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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 700x766, 34743459-6BAF-4F22-8078-A5E75D83E24B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10809891 No.10809891 [Reply] [Original]

So how can we actually slow down the aging process fkin pubmed says only about avoiding the sun exposure to prevent the skin aging and a diet!

>> No.10809939

drink a shitload of water lad to get the aging toxins out

>> No.10809945 [DELETED] 

How can I build muscle? fkin /fit/ only says lift and eat but it does not work

>> No.10809946
File: 414 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190713-122424_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoiding sun

lol no

>> No.10809957 [DELETED] 

Biological immortality is a century away. First, CRISPR will create undegradeable telomerase. That won't be enough, soon we'll have to solve all the other factors of aging, including neural complications.

>> No.10809958

Reminder UV-associated photoaging is baseless pseudoscience peddled by the sunscreen industry, and the best evidence they have to offer is an n=1 of a single trucker, who was on a number of photosensitive and phototoxic drugs his entire life. There is no evidence or even sound speculative mechanism as to why UV exposure would cause damage, provided melanogenesis exceeds dose relative to burn exposure. You want good skin? Stay hydrated, avoid ethanol (responsible for lipofuscin deposits). A runaway dermatological microbiome does more damage to the skin, than moderate sun exposure, which would have prevented that problem in the first place. FUCK the sunscreen industry.

>> No.10809961



>> No.10809962

Biological immortality is a century away. First, CRISPR will create undegradeable telomerase. That won't be enough, soon we'll have to solve all the other factors of aging, including neural complications and mineral build-up.

>> No.10809972

Thx anons

>> No.10810015

Three sessions of exercise at 45 minutes per week to raise brain health per year, rather than the usual degradation

Your heart needs to pump some like you need to sweat, can't be lazy. But every second counts like walking 100 meters is better than none

>> No.10810078

This is bullshit trolling at its worst. You might as well try and convince people that smoking isn’t linked to lung cancer either

>> No.10810117

>this is bullshit
Brainlets who say this without delineating an argument are just reacting emotionally.
>You might as well try and convince people that smoking isn’t linked to lung cancer either
Excellent straw man.

>> No.10810125

>immortality is a century away
de facto or de juro? i only expect to live 50 more years AT BEST. will the tech in 50 years buy me the 50 more i need?

>> No.10810141


when did all the actual scientists and science enthusiasts vacate this board and become replaced with schizo moon-truthers?

>> No.10810213

Mutagenesis only occurs with burning which is precluded with this statement, brainlet
> provided melanogenesis exceeds dose relative to burn exposure.

>> No.10810217

he is right. its mostly diet and being active and happy with low stress.

>> No.10810334
File: 139 KB, 1280x960, serveimage(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, no one here knows for certain. I could become an industry journalist and follow every new, small step forward and I'm sure I still couldn't give you a clear answer.
Its possible that, if you are affluent enough in 50 years, you could subside on lesser methods of longevity until true biological immortality is invented.

Its also possible that big pharma will strangle even the smallest treatment from reaching market.

We just don't know yet.

Just because colgate benefits from selling you toothpaste, doesn't mean you should stop brushing your teeth. It's the same for sun screen.
UV radiation is absolutley linked to the aging process.

Pic related is a trucker who only had the left side of his face exposed to the sun during his commutes.

>> No.10810356

There is no method currently. Nor is there anything even hypothetical in the near future. Life extension pop culture retards are wishing on a star that will never fall to Earth.

>> No.10810833

No reason to care for aging itself until you get of the non-aging cuases first.

First is magnesium deficiency. If you eat any modern diet, you are very likely magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency causes a wide range of ailments, much of which are blamed on aging.

Neurological disorders. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6024559/

Cardiovascular diseases and others: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5786912/

Thymic involution and cancer: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00402054

and many others, including osteoporosis, high cortisol levels, etc.

Iron accumulation causes neurological disorders and brain damage. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnagi.2018.00065/full This may be the actual mechanism of how caloric restriction works: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898557/

Calcium overload makes the effects of magnesium deficiency worse, depletes magnesium and is made worse by low magnesium.

Other minor mineral may cotribute. Low copper levels may contribute to alzheimers and cognitive decline. Molybdenum is necessary in several enzymes needed for waste removal. Both copper and manganese are needed to prevent oxidative damage through superoxide dismutase.

tl:dr: Cut your calcium and iron intakes, take magnesium, donate blood.

>> No.10810852

>donate blood
Does this come with any risks for anything?

>> No.10810862

My source is the United States fda. What’s yours?

>> No.10810907


Seriously though... imagine how much puss u would pull if this was your tinder?

>> No.10810928


The United States FDA sunscreen monograph is very clear about uva causing cancer and aging. It is also clear on which ingredients are effective in preventing this in sunscreen.

In short, you’re as wrong as you are an angry projecting incel.

>> No.10810932

It depends what kind of skin you have; if you're white, just don't go out in the sun; limit your exposure as much as possible; don't think clothing is 100% protection either, UV can pierce certain fabrics easily. I've worn those cheap white cotton tshirts that come several to a bag in the underwear aisle on the beach before, you WILL get burned through those. If your skin tans, good for you, you're lucky, you can slowly build up color by limiting your UV exposure. A lot of white people can't even build up tans without risking burns.

Masturbate frequently. No, really. Jerking off 2 times daily keeps your testosterone levels lower; as a result, you will age more slowly, your body hair will be less dense, and your skin will be better. Problem is if you want the full effect you have to start doing it immediately when puberty hits. The lower testosterone levels during the formative years will make you basically a perma-teen (genetics probably plays a role as well, no guarantees). This is not confirmed science, just a theory of mine. I am 32 years old, but people still mistake me for a 17 year old when I go out. I look exactly like my father when he was young, but when HE was 32, he looked his age.

>> No.10811316

The amount of dumbfucks on this science board is astounding. Sunscreen reduces your chances or skin cancer. This has to be a thread of pure trolling, there’s no way people are this dumb

>> No.10811585

In experiments with monkeys, the effects of aging were dramatically reduced by keeping them slightly cold and slightly underfed.

>> No.10811817

Faulty analogy.
>UV radiation is absolutley linked to the aging process.
No evidence provided. In fact, you proved yourself to be a retard as the case study you defer to in 'serveimage(2), was thoroughly debunked.
>the best evidence they have to offer is an n=1 of a single trucker, who was on a number of photosensitive and phototoxic drugs his entire life.

>> No.10811837

A sunscreen monograph derived from what? What methods? What is the mechanism for melanin-adapted-UVA-induced photoaging and carcinogenesis? Oh that's right, you are a brainlet too stupid to understand any of this and defers to a thinly veiled appeal to authority, which is extremely ironic because unlike other drugs, sunscreen is unregulated and is free to be sold regardless of efficacy or safety.

>> No.10811846

good way to die early.
most studies show a trade off between sexual activity and aging. rats, worms and flys who have the highest copulatory frequency, die quicker. sexual activity is exhausting and semen is nutrient rich.

>> No.10811848
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t. midwit

>> No.10811947

It's also proven women live longer than men because testosterone is fucking horrible for you. Good thing we aren't tiny creatures that need to spend significant resources on semen production. It's pretty much negligible for us. It's decent exercise too, if you're an inactive person.

>> No.10811949

might as well take antiandrogens with this retarded attitude.

>> No.10811957
File: 62 KB, 1024x961, 14343435500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women live longer than men because they have easier occupations, easier lives, don't take as many risks, and don't do stupid things like crawl under 4000 pounds of steel suspended by a single Harbor Freight jack. Testosterone has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10811963

then i would have been dead by the age of 14 hahah!

>> No.10811973

The point isn't to become a fucking basedboy, it's simply to lower the testosterone levels to some degree. We still need it, we just don't need so fucking much of it. The reduction from sexual activity is just right.

>> No.10812016

Low IQ post.

>> No.10812265
File: 9 KB, 289x175, 929287366519461900163738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfffff ahahaha, /sci/s resident "UV good, sun screen bad" conspiritard, I love it ahaha.

>who was on a number of photosensitive and phototoxic drugs his entire life.
>source: dude just trust me
Were pic related on drugs too anon?
Imagine being so contrarian that you legitimately believe you don't need to wear sun screen. What a tool lmao

>> No.10812267

Yeah I bet you do all of that

>> No.10812279

But wait... there's more!
What about n=298?
>Clinical signs of aging are essentially influenced by extrinsic factors, especially sun exposure. Indeed UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs.

Literally the first search result for "sun damage related to aging", you science denier.

>> No.10812334

Sunlight exposure will occur more mutation , and will increase regeneration of fibroblaste , wich , that can only be regenerated 50 times

>> No.10812365

>> Sunscreen is unregulated

Lol, the United States fda regulates sunscreen you fucktard. I provided a credible source with proficient testing methods. You reek of the same contrarian stupidity as an incel /pol frog poster

>> No.10812401

>>Thinly veiled appeal to authority
That’s a mentally lazy thing to say when you are incapable of refuting a source. Dosent win arguments, just shows that you can’t go head-to-head with the facts.

>> No.10812436

pyrimidine dimers are literally mutations - the fact we can observe them happening with UV exposure means that it causes cancer

>> No.10812557

>0/10 reading comprehension

>> No.10814615

>So how can we actually slow down the aging process
Avoid oxygen.

>> No.10814625

don't inhale oxygen, problem solved

>> No.10814653

>Lol, the United States fda regulates sunscreen you fucktard
Not to the same standard of other topical drugs, which require laborious safety probes, double-blind experimental tests in multiple phases.
> I provided a credible source with proficient testing methods.
You provided nothing. You mentioned only some graph, to which, as far as I know, you made everything up, and backed it up only by saying MUH FDA which certainly is an appeal to authority
No source was provided.
No facts were provided.
Just your word, which obviously was something that a brainlet who saw a single graph and decided it was the be-all-and-end-all of scientific discourse. I can tell you are a midwit who simply regurgitates information that he happens upon and is incapable of considering anything that runs contrary for it. You are the kind of imbecile that would have defended the geocentric model of the solar system with nothing else other than "because it's a fact". You are intellectually lazy, dishonest, and probably a midwit that shouldn't be involved in science in any capacity. Please go back to >>>/reddit/ and I-FUCKING-LOVE-SCIENCE comment discussions. You do not belong here.

>> No.10814887

>> No facts provided
>> No source provided
>> Just your word


There’s the source, ingredients, testing methods, the works.This post should be titled “Conspiracy anon DESTROYED by educated chad”

Fuck you’re retarded, now piss off back to /x or /pol with your conspiracy bullshit

>> No.10814933

>> You mentioned only some graph
>> You saw some graph somewhere

This is the heights of stupidity. Here, let me copy and paste the definition of monograph for you:
Learn to pronounce
a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.
"a series of monographs on music in late medieval and Renaissance cities"

..some graph...lol..I can’t believe you actually came back with that. In case I have to spell it out for you, a sunscreen monograph is a study of sunscreen, which can include graphs, but its NOT A FUCKING LITERAL GRAPH.

>> No.10815179


And fuck it, I really feel like burying you real goddamn deep because the bullshit information you’re spreading is actually dangerous.

Canadian FDA sunscreen monograph:

Australian version:


European Union sunscreen monograph:

Here are real life studies which measured photoaging in participants and conclusively found that sunscreen helped prevent photoaging:




The fact that UV rays are harmful and directly cause cancer and aging is irrefutable. Sunscreen helps prevent this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Saying anything else is beyond being a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

>> No.10815227

>Sunscreen helps prevent this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

How about the absolutely massive skin cancer rates in sunscreen obsessed australia?

>> No.10815275
File: 92 KB, 604x296, uvmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because of the sunny/warm all-year-round climate of australia, people spend way more time in the sun. That, and Australia gets a shit fuck tonne of solar radiation relative to the rest of the earth due to the earths tilt and lattitude.

>> No.10815317

Now look up the UV blocking effects of a sufficient amount of melanin, you brainlet, which is accrued with cumulative moderate sun-exposure. It has very similar UV blocking effects. Mutanogensis only occurs with burning
>The fact that UV rays are harmful and directly cause cancer and aging is irrefutable.
Where is your evidence? This is only demonstrated with direct burning. These monographs you listed are a series of literature reviews, poor ones, paired with UV rated protections for various sunscreens.
>Sunscreen helps prevent this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
No kidding it insofar as it blocks harmful burns (a tan is not a burn) but so does melanin pigmentation which is more than sufficient with cumulative exposure for virtually all mainland Europeans, a majority of nords even. Only redheads, very fair blue-eyed, light blond with freckled skin (say Estonians, Finnish) would need this extreme protection. This protection itself is not harmless, often predisposes the regular wearer to extreme burns when without it because he has no baseline level of protect and Vitamin D deprivation. Moreover, the agents used, especially non-mineral, can be toxic to the kidneys and brain.
>Saying anything else is beyond being a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
False dilemma and guilt by association. Very low IQ.
Norway gets comparatively little yet has very high rates of melanoma per capita. This is because of intermittent exposure and sudden burning, often worsened because someone was led to believe any sun exposure was harmful, wore an excessive amount of the stuff, and one day was caught with out it.

Moderate sun exposure and having a healthy baseline amount of melanin not only protects against burns but is healthy for the individual. The photosynthesis of Vitamin D reduces cholesterol. Sun exposure raises testosterone. There numerous other photocatalyzed reactions, products of evolving under the sun. Sun, in moderation, is good.

>> No.10815339

>>No sources provided
your post has been disregarded

>> No.10815352

Avoid the sun, oxygen and water

>> No.10815384

That guy is like 50, no joke.

>> No.10815411


>> No.10815419 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1561723340273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

>> No.10815427


Whats his name?

>> No.10815434


Is this some weird copy pasta or a tail-spin..?

>> No.10815437

melanin blocks uv and sunlight aids vitamin D...none of this was ever disputed. This has nothing to do with the efficacy of sunscreen. Are you broken or just trolling?

>> No.10815440


Chuando Tan

>> No.10815444

If they did not correct for phototoxic and foods, drugs, this is worthless.

>> No.10815448

Then you concede to the original post: >>10809958, glad you agree now, brainlet.

>> No.10815456
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>> No.10815497
File: 95 KB, 1115x700, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
>In thus concluding, This has nothing to do with the efficacy of sunscreen [even though this was never refuted]. Are you broken or just trolling?

do not come back

>> No.10815506

>>Lost the argument

>> No.10815551

You didn't have an argument. You went back on your initial point and reduced the discussion down to a very narrow subset which was never debated. The FDA's lack of oversight was.

>> No.10815563


>> No.10815580

I have done an IQ test, got 139 as a result.. while high.
I even feel stupid when I'm high, what does this make me?

>> No.10815590

A gay frog

>> No.10816089

>ad hominem
are you fucking lost

>> No.10817438
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>> Tanning is healthy

>> No.10817530
File: 567 KB, 2448x1228, 1542501823912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moderate sun exposure is unhealthy
Retard detected

>> No.10817798


Tanning is literally your body reacting to uv damage faggot

>> No.10818888

>>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10818901

i've been housebound since jan 2006 and i look dramatically younger than everyone else my age. the upshot is that vitamin d deficiency has done a number on my bones so i have the posture of an old man and chronic pain and discomfort in numerous places. would not recommend.

>> No.10818904

You'll stop aging instantly

>> No.10818907

>vitamin D supplements exist
>Cod oil exists
no excuse

>> No.10818926

take vitamin D supplements
t. Canadian

>> No.10818941


Lol, eat proper food or take supplements then. Wtf are you doing to yourself, living off Cheeto’s?

>> No.10819012

Take magnesium.

>> No.10819022

My highschool english teacher is in his 60s, runs and is tan all year round. He looks incredibly young for his age. My class use to call him Tan-Man. Good guy.

>> No.10819119

Are you?

>> No.10819212

Hes not, but if you’re defending >>10815497 then holy shit you’re fucked

>> No.10820209

That post is mocking midwit rhetoric.

>> No.10820249

also, avoid vegetable seed oils and try to maintain your insulin sensitivity

>> No.10820571

Your butthurt is showing

>> No.10820587

The truth is that poly-unsaturated fatty acids, which are present in skin cells due to diet (built around the idea that vegetable and seed oils are "healthier" than saturated fats), are peroxidized by UV rays at a far lower dose than saturated fatty acid chains. This oxidative degredation is what causes cell damage (IE sunburn) and when the damage affects DNA in the right manner, you get melanoma. There is a reason skin cancer was relatively non-incidental before the massive switch to vegetable cooking oil and margarine over butter and bacon fat

>> No.10820894

Sometimes I think we are being bred by being fed diet that is intentionally as bad as possible. Those who survive all this will be far more resistant than the people before.

>> No.10821349

>plant old doesn't degrade as much under the sun
>which means you don't get skin cancer as much if you mostly have plant oil instead of mooing oil in you
>but skin cancer was non-incidental when we used mooing oil *before* switching to plant oil
dumb esl here, is plant oil good or bad, i don't understand

>> No.10821705

Seems the reverse. You're the one clearly upset.

>> No.10821721

probably a liar

>> No.10821723

This is (you) >>NO YOU!

>> No.10821747

Pssssh, I scored 139 when I was 8. Given how much smarter I am now, my Iq is definitely upwards of 200

>> No.10821805

native speaker, I don't understand either.

>> No.10822856


Is this the anon that singlehandedly keeps the average iq of /sci below /lit?

>> No.10823089

>Masturbate frequently.
Wasting your semen, instead of reabsorbing is not a good idea. It's genuinely like saying just bleed out on the floor for an hour everyday to prevent aging. Your body is going to be working overtime to get back the nutrients you lost. This is not a good way to prevent aging.

>> No.10823164

>Wasting your semen
>implying i don't freeze it all for future use

>> No.10823696

>argument is ad hominem
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.10823718

Lysosomes should be easy to fix. It's merely a matter of figuring out what enzymes can break down the debris that our lysosomes can't, and figuring out how to transport large amounts of these enzymes into our own cells.


>> No.10823885 [DELETED] 

Molybdenum is necessary in some enzymes needed for cleanup. Its deficiency could be a cause of the reduced capacity for brakdown.

>> No.10823889

Molybdenum is necessary in some enzymes needed for cleanup. Its deficiency could be a cause of the reduced capacity for breakdown.

It appears that high molybdenum intake could cause copper deficiency, as well as possibly gout (but that may be combined with another deficiency) so care need to be taken with supplementation.

>> No.10823895

Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't you die when your telomeres get short and the cell starts to take damage either way? I feel like you'd have a hard cap of 1.5-2 centuries even if you were perfectly healthy and never got a scratch, just from genetic damage.

>> No.10824012

Yes! That means I still have time to take my time going to the gym at my slow and steady pace and develop a body like him.

>> No.10824022


>> No.10825066

So, you are that anon. Get necked, you’re keeping this board down

>> No.10825544

>> A healthy baseline of melanin

There’s no such thing as a healthy tan, sport. Tanning is your body reacting to radiation damage. I suppose you would also recommend walking around with a chunk of radium in your pocket for the health-inducing rays it lets off. Got anymore tips? Like bloodletting? Electroshock therapy? Essential Oils? Just fuck off you stupid cunt

>> No.10825784

Dont forget about married lads who have the extra stress of being nagged to death. Heck the reason why unmarried men live shorter is because they pool in divorced raped men with willing bachelors, and they are usually slaves at that point.

>> No.10826476
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It's an evolutionary adaptation from living countless millennium under the sun, it isn't reacting to damage, it is reacting to UV exposure and pigmentation to prevent damage from successive and further doses, which invariably would occur to a species living under the sun without any further means of protection. There is such a thing as a healthy tan, otherwise the body would have no means of utilizing photocatalyzed reactions. Notice how you try to use cheap rhetorical techniques with your false equivalences, absolute black and white thinking, and extreme emotional undertone. In other words, a brainlet.

>> No.10826916

i take 25ug of vitamin d every day. it's like it isn't bioavailable

also does nothing

>> No.10826982

It happens whenever there's a medical-related thread. One poster prolifically trawls this board and posts his delusions.


The pastebin documents his insanity but to sum it up, here's the things he posts about.

>Umbilical cord clamping
>Non-ionizing radiation
>Ionizing radiation
>CT scan
>Water memory
>Trigeminal neuralgia
>The Rockefellers
>Curing malaria with electromagnetic fields
>Calcium and iron
>Ultraviolet rays
>Vitamin K injections
>Prophylactic silver nitrate eye drops

Did I miss anything?

>> No.10827033
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, Dr. Aubrey de Grey more like gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this immortality fags. How can it be that the leader of your movement looks like 80 even though he's not even 60.

>> No.10827082

>orally bioavailable
20% with a fatty meal at best.

>> No.10827103

That is not me, brainlet. In fact, I've defeated Mr. Clamp in argument time and again in respects to his recent titular investiture and 5g. Ironically, UVA and UVB are both non ionizing radiation too so thanks for further bolstering my point and putting yourself in his ranks by screaming m-muh unhealthy at any amount of exposure! Most of the history of mankind has been under the sun and it performs many vital functions and is very prophylactic for preventing a number of dermatological conditions, especially acne, and is very therapeutic for psoriasis.

>> No.10827108


>> No.10827111

130 is still midwit territory, I am sorry to inform you.

>> No.10827143

>> Its an evolutionary advantage due to millennia of living under the sun, it’s not a reaction to damage

You contradicted your argument in order to form it in the first place. What an idiot.

>> No.10827148

It says

>> No.10827156

The sun clearly does damage the skin in some capacity though. Sunburn isn't just from heat, it's from the UV nature of sunlight. When cells are damaged, they have to multiply and regenerate, this causes ageing in whatever organ is being regenerated, in this case the skin. Obviously sunburn is an extreme case but really any amount of sun exposure is going to cause some amount of damage which needs to be regenerated. Why do you think humans in high UV areas have evolved dark skin (yes I know the first humans had dark skin but they did have to evolve that feature at some point). It's because sunlight is harmful, simple as.

I'm not gonna peddle avoiding sunlight entirely but saying that sun doesn't age the skin is honestly just not true. It's just common sense.

>> No.10827175

Ok, then
>> Its an evolutionary adaptation due to millennia of living under the sun, it’s not a reaction to damage

Yup, you’re still an idiot, even with that there

>> No.10827200


No, 75-115 is. That’s how Bell curves work.

>> No.10827210

excellent post demonstrating the salience of the word

>> No.10827238

If sunlight caused no damage then what exactly did we need to adapt for? You are a fucking moron anon.

>> No.10827308

Be rich.

>> No.10827311

You don't have to get sunburned to get a tan. I get it, you can't tan, so you won't, but people who do tan tan with much lower exposure than what causes damage.

>> No.10827317

You might not have to take the molybdenum-containing enzymes continually though. It could be where you undergo some kind of rejuvenation therapy every 10 years or so, and don't have to deal with molybdenium/copper deficiency otherwise.

>> No.10827398

The adaption of tanning is a response by the body to prevent damage when it encounters a higher UV environment than the one it usually exists in. There is no reason that tanning or dark skin ever would have evolved if UV did not cause damage. If you are tanning it is a sign that you are at least taking some damage since your skin does not currently have enough pigment to protect you. Sure, once you get dark enough for your given environment you probably don't need to worry, but in the meantime damage is being done.

>> No.10827400


I never said you needed to sunburn to tan

>> No.10827426

The enzymes are a natural part of your body, they just aren't working if there isn't enough molybdenum to fill the slots.

>> No.10827427

No, it's more like summer and winter fur. It's genetic if you tan or not. You can be very white and tan or brown and not tan.

>> No.10827498

Summer and winter fur are also adaptions meant to protect against changing environmental conditions, but fur is moreso for cold temperatures than it is for anything to do with UV. Tanning is the same. You tan in the summer to protect yourself against the suns rays. Yes there is a genetic element, but you will only tan if exposed to sunlight or other UV light. If you spend the entirety of the summer indoors and in shade, you won't tan. You can even tan in the winter if the sun is out enough and you go out in it. So tanning is certainly more of an on the fly adaptation to current environmental conditions than anything else.
>It's genetic if you tan or not. You can be very white and tan or brown and not tan.
Most people do tan to a degree. Very brown people might not tan as much because there is no need for them to do so, since their skin has the long term adaption of high melanin levels due to longterm evolutionary changes. White people have more of a need to tan if they go into a more UV exposed environment, and of course tanning on a white person is more noticeable. Inability to tan is pretty rare and is a form of albinism, a genetic defect, since this ability is actually pretty important for most humans on Earth.

I guess what I am rambling about is that tanning is a genetic but it is also a real time adaption to whatever level of UV you are currently exposed to. If the body decides to tan it is because you are in an environment that the body detects has a high level of UV. It is very likely that if you are tanning you are also accumulating cellular damage, which is why the body needs to react fast in order to protect itself against the sunrays.

>> No.10827528

wrong, testosterone is necessary for a healthy life and deficiency is associated with a lot of diseases, aside from just the lower quality of life you will get as it saps energy and in effect the amount of life you live in a year. Women don't need a lot of testosterone because they're not evolved for it. Test does nothing by itself, it only interfaces with cell receptors which have a sensitivity and effect depended on the tissue and lifeform.

>> No.10827537

25 micrograms isn't a lot, the 100% absolutely truley bitch boi safe upper limit is reported at 4000 IU or 100 micrograms, while the skin can apparently produce tens of thousands of IU in minutes and you can possibly eat millions of IU for a few weeks by accident and don't have any real negative symptoms

I would recommend you take a blood test or whatever to see if you're deficient and to take more supplements, or wheel your chair out to the balcony or open sunlit window for an hour a day whenever possible

>> No.10827541

yes, but you can add telomerase to make more. We even have it in our DNA but it's turned off for the most part.