away with” all of these modern luxuries like not dying from smallpox because some prior person “put in the work”. And?

>> No.10977983

>Why not? If he didn't you most probably wouldn't be here. simple.

Doesn’t matter. Simple.
You’re just trying to make an appeal to tradition fallacy.

>Okay cool, continue doing so. If they can help us to advance in medcine I am definetely not against this. On what else oyu wanna test pharmacies? humans?


>Okay I wasn't clear enough. I meant no other animal gives a shit about another species.

That’s a lie. Multiple species exhibit extraspecies altruism, including us. I don’t care if an animal doesn’t exhibit extraspecies altruism anyway.

>WHy? Because animals should have morals rights just like us humans?


>Again, animals kill animals for food


>Typical began who thinks he is on a moral highground because he supposedely cares about animals and the earth. Guess what, the production of onions any large amount of other various plants you vegans advocate for, are just as damaging to the environment as meat production. All those fucking monocultures fucks up the soil for decades. And big industry don't give a fuck because you demand your shitton of onions.

Plant agriculture is measurably less harmful than animal agriculture, and you don’t have to use monocultures lol

>> No.10977987
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>also having to live with nihilistic misanthropes like this guy who actively work to kill us all

because you believe in some metaphysics that despises life makes you a murderer... WE WUZ LIFE
fucking kek

>> No.10978051

>In some cases, supplements or fortified foods can provide useful.

I think my use of the word "may" is an acceptable paraphrase. Not talking about Grug surviving. Grug would not exist. Im cool. Wish I can see a million years down the road when your people evolve into something different. Nothing wrong with not wanting to hurt animals (so far as we know) but we wouldn't be the smart animals we are if we didn't.

>> No.10978058

Also, you cnange my "exist" to "survive" is every bit as much of a lie (but I wouldn't call it that) and it is equally boring when one nitpicks words instead of actually having a conversation. Are you a woman?

>> No.10978072

I've always had this scenario in my mind where there's a secret facility of newborns who're completely separated from society in an underground bunker and are convinced by actors dressed up as aliens that the outside world is nuclear ash thanks to them nuking us and that they're alive thanks to these aliens' grace. In addition, the aliens hold science and optimal performance of one's consciousness as the ultimate thing to strive towards for a living conscious organism and deem everyone who doesn't utilize his brain to the fullest as lesser species designated for extermination, almost like a religion. These kids were scheduled for extermination but the aliens decided to give humanity one last chance to prove their worth. Every year, a supposed exam is held where the children are examined on every major scientific topic and the least performing ones are scheduled for euthanasia. The only way to ensure that you never get euthanized is, after being given the current scope of our scientific advancement, to invent something above it that is relevant enough, something that if discovered right now would result in mass media coverage.

The idea of this experiment is to tie the key motivator for any living being, survival, to scientific performance, causing these kids to become the brightest minds to ever exist on Earth dedicating every single joule in their lives to scientific advancement, and singlehandedly progressing science by some 50 years in every generation

>> No.10978107

Oh well. That’s in the past.
We’re here now, in the present.

>> No.10978181
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You baited me nicely there. Lmao

>> No.10978190

Forsooth mi Anon.
Humans and monkeys fuck it out 'til we come up with somthing. That offspring humps humans to the point where we get a passing human with a thumbtoe and 25 percent more strength.
See? I like animals too.

>> No.10978214

Letting a child grow up in the wild, with no human contact, to see how it turns out. Will it develop communication skills? Will it develop a form of religion? Will it develop social customs (clothes, shame etc)?

>> No.10978215


>> No.10978227

Universal suffrage

>> No.10978236


>> No.10978240

I thought you meant r9k robots at first

>> No.10978246

They'd probably die on its own. How would you set up the experiment to ensure their survival before they can ensure it themselves?

>> No.10978268

Some declassified doc, didn't read.

>> No.10978270

You really a nihilistic misanthrope

>> No.10978272

>>Okay cool, continue doing so. If they can help us to advance in medcine I am definetely not against this. On what else oyu wanna test pharmacies? humans?

Wouldn't you agree it's a neccesary evil to do animal tests? At least to some degree.

>>Again, animals kill animals for food

How is that irrelevant? Some animals are just blody vicious. Do they get your sympathy just because they aren't smart enough to kill systematically like us humans?

Not op, btw

>> No.10978274

Oh, so you ARE a woman. ?? Admit. You know how quick we will jump to your side.
Just canadians. Don't worry about it.
Let me count the ways.

>> No.10978297

Keys starvation study
Simulating a Holocaust

>> No.10978309

Fuck. Woman accusations meant for >>10977974

>> No.10978333

If the account of the experiments undertaken by Frederick II of Germany are accurate, the babies just die. No verbal communication or displays of affection apparently means death for human infants.

That said, you could probably have the robots simulate nonverbal affection.

>> No.10978347

Already been tried in essence, unless your robots can act a good substitute for mothers the babies will all die.

>> No.10978358

Imgotta say. Seems like winner. Minus faggot robot shit. Just raising children in way fucking unconventional manners with none of that mambi pambi detritus.

>> No.10978362

Morality is a specter, an ghost preying on your fears. SPOOKED

>> No.10978373


>> No.10978381

>guys Psychology is totally a real science and not just depraved sexual fetish

>> No.10978410

Taking a bunch of blacks from the African jungle and watching them live among white civilization for the next hundreds of years

>> No.10978416

We literally already did that.

>> No.10978421

>Still behaving like monkeys

>> No.10978489

creating the nation isreal, letting jews run western institutions and allowing them expatriated profits to Isreal, which uses them to imprison gaza people, so Isrealis can pretend to be super heroes and kill them.

it's a government funded experiment essentially, and it will probably the most unethical thing recorded in the history books about this time

>> No.10978571

The one where the US gov purposefully infected African Americans with syphilis in the 1900s on a large scale while telling them it was free healthcare.

>> No.10978608


those fuckers just seed it here and then took no responsability

>> No.10978822

wow edgy

>> No.10978826

Every time lol
>hey guys why do I have stinky toe cheese

>> No.10978862

I just have no reason to care. My life is enjoyable no matter if hoomans exist in couple of thousands of years. I am a nihilist but mostly hedonist.

>> No.10978870

Epic edgy joke that’s definitely not overused

>> No.10978906

Let me guess your one of those biasologist ok we’ll let me explain basic fucking biology to you
Mice are
>somewhat intelligent
>mammals which are closely related to us in physiology, anatomy, and genetics
>die quickly due to short life span
Mice also
>are pest
>reproduce way to quickly causing infestations
>pass diseases and sicknesses easily
>can ruin ecosystems due to adaptability and intelligence

Basically it’s furthering human evolution and scientific progress at the cost of nothing so please kindly do us all a favor and shut the fuck up and read a book about basic biology you absolute retard

>> No.10978921

I know he's not a reliable source, but there's still probably some element of truth; Herodotus claimed that the Egyptians were once trying to find the most ancient people, so they locked up some kids and no-one ever spoke to them. One day they started uttering 'becos', the Phrygian word for 'bread', from which they concluded that the Phrygians were the most ancient people.

Again the Phrygian thing was probably horseshit but it's not unreasonable that the Egyptians experimented with babies' 'default' communication.

>> No.10978925

I hope this is bait if not you are actually the lowest fucking iq retard to ever exist and you should go back to posting on reddit an 9gag where you belong

>> No.10979577

Having kids

>> No.10979618


oh wait it's already happening

>> No.10979623

I will never understand why vegans think that eating animals is bad but are perfectly fine with eating vegetables. Aren't both of them lifeform? What makes killing one bad but killing the other necessary?

>> No.10979627

Isn't that basically the same as feral childs?

>> No.10979631

That's not unethical. What if it actually triggered memories by unlocking new neural pathways and bypassing the gaps from the Alzheimer's? People have tested psychs in treating everything from cluster headaches to ptsd and we should be throwing everything we have at Alzheimer's.

>> No.10979650

No. How the fuck is a child raised by animals in the wild through lyck and curcumstance in the same category as one raised by manmade machines in place of living things under experimental conditions?

>> No.10979677

Probably something in the lines of the transgender community

>> No.10979680

May be relevant to your interests.


>> No.10979693

We could find out what exactly is necessary in order for species to communicate with one another well enough to raise each other's young. Obviously people can bond with dogs, cats, other humans and other primates, etc. And it makes sense, since those are social creatures, and since all 3 are basically some variation of omnivorous mammals.
But will it work with birds? Lizards? What about predatory cats? What animals have the capacity to raise human young in the wild and which don't? We could totally find out and make a nature documentary about it.

>> No.10979713

Cool. I went down the same rabbit hole today. Bekos is thought to be origin of the English word "bake."

>> No.10981075

Those involving memory.

>> No.10981101


>> No.10981154

>why vegans think that eating animals is bad but are perfectly fine with eating vegetables

>> No.10981165
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>> No.10981178
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Test pic related.

>> No.10981188
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>> No.10981204

Killing 8 billion people to see if you can live alone

>> No.10981206

Skinning a billion people alive to make really really sure they don't like it.

>> No.10981207

doesn't exist

>> No.10981214

Yes the first one is a subset of the second.

>> No.10981288


>> No.10981664

If you think plants are unconscious, you should get to know some.

>> No.10981887


>> No.10981952

We can't stop all harm entirely.
Harm is inherent to the nature of this reality.
All we can do reduce harm not stop it entirely.