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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 62 KB, 1024x682, starhopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10922178 No.10922178 [Reply] [Original]

overpressure event edition

WHEN: Tuesday, August 27 2019 ~4:00 PM+ CST [~9:00 PM+ UTC]
STREAM: https://www.spacex.com/webcast
Close-up Unofficial Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mu5flGZteQ
Far-away Unofficial Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn5j_E2CcqE

Launch site: SpaceX Starship Launch Pad, Boca Chica, Texas
Landing site: SpaceX Starship Landing Pad, Boca Chica, Texas
Starship version: Starship Hopper prototype (Built by Boca Chica Starship shipyard)
Number of Raptor engines: 1 [S/N 6]
Payload: Test tiles for Starship’s thermal protection system
Hop Parameters: ~200 meters vertical distance, with horizontal translation to landing pad
NOTAM: https://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_9_7273.html [4 nautical miles]

This is the second substantial hop of Starship Hopper, and the last flight of the Hopper. Pending a successful flight, the Hopper will be converted into a Raptor engine test stand.

>what caused yesterday's scrub?
Some sort of issue with the igniters.

>> No.10922181

Way too early for the thread

>> No.10922182

silly me, didn't fix the post. It is indeed a 150 meter hop, not 200.
Furthermore, the hop could happen late in the day; the testing period extends to midnight CST I believe?

>> No.10922185

It sure makes interesting sounds. The hopper that is

It’s posted later than the first one was in relation to hop time. F9 launch threads are generally up a good few hours before launch as well

>> No.10922199

didnt get to see it last night, and now i have an appointment i have to go to at 5:15. I hope it gets postponed again. at least until 6 or so. fuck

>> No.10922200

Elon did say “same time” so it might be around 5-6pm local instead of 4

>> No.10922203
File: 304 KB, 722x768, 1385792865025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they manage to have the damn igniters fail on them anyway? Don't they doublecheck everything before launch???

>> No.10922208

checklists are oldspace tech

>> No.10922227

literally Murphy's Law
>The law's namesake was Capt. Ed Murphy, a development engineer from Wright Field Aircraft Lab. Frustration with a strap transducer which was malfunctioning due to an error in wiring the strain gage bridges caused him to remark – "If there is any way to do it wrong, he will" – referring to the technician who had wired the bridges at the Lab. I assigned Murphy's law to the statement and the associated variations.

>> No.10922257

I wonder if the raptors in serial production would have the ignition wired backwards too

>> No.10922266

Probably redundancies that would otherwise be in place aren't since the hopper is being retired very soon one way or another.

>> No.10922273

Remember, this one had already been fired and flown, so it wouldn't be a manufacturing problem.

>> No.10922281

POP! or HOP! what will it be?

>> No.10922315
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>> No.10922324
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"The fuse, Gromit! The fuse! We forgot to light the fuse!"

>> No.10922328
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>> No.10922380

their spark plugs got shaken loose probably

>> No.10922383


>> No.10922394
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>> No.10922400

Just reverse the electron stream polarity.

>> No.10922404
File: 84 KB, 888x768, 48a68926734b061be9b5bdc2f57abce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw loose spark plugs

>> No.10922418

hopefully mk1 starts doing tests soon after this hop. Will go through withdrawal...

>> No.10922432

Why do things fail even when we do everything we can to make sure it works? Who knows.

Maybe the flat earth god hates rockets.

>> No.10922453

at least half a year until that happens anon.
But we will probably have a maned falcon9 launch before that.

>> No.10922463

>half a year
it’s basically done though. I give it a month

>> No.10922470

mk1 is supposed to go sub orbital this year afaik

>> No.10922608
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>> No.10922643


>> No.10922667

No hop today?

>> No.10922670
File: 46 KB, 540x720, 9a887dd343b780909a1b1edae7103a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be patient

>> No.10922678


>> No.10922680

if it falls over would anything even happen? It seems strong enough

>> No.10922683

it's 100 tons of steel, which is both a blessing and a curse
it's so heavy and strong that basically nothing can hurt it but itself

>> No.10922699
File: 89 KB, 809x1010, Mr Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours 30 mins

>> No.10922776

>this thing
Nigga the front fell off from a gust of wind

>> No.10922782

they made the front from a piece of tin foil, anon
the bottom bit that remains is actually bulletproof

>> No.10922787

God I loved that as a kid.

>> No.10922800

>actually bulletproof
ULA sniper just got rekt

>> No.10922806

the COPV on top would probably pop if you hit them

>> No.10922810

>implying they don't have fake COPVs next to the real ones so the ULA sniper doesn't know which one to hit

>> No.10922817

three shots three hits?
it's not that hard
proper AP .338 lapua magnum or other ultramagnums would also probably work on the big tank but a tiny hole is not going to cause a structural failure in a battleship stage, unlike a proper rocket.

>> No.10922843

No, they had already taken the front off, the wind just pushed it over.

>> No.10922846

45 minutes lads?

>> No.10922856

what stream are we watching this time?

>> No.10922860

official, when it's up

>> No.10922868

the one that takes donations and then stops working once the countdown to launch starts!

or you could just go with this

>> No.10922872

>the one that takes donations and then stops working once the countdown to launch starts!
all of them then?

>> No.10922877

Should I go and grab one of 7/11's shitty pizzas before the launch?

>> No.10922879

In all seriousness a major bonus of the raptor (amongst all the others) is that it uses autogenous pressurization, so the final Starship/Superheavy won't actually need COPVs anymore which will be a nice reliability/removal of a pain in the fucking ass point. The starhopper might just because weight isn't a real concern there and it's just a test for other stuff, so using nitrogen to pressurize or whatever could be a fairly easy answer.

Final one though should be even tougher in that respect.

>> No.10922882

Nah, the two padre streams stayed up. I can't listen to that one dude talk and shill for donations and I hate how they clutter up the stream with bullshit, but at least their stream didn't cut out five minutes before the attempted launch.

>> No.10922886

>all of them then?
SpaceX's official one anon. Only downside is it only begins like 10 minutes or so before launch, so you can't just have it in the background an house ahead of time. That's the one that'll give you a nice engine cam too though, plus they don't fucking yammer on about random shit all the fucking time like a chatty teenager.

>> No.10922888


How the fuck do I find the SpaceX one? Legitimate brainlet here couldn't find it yesterday.

>> No.10922889

the guy who talks over labpadre streams is a fucking retarded inbred hick and needs to die, he's even worse than the everyday estronaut who is at least mostly informed

>> No.10922891

It’ll get posted here fren

>> No.10922894

fucking Tim Cuck the Evryday Estronaut

>> No.10922895

Still no venting... Were atleast an hour off

>> No.10922899

yeah, the dude really needs to chill the fuck out in his streams.

>> No.10922902


Thank you

>> No.10922904

>How the fuck do I find the SpaceX one? Legitimate brainlet here couldn't find it yesterday.
As soon as it's up, it'll be on their main YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/spacex, or their website page, simple as that. The problem is like I maybe wasn't clear on, until the thing goes up it just doesn't exist on their page at all. So you don't get a nice hour warning countdown or something and link ahead, only fairly soon before launch. Maybe because just plain these tests aren't that exact launches and it can be +/- a few minutes so they don't bother until final countdown.

This is the final one for Starhopper anyway no matter what it does, so I think they just don't care to invest anything more in making the software side of things better just for viewers.

>> No.10922906


I'm starting to vent

>> No.10922907

How long did fueling that water tower take last time, an hour?

>> No.10922912

Apparently that's what his viewers like though going by the retard spam in the comment stream he allows too. Whatever though, final one.

>> No.10922913


Is the fuel still not inside it from yesterday? pls no bully

>> No.10922918

when you're fuelling a craft the whole system needs to be grounded or at least at equipotential, right?

>> No.10922921

no, because the igniters had to be fiddled with

>> No.10922922

Go to the toilet then.

>> No.10922928

>Still no venting... Were atleast an hour off
Looks like the firetruck is gone though? That's the final vehicle to leave, so progress on that front.

>> No.10922929

They could've at least posted the stream when they start it, yesterday the stream had like 2 hours of recording already before they posted the link and made it public.

>> No.10922931

nah just wear an antistatic wrist strap

>> No.10922932

>WHEN: Tuesday, August 27 2019 ~4:00 PM+ CST [~9:00 PM+ UTC]
Just to add, launch window is officially (as in FAA permitted I guess) 3 hours long, so room for significant delay.

>> No.10922933

they put it on their twitter

>> No.10922935

nah, first of all no one's allowed to go near the thing until it has been safed, which means all liquid propellants are drained and the tank atmosphere is purged with nitrogen, secondly the propellants are cryogenic liquids and would have boiled away by now if they had just let hem sit in the tanks for 24 hours.

>> No.10922937

Whatcha listening to?

>> No.10922939


>> No.10922941
File: 25 KB, 871x154, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, dragon has now safely landed, please give us hopper stream

>> No.10922942


>> No.10922943

>They could've at least posted the stream when they start it, yesterday the stream had like 2 hours of recording already before they posted the link and made it public.
Who knows how it's actually hacked together behind the scenes. I think they're just not bothering to do anything more automated and smoother then whatever someone through together early because it'll have no long term application, unlike their official real launch stuff. It'd be nice yeah but if there is some bug or manual intervention or any reason at all not to bother I can see why they'd just ignore it since this is it.

>> No.10922945

oh shit was that happening too

>> No.10922946

one of the streams has the biggest most talkative faggot ever what the fuck man

>> No.10922948

You are wrong. It's two of them and they're competing for the title.

>> No.10922949

>How long did fueling that water tower take last time, an hour?
Around that, maybe a bit over. Order should be something like first venting from a ways away as stuff starts transferring, then vehicle, then flame goes up as they burn off venting methane which is the final stage.

>> No.10922950

if you stick with him you'll also get to enjoy when he suddenly tries to change the exposure/zoom and shift cables or whatever the fuck at t-30 seconds.

>> No.10922957


>> No.10922960

yesterday he managed to straight up kill the stream 2 minutes before t=0
like what the fuck man figure your shit out in the 6 hours beforehand instead of reading every single donation comment and step back when the main event is happening.

>> No.10922962


>> No.10922964


>> No.10922966


>> No.10922967
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1444263793648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just want a single stream that'll inform me when shit is happening
>both streams with people talking will not stop fucking talking with every single breath that they're taking, shilling their channels and blabbering about publicly available info I've already heard a billion times or even random private bullshit
>they'll keep doing this for the next hour or two
>end up literally having to sit here and watch nothing happening on these streams because I cannot bare to unmute any of these streams, yet don't want to miss something either

>> No.10922968


>> No.10922969

it's like jethro tull forgot their electric instruments

>> No.10922970


>> No.10922974

spacex stream will go live 10ish minute before launch

>> No.10922977

just wait for the SpaceX stream which they will hopefully put up this time
they didn't put it up for the second day of hop attempts the first time around
Leslie Fish is really good

>> No.10922979

where's the stream?

>> No.10922981
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>> No.10922985

some faggots are saying it's fulling. can someone confirm this

>> No.10922987

I advise you mute all of them or you will regret it.
SpaceX stream won't be up for a while.
They haven't started fueling yet.

>> No.10922988

https://youtu.be/m0MTtqzzf-U warning: numale fag
https://youtu.be/g8CSgRpPT0o warning: overtalkative retarded hick

>> No.10922989

this is very different from the space music I usually listen to

>> No.10922990
File: 83 KB, 407x405, 1300741099336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe some of the donations were people hoping it would fuck him up.

>> No.10922991

No venting so still about an hour to go

>> No.10922993

Folk is not so different from metal

>> No.10922996

I agree and I'm way more into prog than metal
but w h y n o t b o t h

>> No.10923008

Slight attempts at venting.

>> No.10923009


>> No.10923010

there's venting!

>> No.10923012

>mommy mommy the rocket is farting!
it does that all the time when there's fuel in it, call me when the spacex stream is live

>> No.10923017

>it does that all the time when there's fuel in it
Before there was no fuel in it, so this is an improvement.

>> No.10923023

Official stream yet?

>> No.10923025

there'll be a spam of links when its here, you won't miss it

>> No.10923026

Previously, official stream has gone up at something like T-10 minutes. Venting means something like an hour to go, so maybe like another 40 minutes give or take. You should see a big flare go up in the final fueling stages.

>> No.10923033

Looks like it's happening this time.
I vote for it all goes well,then it blows up 15 seconds after landing.

>> No.10923041

That would unironically be kind of wild. Everything works then it blows up anyway best of all worlds. Elon would probably be accused of secretly planting some explosives in there or triggering self destruct just for the hell of it.
Maybe those accusations would be right.

>> No.10923050

seriously does starhopper even have a range safety system? figured like tons of other normal rocket stuff they'd just leave that out, it never actually has enough fuel to go far even if it wanted to and area is clear for a long ways around

>> No.10923053

I'm not sure how many kg of high explosive it would take to break that thing open but it's probably a lot

>> No.10923060

>Dodd stream keeps dying

>> No.10923062

Dont bother with blowing the entire hopper then, just guarantee thrust termination by blowing the fuel lines before they get to the engine. Fuel lines go boom, engine is instantly starved of fuel and shuts down/explodes, and the whole thing comes down in a blazing fireball of glory.

>> No.10923065

Nuke Boca Chica!

>> No.10923069
File: 668 KB, 800x400, dick_shelby02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuke Boca Chica!

>> No.10923071

Fuel depot

>> No.10923072

So how tough is that structure? It looks like a flimsy tin can one gust of wind away from disintegrating.

>> No.10923073

The flimsy bit is just the cover, the stuff inside is pretty strong.

>> No.10923077

Which, Starhopper? It's literally a water tower.

>> No.10923078

It‘s fucking steel.

>> No.10923079

Stainless steel stronk like kitchen pot

>> No.10923081

The range safety system is a siren which will alert everyone within hearing to step out of their homes and away from glass that might shatter and blow toward them.

Range is GO.

>> No.10923085

That's fair. Airplanes don't have bombs on them to shred them in the event that they're going to hit something, so why should rockets?

>> No.10923087

Isnt the hull proper of starhopper something like quarter inch steel plate?

>> No.10923088

Also internally braced

>> No.10923092

waiting on SpaceX stream, where is the stream elon, I know you lurk faggot

>> No.10923093

That's expected. Even with quarter inch steel on touchdown I would expect it to crumple inwards at the top of the legs.

>> No.10923094

more like half inch, she thicc

also spacex stream when

>> No.10923095

Big flare my dudes

Also sirens

Launch VERY soon

>> No.10923096

>I'm not sure how many kg of high explosive it would take to break that thing open but it's probably a lot
Shouldn't be too bad, but it is a question actually for the production model if anyone knows the answer, the thing is designed around full reuse tons of times. Yes, it's a risk if it came down (though if they exclusively launch directly over water maybe that's mitigated somewhat) but so are airliners, yet we don't fit them with self-destruct systems. At some level of reliability it seems like the risk of a range safety system would become higher than the risk of failure itself.

>> No.10923098

Why would you make a rocket out some something as cheap and barbaric as simple steel when you can make a rocket from advanced milled-isogrid friction-stir welded aerospace-grade aluminum made in the proud state of Louisiana?

>> No.10923099

Live stream is up!

>> No.10923102


>> No.10923101


There it is! Official Stream!

>> No.10923103


T-5:30 or so

>> No.10923104

link it fag

>> No.10923105


>> No.10923106

It's up


>> No.10923107

Is there a stream with commentary?

>> No.10923109


>> No.10923111

monkey paw, you will get commentary but it will be autistic

>> No.10923113

Open labpadre or everyday astronaut

>> No.10923114


background music

>> No.10923116

I'm still reminded of that one time he went on a spiel about how mankind should be united in space with no tribalism and wars, just because there was a flame war in the livestream chat. lol

>> No.10923118



>> No.10923120


>> No.10923121


>> No.10923122

tension RISING

>> No.10923125


>> No.10923126


>> No.10923127


>> No.10923129

2 min pause

>> No.10923130


>> No.10923131

deluge that pad you slut
hold at 2 minutes just like yesterday

>> No.10923132

Fuck this hold at 2 min

>> No.10923133


>> No.10923134


>> No.10923135

planned hold

>> No.10923136

elon you fucking troll god damn it

>> No.10923137

fucking HOLD

>> No.10923139
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Is he watching it?

>> No.10923140

>Elon is going to troll everyone twice in a row

>> No.10923142

it held same time yesterday, normal

>> No.10923143
File: 41 KB, 600x599, Launch Space X.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923145

how hard can this be

>> No.10923146

just think if the old Grasshopper test flights had had live countdown readouts and holds like this

>> No.10923147

Elon you kek I know you lurk here

tell your engineers to get their asses in gear

>> No.10923151

I wonder what the problem even is. I thought Starhopper was pretty stupid simple?

>> No.10923152
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>> No.10923153


>> No.10923154

They are holding at T-2 until 4:58pm. They are aiming for 5pm hop.

>> No.10923155

Holding so they don't launch before 5:00 I hope

>> No.10923158

wtf they have to scrub it again

>> No.10923159


>> No.10923160
File: 2.94 MB, 1910x1069, 420HOPIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923161

1 minute left till 5

>> No.10923162

What's the point of starting the countdown if they're planning to stop it?

>> No.10923163

add more struts

>> No.10923164

what the fuck is 'terminal count'

>> No.10923165

hold waiting for tank pressure to rise to nominal

>> No.10923166


>> No.10923167

Skip forward if the stream is showing something like -19 minutes
SpaceX stream started early but unlisted it seams

>> No.10923168

what just flaked off

>> No.10923169


>> No.10923170

Ice maybe?

>> No.10923172


>> No.10923173


>> No.10923174

Hold lifted

>> No.10923175


>> No.10923177


>> No.10923176

yes it's ice

>> No.10923178


>> No.10923179


>> No.10923180


>> No.10923181
File: 17 KB, 433x431, ITS HAPPENING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923182

Here we go

>> No.10923183


>> No.10923184

Started again, here we fucking go.

>> No.10923185

CLOCK IS ROLLING! Pucker up people, and hope we aren't blueballed again.

>> No.10923186


>> No.10923187


>> No.10923188

I hate IPA but hoppy seems like the only appropriate beer for this launch.

>> No.10923189
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>> No.10923190


>> No.10923191


>> No.10923192
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I hope we see the diamonds

>> No.10923193


>> No.10923194


>> No.10923195


>> No.10923196

>Pad pissing itself in excitment

>> No.10923200


>> No.10923201


>> No.10923202


>> No.10923203




>> No.10923204

Looks pure sex.

>> No.10923205


>> No.10923206


>> No.10923208


>> No.10923210
File: 1.40 MB, 250x141, Goal laser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923211


>> No.10923212
File: 1.06 MB, 287x206, 1460928971758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923213

FUCKING BEAUTIFUL (and timed perfectly with M83 Outro)

>> No.10923214



>> No.10923215


>> No.10923216
File: 6 KB, 218x252, YES_BIRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923217

Nice. Now do it from orbit.

>> No.10923218

Estronaut's gone stark raving mad

>> No.10923219


>> No.10923220

ULA on suicide watch

>> No.10923221

All this hype just to watch a big dumb water tower fly a couple hundred meters into the air. Wow

>> No.10923222


>> No.10923223
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>> No.10923224
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>> No.10923225

We're going to Mars, gentlemen. Later than the oldies expected much sooner than we did!

>> No.10923226

>hop test
are you fucking kidding

>> No.10923227

Somebody webm it

>> No.10923228

god bless America

>> No.10923229

Someone better get the webm of that.

>> No.10923231




>> No.10923232

that was awesome, everyone here is cheering

>> No.10923233


>> No.10923234

On it. Downloading the full video now.

>> No.10923235
File: 19 KB, 385x383, 1489983003479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crane cable that thing was attached to was so fucking obvious holy shit how they fooling anyone with this

>> No.10923236

>that -5 seconds gimballing


>> No.10923237

SLS getting dabbed on by a flying water tower

>> No.10923239

Well it was worth it waiting to 1 am again.

>> No.10923240
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>> No.10923241


>> No.10923242
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>> No.10923243
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based and freedom pilled

>> No.10923245

they're holding for the final go/no-go checks but they haven't budgeted any time for it in the countdown so they have to hold for it

>> No.10923246

What flew off in the Estro stream.

>> No.10923248

im a bit concerned that Raptor's exhaust flared up quite a bit during the touch down, think they burned up the combustion chamber?

>> No.10923250

This is why we need more regulation this madness must stop!

>> No.10923251


>> No.10923253
File: 66 KB, 320x228, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that just from the concrete vaporizing?

>> No.10923255
File: 69 KB, 1024x684, 1566109661319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer goofiness of it all was fucking amazing

>> No.10923254

Throttle down. Mixture changes probably as it was orange. Metals gives off funkier colors.

>> No.10923256

>starhopper flew and it worked and nothing exploded
oh, that's cool I guess, kinda anticlimatic desu

>> No.10923257

it already hopped lol

>> No.10923258

Press F to pay respects to Old Space

>> No.10923259

looks like it goes fuel-rich when throttling down

>> No.10923260


>> No.10923261
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>> No.10923262

no way, it was way too high up, and the flame was yellow right from the engine nozzle
hope you're right, thought i saw some copper green in there

>> No.10923263

carbon from going ch4 rich on low throttle

>> No.10923264

look at how absolutely cooked the pad is

>> No.10923265

>inb4 the Law is involved to protect Tradition and The American Way

>> No.10923266

full flow changes to methane heavy mix for final touch down man. don't want to use o2 heavy for that.

>> No.10923267

Elon just killed thousands of AMERICAN jobs in 50 STATES. Dark days ahead.

>> No.10923268

It was from throttling down thrust as they were landing.

>> No.10923270

I know but that doesn't make me wrong

>> No.10923271

My guess is that they went very fuel rich during the descent, and the split methane combusted on contact with the atmosphere.

>> No.10923272

>spitting intensifies
If only they'd fucking quit right now but the AF contract is clearly rigged to keep them on life support, it's obvious they're going to get the 60% and SpaceX the 40%.

>> No.10923273

Raptor already burns methane rich overall, so they must have gone REALLY methane rich at the lowest throttle setting there

>> No.10923274


>> No.10923276

At this rate bfr will fly before new glenn

That would be humiliating. first his dick pics get leaked now he's getting KEKED by a guy that's poorer than him.

>> No.10923277

it does make you a tardy namby-pamby

>> No.10923279
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, zz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm here now.

>> No.10923280

I was too busy watching the hop to post on 4chan? Priorities man

>> No.10923284

Thanks anon

>> No.10923283

What I genuinely hate about that shit is that EVEN IF YOU SUPPORT PORK it STILL makes more sense to have all those jobs be towards making tons of space stations and colonies and shit that you launch for $100/kg. Like, fine, I'm not even going to complain about the government pumping billions into alabama pork, that's not even the problem really, it's that it's an inefficient pumping. It's not like they have to be working on expendable engines and rockets specifically, productive space use can consume endless budgets by itself but still actually leave America in a better position. God damn it.

>> No.10923285

No one needs high capacity full thrust stages.

We need to solve the private company loophole in spaceflight.

The Founding Fathers never intended for citizens to build their own future.

>> No.10923286


>> No.10923287

Oh it was just a COPV that flew off

>> No.10923288

I grabbed it too, want to sink it to the kerbal 2 trailer music though. The hop works fucking perfectly with it.

>> No.10923290

Wake up America nationalize that wretched company before it undoes half a century of spaceflight!

>> No.10923291

This, they're not even trying to do anything useful with the money

>> No.10923293

Elon Musk built that in a TENT.

With a box of SCRAPS.

So don’t tell me it can’t be porked.

>> No.10923294

It took about six seconds for the engine cam to get BTFO.

>> No.10923295

At least this can be a subject of international bridge building right guys? Because both ULA and Russian Space industry just watched their futures lithobreak! They can drink away their sorrows on vodka and whisky together!

>> No.10923296

A half century of barely maintaining a presence in space? Fuck that. Colonization time!

>> No.10923298


>> No.10923299

what, did a COPV pop off?

>> No.10923300
File: 988 KB, 1200x750, HOP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923301

> that which thou doest, see that thou do it quickly.

>> No.10923302

Audio version here


>> No.10923303
File: 15 KB, 311x143, 1554343694352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping our strategic ICBM capability to manufacture SRBs isn't useful?
I gotta find more Shelby meme pics now.

>> No.10923305

Well that was a lot more fun than it had any right to be. Proving for all time that with enough thrust, even a brick can fly.

>> No.10923307

Yeah you could see it in the estronaut stream, watch closely when the hopper it touching down, it yeets itself off to the right and hits the ground, you can even see vapor cones coming out of the busted pipe ends

>> No.10923308

The whole point is to use jobs as bargaining/blackmail tool to influence politics. They fired off the shuttle workforce real quick making sure the ares-sls porktrain goes on undisturbed by heavy lift for years...
I have no hope those people will change. I only hope they won't try to hamstring the private Moon/Mars missions by utilizing politics and other filth.

>> No.10923309


>> No.10923313

>This, they're not even trying to do anything useful with the money
That should genuinely be a campaign topic. Like
>if elected, I promise to maintain all current jobs but do it by redirecting them into stuff to launch rather then the launchers themselves
that shouldn't even be controversial. Hell, increase the budget further, really cement the American lead before the yellow menace can even start to catch up. Now is the fucking time.

>> No.10923314


>> No.10923315

Why does it become bright yellow and make the shock diamonds disappear the moment the exhaust touches the ground?

>> No.10923316

Could also be dust getting sucked into the exhaust stream then superheated.

>> No.10923317


>> No.10923318

Roscosmos and Chinese found hung in their apartments

>> No.10923323

Liquid methane is just a fancy word of saying LNG right?
Like the ships that carry LNG at -163C are just carrying the exact same thing that SpaceX uses in the Raptor engines?
I'm not good at chemistry

>> No.10923328

The russians will just pretend they are above such wasteful pointless things and the chinese will be spending a lot of money on espionage. The moment MK1 and 2 near orbital.

>> No.10923329


>> No.10923330
File: 32 KB, 540x416, 464502CE-49B0-4696-96B0-2F20E1B3A020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for orbital starship tests is going to be pure agony.

>> No.10923332

Hearings must be held to hold accountable whoever at the FAA approved this wreckless stunt. Where is NASA? Where is the Air Force?

The American people will not stand as their space program is threatened by these actors.

>> No.10923334

LNG has other lightweight hydrocarbons in it like propane and propene. Methane is specifically CH4.

>> No.10923336

This. The American government is clearly fine with spending billions into spaceflight, so why not use that money for something useful in spaceflight?

>> No.10923337

liquid methane is a high-purity version of LNG
LNG doesn't need to be pure for most of what people use it for (cooking burgers and powering forklifts) but the Raptor engine is a bit finicky for that so it needs the high quality stuff, which isn't very hard to make

>> No.10923340

LNG is mostly methane but there's some other stuff.

>> No.10923341


>> No.10923343

Starship Launch System

>> No.10923347

Think of the BIRDS !!!!!!!!!!! all the dead birds ....

>> No.10923348

>Keeping our strategic ICBM capability to manufacture SRBs isn't useful?
Liquid and solid rockets are totally different anon. The ULA stuff has nothing to do with our ICBM capability.

>> No.10923358

Classic vatnik

>> No.10923359

they buy a bunch of GEM strap-on boosters or whatever, and both they and CASTOR rockets for omega are directly related to storable ICBM and other rocket production

>> No.10923362

Very well enough cheering good night amerifats and make sure to raise public awareness if some shady political things are involved in trying to kill the future of humanity.

>> No.10923363

Livestream was blocked on networks of NASA centers

>> No.10923365

Anons, that was fucking epic. Just imagine what the full stack is going to be like. No question I'll be making the trip to the US to see that in person.

>> No.10923366

fucking chinks

it's time to nuke bejing
build liberty prime NOW

>> No.10923369

quick question.
WHY was it shaped like a silo?

>> No.10923371

Top part fell off from wind storm

>> No.10923373
File: 437 KB, 879x626, 1517951778423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, anon... see those things on the side of glorious SLS? We have to keep SRB engineers employed so that our ICBMs will launch reliably!
And nobody in this reply chain except you said anything about ULA.

>> No.10923374

... Is there another wildfire in progress from the landing?

>> No.10923377

all they needed was an engine strapped to a tank of fuel

silo == tank

>> No.10923378

The fire rises.

>> No.10923380

Northrop is making the next American ICBM and their OmegA rocket is all solids.

>> No.10923381

>The whole point is to use jobs as bargaining/blackmail tool to influence politics. They fired off the shuttle workforce real quick making sure the ares-sls porktrain goes on undisturbed by heavy lift for years...
But I'm saying that the pork isn't even the problem. They could spend the entire US national budget on space, forever, and still barely scratch the potential of colonizing other worlds or moon/asteroid mining or whatever. But from a pure jobs politics thing, WHAT they're making doesn't matter, merely that they're making X for $Y. X can be anything. So it'd make more sense if they'd just have X be something more productive. They can spend $30 billion launching $20b worth of one hundred thousand tons of stuff into space via SH, vs $30b launching rockets with a capacity of like a few thousand tons. In each case tens of billions gets directed to Alabama or wherever, but the former is better for America while still creating American jobs.

Hell if anything, I'd think it'd make MORE jobs, because mass construction, even for space construction, still uses more lower skilled work than rockets. They could dramatically widen the number of Americans in the space industry if they were putting up 50-100k tons a year.

>> No.10923383

Oh snap you weren't kidding
I want that homo to end his patreon chatter so I can post a timestamp

>> No.10923386

rumor going around the office is the avionics fried themselves about ten feet before landing

>> No.10923387


>> No.10923389

Starship has flown higher than SLS

>> No.10923393

>Northrop is making the next American ICBM
Yes, but Northrop isn't ULA and has nothing to do with the rest of America's launch capacity right now, Delta/Atlas.

>and their OmegA rocket is all solids.
And also dead. ULA and SpaceX are getting the AF contract and that was its only possible hope, it's fucked. They're going to retreat exclusively to ICBMs.

>> No.10923405

It's actually been really fucking hilarious to see the media hunting around there trying to find someone who is mad about SpaceX and finding fucking no one who gives a shit or isn't outright excited about it.

>> No.10923407

0 benefits to American tax payers.

>> No.10923408

>something about how SpaceX is a scam without providing any evidence
>something about how reusable rockets is just a stunt and it'll never happen, again without any evidence

>> No.10923409

I farted after a bunch of mexican the other day and generated more thrust than SLS has.

>> No.10923410

evidently not

>> No.10923412

lel what
that's hilarious
last flight of hopper, I guess

>> No.10923413

Got any examples? That's pretty funny..

>> No.10923414

>ULA and SpaceX are getting the AF contract

BO seems to think the first and third contestants (SpaceX and Northrop) will get the contract based on their protest.

>> No.10923418

It was always the last flight, but if the avionics had actually busted they would not have been able to land the vehicle.

>> No.10923419

are you not entertained?

>> No.10923422

when we publish a picture of the landed hopper, look for missing feet, chunks missing in concrete pad

>> No.10923425

>when we publish a picture of the landed hopper, look for missing feet, chunks missing in concrete pad

Everyone could see that at the end of the stream already. The "beach balls" were meant to be crushed.

>> No.10923429

I would believe that it could survive a ten foot drop as the rocket throttled down after it failed closed

>> No.10923433

There is some tall, skinny kid from KVEO, or maybe KRGV can't keep those straight who was trying SO DAMN HARD to get grievances and dirt from the locals and wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg. He was trying to lead them hard. "Aren't you frustrated by the noise/traffic/danger" or "when you retired, did you think you'd have to live next to *waving hands* all this?!?". Result, nada, ain't getting anywhere. Glorious. Even the most crotchety, old-Texas, overalls-wearing grumpy old men seem to be in the "well, they pay for everything they break and it's only a couple of times a year, and, plus, it's exciting" camp. Like yeah if SpaceX was there all the time it'd probably get old but for occasional tests it's just cool, and it's also a real American pride thing. But of course pride in being American is Highly Problematic and everyone must be angry all the time.

>> No.10923434

Media tried with some shill astronomers claiming star link would block all astronomy

>> No.10923435

the puffs of gas when landing were rcs right?

>> No.10923440

Those were cold gas RCS thrusters pulled from Falcon 9s, yeah.

>> No.10923441

>it's also a real American pride thing. But of course pride in being American is Highly Problematic and everyone must be angry all the time.
Oldspace seems to forget that SpaceX is an American company though.

>> No.10923445

then avionics can't have died because there was rcs activity right until touchdown

>> No.10923446

fuck these lugenpresse oldspace fags

america's destiny is the stars

>> No.10923448

I concur (I'm the guy you're replying to).

>> No.10923449

>KVEO, or maybe KRGV
Both of those have many pieces of starhopper. Can you give more details to narrow it down?

>> No.10923450
File: 185 KB, 423x582, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfway down there are RCS puffs

>> No.10923452

>Media tried with some shill astronomers claiming star link would block all astronomy
Right, and meanwhile real astronomers were like
because if you've got that kind of mass/size budget to play with for literally 20+x less money per kg than shit does that open up a lot of options for space astronomy. If we could build Top Kek class telescopes in space Earth based EM would become obsolete in a real hurry (though neutrinos, grav wave and so on might keep being useful for a while).

>> No.10923453
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>> No.10923455

crush-capable feet were 100% used up, also you could see a fire on the left side of the engine as it was descending, look at the webm anon posted here earlier

>> No.10923457


>> No.10923459


>> No.10923461

are we in 1990?

>> No.10923464

>Both of those have many pieces of starhopper. Can you give more details to narrow it down?
Sorry anon I was watching this hop from my notebook not my main system, can't seem to find the clip though somebody must have it on yt for mockery because it was so pathetic. If I have it on my pc at home I'll put it up when I find it.

>> No.10923465
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>> No.10923466

lol wtf really

>> No.10923467

I vaguely remember a piece about how Starlink polluting the night sky would negatively affect uncontacted tribes (like the Sentinelese), because seeing new "stars" that are different from what our ancestors have seen thousands of years ago would mean that the tribal cultures of these people would deviate from what it would've been if Starlink was never a thing. Which then impacts the study of these people or something like that.

Idk, that piece felt like it was reaching.

>> No.10923468

>Oh it was just a COPV that flew off
Fucking COPVs, how do they work?

>> No.10923469

hahaha holy shit anon. This might actually manage to make me stop thinking "Senate Launch System" everytime I see SLS.

>> No.10923472

they're powered by KRUSTY WANTS OUT energy

>> No.10923476

It free fell for about a second at the end, maybe ten feet

>> No.10923478

quick, someone make this in KSP and launch it.

>> No.10923481

It's RP-1/kerosine compared to gasoline/petrol you use in a car.

>> No.10923484

>Idk, that piece felt like it was reaching.
Yeah, I mean, not even engaging in the tempting mockery but taking that seriously for a second, is there any place humans inhabit on the planet that never sees jet contrails? Or has pollution wash up or whatever? Train has sailed on that one, a few extra low profile sats in the night sky is kind of the least of the concerns.

>> No.10923486

Get assblasted nasa-cuck

>> No.10923487

So it probably dropped a bit, and the impact dislodged one of those roof (RCS?) tanks, sending it spinning through the air?

>> No.10923488
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>> No.10923489

probably, it'd only have to shear off one side for the resulting jet to produce enough thrust to snap any moorings and cleave off the other end of the pipe

>> No.10923490

here's the timestamp for the COPV that went for a flight

>> No.10923492
File: 232 KB, 1638x2048, F27FC957-1B71-4150-A5F5-3D09D0B7B4AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923493
File: 152 KB, 1043x765, SpaceX Hopper Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat was just for aesthetics

>> No.10923495

>hey here's this metal tube the size of a subway tunnel
>we slapped an engine on it and some leftover RC thrusters
>why yes, it flys perfectly and lands with 100% accuracy, why do you ask?
Anyone else looking at reusability must be really fucking jealous.

>> No.10923498


>> No.10923501

Hopefully is a sign that spaceflight is moving away from

>We would like to do this, but we would need hyper specialized equipment to do this which we don't have so it's not possible in this century


>We can do that. It's all a matter of finding a big enough rocket for it.

>> No.10923504

Not to mention that satellites, upper stages and the space station are already very visible quite often when you actually take time to look at the night sky.
The people complaining about this literally never took 10 minutes to actually look into the sky, though, which really fucking defeats any sort of argument they could have had.
That whole media campaign was a farce.

>> No.10923508

They removed the tip to work on the tank, but forgot to strap it down so the nose got blown over in the wind and turned into scrap metal.
They could've easily built a new one, but Elon thought the welders were better occupied building the orbital prototypes instead.

>> No.10923509

update: engine exploded just before touchdown, which explains the hard landing, avionics failure, liberated COPV, etc

>> No.10923510

fucking really?

>> No.10923511


>> No.10923512


>> No.10923513
File: 73 KB, 500x357, wa-oi-i-see-your-a-boy-of-kultur-as-31468598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga

>> No.10923514

source is me, believe it or don't

>> No.10923515

There will still be some limits even at $50/kg to LEO, because there are still faring size limits and that still adds up in a hurry anyway. It'll take more actual space infrastructure to really kick everything off, we need to be able to reliably and cheaply assemble stuff from parts, and also have electric tugs or the like so it's super cheap to move things around once you actually get them into minimal orbit.

But it'll be revolutionary anyway and definitely open a lot of projects that just weren't viable before.

>> No.10923517


>> No.10923520

Man, feel like this must be like watching the Mercury project or something, what a time to be alive. When we actually do touch down on Mars this will be a clip that is played in the news about it, this is the start of the rocket that really changes everything for space. I'm glad I got to see it live.

>> No.10923522

this was redstone

>> No.10923524

Yeah, thats what people have noticed about SpaceX. Their ability to take risks, do fast prototype tests, do real innovation. Something that NASA has lost since Apollo era.

>> No.10923528

>forgot to mute
>now have hearing damage and the neighborhood woke up
Fuck you, Dodd.

>> No.10923530
File: 2.02 MB, 863x1125, rip_saturnv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something that NASA has lost since Apollo era.
I know who to blame for that.

Really it's not just Nixon tough. The whole US govt is to blame for that one. They didn't see spaceflight as a new frontier to explore and claim, they just saw it as a political tool against the Soviets. And once that tools usefulness was gone, they stripped everything down at NASA.

>> No.10923532

>Something that NASA has lost since Apollo era.
I think the Shuttle was the real end of the line for old NASA. It was the big compromise system, massively compromised to fit needs of military actors for example like the AF (who then never actually used it for those purposes) and then a huge budget suck that just killed the forward momentum that might have come from further improving and evolving Saturn instead.

>> No.10923535

I do not belive you.

>> No.10923541

Read up on von Braun. What NASA did to him after the moon landings was nothing short of criminal, given that that one man got us so close to opening up the final frontier

>> No.10923543
File: 109 KB, 1125x1792, EDAy_7sUwAAmMbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923544

>fit needs of military actors for example like the AF (who then never actually used it for those purposes)
That was mainly due to the fact that the Shuttle was given very little in the way of development money. NASA had to sell it to the USAF for extra funding, and that's why the USAF was reluctant to use it. However, the rest is spot on. Once the Shuttle was flying it became so expensive that it was politically impossible to ask for more money to improve the Shuttle. And since the Shuttle was soaking up so much money, it was difficult to ask for even more money to do other stuff.

However, the Shuttle was the ONLY vehicle that NASA had that could go to space. So NASA was stuck with it.

>> No.10923545

WTF happened?

>> No.10923546

>R2D2 screech intensifies

>> No.10923547

hop machine broke

>> No.10923548

yeah, definitely think the color change of the exhaust stream was dust getting pulled into the jet. You can see here where the exhaust freshly out of the engine is pale blue, but the jet further down into the dust is that orange color.

>> No.10923555

>water towers can fly

>> No.10923556

Very, very high pressure helium tank broke off during the landing and went its own ways.
If you want to learn more about these composite overwrapped pressure vessels, just open page 666 in your Necronomicon.

>> No.10923562

The only pressurized, non-fuel/oxidizer gas in the hopper, as far as I'm aware, is nitrogen.

>> No.10923565

>Very, very high pressure helium tank broke off during the landing and went its own ways.
I think these COPVs were actually just nitrogen anon. The full Starship won't use them at all, raptor features autogenous pressurization, but it made a bunch of things easier and faster for testing and maybe RCS too.

>> No.10923566

yeah I hate that guy

>> No.10923568

Oh. My mistake then.

>> No.10923579

Well, you're right about them being pretty crazy stuff normally, and Falcon does use them with helium (and also a standard pyrophoric igniter). And even with just nitrogen it'd still be under crazy pressure.

>> No.10923581

absolutely kerbal

>> No.10923585

Understandable, have a nice day.

>> No.10923604
File: 142 KB, 350x317, konata_nukular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crew dragon capsule has never been mounted to a falcon heavy, anon

>> No.10923609

Now to wait for another month for FAA to approve a 2km hop using the Starship MK1 prototype with 3 raptors.

>> No.10923611

If the engine exploded then why is it still there after the hop was finished anon? Am I seeing something that isn't an engine mounted in the bottom center of the hopper?

>> No.10923617

they won't launch from boca chica afaik, so the FAA won't get their panties all twisted up

>> No.10923625

>the crew dragon capsule has never been mounted to a falcon heavy, anon
And? It never will be either because Falcon Heavy will soon be obsolete itself. SH has come along a lot faster then originally anticipated, so the hole for FH to fill will be closed pretty quick.

>> No.10923626


Correct. I believe Elon said that if the StarHopper did not RUD after its 150M hop, it would go on either display at SpaceX HQ or it would be used as a mounted test stand for multi-raptor static fire testing.

>> No.10923629

i was just pointing out that there's something incorrect about the picture that was posted, dummy

>> No.10923633
File: 499 KB, 2048x1311, 1564898225991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was one of those small tanks at the top of the hopper that flew away

>> No.10923639


It's just nitrogen gas in those COPVs, which is naturally inert. There's no harm in it flying away.

>> No.10923654

The synthesis that will pierce the outer firmament...

>> No.10923657

No harm!?!?! Are you ill? That tank could've flown off and hit someone! That person would be dead!!! This would've never happened if a professional AMERICAN space company rather than some cheap knock off.

How many lives should SpaceX take before it's "too much"? huh? Are you going the trust the lives of real breathing AMERICANS on one of their burning matchsticks that fly apart if you so much as look at them? Any sane AMERICAN would say NO WAY JOSE!

This is why we should ONLY trust AMERICAN ROCKETS built in the PROUD SOUTHERN STATES. Where we study our rockets down the bolt to make sure they're safe to fly on. Where we guarantee REAL JOBS for those capable.

GO SLS!!!!

>> No.10923662


SpaceX is built in America, by an American company, fueling American jobs, hiring American Citizens, in the Southern United States of America.

>> No.10923666

>in the Southern United States of America.
B-but that's the racist part of america!

>> No.10923667

spaceflight is racist, please understand

>> No.10923670

This. Spaceflight is literally white man's burden in space.

#racismisreal #metoo #racistspace #penniesforpoor

>> No.10923674

There's just so many jokes around SLS and White Elephants that it's hard to even know where to start.

>> No.10923677

You're sitting on a goldmine Trebek.

>> No.10923684

My "old standby" is this.
>“Let’s be very honest again. We do have a commercially available super heavy lift vehicle. SLS may someday come about. It’s on the drawing board right now. Falcon Heavy is real. You’ve seen it down at Hawthorne. We’re building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the launchpad at Kennedy... I don’t see any hardware for an SLS, except that they're going to put Shuttle parts together and that becomes SLS. It’s not that easy in rocketry.”

>> No.10923705

>not pointing out the other incorrect something

>> No.10923711
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1562424977025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits confirm

>> No.10923735

>ULA sniper hit the copv to sabotage the landing

>> No.10923761
File: 621 KB, 840x871, Shelby_cans_welfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923767
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>> No.10923804

>ULA sniper
foolish theory, they've only had like 5 years of notice that's not nearly enough time for ULA to form committees to decide upon a sniper

>> No.10923809

5 years to decide on a sniper? That's barely enough time to perform a study on which sniper rifle caliber should be used!

>> No.10923889

If those new green storable propellants can be used in full size rockets, why couldn't we go back to using liquid fueled ICBMs?

>> No.10923898

you totally could, and they'd be safer and have better performance

>> No.10923913

guys, is NG actually on suicide watch right now?

>> No.10923914
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, Falcon_9_boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh umm... LOOK! SpaceX had a rocket that exploded that one time! This shows that SpaceX is TOTALLY UNRELIABLE. Imagine if 7 astronauts were on that rocket! They would be DEAD! Knowing SpaceX they would probably load up another rocket with 7 more people on it without addressing what made the last one explode because SpaceX is a GREEDY company and improving their rockets would be too expensive! The only way into space is on guaranteed government money that'll keep coming out to RELIABLE AMERICAN contractors even if they're late so they can continuously improve their work to make NASA rockets safer than ever.


>> No.10923916

>they would be DEAD
the abort system would have activated and they'd have landed nearby

>> No.10923925

How does Starship's abort system work?

>> No.10923928

they turn the engines on while dumping propellant to get the T/W above 1

>> No.10923932

>not realizing that it's a reference to the Shuttle

>> No.10923934

it's untrue
if you're going to make dank memes you need to get your information correct

>> No.10923948

>implying that a FUD memer is going to get information correct

>> No.10923953

well, that's why we correct them

>> No.10924047

Nice b8 m8

>> No.10924053

>.t ThundecUCk

>> No.10924057

Has he ever said anything about SLS? His videos about spaceflight are mostly cringeworthy so I don't keep up with them.

>> No.10924058

You're right....You know what Non-whites cant use our spacestuff. Peace out

>> No.10924063

No. He likes NASA

>> No.10924461


>> No.10924758

Enjoy this dumpster fire...

>> No.10924987

no, that's why you report them
they don't care about being correct, they're here specifically to shit on the floor endlessly and ruin threads

>> No.10925007

I just think he was making a sarcastic joke about how some asshats think spacex rockets blowing up is some abject failure of rocketry. When we all know Nasa has had people killed due to their shit

>> No.10925109

>expendable ss/sh
>~300 tons to leo

Can we assume expendable mode will cost less than 500m?
If yes then JUST all space programs. They should be trialed for treason and embezzlement on titanic scales.

>> No.10925131

Once Starship replaces Falcon9 as their workhorse, then I suspect, their numbers will be ~100-200M for expendable.

>> No.10925150


>> No.10925196

What the fuck kinda whackadoodle is this?