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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10951212 No.10951212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10951295

it gets easier with practice, anon

>> No.10951298

I thought Algebra was pretty comfy desu
Helps I had a hot blonde for a prof

>> No.10951310

Just go on kahn academy you dork.

>> No.10951419

but algebra is fun, anon

>> No.10951421

Algebra is for fags just hold on until you get to calculus you will be delivered from the effeminate autism and look with great amusement upon those who choose to study such trivialities for the remainder of their lives.

>> No.10951434

Freshman fags detected, heh

>> No.10951437

great job

>> No.10951481

well it's a pretty serious topic.
if you really love and care, you'll persist.

>i studied algebra in high school
OK good luck with that. holy shit engineer majors are fuckign delusional.

>> No.10951504

Calculus is an application of Algebra tho

>> No.10951512

Algebra is grammar, calculus is syntax, basic operators are vocabulary, numerals are nouns, irrational are verbs.

Semantics are faggot mathematicians that don't know how to realise that all a brain/computer can do is:
c/m = b^2

Count ÷ memory = base^2

>> No.10951641

I'm not in Uni you retard faggot, I just like counting and sheit. Even if I was I would probably go for a mathematics or physics degree.

>> No.10951645

All that notwithstanding, how can someone say algebra is worse than calculus. That would be like saying English is worse than poems.

>> No.10951651

What Anon said it dies get easier and you'll know you improved when you can look at a simple polynomial and trig equation and you are able to solve it in your head or atleast most of it.

>> No.10951652

Until you can do calculus mentally you’re nothing.

>> No.10951656
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>> No.10951664

You know very well nobody but nobody does calculus mentally

>> No.10951669

>kahn academy
>before calculus
Oh you're talking about the rudiments that come after arithmetic. Algebra in the context of a math board often means abstract algebra.
>you retard faggot
not sure you should call him that considering you're the one struggling with 'counting and sheit'

>> No.10951670


>> No.10951675

Who integrates without writing something on a piece of paper? Fucking rainman maybe.

>> No.10951680

>Who integrates without writing something on a piece of paper
There are many integrals you can do in your head after experience. You usually get used to this after fourier analysis or applications thereof where you see the story play out many many times instead of carrying out something like integration by parts. Hell, a lot of the intuition on how to "massage" a solution to a PDE into a general one comes from understanding how the integral behaves in a fourier series

>> No.10951688
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1. I was calling him a tard for just assuming that anyone he doesn't like is an engineer.
2. where did I state in any of my posts that I was having trouble with math
3. You know I was making a joke when referring to my interest in math as "counting and shiet"

Lighten up bud, since your so good at learning why do you learn to live a little and take a shit tier joke #yolo #notcool #zoomer4life #cumtown

>> No.10951763

>1. I was calling him a tard for just assuming that anyone he doesn't like is an engineer.
No you absolute dunce, only people in fields that use calculation heavy ("do the integral, shut up and calculate) fields like engineering thinks algebra, in any academic context, refers to middle school shit about factoring, etc.. For math majors, algebra is abstract algebra.
>2. where did I state in any of my posts that I was having trouble with math
Just a moment earlier: "ahem...FUCK ALGEBRA"
>3. You know I was making a joke when referring to my interest in math as "counting and shiet"
wow that was so hard to tell you were making a joke, I totally forgot to laugh. It not only shows you're not in uni, but that you're either underaged or act as smart as someone who is.
I know you think I'm giving you shit, and to some extent I am, but you're literally pulling a "hurr durr i was only pretending to be retarded" here

>> No.10951801

IDK what the big deal is.
Intro course on bin. ops., groups, rings, fields, etc was all pretty intuitive even as an 'abstract' class.

>> No.10951809

This desu
you need to go back

>> No.10951810

Yeah, most of the results in group and representation theory especially are trivial as FUCK. Mathfags couldn't survive a day in advanced QM courses.

>> No.10951992

Read Algebra from Serge Lang and the problem is solved.
BTW real math is made of theorems, definitions and proof, and not bullshit drawings, handwaving and allegedly "intuitive presentations" (who are nothing than sloppy half fallacies in disguise).
Algebra is your first step in real mathematics in some sense.

>> No.10952003

Unironically this
I was too of a brainlet to become a scientist in physics so started as a math major but was too stupid for that so I switched to information technology for easy money.

>> No.10952338

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.10952702

Oh boy, I remember algebra 1. I hated it, but somehow I passed. Here are some tips that I wish I did

>remember to do your homework. homework is a massive part of algebra, and you'll understand things more.
>take notes. you'll be able to use them as reference when doing your work.
>pay attention instead of sleeping.

It really does help. Try it. Good luck Anon.

>> No.10952977

Intro to abstract algebra isn’t hard, but then to claim algebra isn’t hard in general is pretty stupid given how wide and specialized it is. Nobody actually thinks the basic structures are hard...but using algebraic geometry to, I dunno, prove lower bounds and characterize P and NP distinctly is an incredibly nontrivial problem
I’m a mathfag who did. In physics grad I had to take more abstract algebra alongside other physics grads and they struggled to hell and back even with basic group theoretic results. Trust me when I say physics majors aren’t nearly as good at math as they think, especially in their insistence that analysis just werks because lol lemme show you a physical example instead of proving it in a few lines - they fail to see the difference between motivation and rigor half the time.
Math isn’t easier as much as its style is just different. Notice how in theoretical physics, researchers mash together results in math into a physical theory (often following motivation and getting to the point), while in mathematical physics such theories are explored and examined in a proposition-proof style.
I will never understand the need for /sci/fags to try and dunk on their fellow researchers; your subject doesn’t make you hot shit - your research does

>> No.10952994
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>> No.10953111

Number theory is harder than Algebra.

>> No.10953116

Any tips for building integral intuition without having to wait until grad school?

>> No.10953121

Why do you think >>10951419 is in high school? Abstract algebra is fun, especially at the beginning when everything makes intuitive sense.

>> No.10953122

Analytic number theory requires one be very good at algebra and analysis, so you’re probably right

>> No.10953140


>> No.10953223

It's legit just practice and dedication. If you work through similar stuff enough then you'll just kind of realize what you need to do before you even have time to write it out. Once you hit that point you'll fall into shorthand, and you'll start skipping steps altogether. Then you'll get to a point where you're only writing stuff out again when you need to work through a type of problem you've never really had to work with before again, and at that point you'll still probably be skipping most of the little things anyway because it will have become "trivial"

You probably already do that with algebra to a certain extent. Calculus just takes more time.

If you work at it you'll get there. If nothing else, more practice won't hurt, so long as you make sure you're taking enough time to do all of your other coursework and make sure you're not burning yourself out of course.

Some people legitimately have a better time with calculus. A lot of those people are in the "Math sucks" crowd and then they start working with calculus, which seems so different, and then they see how it relates to algebra and everything clicks and they go "Ohh, so that's why it works like that, I get it now!"

>> No.10953513

I wasn't the one who made the thread

>> No.10953522

Also I don't try to act smart and I'm genuinely retarded. Saying I like math doesn't mean i'm trying to act smart. what do you expect on this site?

>> No.10953532

It's easy

>> No.10953698
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>> No.10953720

>allegedly intuitive presentations