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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10790892 No.10790892 [Reply] [Original]

"KYS" edition
Old one hit the bump limit.
We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, optho, derm, rads

>> No.10790962

Is it true that western European countries (Germany, France, Belgium, etc) are gradually moving towards a more privatized, "Americanized" way of delivering healthcare?

>> No.10790971

Just got accepted to a D.O. med school? Should I just go? I guess I'll still be a doctor but the extra pseudoscience handjob class seems awful

>> No.10790972

See it as an opportunity to learn how to become great at massages

>> No.10790978

someone give me a PhD topic

> D.O. med school
what is that?

>> No.10790984


>> No.10790987

I don't think there is any general trend that can be applied to all the countries.

>> No.10790990

America has a second physician's degree called D.O. that basically incorporates chiropractic like elements that no practicing physicians actually use (legit 5%). It is less competitive and prestigious than MD school and an option for brainlets like me who fucked around and got a low gpa to still become doctors

>> No.10791033

Is it useful for old people? My friends mother is a D.O. and most of her clients are elderly including my grandmother.

>> No.10791049

I'm not sure it is probably useful in the same unproven way that chiropractic stuff is useful. Just for musculoskeletal of course. I want to be a neurologist so I can't really imagine what use I would get out of it besides maybe better practice with a physical exam.

>> No.10791061

Fair enough, would be interesting to find out what they cut out to make room for the musculoskeletal stuff.

>> No.10791071

Will they teach me everything I need to know in med school? I feel like I learned absolutely nothing in undergrad. I studied last minute for every exam and instantly forgot everything. I also feel like I forget everything from the MCAT. Will I be fine going in as basically an 8th grader education wise?

>> No.10791073

What did you get on the mcat brainlet? How tf did you even get accepted

>> No.10791079

balanced 510. I only have interview invites so far I guess

>> No.10791112
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in the US, they clamp our umbilical cords before the completion of placental transfusion.

>> No.10791134

Do you want to be a doctor or not? Refusing to go to med school because of one class you theoretically might not like is about as stupid as it gets.

>> No.10791186

Why haven't doctors discovered a way to make peepee bigger? You can transplant a fucking heart but you can't enlarge my small pp

>> No.10791202

There are multiple manovers for headache treatments and as a neurologist you'll want as many things you can throw at headaches as possible. Learn them and use them. Even if they're just placebo relief is relief.

>> No.10791206

oh jesus christ is this picture accurate? someone respond this is very important

>> No.10791267

It is.




And that's not even mentioning brain damage from pitocin, which causes reduced transplacental blood flow and net reduced cerebral perfusion in the infant from repeated rapid spikes in blood pressure due to the mother's contractions, AND tries to use its head like a battering ram through a birth canal that is not prepared. Or vitamin K, which increases the viscosity of the blood of that little infant that just got asphyxiated when its cord was clamped, its little heart beating away at 200bpm. And you increase its viscosity. With something that also contains aluminum.

>> No.10791270

Also, if it's important because you're having kids, I can look up a thread I made here that got moved to /pol/. Unironically the thread quality was greatly improved after that point. A lot of people who'd gone through hospital births.

>> No.10791276

nice post

so why the fuck is this being done?

why is this world such a meme

circumcision and this shit...

>> No.10791301

I don't know how it got started. It became common in the US in the mid 50's, some doctors at the time wrote journal articles expressing their concerns and horror, it came to pass anyway. I bet if you dug you'd find many connections leading to Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, but evaluating that is just a heuristic.

Not much effort is really made to justify it. There ar elcaims of reduced rates of neonatal jaundice, though the only research I've found shows rates of 5% vs 2%, and no investigation as to real causes. We know that the hep B vaccine can cause jaundice. We know that if the child doesn't receive the colostrum (first breast milk) the gut wall will not close up and the bilirubin etc won't be flushed out of the intestines. This can cause jaundice later. Jaundice is also trivially treatable with phototherapy regardless.

Sometimes it's claimed that it reduces the rate of post partum hemorrhage. That makes no sense, and the papers I've read indicate the opposite.

It's just retardation and doing what you were trained to do. If it came under wide public scrutiny you'd find justifications rapidly popping up for a while, but unlike genital cutting, I doubt they'd stick. Even the doctors would realize and accept what they were trained to do was unscientific and wrong.

>> No.10791417

Is delayed cord clamping not a thing in the US? I live in a third world dungheap and the advice is to provide skin-to-skin contact and clamp after the pulsations subside.

>> No.10791430
File: 644 KB, 1494x1672, Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're barbarians with a shiny coat of paint and all the dissociative pretense you could ask for. It should be of little surprise given our trauma programming history and the role of mass media.

I think it was Dostoevsky that said that to judge a society you need only look at its prisons. I disagree. To judge the deepest character of a society, you need only look to what it does to its children.

>> No.10791471

Who's this "we?"

>> No.10791481

Americans. There is a we, though I don't feel any real connection at all. These problems have been allowed to persist and propagate, and we only have ourselves to blame.

None of these things exist in a vacuum.

>> No.10791884

Honestly just do it OP, rejecting an acceptance will blacklist you at that DO school and there's no guarantee you'll get into an MD school next cycle. I've seen DO's in plenty of competitive specialities, although you will have to go above and beyond to get the same chance as an MD

>> No.10792040

Oil used to be expensive and most foods were carb based. Now all carbs are soaked in oil. It's as if we are intentionally fed wrong diet on purpose.

It has been known at leat since the 70's that thymus degeneration is caused by magnesium deficiency, that it causes cancer and that high calcium intake makes it worse:

There is eveidence that it causes allrgies as well: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925443900000181

Yet we are being stuffed with bizarrely high amounts of calcium and magnesium is so neglected you can't even be stested for the deficiency. There is also evidence it may cause atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, supposedly "age related" diseases.

Iron is being added to food for no good reason, despite evidence it is the primary cause of neurological diseases and possibly heart disease.


copper has been called toxic and copper cookware was banned, despite the fact that copper is an essential nutrient for mammals and its deficiency makes you retarded. (meanwihle massive amounts of copper are fed to pigs, with no harm)

In fact our like for spices and herbs may serve the purpose of supplying our huge brains with copper and manganese.

>> No.10792051

>magnesium is so neglected you can't even be stested for the deficiency
99% of the magnesium in the body is tissue bound. You cannot test for magnesium deficiency. My step grandfather recently had an ischemic stroke (carotid clot) and my family deliberately blocked me out and ignored my advice. That advice included IV magnesium replacement. They claimed this was being done but it wouldn't surprise me if they lied to shut me up.


>> No.10792249
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>> No.10792259

Anyone have the ECG Apu?

>> No.10792271
File: 92 KB, 757x1017, 352F8E83-145C-4296-8D2C-88DA08F0C03E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.10792272

Do most doctors have a good understanding of physics?

>> No.10792278

Pretty much nobody has a good grasp on physics outside of physics.

>> No.10792284

Thank you, anon <3

>> No.10792318

whats you magnum opus for this summer /med/?
im translating 600 page textbook to my native language.
why you ask,well im kinda feeling bad for this older colleague of mine since he never learned english and every time he sees me reading something in english he has a sad commend about it :(

>> No.10792327

Reading Boron to refresh my knowledge. What kind of gutter has doctors who don’t know English?

>> No.10792333

Work on compression algorithm. If I don't get somewhere soon I might as well just get out the rope.

>> No.10792336

ones that were under communist ruling of course.
its a contemporary textbook so im sure it will make him happy.

>> No.10792379

Well how about on an individual basis then? I'm mainly interested in knowing how things are in Germany, France, Switzerland and the UK.

>> No.10792505

>provide skin-to-skin contact and clamp after the pulsations subside.
That's what I was taught in the US 15 years ago. No idea where all this clamping nonsense comes from.

>> No.10792536

Cant wait for this shitposter to fail med school and stop making these threads

>> No.10792541

/med/ generals have been on /sci/ for a long ass time. Just filter the threads out if they bother you so much.

>> No.10792547

What about the other things he keeps mentioning, like Vit K and silver nitrate? Do hospitals still use silver nitrate eye drops?

>> No.10792588

Judging from the usage of KYS logo, this OP is from Finland, so the possibility of him failing med school is extremely low.

>> No.10792634

Today and yesterday surgical clerkship was pure boredom. Only fucking paperwork. No manipulations, operations or patients whatsoever. Might really kill myself if this goes on desu senpai.

Do you live in a cave? Penis enlargment is a thing and has been done for years.
Hell naw. We have pretty basic knowledge.
To fucking take my final surgical exam which is the last one from my national examinations and I practically become a doc after that.

>> No.10792656

How to make pp big, doctor?

>> No.10792664
File: 526 KB, 1368x1027, bittersweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can vitamin pills go bad?
Got a plastic jar with 200 pills some two years ago and had it in an open kitchen shelf but shaded from sun.

>> No.10792673
File: 12 KB, 210x240, wakko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shittiest med-school in finland
>practically impossible to drop out from uni in finland

>> No.10792789

Vit d

>> No.10792898

They should have an expiration date on them. You can lose effiency, but they will do no harm.

>> No.10792901

normie get out