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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 474x379, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10906136 No.10906136 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best online iq test and how are they accurate?

>> No.10906154

No online IQ test is accurate.

>> No.10906373

Online IQ tests are not accurate, ever.
You'll need someone who is trained in determining that to actually get your perception judged properly.
For example, if you find a complex pattern but answer falsely regardless, an online IQ test would consider that an absolute loss even if you found something interesting.

>> No.10906420

So wait does that mean average online IQ tests have lower IQ scores than any real test?

>> No.10906437

The average online IQ test score is 140.

The average offline real IQ test score is 100.

>> No.10908311

No Iq test anywhere is worth your time. A simple search "Iq test and Income" , "iq test and race". The whole lot is a sham

>> No.10908642
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10908801

They're not accurate. I've taken 5 of them and ranged from 80-130. They were all the same kind of test too. Just different levels of difficulty.

>> No.10908815

believing in online iq tests is a pretty good iq test

>> No.10910137

only online IQ test I've been told is really accurate is one from Norway MENSA, can't remember the name or the webpage but you can search it on the web

>> No.10910537

best iq test is the evidence of learning, underdtanding, creating, and relentless perseverance. that's usually recoginzed by compeleted projects. so spend your time making or proving or discovering things.

dont be a cuck.

>> No.10910556

> tfw your iq is higher than OP's image's max range

I actually had iq tests administered on me by professionals a few times as a teen for entry into gifted programs. I would score around 150 to 155

> inb4 larping

I graduated with my masters in computer science at 20 from a top 5 CS program in the US.

That being said... I was a cocky, insecure shit for a lot of my life before I took a lot of steps to improve my social life and to appreciate the value in others. Growing up noticeably different than everyone else hurt in some ways but I'm super glad I was able to get into special schooling because I would have languished in normal schools.

Some things I did to improve my life were:
- Join a fraternity (eventually became president, that was a WILD run)
- Started talking to a mentor / coach who helped me redefine my goals, approaches, and sense of self worth
- Repeatedly put myself out of my comfort zone socially and physically

Life is pretty great these days and I feel very well adjusted and the negatives of my intelligence have been pretty much dealt with.

>> No.10910559

I got 128 in this test, but ~110 on the Raven's matrices Mensa one. Does that mean I have genius-level verbal and quant IQ?

>> No.10910721

>What is the best online iq test and how are they accurate?
I don't know of any wechsler IQ tests online that are accurate. There are plenty of raven matrices online that are accurate on the other hand.

Official standard progressive matrices, also known as SPM

Official Advanced progressive matrices, also known as APM

Those two tests are the actual raven IQ tests that are administered by psychologists, doesn't get as real as that. Assuming you're not cheating and following the time limit, your raw score should be accurate, and from there, all you need to do is convert the raw score to IQ using the british norms.

>> No.10910928

>Official standard progressive matrices, also known as SPM

Got 95 percentile because I failed two questions.
Are those really use by Psychologist?
Aside from the two questions I failed they seem way too easy, particularly when you compare them to the one used in mensa's pre-tests like this one:

>> No.10910978

Unironically tried my best and got 108
Should I just end it now?

>> No.10910998
File: 114 KB, 606x569, ability by intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You likely don't have much insight into what average and below average intelligence looks like. Most proper IQ tests are designed for the majority of the population, 70 - 130.

>> No.10911016

And what's more important: they recalculate the averages to make sure the bell curve lines up with that range. Every time the white median moves beyond 100 points, the scale is shifted up so it stays there.

>> No.10911093

It's above 70% of the population so you didn't do that bad if we assume the test is accurate, beside your strong point might not be matrices.

>> No.10911098

Meant to


>> No.10911250


I got 33 right on the APM, I'm 25 year's, so what's my IQ?

>> No.10911372

You're thinking of this one from Danish Mensa:


>> No.10911485


>> No.10911507

I'm not the same guy but I got 74th percentile. What do you mean matrices not being my strong point? Is there any hope for me?

>> No.10911572


>> No.10911601

got 119 there
holy shit were the last ones difficult

>> No.10911742

>Aside from the two questions I failed they seem way too easy, particularly when you compare them to the one used in mensa's pre-tests like this one:
The test you did was the standard progressive matrices. The mensa test is the advanced progressive matrices. If you looked at the link with the PDF, you would have realized that your mensa test is exactly the same as the pdf test I gave, but with extra questions and different colouring. The standard progressive matrices is designed to measure IQ up to 125. Since you found it too easy, an actual psychologist would most likely administer you the second test I posted, which would be the advanced progressive matrices. If I remember correctly, that one measure either up to 135 or 145 IQ.

>> No.10911750

According to my conversion chart, you should be around 127 IQ.

>> No.10911805

Its basically never useful to actually know you own IQ. Every IQ test is basically made for someone else to test you ability. Like if you're applying for Mensa, the IQ test isn't so that you can know your IQ, the test is there so that they can choose whether or not to accept your application or not. Its the same with the military. There also researchers who just want to look at how different IQ groups behave over time. Like what kind of life problems tend high IQ people to have, are their more prone to schizofrenia, are they better at multitasking, do they cheat more often, etc.

The only reason you'd want to know your own IQ score is so that you can brag about it being high but you'd also brag about IQ if there was nothing else to brag about. Meaning you just took the test to prove your parents and teachers correct when they told you that "you just gotta apply yourself"

>> No.10911814
File: 173 KB, 1920x975, uO3AQ3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iq tests are boring, post reaction times

>> No.10911819

>He thinks visual reaction time is what actually matters

>> No.10911881

JCTI and mensa norway

>> No.10911884

declines with age, not as quick as I was in my teens or 20s... its why there isn't grown men in shooter esports

>> No.10911887


>> No.10911962

Is the Mensa Norway actually accurate?

>> No.10911991

tfw smashed drunk and got 124, but yeah some of the last ones were really heard, personally 30-35 are the hardest

>> No.10912037

I got 35 out of 36 on APM
what is my IQ

>> No.10912059
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 4431.462f71e2.1200x1200o.a04b0266d617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wikipedia says APM has 12 questions in set 1 and 36 questions in set 2

What you linked only has 36 questions from set 2

>> No.10912094

Yes there are online accuratr test in mena official websites like http://test.mensa.no/ mensa.dk/iqtest
I scored 138 and 135 and i scored 140 on mensa real test and there are soo manupeople who tries this tests and then the real ome and got really similar scores compared to a rsla test

>> No.10912121

set A is super ez brainlet shit. I also don't have the scanned document and most norms are based on set B.

>> No.10912124

133.5 according to the norms I have. Round it to 134.

>> No.10912137

That sounds a little unreasonable. A person could have an IQ of 155 and be told their IQ is 134 cause they accidentally clicked the wrong thing. The margin for mistakes is bad.

>> No.10912206

The APM is designed to measure IQ up to 135, although my norm table gives 137 for 36/36. So if you score 36/36, you should be above 135, but where exactly is unknown. I don't have any official IQ tests that measure that high, but if someone finds one, I'd like to know.

>> No.10912394

I got 142 on this one. So is that like 130 in a real test or what?

>> No.10912396

How can you score 140 but can barely type a sentence?

>> No.10912424


>> No.10912483

sounds like bait to me.

>> No.10912513
File: 23 KB, 640x481, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this test is bugged.

>> No.10912515


>> No.10912518

Holy shit, who let you out of the shed

>> No.10912522

Well someone has to have that low of an IQ. Congratulations, it's you.

>> No.10912544


>> No.10912546

Take this test instead. It's the only decent one.

>> No.10912631

What about this one?


>> No.10912709

where is this from, please?

>> No.10912741
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1564620853969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>133.5 according to the norms I have. Round it to 134.
Too smart to enjoy regular dumb normie shit, too stupid to do advanced maths and something of actual value in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.10912889

There can be some differences beetween sub tests.
Thus why they have different g loading (I think raven matrices have the higher one).

>> No.10912920

LARPing at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10912923

one way to get a rough estimate

Get a friend and ruler,
have the friend hold the above your hand so that you have a defined start point along level with the edge of your fingers
stare at the ruler, and have your friend release the ruler at a random time
catch the ruler
measure how many cm passed before you caught it,
do this like 10 times, take an average of the 5 closest scores
use equations of constant acceleration to estimate your reaction speed

statistically this test alone correlates at about 30% with IQ and is more accurate than online reaction speed tests because there's no lag
there are similar but more complex tests with higher correlations usually because your brain has to consciously choose an option which is more demanding g-factor wise

>> No.10912942

This sounds uselessly complicated. And a correlation of 0.30 is very poor.

I remember that level of education alone has one of ~0.7 so op is better off just giving his field of study or last diploma.

>> No.10912945

>The average online IQ test score is 140.
Source? That would mean I'm dumb, and I'm not.

>> No.10912967

the physical scores interest me you can get close to 90% with the right set up

>> No.10913232

This one is decent and was pretty close to my tested iq.

>> No.10913326

just tried it, gave me a score of 141
but there's no way in hell that's remotely accurate

>> No.10913327

29/38 questions
I don't know what they consider average based on that
the cubes were annoying

>> No.10913342

>29/38 questions
It was a bit harder than the other tests I've done. Have you done other online tests? What did you get on those?

>> No.10913354

123 wooo

>> No.10913376

I got 140 on mensa.no, those tests are obvious scam.

>> No.10913389
File: 26 KB, 1344x359, myiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got 141 as well and I think it's pretty acurate.

>> No.10913410

Are there any companies that give legit IQ tests that you can take in person?

>> No.10913423

You take them with a psychologist. Unless you really, really, really want to quantify how dumb you are, I'd suggest you don't. They're expensive, and time-intensive to the point where you need to take a few days off work just to do it.

>> No.10913426

usually around 125

>> No.10913427

wonderlic for a fast estimate?

>> No.10913436

Well, I see a therapist and he tells me I'm one of the smartest people he's met. He has a master's in psych. does that count?

>> No.10913450

What do you usually get?

>> No.10913751

Depends on the test, othe online test usually give me beetween 120 and 145.

>> No.10913811

Because you can randomly pick the answers on online tests. Still score at least 135 which is approaching genius level IQ's. "Wow you scored so high, please give us money to see more details". That's their business model.

>> No.10913815


>> No.10913993

What if I didn't score high? Does that mean I'm more than profoundly retarded?

>> No.10914058


>> No.10914459

Raven Matrices can be prepared for. I've took the test officially and I scored very high. I believe organizations exclude it nowadays but I might be wrong.

>> No.10914623

>TFW only gets range of 128-135
I want to do better fuck

>> No.10914652

and yes I'm aware it's a scam but it's sending my perfectionism into overdrive shit

>> No.10915043

>The suite life of NEETLARP and Cody

>> No.10915211
File: 50 KB, 631x796, 1559898093999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took a real IQ test

>> No.10915572


>> No.10915577

Thank you. That 5% figure is very difficult to believe.

>> No.10915582

Here's the reference:

>> No.10915593

>had a real iq test
what does this mean?

>> No.10915605

Go back to Africa.

>> No.10915613

I took a real IQ test a few months ago and scored 137. The kicker is that I practiced a lot of these questions and in a sense I created a self help book of 3x3 matrice patterns that I was able to access when I took the test. I'd say it's impressive kids score this high with no formal background but less so for adults. How do they factor for those who game the system similar to how I did, or perhaps not enough people do that and I'm just an outlier.

I'm not joining Mensa though because it seems like a ruse to get money from 2% of the population.

>> No.10915694
File: 122 KB, 1060x446, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is crazy. Where are the test documents, are they available?
I want to see this carpet question you can barely answer correctly if you are in graduate school.

>> No.10915721
File: 1.58 MB, 1448x5823, American Literacy NALS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The levels are not just based on one question, it's a whole bunch of similar questions, and level 5 questions require 2 or 3 steps. I think I tracked down the question once and it was a room consisting of two rectangles, so you'd have to add them together.
I've no doubt a majority of people, in a math class or on job training, can be taught the operations to work out the area of a room, but faced with the challenge without any preparation many people will just go completely blank.

>> No.10915725
File: 95 KB, 519x745, level 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think how many pay day loans you see advertised, and the sort of people they're advertised to, which is why
was talking about paternalism.

>> No.10915741
File: 75 KB, 538x745, probability of success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's the probability of answering a question at each level based on overall score, a scorer of 350 (level 4) has a .5 chance and 250 (level 3) a .15 chance on the carpet question.

>> No.10915745

250 is actually level 2*

>> No.10915749

Thank you very much for the reference. I can't really handle how this study says 96% of people will have trouble with this.
>>10915721 mentions 'level 5' needing multiple steps. -- In that loan example, what are they? I can calculate the compound interest with those rates ... or simply subtract 10k from the 120 months times $156.77 monthly payment.

Before reading these study figures, I would have guessed that upwards of 70 or 80% of people wouldn't have any trouble with it.

>> No.10915756

120*156.77 - 10,000. That's it.

>> No.10915827

Then we're all doomed. I've always believed that anybody I meet will probably around as clever as I am, probably more.

>> No.10915961

What did you score on online tests like this one?

>> No.10915980


I took the online mensa version and only missed one question. Am I likely to score highly on a real test or are they totally unrelated?

>> No.10916010


*totally dissimilar

>> No.10916185
File: 14 KB, 600x341, FXLThSZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average online IQ test score is 140.

>> No.10916238

Not the same at all. I've take the real Mensa test and it's much much harder.

>> No.10916923
File: 101 KB, 977x903, carpet question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the carpet question. 17% answered it correctly; it requires a unit conversion, which people might miss, and a couple multiplications to get the answer.

>> No.10917715

130-140 is typical.

>> No.10917721

>gets a 125
is that good or bad?

>> No.10917728

>3 yard by 4 yards
>get area in square yards
Am I retarded, or are people retarded?

>> No.10917741

I'm more surprised that the test let them use a calculator

>> No.10917791

did it?
I wasn't sure what Reg15.99 meant so I mentally checked that 9.49 was 41% which probably took the longest of anything

>> No.10917847

wonder what mechanism is behind this. demyelination perhaps?

>> No.10917849

its not good, but its not terrible. just be urself bro

>> No.10917899

no I meant compared to the real distribution curve
if the online average is 130-140 how skewed is the sample? do these scores correlate with full battery IQ test results?

>> No.10917902
File: 499 KB, 1693x897, iq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn my eyes are fucking killing me
I guess on the last 4 lol

>> No.10917908

brainlet bow down to me your 133 god.

>> No.10917909

>I guess on the last 4

what was the right answer to that rotating bars question at around 30?

>> No.10917918

for 31 I went with D
dunno if that is the one you meant

>> No.10917928

think I did the same
I stared at it for 2 minutes since the pattern I thought was there wasn't in the answers

>> No.10917929


>> No.10917940

I'm black and these threads offensive

>> No.10917948

as a black guy if you're in these threads and fully comprehending the discussion how do you feel about being in the top 2% of your racial group....

>> No.10917950


>> No.10917958

samefag bitch

>> No.10917960

No actually, not on this occasion. it's just an obvious retort

>> No.10918093

I got 121, on the mensa a year ago i got 120, sounds about right but this only tests your aptitude on detecting patterns right?

>> No.10918115

you're significantly dumber than that yeah
embarrassing desu

>> No.10918207

Maybe for /sci/, the average dudebro must score around 100 on those.

>> No.10918444

If you actually took a real life test you'd know they make a difference between verbal IQ and performance IQ

>> No.10919292
File: 339 KB, 1094x568, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the pattern on this one? I got all the others except for this one

>> No.10919381


The grey boxes show the reflection symmetry to use.

>> No.10919397

but that would mean c

>> No.10919409

pretty sure it's e since you have to swap both x & y just like the first row answer.

>> No.10919489
File: 87 KB, 600x808, 1529182823727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done the WAIS-4 test administered by a psychologist, the test is in 10 parts where 5 parts is non-verbal and 5 parts is verbal.
The typical IQ test you see online is 1 of the 5 tests you do in the non-verbal part of the test and a total of 10% of the whole actual test, the catch is that you get graded in percentiles instead of score and they do not really test for anything over the 99th percentile, I got just 1 or 2 answers wrong in all of the verbal tests and got a score of being on the 98th percentile, in non-verbal I got a varying result from test to scoring very high on some parts and very average on others for a total of 85th percentile. I used to shit on the non-verbal IQ concept before I took the test but i got a good score so now i dont lol, but in all seriousness both pertain to the function of the frontal lobe and my assessment is that verbal IQ measures historic achievement and use of intelligence while the non-verbal measures intelligence only in the moment you take the test, the difference or disparity between verbal and non-verbal IQ is where I believe the test offers great insight.

>> No.10919506

do they perform any physical assessments such as reaction tests or perception tests?

>> No.10919611


>> No.10919638

verbal portion is used to mediate between concepts that are able to be articulated socially and through concept matching processes, forms of abstraction adjacent to vocabulary definition and phonetic:conceptual translation, analogy, highly mature internal self model probably a degree of logical and symbolic manipulation though to lesser degree than simple comprehension and vocabulary definition. Nonverbal is almost invariably spatial, mechanistic, not available to socio-emotional processing at least in a way that would be as accessible.

>> No.10919653

Yes, how much time you take for the answers you give is logged in tests on both the verbal and non-verbal parts, not in all tests but most or at least half if I remember correctly. The data collected is enough to be reported on the final test result as cognitive speed (not sure about the english term as I took it in my local language), which was the only parameter I was slightly under average in bringing down my score.
On the non-verbal side perception is tested as it pertains to the understanding of abstract concepts and meaning of words, even a simple test of trivia is done, for example I got the question "who wrote Sherlock Holmes?" and "What is the capital of X country?"

>> No.10919665

No, by perception I meant visual, physical or audible perceptivity tests, hearing acuity colour hue differentiation or other tests relying on your senses, or a simple working memorytest, like did they have you memorise a list of numbers and repeat them in reverse order?

>> No.10919705

Yes and beautifully put, my point was that the verbal part consists of giving answers to questions where you have already seen and understood the pattern you are asked to present and because the nature of the questions you receive is very culture and information specific it is very different from the non-verbal tests. If you have never heard a word it will be very hard to conceptualize it, and if you have never known that Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist it will be very difficult to answer the question of who wrote Oliver Twist.
But the ability to gather and absorb such information is probably part of the test in some regard, it certainly offers insight about the patient which is the purpose of the test to begin with, I would like to stress I am not an expert on the subject I was merely subject to the test.

>> No.10919711

its c you mega brainlet

>> No.10919723


>> No.10919738

>like did they have you memorise a list of numbers and repeat them in reverse order?
Yes, you get a set of numbers spoken by the examiner and you are asked either repeat them in order spoken, repeat in reverse order spoken, repeat and sort by number from low to high or from high to low.
Another non-verbal test is recreating different type of printed 2D patterns with physical 3D blocks.
Another test is simply finding the small differences between two almost identical pictures, exactly like the ones found in puzzle books for children but more subtle.

>> No.10919742

>"who wrote Sherlock Holmes?"
>Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist

I wouldn't find the answer to any of those questions, guess I would score really low.

>> No.10919879

How does any of that mean its a scam?

>> No.10919886

Any screenshots? How is that possible?

>> No.10920028


>> No.10920153

We reflect about the line y=x. The input can be represented as a line y=c, with c being some positive constant (this puts the line horizontally in quadrants I and II like where red and blue are). The intersection of the input and reflection line is y=x=c. Since the input is incident to the reflection line at 45 degrees at the intersection, the output is also incident at 45 degrees. This makes the output vertical. Since the intersection is in blue its block remains blue and the other block is red.

>> No.10921930

call me a brainlet but I couldn't work out 26
the pattern I expected wasn't in the results for the mensa.dk test

>> No.10922183
File: 75 KB, 1200x900, gondola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scored 102
>was like 125 the last time I tested
Should I see a neurologist?

>> No.10922222

If you scored lower than 100 on these shitty online tests you might be a genius or a retard.

>> No.10922246

>Cocky and insecure
>IQ 150

>> No.10922279


>> No.10922450

So I took these tests as a kid and scored around 105 each time. I've took it officially as a teenager and scored 142. Not genius tier but enough to qualify for Mensa. Anyways, when I was a kid I thought the puzzles could be solved up and down or diagonally for patterns and not just up or down so I was hugely inefficient.

>> No.10922452

left to right*

>> No.10922574

Why is it physically impossible to deliver an IQ test through a computer with a remote tester? Why does it HAVE to be administered on paper with someone in the room? Is it simply a matter of there being no online IQ test as well put together as the Woodcock Johnson? Certainly seems like this should be able to be done online. You just have to make sure you yourself obey the rules of the test (time limit, no cheating, etc)

>> No.10922597


>> No.10922646

I always get arround 130 on mensa's online iq pre-tests, can someone tell me what are the chances I'll be able to enter it if I go there and take the physical one?

>> No.10922660

142 is genius-tier. It's like 1 in 391 people. Wtf are you talking about? You don't have to be 1 in 10,000 to be considered a genius.

>> No.10922663

How we they measure your pretend dick if you don't show yourself? Oi vey.

>> No.10922831

>that image
jesus christ i forget how stupid most people are

>> No.10922836

IQ = Income

proove me wrong

>> No.10922893

Are you asserting a correlation or a cause-effect relationship?

>> No.10924164
File: 357 KB, 1724x843, SUBMIT_To_Right_Wing_Bodybuilding_Ultranationalists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do as pic related says

>> No.10924904

>only 5% of white adults are classified at this level
That must be wrong. Human civilization would collapse at these number.

>> No.10925208

See discussion here:
What "5% at this level" means is that 5% of the population can somewhat reliably answer those types of questions (i.e. 80% of the time). 17% got the carpet question correct >>10916923 , but many of those would struggle on similar questions. The short answer is that, yes, most people find novel challenges very difficult and require direct training to reliably complete tasks.

>> No.10925283

you are brainlet. grey area shows vertice along which you have to flip. its E.

>> No.10925307

either could be valid

>> No.10925311

C seems more valid to me with the inversion of x and y.

>> No.10925312

Oh finally an IQ thread.

>> No.10925315

>I was a cocky, insecure shit
You still are.

>> No.10925528

Just tested it, answer was C. Had all the question right except that one and scored 143. Chose C and got 145.

>> No.10925554

what was the correct answer for 26? I thought it would be D or a non answerable straight line

>> No.10925565

It's a second-order intelligence test. If you take the test, there's a large chance you have a low IQ.

>> No.10925570

all you faggots do is practice endlessly and circle jerk non-stop. that defeats the whole purpose of an IQ test: it should be something you are NOT familiar with so you would not know what to expect to test your *intelligence*. but you are just testing your rote memorization of a limited number of patterns. fags

>> No.10925579

Practice DOES NOT improve your iq if you take different tests each time.


>> No.10925591

Of course. Because you are not measuring your IQ with these tests. You are measuring your ability to pass these tests. And you can get better until you hit a plateau of course.

>> No.10926047
File: 84 KB, 1070x500, cambridge - Copie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how much credit to give to this one but it's apparently done by the cambridge university:


Got only 120 even though I almost had a perfect score and completed it in almost half the time they gave me.

>> No.10926166

I'd like a test/game where you just have to select matching increasingly complex 2d rotated shapes the 21 questions version there was too short and simple

>> No.10926168

I got 106 on an online test and felt proud of myself. fuck

>> No.10926348

I tried doing this one and the first half was so boring and easy I almost fell asleep, so I closed the tab. Either I was sleep deprived or my IQ is -100

>> No.10926978
File: 289 KB, 1892x1376, iq brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10927023

that test isn't timed at all and only goes up to 123

>> No.10927143

>Official standard progressive matrices, also known as SPM
Respuestas correctas: 60/60
Percentil: 95
Cociente intelectual: Muy superior al término medio
Grupo: I

Shitty test doesn't even let you get past 95th percentile

>> No.10927178

Din IQ er beregnet til at være: 140

Imagine being low IQ... I certainly can't

>> No.10927615

get sleep deprived and drunk then try a test

>> No.10927654

actually that's kind of correct
low IQ means not catching things on the fly which happens when you are drunk. It's kind of easy to imagine since even if you are quite smart, there are some things which are so difficult to grasp, you have to reread multiple times and study stuff.
The problem with higher math, for example, is that it is extremely hard to form a simplified model of most abstract math objects which you can easily manipulate in your mind.

>> No.10927664
File: 232 KB, 2048x1536, CML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 self-references in one post

top keks

>> No.10927690

Literally me IRL. Did the mensa test and scored painfully average.

>> No.10927865

>actually that's kind of correct
I know that's why I said it.
I tried an online IQ test after approx 2 days without sleep once and still got an 85, I was somewhat surprised I'd honestly expected lower. alcohol might have taken me down a few more points if I'd tried that as a combo, I usually score around a 125-130.

I wonder if below a certain IQ range whether practising has any effect or a diminished effect since the ability to learn is much reduced?

>> No.10927913

Your question makes me wonder the different effects of practice on different people.
What if a given individual with a 120 IQ with some practice could get to 140 while another one, with 130 and the same practice got to 135?
I mean, some people might have more plastic brains than others.
I guess it could be processing speed, but what if it's something else?

Btw I'm a low IQ brainlet (110 in the Raven's Matrices), so that might be me coping. It's an intriguing hypothesis nonetheless.

>> No.10927919

I got 121 too
is this how they make retards feel smart about themselves?

>> No.10928108

What did you get on the pre-tests on the internet?

>> No.10928831

honestly although more intelligence does help I think it needs the right personality and mindset to truly realise potential.

>> No.10928891

I think there’s reason to believe people with environmentally depressed cognitive function from poor diet, abusive households, and other soft developmental factors have a good chance of being improved by better education and making significant gains on iq tests. The closer to environmental parity the less likely any improvement should be attributable to increasing g; for training improvements for the tests specifically it would make the most sense if the average to above average range individual would see the steepest increase in performance with diminishing returns for most extreme outliers on either end.

>> No.10929012

Didn't do any. Only the Raven's Matrices in loco. The 48-question one.
On online tests I usually do pretty well though (if they aren't completely spatial). 135 on the Wechsler and 128 on the Norwegian one.

>> No.10929014

Didn't do any pre-test. Just the 48-question Raven's Matrices.
What I can say about my performance on online tests is that I do pretty well on non-verbal ones. 135 on the Wechsler and 128 on the norwegian. Even though spatial reasoning is not my strong suit, it's obvious the scores are inflated.

>> No.10929117

Fuck. My shitty connection made me send 2 replies. Yes, I'm a brainlet and I know it.

>> No.10930239

nah the servers have been on the fritz all day

>> No.10930376

I'm actually head of a chapter in Mensa and I can't really tell you which one because posting on here would give me bad rep, however, IQ test aren't really a measurement of your problem solving capabilities. IQ test are a measurement of your "acceptability" by the group of people you're applying to. It's basically like a social standard and not really a standard for practical sciences.

The reason for this is the history of the IQ test. The IQ test comes from anti-immigration movements and the primary form of anti-immigrationism that dominates is linguistic discrimination. Because of this, if you know english, you will actually be more likely to score higher on an IQ test then if you didn't. This is why some of the math problems are put into sentences instead of just written out in mathematical format.

There are real problem solving measurement test, however, they don't effect your IQ very much and because of the social standards put being getting a high IQ for some communities, including grade school test and some finals in post grade school, aren't based solely off problem solving and don't push your problem solving abilities being tested to the limits.

>> No.10930409


This just isn’t true, and appears to be some kind of ideologically twisted version of various stories. Have you read any published psychological IQ literature? Probably worth doing if you’re the head of a Mensa chapter... of which I’m somewhat dubious.

>> No.10931047
File: 40 KB, 703x599, myIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it me or is the correct answer missing?
shouldn't it be two vertical fat bars with one skinny line going through it?

>> No.10931066

>t. actual shill

>> No.10931122

I think it's 3.

>> No.10931143
File: 64 KB, 914x903, 3dspacialAandDarethesame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these tests suck... there's two right answers here..
1st and 4th are both correct..

>> No.10931153
File: 62 KB, 914x921, seriouslyfuckingagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. fucking again....
that's what I ended up choosing, I got one wrong in the end though and I was sure about every other question and my visual special ability is >99.99percentile

>> No.10931255
File: 934 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190831-100805_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a high iq master race feelsgoodman

>> No.10931556
File: 90 KB, 1251x864, dutchmensa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems low.. does the time matter for score? I got up to take a shit

>> No.10931583

The lines sum up as positive (vertical) and negative (horizontal) numbers.
For fat bars
1 +(- 4) = 3
-2 + 1 = -1
-1 - 3 = - 4
Four horizontal fat bars and likewise three skinnies.

>> No.10931598

that's what I was doing, I just didn't think they were in a particular order. thought the verticals were just an in-between function of the two horizontals

>> No.10931603

lol at nordicnigger gibberish

>> No.10931704

The 1st one seems like the good answer since you just need to change the point of view, for the 4th you need to change the position of the second lego (the flat one).

>> No.10931708

Bullshit. Mensa tests are spatial. There's no linguistic bias. And because of that it is obviously biased toward spatial geniuses.

>> No.10931710

Raven’s matrices aren’t pure spatial like
>>10931153 would be

>> No.10931722

Psychology is a pseudoscience, IQ is real but you guys all have autism and are incompatible with the tests.

>> No.10931746

The shitty test as you call it is the official standard progressive matrices and it is designed to go all the way to 125IQ or 95th percentiles. If you want 99 perentile, that's what the advanced progressive matrices is for.

>> No.10931765

they don't have linguistic questions on their tests

>> No.10931769

oh. I get it now, I was mentally rotating them separately.. didn't realize they were supposed to be static.

>> No.10932338

up until I saw a results table I never connected these patterns with simple adding and subtraction because every time there seemed to be another pattern at work.

>> No.10932535


>> No.10932706

That's not nice to call other anon autist anon.

>> No.10932737

If this were a driving test I'd ask you to park at the nearest spot. No point in continuing.

>> No.10932757

I can see why you'd be against linguistic discrimination.

>> No.10932801

My problem with these tests is that most of them are trainable, especially with all the example questions one can find online. The ones about finding patterns in particular draw from a limited set of tricks, and being familiar with them can make a big difference. On the other hand they can also be made endlessly complex, to the point of becoming a game of chance depending on the initial assumptions you made about the problem.

>> No.10932830

Yes that's similar to my take on them.
raven's progressive matrices are I believe somewhat depreciated because of this trainability.
Though with a proper diverse battery of tests like any well performed examination there should be a consistent pattern of correlation across all of them that reflects G ignoring any training effects.
And you can train short term memory but not working memory.

>> No.10932958

3 of 5

>> No.10932975

Not even close.

>> No.10933657

1 and 2 I guess?

>> No.10933679

If you live in the US, the SAT is an IQ test.

>> No.10933682

I need to get the fuck out of here...

>> No.10933691

Why are you people so obsessed with multiple answers? It has to match the entire scene as viewed from a different angle, but you don't even have to realize that in this case because only one of the answers contains the same pieces as the original figure.

>> No.10933839

ah, it's nice to see this feel put into words, i got 133, like last time
you can still do cool stuff though, don't bs yourself into not doing anything

>> No.10933889

every multiple choice test/quiz is an iq test
written responses not so much, i mean there's too many variables there, and it's subjectively judged

>> No.10934007
File: 777 KB, 1145x679, Screenshot_2017-12-03-14-16-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dug up old IQ test when i was 8 and tested for autism
>verbal IQ: 118
>performance IQ: 98 (retard tier)

>> No.10934117

I bombed the SAT yet I'm in Mensa. SAT tests on prior knowledge so you can get by with rote memorization, which I did none of because I was "clueless" of its importance. I did get 86%ile in Math but reading/writing were in the 40/50%ile. This was back when SAT briefly changed to a 2400 point system and I had a 1510/2400.

I matured a bit and learned pride which gave motivation for rote memorization techniques for the GRE and I ended up in the 97%ile.

With IQ tests the best you can prepare is what
>>10932801 posted.

>> No.10934387

Two of these tests say top 2% but this can't be right... I was checked as a child (12) aaaaaand they said I was smart not gifted.... I'm 24 now, but suffer from other mental issues, could there be a collusion?

>> No.10934467
File: 277 KB, 1204x756, IQ test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to know that I'm still smart despite it being years since I was in university.

Really needed this boost

>> No.10934639

idk they both are literally same
so whats the answer?
1or2 or both

>> No.10934662
File: 23 KB, 515x515, 1463716685920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't even take the mavis beacon iq test

>> No.10934672
File: 1.19 MB, 1459x2048, Screenshot_20190831-234658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legit have hard time doing algebra... Wtf?

>> No.10934703
File: 160 KB, 914x921, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10934727

are you traded?
just tell me the fucking answer?

>> No.10934745

it's 2 idk why people even need an explanation with this one

>> No.10934758

Trying to hide your embarrassment by going the "I was trolling all along" route? It's just an anonymous internet quiz, no need to take it so seriously.

>> No.10934827

im just asking is all