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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 1600x1000, 54675323532980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10937080 No.10937080 [Reply] [Original]


I scored 97. AMA

Also if there are other brainlets here post ITT. What's you life story? How do you cope? What's your occupation?

>> No.10937204

I got 88. Oh dear.

>> No.10937216

i scored over 130 but i feel like a brainlet

>> No.10937219

same, I got 135 and I know for a fact I'm a brainlet

>> No.10937229

That's Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupid people overestimate themselves, smart people underestimate themselves.

You have no idea what brainlet is. Halfway through the test I stopped seeing patterns,got tired and confused. I physically felt the boundary of my cognitive ability.

>> No.10937258

I remember I got 126 the last time I did this which was a few years ago

It should definitely be lower now because I feel more like a retard with each passing day

>> No.10937276

I got a lower score on this one than on my tested assessment, but maybe it's because this one is only focused on one of the several categories I was tested in on the actual test.

>> No.10937278

>IQ thread
It's like every year newfags come to this board, why don't you kids go to reddit or something, you'll love it tehy are as much popsci nerds as you

>> No.10937282

You didn't reach a boundary, you're just lazy

>> No.10937287

I didn't' expect anyone to use term "lazy" on /sci/. You do know about dopamine right?

>> No.10937290

Who gives a fuck about IQ if you have nothing to show it for?
t. self-administered test of 130 IQ, yet I wish nothing more than to be dead because of the disappointment I've caused to everyone in my life

>> No.10937297

Well, people in my life always considered me brilliant but lazy underachiever and were saying I can be so much more. Now that I'm aware of my mediocrity I can relax and live completely mundane life. I plan to find a suitable wife and have lots of kids thus dragging the IQ average down lol

>> No.10937304

That's really not what Dunning-Kruger is about. Go read if carefully and then come back.

>> No.10937308
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1561357716526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you use it to 'prove something' and are motivated by useless external vanities for want of human respect really shows that you are a 130 IQ individual.

>> No.10937314

I wonder why there are all of these threads pushing for ledditor err i mean 4channelers to take and share results from online iq tests

>> No.10937319
File: 70 KB, 720x746, Screenshot_20190902_134333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit I am in fact retarded
Felt like dying around the 70% mark

>> No.10937320

i got 143
t.uni droput neet

>> No.10937324

Because many people, specially in /sci/ (myself included) derive their self-worth from their intelligence, so we do this tests and share them endlessly to get external validation, which doesn't work desu. Everyone ends up humblebragging about how their 120+ IQs are so lower than the threshold to make themselves consider geniuses.

>> No.10937325

I got 121 and have ADHD. My working memory is absolute shit. I did the European IQ test and got 117.

Irl at best I'm probably between 95-105, I'm not that smart, but hey, you do your best with what you've got, I see so many people suffering because they can't admit that they're not smart enough to do XYZ, at some point truth hits ya.

>> No.10937327

>I see so many people suffering because they can't admit that they're not smart enough to do XYZ, at some point truth hits ya.
That's why I think IQ test should be mandatory. Yes, it hurts your ego but it's beneficial in the long term. Society does people disservice by telling them they can be anything.

>> No.10937328

97 is a decent score
you are a lot smarter than many people out there.

>> No.10937331

42th percentile

>> No.10937333

Well, I sorta disagree, there's more to goal achievement than IQ and the probability that someone with an IQ of 85 is even remotely interested in Physics to even entertain or attain an under-graduate in it is null, plus there's a whole lot of problems with IQ literature, we are barely just scraping the surface, look at Bredesen's work with Alzheimer's research for example.

>> No.10937337
File: 24 KB, 669x516, IQbrainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brainlet confirmed

>> No.10937370
File: 75 KB, 900x540, columbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what it's about. Go read it carefully and then come back.

But it's really the best way to sum it up.
Low scorers cope by imagining that there is a large group of people who just breeze through the test half-asleep.
Einstein famously said it's not that he's smart, it's that he stays with problems longer.
The truth is everyone stops seeing patterns. Everyone gets tired and confused.
The difference in score is based mainly on whether or not you keep pushing.

>> No.10937379
File: 23 KB, 694x490, brainlet average joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always a middle average joe in everything i ever did. Great now the score proves it

>> No.10937384

You are only saying that because you have no idea of what people less intelligent than you are capable when they focus. In the real world, high achievers are a mix of really smart and average people, and both groups push through a lot to make it.
Don't fool yourself thinking that there aren't intellectual thresholds where both high and average IQ people don't get stuck.

>> No.10937385

>he stays with problems longer
The speed of problem-solving is part of intelligence. There is a reason we call dumb people "slow".

Also laziness is a meme. You either engaged in activity or not. Being stupid prevents you from being engaged in intellectual activity because it's above your ability. Elementary school kid is not lazy for not getting calculus.

>> No.10937392
File: 76 KB, 923x761, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937398

I wish i were you

>> No.10937407

this test has to be flawed
I scored 118 and I'm a total fucking idiot
It's really easy to game. You just notice the patterns and it's easy. Most questions reduce down to some stupid pattern

>> No.10937409

>You just notice the patterns
until you don't.

>> No.10937411

Post patterns where you were really lost

>> No.10937415
File: 20 KB, 435x474, iq test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even is this shit right here. Thats some alien language.
no but seriously can someone explain the pattern here

>> No.10937421

...said no one ever to me. Believe me my life isn´t that great!

>> No.10937423

the same colored terms on the opposite side of the line are subtracted, those on the same side are added.

t. genuinely tested 145 iq

>> No.10937424

Well you have an IQ of 138 can you tell me the pattern here?

>> No.10937425

i forgot to add that the addition and subtraction operations are done between the squares of the first 2 diagrams. their result is the third diagram.

>> No.10937430

so the right answer would be C right?

>> No.10937432

Not the same guy, but like you said yourself, speed is only PART of intelligence. Depth is equally important. It doesn't matter if you are quick if you can't go deep in concepts. You'll just go in circles around stuff without ever truly grasping their meaning.
Meanwhile, someone slower than you, wrongly perceived as dumber, but with more depth will get to the core.

>> No.10937440

i usually score between 140 and 145 on these tests (mensa no, mensa dk, JCTI, raven, wechsler, that spacial test from Cambridge and that Spanish test) although i haven't been tested officially, i'm pretty confident.

i actually live a pretty harmonious life. i've also been raised in a rich household, by the way (this is important because it may have impacted the iq to some degree).

>> No.10937446


>> No.10937450
File: 66 KB, 784x588, 1459719082438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you've explained it i feel stupid for not seeing it.

>> No.10937451


>> No.10937454

Do you guys use pencils/pens while solving IQ tests (online or not) or you just try and solve the problems in your heads?
I never use anything because I feel like it's cheating.

>> No.10937456

I was always stuck in looking for a pattern where the squares moved around

>> No.10937459

>Meanwhile, someone slower than you, wrongly perceived as dumber, but with more depth will get to the core.
Yeah, it took us 350 years to solve Fermat's Theorem

>> No.10937496
File: 58 KB, 1126x1038, 1567115356560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took the test and I scored 107. How fucked am I?

>> No.10937497

I feel dumber than when i was about 14-18 when i effortlessly excelled in everything. People i know consider me smart but i can feel my cognition has slowed. Whats more i no longer trust myself like i once did. With mental mathematics for instance i can still usually arrive at the correct answer, slower than i used to be able to (also am generally out of practice) but im never as sure as myself.

On the other side theres the fact you are surrounded by retards in school, and smarter people in uni, even smarter people postgrad etc etc so you dont feel as sharp by comparison.

Anyone else get this?
Tl,dr used to be very smart, turned dumb, how to reverse it

>> No.10937503

I scored 110 and i work in scientific research

>> No.10937515

I scored 148 and I work as a waiter

>> No.10937521

I scored 131 and i am a functioning alcoholic

>> No.10937535

I got hundreed. I'm fucked up, I know I'm smarter than this, I just needed more time to finish the test.

ok.ok. there's moments when i feel i'm dumb as hell's gatekeeper. does any of you know whether meditation helps?

>> No.10937538

Practice is the best thing. Challenge your mind on a regular basis

>> No.10937555

>Another IQ thread
I took this a long time ago and got 115. Remember to deduct 30 points from your score if you believe that this test is a legitimate IQ test.

>> No.10937568

>Remember to deduct 30 points from your score
>Mental retardation is defined as IQ score below 70-75
And here I thought anon calling me a retard was joking.

>> No.10937576

got 112

>> No.10937591

I got 135, am a medical student. Could not figure out the last 5 or so

>> No.10937593

>It's really easy to game. You just notice the patterns and it's easy. Most questions reduce down to some stupid pattern
In practice, it only tests the taker's ability to recognize patterns they've already seen elsewhere
Raven's is a fucking meme

>> No.10937603
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1561600618523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10937605

Wow I can subtract images from each other and rotate things clockwise, I'm such a fucking genius

>> No.10937608

>In practice, it only tests the taker's ability to recognize patterns they've already seen elsewhere
That's literally every IQ test.

>> No.10937613

>it's another "People with high IQ don't understand average people" episode rerun

>> No.10937619
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.10937629
File: 86 KB, 720x931, Screenshot_20190902_160400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this one?

I figured you add up the first two images in some way but I can't visualize the end result

>> No.10937635

>That's literally every IQ test.
Its fucking evolution, man!
Recognizing patters is what separates man from animals

>> No.10937637


>> No.10937639

128 would it go up if I stopped smoking weed?

>> No.10937643

actually it would go down

>> No.10937649

so my real iq is lower than that?
that's weird, I've only felt slower and slower since I started smoking

>> No.10937651

I only got 125 but as i can cope with that considering i slept like 2 hours tonight.

>> No.10937653

explain yourself

>> No.10937661
File: 88 KB, 720x931, 1567436742918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry its D. The lines are collapsing and reforming along a diagonal. Look at how the square forms the thing i marked red.

>> No.10937673

That's the larger point. IQ tests in general are a fucking meme.
If you're just recognizing patterns you've already encountered in life, you'll score significantly higher than someone who has to actually generate the patterns from base principles.

Take this question for example >>10937415
If you've been shown how to multiply fractions, the question practically answers itself. If you haven't had that exposure, maybe you get to the right answer eventually, but it takes you significantly longer (if you even get it right at all).

>> No.10937678


So a random, arbitrary number should be used to determine who goes into what field?

Sounds completely scientific.

>> No.10937679
File: 69 KB, 638x479, coping-strategies-ppt-2-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ tests in general are a fucking meme.

>> No.10937684


>> No.10937698
File: 20 KB, 664x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that's me although probably scored lower since I was looking at the whole picture instead of the lines a third of the time

>> No.10937701

Successful people in business, politics and academia all have high IQ. Average Joes have average IQ.

>> No.10937714

I don't believe in this shit.

>> No.10937718

Holy shit I would have never seen that

>> No.10937720

I don't understand even after explanation

>> No.10937737
File: 191 KB, 1018x1642, Screenshot_2019-09-03-00-57-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust Internet test
If worried about this, just go hospital

>> No.10937739

If you overlook the early questions and answer wrong a couple times on them, then you’re going to score low.

>> No.10937762
File: 24 KB, 783x391, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Successful people in business, politics and academia all have high IQ

Nope, Successful people in business, politics and academia group have high iq on average compare to other group

>> No.10937772

I know how to multiply fractions and yet couldn't relate it to the problem, let alone solve it. Maybe you're incredibly smart and you're thinking that everyone can follow your thought patterns.
I'm no genius but I know for a fact I'm no dummy.

>> No.10937780

> fucking brainlets. they're all sheep. unlike me, who scored high on some random internet IQ test.

>> No.10937807

Another fucking IQ thread. Why is it that the dumbest specimen need a fucking number to feel special? We get it, you are all snowflakes and on the spectrum. Now have sex as a start

>> No.10937838
File: 24 KB, 672x508, screenmensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How likely am I to pass mensa's real test?

>> No.10937865

About as likely as someone who didn't score high.
t. Someone who got 128 in both mensa.no and mensa.dk and 110 in the real Mensa test.

>> No.10937878

Well I'm going to try to pass the next session available in my city and will see.

What were your scores on the subtests?

>> No.10937880

>unironically taking the mensa test

>> No.10937900

I just did the Raven's Matrices. No other tests.

>> No.10937921

>Now have sex as a start

It's been years since I've been trying to, but the only one who would have sex with me are the ugly ones.

>> No.10937973
File: 125 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180504-215339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failing high school

>> No.10938001
File: 57 KB, 1108x901, 2019-09-02 13_49_53-Mensa IQ Test - Waterfox (Private Browsing).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10938035

>average IQ thread
>High IQ retards keep posting screen shots

>> No.10938061

useless neet
checks out

>> No.10938094

>iq 106
>highschool/college math at thirteen years old
>made 10 complex languages for fun
>dridéë 10 qanakaa sponh eddfa
>got into harvard at fifteen
>lives a primitive life then comes back to society cuz bored

>> No.10938108

I hate this board because all these "intelligent" folk don't even fully grasp just how smart they are compared to an average person and it's obnoxious. Gain some perspective you fucking overgrown school children

>> No.10938115
File: 251 KB, 1300x2000, 1524489088085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, only with me it was the last question, i spent 43% of my time on that pattern, didn't solve it and i still feel like a brainlet even tho i scored around 130.

>> No.10938116

Either that or they aren't that smart. I really don't know.

>> No.10938125

Who's that guy? I would like to read his biography

>> No.10938126

Intelligence is pretty hard to quantify, it's easier to say they're very well skilled in whatever discipline they grew up in but lack a well rounded world view and have severely fucked up perspectives since

>> No.10938132

hes talking about himself retard
id like to call him a faggot in his made up language but I need more words

>> No.10938144
File: 56 KB, 640x844, 1545387084197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always considered myself jack of all trade
picked up archery in 1 hour
leaned manual driving in 2 days
sometimes I feel quite smart and good about myself and more than often I feel like a failure going with the flow

guess im a retard after all

>> No.10938160

>iq 61
>memorize all human languages and became fluent at the first week I was born
>discovered telekinesis, aerokinesis, photokinesis, umbrakinesis at week 2
>became a god-like being at week three

>> No.10938231

Lol this is dumb. You could literally study for an "IQ test" and ace it. There are only so many patterns they could give with a 3x3 square of symbols. Just take enough of these tests and you will get better. A true intelligence test wouldn't fluctuate the result every time you took it.

>> No.10938245


gave a random answer to the last 4 questions, still got 138.

iq score is not static guys, it is something you can improve.

you shouldn't just "cope", but strive to live to your fullest capacity. we are all brainlets, but we re gonna make it i swear

>> No.10938258

>but strive to live to your fullest capacity
>we re gonna make it i swear
I've heard a similar thing from /fit/ but after all these years I still can't build muscle

>> No.10938273
File: 15 KB, 664x444, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still don't really feel smart..
what gives

>> No.10938285

eat carbs you stupid faggot

>> No.10938305

explain please. i don't get it

>> No.10938315

Fuck this gay earth. How did I not manage to see this by my own?

>> No.10938330

Holy shit. I can't believe I actually solved this on my own (if you're right).
I used a bit of my gut on that, but I guess it's because I did the mensa.dk test yesterday, so this spatial masturbation is still in my head.

>> No.10938341

can you explain it to me please i feel so dumb right now

>> No.10938345

Can you repeat that? And maybe in words that make sense?

>> No.10938351

First row first panel you got a black square on the left side
First row second panel you got a black square on the left side.
Both black squares are on the same side so they get added.
First row first panel two whites left First row second panel two whites right
So they get subtracted.
Whats left is two blacks on the left side

>> No.10938355

I still have no idea how to even look at these.
Is it left to right? Top to bottom? Diagonal? The best one for the whole system?

>> No.10938365

Sure that makes sense, thanks. I really didn't know that you can evaluate in that way. I always thought there was some progression from panel to panel.

>> No.10938373

i figured out some have patterns when you look at them diagonal

>> No.10938374

Tested IQ gave 123, this one 110
Does an IQ even matter? My highschool years were pretty easy besides that I fucked one year up because of concussion and game addiction.
Am studying chem at uni and got a new concussion again, fuck

>> No.10938378

Why you keep bonking yourself bruh?

>> No.10938384

I'm begging you /sci/ i am close to tears right now because of how stupid i feel. What is the pattern the fuck is he talking about diagonals?

>> No.10938385

>iq score is not static guys, it is something you can improve.
But that's wrong, you dummy

>> No.10938396

He is right in one thing. You can learn and improve in tests who test your IQ. You do not imprve your IQ but your ability to fake a high one. Once you encounter a different problem you are back to your brainlet state and only anyone with an high IQ can actually solve it

>> No.10938397

Fell on a counter in November 16 and guy drove against a bus I was in on April 28th this year.
Concussion are fucked bruh

>> No.10938402

It's funny cause I've been avoiding boxing because concussions would hurt my precious brain. Now that I know I'm average I can finally get punched.

>> No.10938409

I like wrestling/bjj more, boxing was too aerobic for me
Punching can leave you pretty fucked tho

>> No.10938413

ya, blowjobs are great with your wrestling bros.

>> No.10938422

Nah, gayest guys are the rugby bros

>> No.10938425

Same, I lost so much time on this one and rushed the rest

>> No.10938428

I like to box, but all my friends want to do is run. I haven't seen them do anything but run for like over 2 years now.They're really into running...like...a lot. Just this weekend, they promised we would do what I wanted for a change. Then they, "ditched" me.

>> No.10938432

Wrong, idiot. The dunning-kruger effect has literally nothing to do with intelligence, it only applies to one's skills in a certain area

>> No.10938441

Fuck em, get some new friends in the gym.

>> No.10938442

except unintelligent people are more likely to perceive their current skills as being the height of a specific field, even though they are not, and are incapable of even realizing so, because they don't have the intelligence to realize so.

>> No.10938469

I wish I were smart.

>> No.10938499

Sure, but that's not dunning kruger

>> No.10938506

no they aren’t brainlet

>> No.10938507

we all do.
Imagine looking at something and just getting it without any effort

>> No.10938508 [DELETED] 

>IQ Thread

>> No.10938512

you're doing it literally right now.

>> No.10938513

fucking lol

>> No.10938525

Perhaps they can't build muscle? Ask them

>> No.10938549

Use the figures in the middle of each column. The direction they point to is the same the bottom figure points to.
(not sure if I could phrase it correctly. English is not my first language)

>> No.10938556


pls. help a brainlet... i don't understand!

>> No.10938558

me neither

>> No.10938564

Imagine living in norway lol

>> No.10938565

>The authors' findings refute the claim that people are generally prone to greatly inflated views of their abilities, but support two other tenets of the original Kruger and Dunning research: (1) that self-assessment skill can be learned, and (2) that experts usually self-assess more accurately than do novices. The researchers noted that metacognitive self-assessment skill is of great value, and that it can be taught together with disciplinary content in college courses.

Also, common sense dictates that it's perfectly possible (and not rare) that there are arrogant intelligent people and humble dumb people. It has to do with their personalities, not intellect.

>> No.10938573

genuinely don't know why this post got so much attention. I hope people are being ironic or some shit because this was trivial lmao, and they have the gall to tell me I can't build muscle because I'm too dumb

>> No.10938576

well then explain that you braintard

>> No.10938584

Pic related source? What test is that

>> No.10938588
File: 227 KB, 1104x914, 1565328163676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what that retard means that hes finding a pattern along a diagonal in the 3x3 figure set we see
so the one used in his example is the rectangle in the first row middle and diagonal to it on the right is the figure which is formed when you take the lines of the rectangle ( smaller ones) and join them at the base
so by his logic
the diagonal leading to the answer is the inverted triangle which is to under go the same operation where the base breaks in the middle and drops down from each of the vertices forming the "M" hence the answer

hope you found this explanation to your satisfaction because his logic is unsatisfactory and gay

>> No.10938610
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, iq lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i did alright

>> No.10938633

I did solve this, but was not trivial at all. I had to use my gut because I couldn't figure it out entirely by analysis. You are either pretending it was easy or just being arrogant. Eitherway, you're being insufferable.

Look at where the middle figure is pointing at. That's where the bottom one should be pointing to too.
The middle one acts like a compass, defining the direction the bottom one should go.
Take the time to look at it and think deeply. It's not trivial like the other anon said.

>> No.10938655

To a certain extent. The Dunning-Kruger effect is more relevant with those with iq's 85 and below, especially the "kangz" i noticed not your average to below average white.

..I scored 93 I can say I always struggled in academia starting from a young age I was diagnosed with ADD. A lot of it was lack of interest, discipline at home, and I have always noticed a brain fog effect when a suffering a bout of depression even to this day. That being said i am and was always aware of my cognitive ability and it's limits. I never have claimed to be smarter than anyone else. Although i have never been quick with numbers and the sciences I am very good manipulator. I have a meme degree 2 years out of college made 57 last year which is decent in Florida doing time share sales, which i hate. I don't care about IQ, I do find this board interesting to read rather than watching TV and I do know my place in life. My only skill in life is talking and the lack of one passion, rather than juggling multiple interests at once is what I hate most about myself.

>> No.10938658


thank you for trying to explain, but i'm still not getting it.
lets number the figures like that :

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

So you're saying that e.g 8 points in the same direction as 5? and 7 points in the direction of 4?

it really doesn't make sense to me

>> No.10938722

I thought it was just grouping. If you XOR 1 and 6, you get 7. XOR 3 and 4, you get 8.
But then when you XOR 2 and 5, that's not an option/

>> No.10938776

Weschler can only be done by a trainer neuropsychologist or equivalent. A non official weschler just isn't a thing. Was this a test you passed on buzzfeed?

>> No.10938793

If he is getting consistent scores and is not practicing then that’s probably accurate, he would have taken a range of subtests that have high g loading so its not skewed like if he only did wordsum or raven’s matrices

>> No.10938823

>have a 7x6 penis
>brag about it sometimes as a joke
>niggers always say shit like "compensating! brag about big dick mean really have small dick!"
is this dunning-kruger?

>> No.10938842

Same here, I was thinking like that too.

>> No.10938844

its the fucking test in the OP you retard.

>> No.10938867

yeah this is true, people are smart in different fields. I have a friend that has dyscalcula but hes still smart just bad at math. Just because you aren't good at recognizing patterns doesn't mean you aren't valuable in some way.

>> No.10938872

you retard do you understand what practice does. If you consistently practice puzzles and the kinds of things to look for you will get good when a new one comes up because you understand that kinds of patterns to look for.

>> No.10938876

i guess thats decent

>> No.10938896

It is a good idea to increase your aptitude for solving 3x3 grid puzzles by constantly practicing 3x3 grid puzzles.

This is because there will be significant carryover between your crystalized grid puzzle knowledge and pretty much any other intellectual task.

>> No.10938897


Here's how I see the pattern, it may be easier but I think most can understand this, I did not get it right when first taking the test

Look down the top-left to bottom-right diagonals (there's 3 if you can think of the wrap-around).

Notice each has a common shape (from left to right, the V shape, the horizontal parallel lines, then the inverted v shape).

Notice through each diagonal, there is an added variation to each shape (in a cycle, these are the V shape, a upper horizontal line, and parallel vertical lines)

Thus, if you move down the central diagonal, with the V base shape, you start with the v and v superimposed, then the v combined with the horizontal line, then finally v with the final variation, two vertical lines, answer choice D.

>> No.10938962


thank you very much, i get it now.

>> No.10938986

IQ Test are garbage and not a true representation of intelligence or possible productivity of said person.

If you want proof just look at all the High IQ people that contributed nothing of value.

Intelligence cant be quantified, which makes sense since we have no strong understanding of our brains/minds.

>> No.10939002

>another [singular determinant of your ability to contribute intellectually] thread

really we should just use it to decidee whether or not to kill ourselves

>> No.10939013

>we re gonna make it i swear
go cope on a rope optimist

>> No.10939103
File: 37 KB, 493x328, C9D41D58-9D89-46E2-8DF9-A9C0A3DF5C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, and here I thought my 112 was set for low tier jobs

>> No.10939213

using this guy's >>10938658 numbering:
imagine instead the rows are
4 8 3
7 2 6
1 5 ?
then it's obvious

>> No.10940523

Got 138 but I feel dumb and useless

>> No.10940526
File: 16 KB, 710x404, neu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ER you sub-human autists

>> No.10940537

These. Maybe it's because I'm literally autistic that I feel this way.

>> No.10940548

I get major brain fog (particularly with spelling and grammar) whenever I have extended sleep deprivation or depression. Maybe that's the case with you?

>> No.10940588

I thought you were only supposed to look at the vertical and horizontal series for these tests?

>> No.10940900

t. <130 iq

>> No.10940906

That's literally what the psychologist who administered the test told me though. And I scored above a 130 actually.

>> No.10941689
File: 249 KB, 1242x1403, 33BF8A63-1973-4AF2-9750-8F639167E9D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um guys...

>> No.10941696

IQ is a measure of unintelligence, not intelligence.

>> No.10941726

Can you find a less imperfect source that makes the same argument? Thanks.

>> No.10941756

Sadly I don't think I've came across a better one on this topic, even though this article might be hard to be taken seriously because of the author's overly humoristic remarks, he provides a solid explanation and presents his points very clearly. I can't criticize any of his arguments.

>> No.10941784

No I just mean any other publication than medium.com.

>> No.10941908


I take my time in problem solving so I had to guess the last 15. Very brainlet of me I know, I hope it doesn't mean anything lol ;_;

>> No.10941937

I actually feel retarded I can't accomplish anything