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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 398 KB, 687x1006, brazilian monkey retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10905751 No.10905751 [Reply] [Original]

how are we going to fix climate change now that these orangutan subhuman baboon brazilian niggers elected the brazilian trump and he decided he wants to burn the amazon rainforest ashtray

>> No.10905769

We may see the rise of ecological terrorism very soon.
Not that it will fix anything, though.

>> No.10905776

I drive my V8 land rover up and down the road for hours at a time for fun because I want Africans to run out of water and food.

>> No.10905810

>we going
yo do whatever you want, dont bring me into whatever you're trying to do. there's no "we". that's the mentality which is causing this whole thing. everyone needs to take their own personal responsibility

>> No.10905825

But if no one does, none is taken. I mean, this is far out of /sci/ territory again, OP already started with some orange man bs. I have no clue what to do as someone who lives somewhere else entirely - no one there is responsible for me beyond the extent of ecological responsibility. So what is there to do?

>> No.10905829
File: 134 KB, 900x690, 1499090184597_The-20-most-polluting-countries-in-the-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecological terrorism
will it target chinks or company CEOs

>> No.10905831

>Changing the global climate has no effect in me because my cookie-cuttee wal-mart ville is geographically far away from places
It's sad to see americans being this stupid sometimes.

>> No.10905835

How does a country like Central African Republic have more CO2 emissions than France?

>> No.10905880


>> No.10905884

ey wey da trade tey bic diamonds an bicc gold

>> No.10905929
File: 79 KB, 582x240, klima human global-warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way we "fix" the orbit of planets: through self-deception.
Pity for the rainforest though, burning it down for farming is the stupidest and shittiest use of the land. It is perhaps the worst soil after desert sand.

>> No.10905950

I suppose coal-fired power plants are the main reason, plus a swarm of cars with older engines.

>> No.10905975


>> No.10906242

The Central African Republic has been declared the most polluted country in the world for a reason. That reason being mining with outdated and Dangerous tecniques, tech backwardness, and no real regard for where garbage goes.

>> No.10906244

Methane is a short-term but warming gas too.

There are plenty of other warming gases that are long-term but affect less.

Either way, I'm pretty sure that human activities produce way more than 3,4%.

>> No.10906273

I think a lot of these guys actually hate (literally HATE) nature, so they'll go out of their way to harm it. I'm not sure why. I think it's some kind of primitive survival mechanism.

>> No.10906281

>everyone needs to take their own personal responsibility
So how much jail time do you get for your carbon footprint?

>> No.10906307

Brazil will be the first country to be nuked for environmental reasons. Mark my words.

>> No.10906343


This shit literally hurts me. The amazon is the ONE place on Earth that I actually want to visit and stay in. Whenever anyone asks me where my dream vacay is, I have always responded with the Amazon.

Yes it's not glamorous, but I'm a biology bro and an outdoor guy, so this has always been a place I felt connected to.

>> No.10906349


You have to literally hate nature to be okay with this. There's no rational explanation.

>> No.10906362
File: 46 KB, 888x575, r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it is going to collapse before that, there is a time bomb underneath america

>venezuela collapsed
>argentina will most likely collapse
>brazil failing to amend decades of wrongdoings

>> No.10906366

Assassination and annexation

>> No.10906380

Why are leftists so obsessed with controlling people's lives?

>> No.10906405

Who cares? We deserve extinction.

Watching all the retards starve to death in 30 years will be fun.

>> No.10906495

>Grrrr you belong to the other tribe because you don’t want people to destroy the world

>> No.10906559
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1280px--Amazon_Deforestation_in_Rondonia,_Brazil.ogv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10905751 By getting rid of him by a change of public support/opinion/awareness in the Brazilian population, by a change of consumer demand, by certifications/standards and by setting up rainforest protection operations.
Maybe indigenous people living there could prove to be useful for the latter.
It also needs reforestation.
The deforestation affects all of us.

>> No.10906591

This is why the UN should yield sufficient military power so as to intervene in countries that fail to implement proper and reasonable environmental policies.

>> No.10906598

You know it's a biased when the emissions aren't given per capita

>> No.10906609

You are truly a fucking idiot.
It's fucking data. By definition its not fucking biased. Learn what the word bias means.
Secondly, no climate scientist anywhere gives a fuck about per capita emissions. It's TOTAL emissions that go in the models.
Now tell me to go back to /pol/ and try not to convince your son to have his dick chopped off too hard.

>> No.10906634

>It's fucking data. By definition its not fucking biased. Learn what the word bias means.
No, it's not data, it's a chart presenting data. The way data is presented matters and can be used to manipulate people (as it is here)
>Secondly, no climate scientist anywhere gives a fuck about per capita emissions. It's TOTAL emissions that go in the models.
Then why is it grouped by country and not just one data point "total emissions"? It's very hard to read off the total emissions from this chart since you would have to sum up ~200 countries.
>Now tell me to go back to /pol/ and try not to convince your son to have his dick chopped off too hard.
Lol, what triggered you so hard?

>> No.10906655

>It's fucking data. By definition its not fucking biased. Learn what the word bias means.

Wrong. It’s an image that represents data, and data can be represented in a biased way pretty easily.

>> No.10906658

>>10906591 It would also need a proper decision-making mechanism. In any case action is needed now so maybe this could get worked upon on the sidelines (no indications that such a project would ever succeed) but there are other things that could turn out to be better solutions than that.

>> No.10906679

So why are huge sections of the amazon burning? Did they start a fire or was it all accidental? I know we do controlled fires here in Australia to help reduce severity of bushfires so is it something like that as well? I honestly don't see any other reason to set it on fire.

>> No.10906680

Right-wingers respect other people's property and freedoms. Unlike you commies and nazis.

>> No.10906687

We're screwed.

Since the environmental movement was turned into a watermelon by "progressives". Instesd of rational engineers making decisions on energy production and transportation infrastructure. It's going to be councils of woke people. Using public money to combat class and race injustices.

>> No.10906689

They are setting it on fire to clear it to make farms.

They are illegal but Bolsonaro doesn't care.

>> No.10906695


I didn't even know the amazon had arable land. Why not just make a tourism industry outta it? Take foreigners in to get bitten by poisonous animals and sell them anti-venom, you'd make a shitload of money outta it

>> No.10906700

Worth mentioning this does involve the US in a way. Since they don't want to buy Chinesw onions due to the trade bullshit Brazil is stepping up agricultural production to cover the American shortfall.

>> No.10906705

Because there aren't enough tourists, simple as that.

I'm a fan of Bolsonaro's "you want us to not exploit our natural resources - like you did with yours? Fine, pay up, bitches, or the trees get it" approach though.

>> No.10906706

we hire Hitman: Codename 47 to go down there and just kill everyone like in the jungle level

>> No.10906707

Rainforest is poor agriculture land. But you have a bunch of poor macacos practicing slash and burn. So they can make a few bucks

>> No.10906725

>Right-wingers respect other people's property and freedoms. Unlike you commies and nazis.

Thanks for confirming you’re just bait-posting.
Property and freedoms should not be respected if “respecting them” consists of permitting the destruction of the world.

>> No.10906729

>I’m a fan of massive environmental destruction and proto-fascism

Based underage shitpost

>> No.10906733

Fuck off, bootlicker.

>> No.10906737


>> No.10906740

>I'm a fan of telling third world nations what they can and can't do with their own country.

Are you sure you're not the fascist?

>> No.10906749

Looks like we have an edgy an-cap fellas, watch out

>> No.10906750

I'll shoot you if you commies come after my meat, faggot.

>> No.10906755

>methane produced by cow production

>> No.10906759

Emissions per capita =\= emissions by country

>> No.10906778

something something I can't grow muscles

>> No.10906782

The death knell tolls for the planet, it's over.

>> No.10906809

Its very fertile soil but not sustainable at all without the immensely complex ecosystem of the rainforest where the ground regenerates itself permanently through cycles of compostation and various life forms breaking dead other lifeforms into pieces. If you dont have that, you will use up the existing nutrients in a matter of one or two years, after which the soil becomes desert-like and prone to erosion, since on its own its already basically just sand held together by organic material.
You can regrow the rainforest on that soil again, but it takes decades and centuries to rebuild completely, but not if you just move a few meters further into the forest and burn yourself a new field...

I dont actually know for sure why european forests are so much different than tropical ones, but I assume its cause somehow the biomass manages to accumulate here to the point where the entire soil is actual hummus, but even here you have degradation of fertility if you dont farm intelligently ie with crop rotation and all that jazz. Still it means that our forests can be regrown fairly quickly, which is whats happening anyways, and the lack of biodiversity in boreal forests really means that its its very difficult to permanently drive a species to extinction, whereas in the amazon pretty much every few acres you burn youre almost guaranteed to kill off some species of plant, insect or higher animal...

In either way: extinction of potentially cool species is already the worst the brazilians can do to the rest of the world. Forests dont account for that much oxygen production anyways, and even then the russian taiga is growing much faster than brazil can burn its forests, so really who cares if they turn their entire country into a desert...

>> No.10906815
File: 540 KB, 500x1962, mother-gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planet's fine. Don't worry about it.
Worry about ourselves, instead.

>> No.10906834

this sentence is a contradiction, we need the planet or environment or whatever the fuck you want to call it, we need it. Worrying about the environment is worrying about ourselves.

>> No.10906874

pollution that affects my quality of life violates the NAP

>> No.10906927

>Are you sure you're not the fascist?

I’m pretty sure fascism is a hypernationalist ideology that puts emphasis on a perceived national resurrection, and the rejection or destruction of “alien” authority, and not something as simple as making another country not fuck up the earth, making it a worse place for every other lifeform.

>> No.10907066

Then don't buy their products, faggot.

>> No.10907133

Funny how the angriest posts are always the stupidest

>> No.10907137

ive seen mathfags ready to gut one another over algebra autism before its not always so

>> No.10907174

They burn crops to clear fields

>> No.10907211

>>10906634 >>10906655 >>10907133
Pretty amazing how so many can fail to draw the connection between total global emissions and atmospheric co2 concentration.

In what world does it make sense to allow the biggest emitters to grow their emissions, because "their per capita emissions" aren't as big? You know its mainly the rich in China that are responsible right - it sure as hell is not the peasant rice farmers.

If things go your way, world emissions will continue increasing, and increasing and increasing.

So maybe you'd like to admit now that you're either a) complete fucking morons, or b) trying to persuade people to allow you to set up some new additional form of financing for yourselves.

>> No.10907257


Humans will not be missed. I'm fine with that, as a species we have proved ourselves unworthy of survival. It's the fact we are also going to drag untold millions of other species into extinction along with us that is the tragedy.

>> No.10907275


Pentii, is that you?


>> No.10907285

Tariffs on Brazilian g strings and herpes, until this fucking loser stops the burning

>> No.10907288

Arguing against the myopic view that China and India are totally responsible doesn't mean you don't think overall emissions are important. Putting the blame on them by posting these total CO2 emissions graphs ad nauseum is a political tactic to delay action on climate change. Telling China and India not to pollute as much won't work, you're correct, but simply consuming less in 1st world countries will work.

>> No.10907291

If you think the Brazillians elected him, you don't know anything about Brazillian elections.

>> No.10907298


>he actually wants retarded savages to destroy the planet

I’m a fascist because I care about the future.

>> No.10907302

if you owned a rover, you know it'd never be driveable on any road for more than an hour at a time

>> No.10907304

>delay action on climate change
what action?
a carbon tax + a brand new pipeline =/= action

The hypocrisy, obfuscation, and straightup gaslighting from liberals is sometimes pretty sickening.

>> No.10907308


Look, I hate to break it to you, but these "complete fucking morons" are why we are all screwed.

They exist. They cancel your vote. They oppose the rational, the sensible the pragmatic, they muddy the waters with their inane bullshit. They are the reason we have got into this situation in the first place.

They are the reason we face the very real prospect of extinction at worse, or catastrophic ecological collapse at best. The lifeboat analogy is lost on these cretins because they are the foolish ones in the lifeboat.

>> No.10907311

60% of Indian and Chinese emissions come from factories making, and trucks transporting, consumer goods for the west. Mobile phones, Adidas shoes, action figures, t shirts and bulk ldpe to turn into Coke bottles.

>> No.10907312

The liberals at least admit it's real

>> No.10907317

Its aggression. These people basically want to hurt others. There is no why. It's just the pleasure of sadism.

>> No.10907346

What a productive fucking post, bravo.

>> No.10907368

The brilliant right wing alternative: carry on polluting and not change anything about America but instead cut emissions by sharply reducing the global population outside of America. Act shocked when the math for curtailing foreign emissions with bombs and camps doesn't work out, give up and do nothing but take bribes to argue about meaningless nonsense like abortion for 15 years before America collapses from the crisis you ignored.

>> No.10907376

>lifeboat analogy
The thing is that the poor don't even realize they are poor, and probably couldn't care less. They don't know any better, and are happier for it. Just like I couldn't give a fuck about the lifestyles of the Davos crowd - their yachts, their caviar, or helicoptering around. I don't know any better and I don't care.

This same Davos crowd is virtue signaling. And they stand to profit handsomely selling people who couldn't care less and don't know any better more earth destroying products, or as they call it "lifting people out of poverty". It's absurd.

>> No.10907409

liberals are deceivers
at least conservatives admit they couldn't care less

thanks, but I'll take the conservatives

>> No.10907426

So you're fine with the loss of everything as long as you feel like you won an argument? Get the fuck off this board and don't bother trying to contribute to anything, because you'll just sabotage it as you are.

>> No.10907433

The day I stopped being a republican was the day they decided to nullify my vote

>> No.10907451

Bolsonaro loves fascism tho.

>> No.10907474

Nobody in this thread is talking about Brazil.
They're burning the lungs of the earth and everyone is okay with it. Not to mention the biodiversity that's being lost. All the species that we'll never see again

>> No.10907479

You deserved it

>> No.10907482

Who cares about toad #649942? The problem is the existential threat to western culture.

>> No.10907538
File: 56 KB, 1013x632, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I guess we need to slow down our already fragile economy so eurofags will stop having their 30° """"""heatwave""""""""" every summer
good luck with that
Btw its the Chinese who is paying for these fires so they can plant more sojabeans

>> No.10907592

>greenhouse gases are only 2% of the atmosphere
How is this a relevant percentage? If the same amount of greenhouse gases were 100% of the atmosphere the effect would be the same.

>CO2 is only 3.6% of greenhouse gases
It's the change in greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution that matters, not the total amount. The vast majority of greenhouse gases keeps the Earth from being a giant ice ball.

>Only 3.4% of CO2 is human caused
100% of the rapid increase in CO2 is due to human activity. It's actually more than 100% since natural carbon sinks absorb some of our emissions in addition to all natural emissions.

This is a very good lesson in misleading propaganda images.

>> No.10907656

>you're fine with the loss of everything
and being a liberal, you are as well
with the additional bonus of deceiving everyone into thinking you're not so that you can live the good life.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10907678

>brazilian trump
It would be nice if he had the same level of intelligence as Trump. Bolsonaro is extremely dumb, powerless and a liar. Much has already realized this, but has not the slightest courage to criticize for fear of being associated with the workers' party.

For me I would have already sold the entire Amazon rainforest to Germany and Norway.

>> No.10907683

You know what is to be done. Adélio do it again!

>> No.10907684

probably from all the tire necklacing

>> No.10907721

You can help OP. Here are some NGOs where you can donate to preserve the Amazon rainforest.


>> No.10908252


Calling him a liberal doesn't make him one, now are you going to address the point of >>10907311 or just keep being a toxic little weasel?

>> No.10908263
File: 53 KB, 582x240, co2_human-percentage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10908323

what is a closed cycle?
what is a chaotic system?
what is a feedback loop?

>> No.10908326

you are a fascist because you dont know about history

>> No.10908335

both are decievers, you are just dumb

>> No.10908343

when someone buys into dogma, its rather hard to get them out of it
people have to pull their head out their own ass
otherwise you are just gonna get shit all over you, and he is going to keep his head in his ass

>> No.10908410

This. Every fukken time. Every god damn fukken time. Climate """scientists""" always present their scare tactics using just a couple hundred years of data and call it "good enough." You can't model the climate cycle from just a couple hundred years of data.
>Holy shit, it's increasing without bound!!!! Death in 2024 imminent!!!

>> No.10908418


>> No.10908426

75% Of power in France comes from nukes

>> No.10908428

You do realize that a tropical jungle is a place hostile to human life... You're not gonna get in touch with your primal nature, you're gonna get bitten by stuff an infected by parasites!

>> No.10908433

Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.10908436

Pretty much! This shit basically forces people to choose between hardcore collectivism and nature

>> No.10908437

>You're not gonna get in touch with your primal nature, you're gonna get bitten by stuff an infected by parasites!
Get out of your room dude

>> No.10908438

There is no need to model the climate lol. We know CO2 causes earth to warm and that’s good enough

>> No.10908440

Then we’ll be sure to shoot first you sad worm

>> No.10908441

LOL, the rest of the world could pay the HUEs protection money

>> No.10908443

>It would be nice if he had the same level of intelligence as Trump

Trump is retarded so that’s saying something

>> No.10908447

How can anybody actually own a piece of land.It was already there and it just became property because some random fuck got there first... Now your house, your factory, all the product of your labor or capital should be yours, but the land should belong to everybody and as such, should require comunity permission in order for exploytation to be allowed

>> No.10908448

Imagine someone below the retarded level. This is Bolsonaro.

>> No.10908451

Brazil has a net negative emission, your graph sucks Jewish cock. Fuck the amazon and fuck you, tá ok?

>> No.10908453

Yet all french burn coal.

>> No.10908454

Fuck this mindset... Species are irrelevant, species are continuously starting and ending. Seriously, this is the evilest kind of nostalgia, like "I want everything to be like when I was a kid for ever and ever". Humans are the only change any species on the planet has of avoiding extinction, the planet is not going to be habitable forever...

>> No.10908460

Oh no, all the unique kinds of spiders we'll never catalogue and then forget about. Its like playing pokemon

>> No.10908473
File: 42 KB, 812x854, it was da joos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your macaco source

>> No.10908476

Brazil's population pyramid already started to invert.
It's going to become a country of old people in a few generations.
South America was never stable, Brazil has a total change in government every 50~60 years or so

>> No.10908480
File: 98 KB, 1200x848, 1200-96140140-solar-system-in-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fucking shit for brains. This is not how this works. You claim that the science is inaccurate because we cannot put a box on the Earth and make neat little experiments. That is not at all how science works. For your understanding of science to be true absolutely no science on astronomy is possible because we cannot put the sun and planets in a neat little box and run experiments on how they behave but that's obviously not true, we've accurately predicted the behavior of stars and planets for centuries based on science we can do here on the ground.

The same is true for climate science. You don't need to put the Earth in a neat little box and run experiments on it to know what's going on. This is why I posted a Potholer video that shows that predictions made by actual scientists, without the need to put the Earth in a neat little box and run experiments, have been accurate. Something you as a classic science denier have no explanation for.

I will continue to reply to you to show how stupid you're acting and correct you when you're wrong.

>> No.10908483

It will yeld from one to three years of harvest. Then you just burn more.
Those sort of things happen since the 16th century. What's noteworthy is the increase in scale.
It's not meant to be sustainable long term.
Everyone knows that, since land that already went theu this proccess ends either as a savannah or as a desert.

>> No.10908489

>t. Leftist
>Red vs. Blue
Tell me how I know you're a brainwashed 'Murifat. I'm talking about controlled violence and coercion. Brazillian politicians are extremely manipulative of their people, and they like to cover their tracks. This isn't a partisan issue, nitwit.

>> No.10908524

He didn't mean it

>> No.10908562

>implying modern commies are able to even pick up a gun never mind use it

>> No.10908566

>feeling threatened by some percentages
why are leftists so unhinged?

>> No.10908591
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>> No.10908602

>He wants to burn
"we" are the ones burning the forests anon because "we" want to farm cacao and coffee.
Have you ever heard of the oil spills? Just jungle natives drilling the pipes

>> No.10908614

The Amazon doesnt have arable land, its bad below 5 cm.

>> No.10908630

Where do I inform myself on climate change and it's basics? Please abstain from blaming the orange man or praising the god emperor, I want something objective

>> No.10908634

scientific journals for ecology and atmospheric physics

>> No.10908638

Would you mind providing some links my good lad?

>> No.10908641


>> No.10908648

fuck nature and it's inflated sense of self-serving superiority. anyone with a pulse in their field of choice knows nature and science are all hype, these fucking cross-field journals are useless because they try to appeal to the masses, and the scientific community as a whole is just a subsect of the normal population that in itself is capable of being swayed by big names and the allure of getting that 40+ impact factor pub

>> No.10908652

hey fuck you too :)

>> No.10908656

>everyone needs to take their own personal responsibility
No you retarded ass fuckface. The problem here is the kind of thinking you bring. this IS a collectiv eproblem, either we fix it collectively or we die together. egos must be left aside.

>> No.10908663

>fuck nature
you won't be saying this once oxygen thinning takes place.

Imagine people suddenly being sporadically noticeably more agitated after we kill the source of one fifths the worlds oxygen.

There will be days when an "oxygen current" flows and youll feel a bit better, but most of the times not. Middle class and wealthy people will gradually stop wearing masks and pressurized habitats will become more and more common.

The rich CEO owners living in those pressurized habitats will be told that the only way to stop this is for them to give up on half their earnings...

how do you think this history will end?

sleep tight anon, it could easily happen within one generation

>> No.10908673

americans want to be perceived as the good guys again? invade brasil and stop this madness, you can have its natural resources while youre at it which is what you like. I know you wont use them responsibly but at least not this madness.

>> No.10908688
File: 145 KB, 720x452, klima warm periods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh delicate balance that never existed
>what is an entire planet
None of those exist on global scale.

>> No.10908691

quality bait
If not then go back and read past fuck nature lmao

>> No.10908695

You've cracked the case my man. Please pick up your Nobel prize this way

>> No.10908698

worse thing is those warm periods are fantastic, yeah some coastal cities get fucked but that can happen wihtout global warming, on the other hand crops fucking explode when theres extra warmth, i mean production skyrocketst

>> No.10908700

greenland =/= global
not for sale either

>> No.10908798

Greenland had agriculture in the 10th century.

>> No.10908816

Whenever I start worrying about the climate I just play a few games of "Fate of the World" on steam again.
Then I stop worrying because I'm assured were fucked and live out my short time of whats left.

>> No.10908871


Nine of the 10 hottest Julys have occurred since 2005 -- with the last five years ranking as the five hottest

>> No.10909002

And Greenland had agriculture in the 10th century.

>> No.10909007


>> No.10910341

This thread sucks. /sci/ should be ashamed.

Is there any data backing up that this year's fires are worse than previous years, except how many articles the media has written about it? And if there is, what is the cause? As it is, this thread should just go back to /pol/.

>> No.10910388
File: 154 KB, 2666x1875, _108391892_brazil_annual_fires-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you want data?
here is data

can we go back to calling brazilians chimpanzee monkeys now?

>> No.10910435

My quality of life is already affected, now that its hotter i sweat more and girls dont want to talk to me because I stink.

>> No.10910459

>greentards are massive incels
like clockwork

>> No.10910513

>natural forest fire
>muh bolsonaro muh macacos we need to kill them
boy this "high iq board" is sure susceptible to propaganda.
The fire isn't nearly as bad as they were last decade.

>> No.10910526

>brazilian trump
I think you are radically confused.

>burn the amazon rainforest

Rainforests are fucking useless. Much like your life.

>> No.10911167

the amazon, along with the congo and tropical forests of indonesia and new guinea, has absolutely no long term chance of survival. cash crops are making too much money for slash and burn to stop. entire economies would have to change. i'd give it 50 years (probably less) before these ecosystems are too fragmented to be functional ecologically.
there is talk of propaganda, but the issue remains that deforestation in the developing world is unsustainable. to declare entire biomes useless and transform them often results in massive problems later on.
politics and economics always win over environmental issues.

>> No.10911242

>total number
What's the total area? I can create a thousand fires just flickering my fingers on a lighter, doesn't mean they'll burn anything.

Try again.

>> No.10912435

What caused the fire?

>> No.10912454
File: 42 KB, 720x715, 1564943031895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead and belittle politicians who appeal to nationalist/populist sentiments, you'll never win elections that way. you think these guys are dumb or stupid? they know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.10912463

Only up to 2013?

>> No.10912525

Fake news.

>As of August 16, 2019, an analysis of NASA satellite data indicated that total fire activity across the Amazon basin this year has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years. (The Amazon spreads across Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and parts of other countries.) Though activity appears to be above average in the states of Amazonas and Rondônia, it has so far appeared below average in Mato Grosso and Pará, according to estimates from the Global Fire Emissions Database, a research project that compiles and analyzes NASA data.

I somehow cannot copy paste the source, but it's from the NASA.

>> No.10912700
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>> No.10912712

INPE data is extremely unreliable as you can see in that graph. It's just hype.

>> No.10912717
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>> No.10912721
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>> No.10912722


>> No.10912723

Yup, they're closer to the city now. Doesn't mean it's worse than in the last 15 years.

>> No.10912743

You're retarded, many molecules that we use come from nature.

>> No.10912744
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very good post

>> No.10912800

The amazon is not anywhere close to disappearing.

>> No.10912805

theres less deforestation now than there was before.

>> No.10912828

>deforestation would go unchecked 20 years ago
>this means we can deforestate just that much as we used to in the past xddd
literal retard

>> No.10913579
File: 48 KB, 894x773, its nlhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my remaining lifespan is maximum 30 years so I don't care

have fun with our sloppy seconds tho, zoomers

>> No.10913595

So you're against globalization and free trade then? Good to know.

>> No.10913603

And again. It's the rich in China who own those factories and benefit from them.

>> No.10913692

>everyone calling out bolsonaro
>even though the fires are worse in the bolivian part of amazonia
>even when Evo Morales approved a decree autorizing deforestation in Bolivian part of amazonia, bolsonaro is the guilty
>Morales also responded slowy, only 17 days after
Every day I believe more that this is a media hitjob aimed at Bolsonaro and Mercosur.

>> No.10913776


>> No.10913797

He has a bachelors degree so he at least has an iq above 110.

>> No.10913808

>climate prophets
And they ask themselves why some think climate change is a religion.

>> No.10913842

Doesnt most of our oxygen come from algea and water bugs anyway?

>> No.10913877

is this guy literally a retard?

>> No.10914044


>> No.10914109

kys nigger

>> No.10914118

Prove to me that the CIA isn't using lasers from satalites to seed fires

>> No.10914134

You seem to be.

>> No.10914138

Prove to me they are.

>> No.10914142

If they were, then there would be more fires than usual. This year there were fewer.

>> No.10914144
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You idiots have all fallen for fake news. Whats happening in the Amazon is not new, in fact it's far better than what it was 20 years ago. I suspect this whole media storm has been manufactured solely to target Bolsonaro.

>> No.10914147
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>> No.10914176

>how are we going to fix climate change now that these orangutan subhuman baboon brazilian niggers elected the brazilian trump and he decided he wants to burn the amazon rainforest ashtray
What have you tried?

>> No.10914206

Exactly. People fall for this alarmism all the time. It's sickening to watch whites advocate for self-genocide while the entire rest of the world isn't being propagandized about the climate at all (because they're not the target).

>> No.10914341
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>Changing the global climate
I thought the world was doomed anyway. What difference does this make? If anything burning the Amazon should rapidly accelerate CC. If we aren't all under water by the end of the year, Climate Change -- it must be agreed -- is an absolute farce with no predictive properties.

>> No.10914345

"top minds" predicted we'd be underwater by 2010. It's a total failure of Scientism as a religion, just like the Millennialists of the 1800s predicting the Rapture.

>> No.10914358

Why do /pol/tards always try to cram their white genocide conspiracy into every thread, regardless of how relevant it is?

>> No.10914371

It does seem a bit concerning that the only people being told to have fewer children are Americans and Europeans. If people were so concerned about overpopulation wouldn't they start in the places where the population is growing rather than shrinking?

>> No.10914546

Bachelors, in Brazil, lots of ways to get those

>> No.10915067
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>Top minds whose research and arguments i deliberately misinterpret failed to predict my far-fetched strawman delusion
>Check out my commented ISS video proving fake space though

>> No.10915079

The fact that propaganda like this gets truly and unironically spread by idiots like this is truly saddening.

>> No.10915103

>Greenland ice sheets represent the world
Not sure if working hard to misliead people, or just another mindless talking piece to the deniliast machine.

>> No.10915701
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All these well educated individuals on /sci/ all cry faul for CNN talking points, pathetic.

>> No.10915709
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It's a global problem

>> No.10915711
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>> No.10915757
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brazil is huwhite reeeeeeeeee

>> No.10915764

if the west wants developing countries to directly develop without going the easy route and fucking the environment (the same way those developed counties did it, along with colonialism), then they need to provide aid

>> No.10915766
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>well educated individuals on /sci/

>> No.10915771

Well /sci/??

>> No.10915817
File: 400 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20190726-222430_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From that same article that you didn't even bother to link:

>The number of fires identified by satellite images in the Amazon so far this month is the highest since 2010, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Space Research agency
>The number of fires identified by the agency in the Amazon region so far this year, 40,341, is about 35 percent higher than the average for the first eight months of each year since 2010.

>Brazil’s part of the Amazon lost more than 1,330 square miles of forest cover in the first half of 2019, a 39 percent increase over the same period last year, according to the government agency that tracks deforestation.


It's not a conspiracy. It's not a hitjob. It's the fucking facts. Take your bullshit tribalist pandering back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10915829

Populations don’t contribute significantly to climate change on their own. You have to be developed

>> No.10915860
File: 81 KB, 1345x803, AmazonCumulativeFireCount2003-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145464/fires-in-brazil
and pic related are the lies? I dont see the 39% increase in these figures, but Id rather trust earthobservatory and gfed reports than random times or cnn articles with more fearmongering than facts and, like in the article you posted, often completely without sources to back up their claims.
I dont know what the fuck is going on, but the more I find out about it the more evidence I find that its business as usual and the scaring is politically motivated from people who (understandably) want bolsonaro gone.

>> No.10915935
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>posts graph that doesn't show forest cover
>hurr I don't see forest cover loss in this graph, must be fake

>> No.10915940

Did you know that the fires started in Bolivia, where its president just kickstarted a law who allows for controlled burnings for agricultural use?

Besides, how much are you cumskins are going to pay in compensation for us to stymie our development?

>> No.10915943

We accelerate it and NUKE THE WHOLE PLACE. Cult of atom is the future.

>> No.10915944

From your own source: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145498/uptick-in-amazon-fire-activity-in-2019

>With the fire season in the Amazon approaching its midpoint, scientists using NASA satellites to track fire activity have confirmed an increase in the number and intensity of fires in the Brazilian Amazon in 2019, making it the most active fire year in that region since 2010.

>> No.10915958

>Europeans and North Americans cleared nearly all native forests and wetlands in order to make room for living and agriculture, polluted the fuck out of the planet while they were developing and abused other countries while doing so
>developing countries like China and Brazil do the same thing
>Europeans try to shut them down and shit on them
That is some serious hypocrisy.

>> No.10915964

I spent some time trying to find an actual figure for lost forest area up until now but cumulative fire count is all I could find, but since nasa and the UN use it I assume its a somewhat accurate measure for how bad forest fire seasons are.
If you have a better one Id appreciate it if you shared it! But until then I have no reason to believe that the single fires this year were significantly bigger than in the last years, so total fire count should be accurate enough.

Interesting. From what I understand they used a different satellite system than in the graph I posted, which I think is newer and therefore might be more accurate.
The website where I found mine http://www.globalfiredata.org/forecast.html has also released the VIIRS data and shows an uptick, which shows that the increase just from last year is much worse than 39% and more like 100% higher fire count. However last year seems to have been an outlier towards the lower end to about the same extent that this year is an outlier that reaches higher than the average.
I dont think this warrants the panic that the media is currently seemingly trying to cause without further data, seeing how in some years there has been a massive spike in fires in september, while in others it already flattens out at that point and fged do point out that year-by-year anomalies are mostly caused by non-human events.

I do also definitely see an increase in anti-protectionist rhetoric and bolsonaro has slashed some agencies funding, but on the other hand I see this being used by macron and the likes to push for sanctions, which will only further impoverish farmers causing ultimately even greater destruction on the forest, when what brazil really needs is education about the fragility of the rainforest, and alternatives to slash and burn farming.

>> No.10915970

>Did you know that the fires started in Bolivia

>where its president just kickstarted a law who allows for controlled burnings for agricultural use?
Which is policy the Brazilian President ran on and he has been dismantling environmental regulations since he was elected.

>> No.10915983

ah, the good old "It's small therefore it's impact must also be small!" argument from a toddler-brained moron. This is kindergarden level logic and you should feel really stupid for being gullible enough to fall for it.

>> No.10915994

The firest didnt "start in bolivia" since its tens of thousands of independent fires in different areas. Bolivia is a poor country and in the countryside the government lacks the influence to prevent farmers from clearburning effectively, so this year I think it was that they just straight up decriminalized the practice.
The solution is, in bolivia as in brazil, a lack of education and a lack of opportunities that dont harm the forest as much like tourism or proper industry.
Bolivia has seen a massive uptick in development since the leftist government took power from the globalist sellouts, and brazil will possibly also benefit from a government thats focused on ending corruption and money drains, so I dont think we have to panic right away, cause most likely these problems will be solved long before the amazon is actually gone, and programs can be started to recover the parts that have been lost at that point but obviously its not gonna solve itself especially if there arent any incentives to do so.

>> No.10915995

>But until then I have no reason to believe that the single fires this year were significantly bigger than in the last years, so total fire count should be accurate enough.
You must not have looked very hard as a single Google search would tell you this data is compiled by the INPE and is available: https://rainforests.mongabay.com/amazon/deforestation-rate.html

This data may not be available for long though since Bolsonaro fired the head of the INPE and claims this data is false, with no evidence of course.

This is quite alarming and clearly tied to increased human deforestation activity encouraged by anti- environmental policy and theoretic.

>> No.10915998

>he debunked my propaganda and I have no response
>better call him a leftist

>> No.10916001

That's why it should be up to Europe and North Americans to provide incentive for those countries to not do that. We have ill-gotten gains, no matter how you rationalize it.

>> No.10916033

Then I expect compensation for refusing to burn down the rainforest rather than condemnation and finger-wagging if I do it.

>> No.10916049

Was global warming worse in 2010?

>> No.10916050

>>what is an entire planet
>None of those exist on global scale.
jeez my dude, I sure am glad that chaos is something that doesn't exist on a cosmic scale.
It sure would hurt my proud christian conservative views to consider that I'm the result of chaos.
But it's okay, because I can just deny everything that scares me and it goes away!~

>> No.10916054

valuing life is the evilest kind of nostalgia

>> No.10916060

Where do you think your batteries come from? Congo is the hot spot for cobalt mining operation where all the modern lithium battery uses. Its dirty as fuck.

>> No.10916095

I agree. That's what a more binding version of the Paris Climate Agreement would look like. Developed countries would help finance the clean development of developing countries.

>> No.10916172

Whats the difference between SAD and DETER and why do they have this much discrepancy between them? DETER shows almost twice the deforestation while SAD gives figures much closer to last year. From what I can found out they use roughly the same technology in that they examine high res satellite images for changes in forest coverage, so I dont see a reason for why they should give these fundamentally different numbers.
If you take the SAD values, its still worrying, since changes for the better that have been made over the past decades are slowly being eroded again over the last 7 years or so, but its not at all a reason to start a global conflict over or hit brazil with useless sanctions that will only worsen the problem, and unfortunately politics are undeniably a part of this entire thing.

>> No.10916300
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t. left his fridge open to fight global warming

>> No.10916509

this, I realized this after I read the Paris accords (I'm no scientist, I studied International Relations but I like this board because some sci topics interest me and discussions and explanations are better here than in pop sci magazines) and none of it had anything to do with real meassures against climate change. It was a bunch of refugee crap and gibs me dat.

When I dabbled into enviromentalism beyond what the media and pop sci is when I discovered putting politicians in charge of taking care of the enviroment was pretty much the same as having a 12 gauge for breakfast

>> No.10916565

NOAA and the IPCC don't collect land temp data on Africa.

>> No.10916643


>> No.10916652

wipipo be all like "these forest fires too spicy"

>> No.10916655
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>> No.10916673


climate change wasn't even recognized as an issue then. if we know better now, then why should they keep polluting?

>> No.10916679

Your own party is planning to stop beating this dead horse. Don't you want them to win?

>> No.10918598

less amazon fires this year than normal. fuck you.

>> No.10918619


well said

>> No.10918635
File: 625 KB, 2811x1874, para_tmo_2019231_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientists using NASA satellites to track fire activity have confirmed an increase in the number and intensity of fires in the Brazilian Amazon in 2019, making it the most active fire year in that region since 2010.

>Deforestation of the Amazon is about to reach a threshold beyond which the region's tropical rainforest may undergo irreversible changes that transform the landscape into degraded savanna with sparse, shrubby plant cover and low biodiversity.

>75,000 of the rainforest fires are burning in Brazil — an 80% increase from 2018
Note: just 7% higher than the average over the last 10 years ago

They should have never been burning at all. This should be the last year any fire is started in the Amazon at all. Military, humanitarian and monitoring techniques and socioeconomic changes should prevent any deforestation of the Amazon from 2020 onwards.

>> No.10918655

okay then. you convinced me. but you admit that means annexation of brazil?

>> No.10918666

>>10918655 No, I don't think that would be necessary. Learn about cyber-power as a complement or even substitute to traditional means.

>> No.10918695


>Implying the fire got ignited in the brazilian amazon

>> No.10918731

What part of "since 2010" do you not understand? Early 2000s had worse fire issues that were curbed largely due to enforcement and goverment programs at the time that the current goverment of brazil is deliberately ignoring or destroying. All these articles are saying is that fires are rising much rapidly as a result, and spell the trends in the amazon to come as a result of these myopic, self-serving policies.

>> No.10918743

Global warming isn't some isolated quantity that ranks up differently each year. It's a long term trend that affects the entire world. The only valid questions are "is it slowing down or getting worse", which right now is certainly in line with the latter.

>> No.10918893
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Blood diamonds and mining in general. It is very polluted and one of the poorest countries on the planet as well as completely landlocked. France is also pretty big into nuclear power.
South America in general was never a stable place, but Brazil lost any chance it had once Pedro II died and it got bit by the junta bug during the Cold War.
The Amazon is a bad place for farming, and all the tourists flock to shitholes like Rio anyways because of muh beaches and muh tranny ladyboys.
Bolsonaro is just the loud guy who doesn’t know how to shut his mouth, same with Trump. Thus they get all the attention.

>> No.10918925

The problem isn't just emissions of greenhouse gasses themselves, but rather the introduction of new ones into the system. The ocean produces vastly more CO2 than humans for example, but that doesn't matter because it's already part of the carbon cycle. Meanwhile we dig up oil and coal which lay dormant in the ground for millions of years and pump those into the atmosphere, that's the issue.

>> No.10918926

We don't. The weakening magnetic fields are having at least as much effect as carbon dioxide, and mother nature herself occasionally burns but burns or blows a mt st helen that dwarves what we humans are doing in a year. California, with all their green efforts, has the most polluted air because mother nature doesn't give a fuck.

We're not helping, that's for sure, and I'm slightly depressed about that floating country of plastic in the Pacific, but we're definitely overblowing our role in climate change. Whats worse is those Brazilian orangutans who voted a Brazilian Trump are still a good #2 as far fucking shit up goes. China's still using CFCs en masse, cause they also give zero fucks.

Also for anyone under 25, imagine if every 2 years someone told you the water is gonna turn poisonous, and next 2 years they said it was gonna turn black, and kept flip flopping every 2 years until eventually they said it's just gonna be bad. How long would it take you to get tired of the story? New York City was supposed to be under water like 30 years ago.
I don't blame half the old people getting tired of the boy who cried wolf.

>> No.10918939
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ok neocon

>> No.10918978

>They should have never been burning at all. This should be the last year any fire is started in the Amazon at all.
By humans you mean? Cause a good lightning strike will fuck shit up, despite military outposts.

Also why do you think they're burning the forest? For run? Or maybe some pressing reason? Oh I get it, you're from one of those countries where food availability is taken for granted. You see they're trying to feed a growing population and have nowhere else to put those farms. Sorry, but the tears of some USA college kids feewings aren't enough to offset the tears of a starving child.
But oh, you want military outposts to stop this now. Great, you win. At the expense of a country who can't feed itself or get enough food in, especially from the coasts (cause all the rivers flow out).
>Socioeconomic changes
We'll just magically stop the corruption and give them a G20 level economy. Good plan
>Humanitarian efforts
Is your best solution if by that you meant the world just pumps out CO2 shipping food across oceans and over mountain ranges.

Giving them tons of food is the only to make them stop needing more food sources

>> No.10918996

If it's anything like before they'll target computer repair store owners and some random scientists who published papers 5 years ago

>> No.10919168
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>> No.10919170

Just like my Kim Stanley Robinson hentais

>> No.10919201

Fix humanity's shit
Step 1, full nuclear integration
Step 2, automated MAD controlled by a single person
Step 3, manifest destiny to the solar system

>> No.10919688

More fake news. There are fires in Bolivia as well. Did Bolsanaro set those too? Reports say that fires are up 85% this year from last in Brazil. Be these are the total number of fires and not specifically to do w/ the rain forest. The number of fires in the forest so far this year is a fraction of the total number of fires experienced in the forest in any given year.

This is propaganda, hype and fake news. But what do you expect from someone who still believes in fairy tales like Climate Change?

>> No.10919693

*But these

>> No.10919718

Based as fuck.

>> No.10919732

I'm sorry is there some kind of divisor in those global warming predictions for "number of people"? the biased numbers are the per capita ones

>> No.10920097
File: 81 KB, 768x644, retarded santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who still believes in fairy tales like Climate Change?
as opposed to what? brazilian fairy tales? kek

>> No.10921735

>By humans you mean?
Yes. I wrote "is started" which implies active measures to start it. But natural fires should be extinguished as well.

>Also why do you think they're burning the forest? For run? Or maybe some pressing reason? Oh I get it, you're from one of those countries where food availability is taken for granted. You see they're trying to feed a growing population and have nowhere else to put those farms. Sorry, but the tears of some USA college kids feewings aren't enough to offset the tears of a starving child.
They are burning the forests mostly for cattle. They should just switch to other foods (and products for export).

>But oh, you want military outposts to stop this now. Great, you win. At the expense of a country who can't feed itself or get enough food in, especially from the coasts (cause all the rivers flow out).
That's not the expense of it. If they can't manage sustainable food production themselves they might need help.

>We'll just magically stop the corruption and give them a G20 level economy. Good plan
No, mainly those who are clearing forests need other sources for income. They don't need to become a top economy for this.

>Is your best solution if by that you meant the world just pumps out CO2 shipping food across oceans and over mountain ranges.
>Giving them tons of food is the only to make them stop needing more food sources
If that's their major problems they need to organize food production so that nothing gets thrown away by grocery stores and the food that's getting produced is land-efficient. No beef but chicken and pseudocereals, vegetables and so on. Less exports and decisions made by the market.

>> No.10921777

They don't need more food. They shouldn't grow their population in the first place till their living standards are high enough

>> No.10923630

That's because nuclear energy doesn't create much CO2.

>> No.10923635

This is the worst timeline

>> No.10923647
File: 270 KB, 1111x597, 1439798900963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely underrated

>> No.10923696

He tells of the part that the president himself said that no one would be arrested for environmental crime.

>> No.10923699

We could have solved all these problems by now with proper nuclear power integration. But no, the left screeches about ineffective wind and the right just keeps pumping poison into the atmosphere. Fuck this retarded species

>> No.10924329

Everything will be solved if America invades Brazil or if CIA assassinates that monkey or something. If Americans want to fuck things up, now is the time. Go fuck them up burgers.

>> No.10924336

you can't possibly be serious...
lol nuclear shills just keep getting dumber and dumber

>> No.10924441

kill yourself stupid nigger, theres enough oxygen right now on earth to last until the sun swallows the earth

>> No.10924462

youre wasting nuclear fuel by using it on earth instead of saving it for nuclear propulsion and power generation in space. How the fuck do you think were gonna explore the galaxy? Fucking batteries?

>> No.10924468

Man fuck the amazon. I say raze all the trees and plants and replace them with solar power plants, farms, and real estate. Much more useful than fucking leaves.

>> No.10924549

It would take us 5-10 years just to reach Mars while light takes a couple minutes. The nearest star is 4 light years away. The galaxy is a hundred thousand light years across. So no, we're not getting off this rock anytime soon. The best we can hope for is throwing frozen bacteria into space and hoping it somehow makes it to another habitable planet

>> No.10924558

Listen you retarded boomer, nuclear is safer than it's ever been. The problem is shitbrained politicians who gut the budget for infrastructure repairs when the plant calls for it.

>> No.10924647


> country with the largest forest in the world
> protects it as much as the dry season will allow
> arrests made every fucking day
> Nasa / Inpe data shows that Amazon is below average this year
> sees jew on tv screaming; sees Rothschilds's Macron puppet screaming
> believes it
> the definition of an NPC

>> No.10924651

dont know if npc or trolling

>> No.10924657

won't stop any fires, moron

>> No.10924661

the state of us education

>> No.10924663

>lungs of the earth
what a moron

>> No.10924664

mazel tov

>> No.10924670

hahahaha the amount of garbage level fake news in this thread is incredible. keep it going jews, you just may convince some faggot npc to die for your wars.

>> No.10924734

How dishonest can an article be? How about we compare the current fires to the last decade and not just to the record low year 2018? Compared to last night temperatures rose by more than 10° C. That must be global warming >>10908438
Oh no, if we don't go back to living on trees temperatures will increase by 1°C

>> No.10924754

>nuclear propulsion
>no guarantee that we'll make it that far without nuclear power
big brain

>> No.10924796

>>10924558 Not him but that doesn't matter. Especially because nuclear power wouldn't be deployed in just those countries that might handle it safely.
Also the waste problem hasn't been solved. Stop ignoring it.

>> No.10925046

strong cringe

>> No.10925054

>It's a global problem

Not really, global forest coverage has increased significantly in recent decades. Only in the tropics do they continue to deforest.


>> No.10925103

>Volcanos contribute more CO2 than humans
That's false. Humans release around 29b tonnes of CO2 whereas volcanos amount to 0.3 billion or so. Stop spreading false information.

>> No.10925118

Samefagging this hard with the latest horsewash from the /pol/ nozzle? Talk about NPC logging.

You clearly can't read. It is the highest since 2010 and are a result of Bolsenaro's loose and careless amazon policy. The only reason why the much larger fires of the 00s were reducing to the lower levels of 2010s was precisely because of programs designed to curb deforestation, same programs Bolsanero is now eliminating. If it keeps going the way it is, it could very well be a start to 00s level of deforestations-- a decade worth of progress lost due to greed.

>> No.10925162

Your argument essentially is that if you added 700 millions impoverished, illiterate peasants to Europe or the USA to live in squalor, then we would be given free reign to pollute the shit out of everything. Also CO2 emissions is just one aspect, you're neglecting poor land and water management, waste dumping, soil and aquifer pollution which are all endemic in the Third World.

Yes, people in the West should consume less but we're the ones maintaining nature reserves, recycling water and waste, reforesting our land and banning cars from our cities. Meanwhile India and China and co. certainly aren't on track to achieving a low-pollution, sustainable but rich lifestyle for their citizens, they're on track to becoming nations made up of 1 billion Americans from 1950.

>> No.10925176
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I'm so fucking done with foreign affairs.
Brazil, India, middle-east, china etc.
We can't sway them at all when it comes to pollution.
Every dam animal is getting poached to extinction, nothing is done to track the buyers of ivory etc, no punishment.
A run of the mill brain-dead chink family can order this shit from their ipad and face no consequences.
And the Brazilian president is so brain-dead that he should just be blown the fuck up by incoming gunfire.

>> No.10925512

I'm French and I've never seen coal or even a fireplace in 10 years

>> No.10925519

It’s an edgy joke about French people having sex with blacks, I think. They call that “burning coal”

>> No.10925523
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Have yourself some fun, or change the world in private.

>> No.10925531

>Everything will be solved if America invades Brazil or if CIA assassinates that monkey or something. If Americans want to fuck things up, now is the time. Go fuck them up burgers.
No doubt you choose America because they used long ago to be savior against tyrannical government but today, if Trump were to suddenly hate Bolso (after a bad tweet insulting his wife) and see him as a liability he would only have him assassinated to claim there's a conspiracy out to kill great alt right leader like himself.

More likely he'd tweet something about nuking the Amazonia to stop the fire and deny having done it (like he did for Hurricane, afraid I'm not joking).

>> No.10925535

Thank you for educating me about that horrible joke.
I'll now leave this place I've got frog legs to cook with cheap (local) wine and camembert.

>> No.10925539

Based and tedpilled

>> No.10925560

Did he tweet about nuking hurricanes?

>> No.10925574

At this point, we're quite simply just not. Our objective(s) if we want to survive as a species will be to find ways to adapt properly to the warming climate and to slow the change as much as we can (read: not much, because for this we're politically fucked as a species).

>> No.10925586

Actually this time it's more a second-hand "he said it in private with his military staff" shit-hole. He probably just joked about it.
Problem is that with him all it would take is fake news convincing him it's "THE EASY SOLUTION AGAINST HURRICANE THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW !!!!" and he would do it.

I'm pro-nuclear but sometime I am still glad we've got a taboo against it.

>> No.10925644

>He probably just joked about it.
I rather doubt it. He seriously asked why we don't use nukes for other stuff before. Some meteorologist on twitter keyed in on it, and said he actually gets asked a lot why we don't just nuke hurricanes, so would not be shocked at all if Trump asked it seriously.

>I'm pro-nuclear but sometime I am still glad we've got a taboo against it.
Same I guess. Nuclear danger gets exaggerated a lot.. but it can still be scary af.

>> No.10925681

amazon is fine you faggots
if you are so worried about tell europe to start getting their shit together instead of messing with american countries. forest burns in europe every damn year and you fucks do fuck all about it. but then the monkeys elect a ruler that cares about them and their country all the msm starts astroturfing this shit show nobody gave a damn. most of you fuck didn't even recognized the pictures of indiam australia and california forests in macron's tweets,
you fags don't know shit about your own fucking land or nature in general and just parrot whatever the fuck MSM tells you to.

>> No.10925695

>Also the waste problem hasn't been solved. Stop ignoring it.
Put it in a fucking hole, are you retarded? How much waste does a nuke plant create compared to anything else? They dug this radioactive shit out of the earth to begin with, just fucking put it back.

>> No.10925702

I guess it was the wrong word, his "jokes" tend to be far away from common sense. The sort of guy who make a big racist claim and wonder why everyone else in the room are moving away from him.

>> No.10925720

so it is all photoshop?

>> No.10926302

Dont have kids, Francois.
Leave that to Mamadou.

>> No.10926356

He's driving it on the back of a truck

>> No.10926933

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.10927661

Shut the fuck up, monkey.

>> No.10927663

Actually they have fires every year usually worse not just because the current president is right wing

>> No.10927853

>have fires every year usually worse
those are manmade, and no they werent worse

>president is right wing
he is much more upfront about it. but the reason he is making the headlines is that he can't stfu, and he fired the head of INPE. why he did that? according to him he was "lying". he has no qualifications whatsoever, and that's all it takes, he can just say that someone is "lying" and that person is fired. had he kept his mouth shut and not done as much stupid shit, and no one would be talking about his ass.

mind you that the latin left wing can hate dem phags and nature just as much as the "fascists". brazilian politics have never been polarized, this is a recent phenomena

you can't even hate what france is doing, boycotts aren't at all new. everyone has been boycotting brazilian shit since forever. if you noticed, the data shows a step decrease in deforestation during that 2009-2010 period, and that happened because of this:

a widespread international boycott. and at the time the anti-nature homophobic "left wing" proudly took credit for the achievement even though they had nothing to do with it. those were international measures made in response for their lack of action. they were like obedient cattle in the hands of the global elites, and would just abide to everything, even if it came at the expense of their social programs

>> No.10928071 [DELETED] 

the arctic is warming more quickly than the rest of the work

>> No.10929013

Yeah manmade but previous burning was just as bad the NYT had a fire map covering like 20 years, its not good but it's also nothing new
Yeah just don't boycott Israel goyim

>> No.10929066

>Right-wingers respect other people's property and freedoms
>"Right-wing politics holds that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable..."
Nothing rustles my jimmies like retarded americans who have zero political education but feel qualified to voice their opinion.

>> No.10929462

If social orders and hierarchies are natural, then it would be against people's freedom to suppress those since to do that you would need state intervention.

>> No.10929492

Fire always had, usually because of the dry weather. The difference is that now we had an increase of 82% compared to last year, the president himself is encouraging farmers and loggers to burn everything. He said to the farmers himself, "In my government you are safe," he is also doing his best to end the environmental watchdog.

>> No.10929808
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>>10905751 It isn't just the Amazon that's on fire: Africa is burning too and could become worse than Brazil.

>> No.10929977

I mean Brazil is so fucking poor we could easily afford to pay them their troll money. That would be fine.

>> No.10930072
File: 116 KB, 1049x828, like father like son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never said that though. it is the past administration that would take troll money, they were entirely run by troll money anyway

his real approach is "so you don't us to exploit our natural resources like you did to yours? that is none of your business. we are free to extract OUR resources on our own, we can do it sustainably and we don't need your help. and if you say otherwise then i'll go cruise control and make sexual remarks about you"

>> No.10931847

globalists have happily adopted many aspects of fascism to suit their purposes - such as the marriage of corporation and government, and in some cases even the mobs of thugs and surveillance of detractors

>> No.10931862

>how are we going to fix climate change
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?