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10854744 No.10854744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many Asian students in Anglo universities in the world?
Plus they always seem to hang out with other chinese people instead of going for white men and women. What's up with that? I thought white women and white men were the most desirable ever.

>> No.10854751

Because there are over a billion Chinese so they have much larger total number of parents that can afford to buy their kids through adcom compared to the total number of upper class from other international denominations (which might have higher percentages, but less totals).

> What's up with that?
Who cares? They pay for our scholarships.

>> No.10854761

Because there are billion Asians. And they value education more than Americans do and they see America as a land of prosperity.

>> No.10854763

I can't understand why high intelligence doesn't have the trade off of low birthrates in Asians.

>> No.10854769

They do. Low birth rate however also includes low crime rate, highly ordered civilization, and highly stable governments.

>> No.10854773

Asians don't value education. They value "ahhh, Harvard deglee, very prestigiours"

>> No.10854774

No they are insects, and therefore incapable of critical thinking and forming a negative opinion about the Government.

>> No.10854823

>they always seem to hang out with other chinese people instead of going for white men and women

>implying it's a bad thing

>> No.10854973

you have to understand how backwards the chinese are in their advanced education.
most research is conducted in the west in english and china has very little exposure to both.
the communist revolution set them back multiple generations and they will not catch up any time soon on their own.

>> No.10854977

Even in France, literally their numbers double every year and they are so shit at studying

>> No.10854994
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>Why are there so many Asian students in Anglo universities in the world?
Because they have a greater average I.Q.

>Plus they always seem to hang out with other chinese people instead of going for white men and women. What's up with that?
This is not true. The Asian women at my school would always pursue European men. Every time time I started a new class, they would cluster around me and want me to study with them.

>I thought white women and white men were the most desirable ever.
This too is false. Because I for one like pursuing Latinas.

>> No.10854998

>they are so shit at studying
C'est vrai ? I hope they are because I was told to be careful, I'm going to meet some next year

>> No.10855016

>Why are there so many Asian students in Anglo universities in the world?

Because, unlike blacks, Asians are high IQ people.

>> No.10855070

It's easy to claim this shit online. It's even easy to claim in real life.

But when you look at actual couples race mixing is extremely rare. Even in the casual scene it is rare based on who people go home with/Tinder statistics.

Mostly people who claim to get laid aren't getting laid in general though.

>> No.10855078 [DELETED] 

Never said anything about getting laid.

>> No.10855081

Never said about getting laid

>> No.10855124

Obviously my antecdotal evidence isn't as useful as comparative statistics regarding asian preferences compared to other races, but I had 4 asian roommates in college and have 3 currently (biochem degree and med school). In my experience, there was reeeeeeally no preference towards asian partners, most of them didn't date but most of the dates were white

>> No.10855126


>> No.10855131

>This too is false. Because I for one like pursuing Latinas
Literally brainlet tier

>> No.10855187

A lot millonaries chines can use childrens in west countries as buyers real state or build own bussiness, other guys return to china with high positions because famous university studies.

And usually chine goverment subside international students from best china universities for taking best technology and knowledge work in top companies and return to china to build own high tech companies with high support from chine goverment.

>> No.10855223

> instead of going for white men and women. What's up with that?

You read 4chan. Seriously, would you want to hang with these whitebread autistic incel pillowfuckers?

Now take your lame ass footfag yellow fetish back to /a/ where it belongs. Go jerk off to Alita for the 670th time.

>> No.10855225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10855343

99% of Chinese history is civil war

>> No.10855348
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>> No.10855351
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>> No.10855373

I'm glad we have Asian-American bring prestige to our glorious country. I'd rather live in a country full of orderly and smart people than live in a country full of retards and crime ridden country.

>> No.10855385

This year they had 1 white guy.

>> No.10855388

USA: Enslaved black people, causing the degeneration of their entire society
China: Enslaved their own people, social fabric left intact.

Yeah, China did the biggest brain play regarding slavery.

>> No.10855485

>from europe

>> No.10855661

The best "mathletes" state-by-state are ofthen white (I was at mathcounts nationals one year), but the best-of-the-best are usually from hong kong or japan or are half-asian and half-white. I know the Hawaii teams usually are completely terrible.

>> No.10856568

Th entire team being asian just proves how much better our country is.

>> No.10857070

in this case, intelligence means obedience.

>> No.10857139

Seems like a pretty gud deal.

They over pay for college in the US and we underpay.

>> No.10857187

It's good because i get full marks for oral presentations when i'm the only one that can speak fuckin english
t. Melbourne

>> No.10857194

Adelaide here, you’re a faggot, all the chinks can speak English.

>> No.10857198

Lick my nuts you non-city bunghole

>> No.10857245

I live in the city though, you are like a suburban retard

>> No.10857273

>low "crime"
yeah, unless the government is doing it. China seems to be an incredibly corrupt place to do business.

99.99% incarceration rates are fun too.

>> No.10857277

8/10 chinks are going back to their country now after the degree for some reason so there must be something there

>> No.10857522

This, unfortunately. I'm Indian and most parents seem to care more for degrees than actual education for the sake of learning. I can't blame them though.

The situation is steadily improving, though.

>> No.10857523 [DELETED] 

City slicker

>> No.10857592

Yeah, the government does mass purges every so often during transition periods. Shit-sux for east asians.

>incarceration rate
People use this statistics without understanding criminal justice. I don't get it. What sort of rational goes through your mind when you see the 99.99% number?

>> No.10858613

>tfw extreme case of yellow fever
>not a single azn girl at my technical university in a small german town
this is why i will always be a virgin, i just didnt have the luck to be born in angloland

>> No.10858761


>Why are there so many Asian students in Anglo universities in the world?

Because Anglo universities are the top universities in the world? There's also no point in staying in China.

I'm talking more about actual immigrants though and not international students hanging out for a few years before they go back and learn what life is really like.

>> No.10858768


seriously this

>> No.10858782

Yeah, a family that, if they leave and start badmouthing their conditions, will be subject to much harsher living conditions and an even stronger control over their human rights.

>> No.10858818

where is the proof that individual han can put morality above conformity to the state

>> No.10858853
File: 151 KB, 1024x579, Vancouver Space Lamborghini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha whoever created this must live in Vancouver.
Mercedes SUV also acceptable
or Mercedes coupe with Winnie-the-Pooh or Hello Kitty seat covers

vehicles are White or Black, now and then a bright orange or purple, or some ridiculous cosmos wrap or something (pic related)

>> No.10858870

Give it a generation or two. Asians often live with their kids and are supported by them. With all these smart Asians getting shipped off to NA to experience wealth and not having your Chinese parents in the room next to you when you are 40, they will quickly embrace the Western ideals which include not having so many kids.

>> No.10858873
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The vast majority of Chinese students in Canada stay.
Almost all females stay. Which is great. :)

>> No.10858876


Fuck them then... And never reveal your identity. Make them a child and let their rich fucktard families deal with it lol

>> No.10858877

>le this :)
imagining the dried cum on your upraised eyebrow pushing up the receding hairline on your sloped forehead as the slurred uptalking SERIOUSLY THIS comes spewing from your faggot lips

>> No.10859280

At my uni, someone told me that the Chinese government uses Chinese students as pawns in negotiations. The uni does something you hate? Threaten to pull your Chinese students outta school. They serve as leverage, though I don’t know to what extent

>> No.10859297
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Life is a zero sum game, brainlet—seats are limited, if someone gets in, it means someone else isn't going to. Universities aren't intrinsically good institutions looking out for the needy. They will sell your seat and spot to the highest bidder, and this causes tuition to be raised and not lowered. Non-citizens should be barred from studying, and barred even from work permits. H1B was a mistake. Universities should be nationalized, and free to attend for intelligent people. Idiots like you should be driven out to the fields where you belong.

>> No.10859363

There’s some University in the US that literally has INSURANCE in case the number of (specifically) Chinese international students drops below a certain level, since they’re the ones that bankroll the institution

>> No.10859513

we europeans thought we'd be taken over by the arabs
little did we know it would actually be the chinese. desu I'd rather live in a culturally asian place than a culturally arab place.

>> No.10859603

Not any more. In the recent years 8/10 are going back.

>> No.10859607

What about the student loans?

>> No.10859705

I find it funny how for literally fucking 2000+ years they didn't give a fuck about scientific and medical advancement. They weren't around in those early 1800 medical schools helping to give a solid foundation to medical sciences. They weren't there when newton formulated classical mechanics. They weren't around when stem had to help in war efforts or help fight disease or when we went to the moon. But now that it's a 6 figure job those mammon worshiping gooks get on their rafts and come straight here. They can get on a boat when they know money is involved but not to explore the world. Why was there no asian Magellan? Couldn't be bothered to explore?

>> No.10859774

They had a stable society and the higher ups wanted to remain in power so innovation was stifled. They would have discovered everything because they had all the hallmarks of what was needed.

>> No.10859892
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Except for one thing

>> No.10859902

Lmao brainlet you're just jealous because you didn't get a full ride. Of course there are less seats available. That only means less Western men to compete with which makes my postgraduate career so much easier.

So not only am I winning a full ride, but my only possible competition can't even get in. You lost at life I get it, but go be bitter somewhere else, somewhere that likes commies. I'll be sure to recommend you for that top warehouse packer job though.

>> No.10859932

nigga everybody be like that.
nobody NO-fuckign-body gives a fuck about being a scholar they want shitty slave industry jobs to be a worthless piece of shit and value arbitrary paper over the WORK OF GOD

>> No.10859938


>> No.10859949

It doesn’t put food on the table faggots

>> No.10859950

>China...social fabric left intact
Either you'll have to admit you've never been to China, or you're going to have to define "social fabric"

>> No.10859954

Where did you get that idea? Statistically, more are staying than ever before.

>> No.10859955

They love authority.

>> No.10860001

wrong it does put enough for food. it just doesn't put enough for new jordan shoes to impress your black friends, gaming systems, 3 tvs, a three level house, a nice car, a girlfriend, kids, and new trendy clothes each week because you're such a cool guy/
fuck off you coping engineer or soft science faggot.
six cups of rice or three servings of top ramen is all you need to be alive per day plus nutrient supplements. OK FATASS
textbooks are free if you know were to look.
when you learn your field axioms and arithmetic drop out of school immediately and start your scholarly studies in the topic of interest, I like math. you get an algebra textbook and learn it at most in a month, you get a college algebra textbook and learn it in at most a month or two.
do calculus(integration and differentiation) which will be trivial so you can also start physics to apply your math knowledge, this will be completed at most in a month.
finish calculus (multi.var. and vector) + linear albrgra this should take about a month
continue your physics and learn diff.eqs.
start analysis and get into more interesting topic in physics if you want.
etc. you get the point
be at a grad school level by the age on ten
have 40 years to think of something ground breaking before you fucking die or your brain becomes useless.

laptop for textbooks - 100-300 bucks (1000 if you're a pretentious shitlord)
textbooks - free
utilities price - you're fucking ten you live with your mom she needs internet and she needs them to support your drop out ass, nigga
food - 48 top ramen cost 9 bucks at sams club that's enough for two weeks and two day extra
that's about 200 bucks for a year. you'll need to take supplements for nutrients i dunno take a fucking multi vitamin or some shit.
y'all niggas complaining about nothing.

how to spread your genes:
post your story on some place and say you're looking for women to birth a genius child. at least one crazy bitch with withering ovaries will reply.

>> No.10860106


>> No.10861335

>Why was there no asian Magellan? Couldn't be bothered to explore?
Chinese people are very superstitious, and in the early Ming dynastry, after Zheng He set sail with his treasure fleet, the mongols stepped up their invasions of China. Sometime after this, lighting struck the Forbidden Palace and the emperor at the time closed China off.

>> No.10861364


A lot of those students come from rich, well connected families, they go back because their family wealth and connections allow them to do things in China, like bend the rules, that they could pretty much never do in the US. Their parents could pull strings for them in China, in the US they'd have to compete against everyone else, like normal folks do.

The few Chinese that do stay back now are the middle class Chinese, who busted their butts to get in here and don't want to go back to a country where they are governed by a fucking social credit score.

>> No.10861368


True that man, the US IMO team has been dominated by Asian-Americans in the last 15 years.

>> No.10862224

this is actually a picture of the US chemistry olympiad team, not the IMO team

>> No.10863857

Why are the chinks (and asians in general) so infamously known for no sense of style?

>> No.10863859

Japan is literally full of 20-30 year old virgins bro.

>> No.10863896


Not him but people lie especially on the internet. Reminder that America not so long ago had anti interracial marriage laws and mass negative public opinion for race mixing in general. And yet African Americans have on average 20% European admixture along with Whites have some variant amount of Native American admixture. Clearly shit was happening behind the scenes and off the books.