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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10882524 No.10882524 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else realized they may simply be too stupid to ever make it in anything that requires intelligence?

>> No.10882542

Yes, and it's far worse when your only interests are intelligence-requiring. Being a brainlet is suffering.

>> No.10882551

Unfortunately as someone who is considered by many to be very very smart, I kind of feel the same way. I think it's much much more about luck and perserverence when it comes to "making it" than it is about intelligence. Fortunately I have luck and perserverence, but I'm beginning to wonder whether I have quite enough.

>> No.10882582

I had 10+ years net wasted with trigeminal neuralgia, digestive system failure, and worse. If I really think about it, I don't think there is any real utility to derive from these experiences, ultimately.

No matter how you think it is, do what you can. You've got whatcha got. What else can you do? Stop following other people and only compare to the extent that you're using it as a means of knowing yourself better, or expanding and improving. The world is in large part a mirror, use it accordingly. There is positive and negative in every frame.

Go forth, and be someone.

>> No.10882597

I just keep failing repeatedly and im starting to get demotivated anon...

>> No.10882603

So what are you going to do?

Your problem, your decisions, ultimately. Your life, no one can live it for you. Might sound blunt, but that's just the way it is. Maybe your environment will help you, maybe it won't.

>> No.10882608

The people who do not fail will never amount to anything. Your failures qualify you more for impact than any amount of intelligence ever could. The people who can make it are the people who push through the demotivating feeling of failure and keep trying. Some of them even learn to love and embrace failure because of how it improves them.
I'm not so good at any of that, but it's certainly the truth. You are getting more and more capable every day.

>> No.10882611

Yes, it just hurts that the brainletism could have been cured if I had spent leisure time as a child to learn something constructive instead of just jerking off and playing vidya assuming that as long as I had good grades there isn't anything else useful to do.

>> No.10882634
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I just don't want to be dumb anymore!

>> No.10882670

Fix dopamine abuse and your discipline. Closest that I've gotten to being smarter. Nofap definitely helps but it's subtle.

>> No.10882674

If it wasn't obvious, don't believe that being "smart" is concrete. You're (hopefully I'm self-aware to have this opinion) setting yourself up for failure.

>> No.10882683

Likewise, has anyone else realized they might never be able to build muscle? This is pure suffering

>> No.10882687

Have you ever been able to build muscle, but unable to use it for anything meaningful?

>> No.10882689

No, I can't build muscle in the first place

>> No.10882695

Dude what is up with you saying this in like every thread? Some people don’t have the best genetics, sure. But it really seems like you are dwelling on it rather than doing something about it. Eat more, sleep more, quit drinking, go to the doctor, lift harder. Some people do have low t, and there are ways to fix that too. Unless you have some actual terrible disease, you can build muscle.

>> No.10882696

Clicked the wrong guy lol

>> No.10882697

Mucuna pruriens.

>> No.10882704

I have already tried everything and recent research seems to contradict your last statement. Some people can't seem to build muscle even with intensive exercise. Changing diet or sleeping habits didn't change anything and I have normal testosterone levels. Muscles just stay the same size in spite of years of training and sweating

>> No.10882778

Buy testosterone enanthate and inject yourself with 300mg every 3 days while eating a 1000 calorie surplus. If you do not build muscle then submit yourself to medical researchers to be studied as a medical anamoly.

>> No.10882875
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Yep. I gave up on my naive, unrealistic high school dreams of being a researcher one day when I realized, after two years of undergrad, that my I.Q is just too low compared to my competition to ever make it

>> No.10882882

This guys like the people on the fat shows where they claim they eat like 500 calories yet still gain weight. Then the producer finds their cookie stash lel

>> No.10882899
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 937A05AA-60AB-4F18-A867-3BF98669FAA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I liked math and actually made an effort to study it when I was young, now I‘m JUSTed because every major I find interesting requires math and I‘m too lazy and brainlet to do something about it.

>> No.10882916
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>tfw smart enough to take an interest in STEM
>tfw too dumb to contribute anything significant to it

>> No.10882919

>contributing to stem

contributing to stem is not a sign of intelligence. "contributing to stem" means working way to hard and getting paid way to little to provide research used by people you don't know to make themselves rich off your labor

>> No.10882920

Why do you think you are dumb? Maybe you are just a regular dude with regular intelligence.

>> No.10882935

This is the case of everybody.
That's why it's so inspiring to see people do smart things. You really think Issac Newton came out of the womb writing calculus? NO, HE WORKED DAY IN DAY OUT.
If you wanna be smart, figure out
A. What you define intelligence as
B. How you're gonna become more intelligent
Get the fuck off 4chan to start

>> No.10883161
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A lot of failure, particularly in STEM, is a lack of perspective.

Kids go through numerous Math classes where success is determined by applying algorithms and memorizing the edge cases that will be covered on the exam. They will enter a higher-level Math class and be in a totally different environment. They will think "this is higher math, my skills don't work and my efforts do not yield me the results I want. So this program is not for me". When really it's that they were set up for failure since the start.

People will want to learn a new pursuit and pick up a few recommended textbooks they find online. They'll crack one open and be absolutely bewildered by every single sentence. Understanding each sentence is a massive endeavor and their understanding after is tenuous at best. What they do not realize is that they are like a Toddler opening up a Gourmet Cookbook and being upset because they never heard of whatever retarded ingredients and processes being done in the recipe.

Like there will be people out there who never programmed in there life try to read SICP because some low-empathy neckbeard naively recommended it to them and obviously fail to learn anything. After, they will despair and make threads saying they are low IQ and not cut out for it.

Let me give you guys a tip as a 28 year old who started learning Math at 21 from literally nothing: If you want to learn something intellectually demanding the only thing you can do is expose yourself to relevant content on a daily basis. You need to find content that YOU CAN UNDERSTAND and consume it, then after you have consumed everything that you can understand you move on. Every day you will make very very tiny strides to becoming proficient. Is the book you are reading too fucking complicated? Put it on the shelf and find another book.

If you have an interest, you can do it. Just do it smart.

>> No.10883263

Dont listen to naysayers anon. You can do anything you put your mind to

>> No.10883325
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Im studying astronomy undergrad and failed one of my math courses.
Makes me pretty sad since I have no problem with physics, only math.
Shit sucks senpai, and its really demotivating.

>> No.10883329
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>> No.10883347


Holy shit, actual fucking advice on /sci/.

>> No.10884326

I truly believe this. I went to a terrible school and didn't have anyone giving me confidence when I was younger and believed for years I was not good at sciences etc., but my natural geekiness eventually led to me completing an MSc and getting into data science. I do OK career and salary wise now, not amazing, but certainly better than average. Sometimes I catch myself looking at something I've done and think 'bloody hell, that's actually pretty good'. And with years of practice one reaches a point where (some) difficult stuff becomes easy, but to other people looks like witchcraft or genius. The key is effort and repetition.

One thing I've learnt: almost all people are slapdash with detail somewhere along the line. Be meticulous and scrupulous over detail and you're already ahead of the great majority of people.

>> No.10884332

Now you know how it feels to have an above average IQ and become self aware

>> No.10884454

I'm not sure about too stupid but definitely lacking in skills or the drive to get them. I have a university degree yet I don't think I've done a single non-trivial thing in my entire life.

>> No.10884458

God i hate redditors

>> No.10884462
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every day, i would rather be stupid enough to not realise my stupidity, sometimes.

>> No.10884504

I'm only slightly above average but I've brute forced my way into research through sheer willpower and work ethic. While it's at the undergraduate level I'm now looking into Ph.D programs because I love it.

>> No.10884510
File: 558 KB, 1429x1211, Screenshot_20190812-175357_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that when I went to interview at Jane Street. They made me look like an absolute fool I wanted to kms.

>> No.10884543

i interviewed there too. I got to the final interview with the ceo then he gave me a question with no answer and watched me squirm for 20 mins.
at least they gave me a shirt.. hehehe

>> No.10884549

Why do you even need that for HFT? GOD I HATE THOSE PEOPLE.

>> No.10884568

It's easy to learn a subject. Any brainlet can do that given time. What's difficult is learning a subject COMPETITIVELY. Can you beat out your classmates with a near perfect score plus RAs and get into that top grad-school? Can you publish Nature papers faster than your peers to get an R&D position at a good company/postdoc?

It's easy to learn any subject in the comfort of your own home, or at less competative schools and be content with yourself. However, you will starve as soon as you try to enter the real job market.

>> No.10884574

Jane Street seems like a brainlet company based on their profile anyway.

>> No.10884660

Arent their questions like dumb probability questions involving dice and middle school math?

>> No.10884664

All those companies - JS, TS, DE Shaw etc are just a bunch of ex-Silicon Valley guys jerking each other off about who knows more about algos. Fuck that noise. Start your own company and stay the hell away from them.

>> No.10885354


You will find that making a decent living in STEM is not as competitive as you think, if you lower your standards.

>> No.10885526

There is no such thing as a brainlet. Being low IQ simply reduces the width of topics you can master, but doesn't block you from focusing on just one and mastering that instead. Not everyone needs to be a polymath so stop trying to be one.

>> No.10885559

>if you lower your standards.
You glow in the dark.

>> No.10885972

Hey, HEY. You're not dumb you're simple, and there's nothing wrong with that. You just gotta learn to work with what you have and use it to the best of your ability. I mean look at warren buffet, the guy isn't a genius and he's mega wealthy.

>> No.10887396

I will not lower my standards. I'm not a subhuman.

>> No.10887401

>if you lower your standards.
What do you mean by this? My "standards" are "obtain any full time position, at all".

You fags probably read a bunch of blogs and think the labour market is still healthy. It's not. It's shit out there and 90% graduates will tell you the same thing.

>> No.10887892
