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10785338 No.10785338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.10785343

Yes. Very stupid people listen to very smart people. It's convincing midwits that is the problem. They almost always refuse to yield.

>> No.10785754

makes sense, but how can you tell if someone is very smart or if they are just dumb and overconfident

>> No.10785773

Perform an IQ test to more definite answer. Or you you use statistical mathematics to give you probable answers to you question (fuzzy logic).

>> No.10785785

For example. If you knew someone's income and wealth, you can plug it into a correlation equation and solve for there EXPECTED IQ with a variance.

>> No.10785819

you're saying you can distinguish someone with a 145 IQ from someone with a 120 IQ by looking at their income?

>> No.10785848

Only with a a fair amount of error.

IQ can predict with a certain amount of error what kind of wealth or income a person has.

For example
Let say if you knew my IQ was 130. Then you can say, " given the data we have, we know that your expected yearly income should be expect around 80,000 USD with standard deviation of 20,000 USD". You can also flip it around. If you knew the income, you can guess the IQ.

>> No.10785889

Not with 100% certainty. But if you had two sample groups; each with 1000 members. And you measured the average IQ of one group to be 145 and the other group to be 120, you can be very certain that the income of the 145 IQs would be more than the 120 IQs. Given that the environmental variables were the same.

>> No.10785923

I mean I'm dumb and should defer to someone with IQ above 145.
Wouldn't you guys say that if you take any given rich guy, chances are his IQ is NOT above 145?

Sure he is rich so he has a higher chance of having an IQ above 145. But that is not the question

>> No.10785941
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10785952

True in some regards, though having to inquery about the validity of it makes it all the more true.

>> No.10786041

Sub 95 IQ is awful

>> No.10786055

I have a feeling that whoever made is has an IQ below 95

>> No.10786060

t. midwit

>> No.10786073

That's a dumb example. My father has a stupid high IQ but it has rendered him so dysfunctional that he doesn't give a shit about money or taking care of himself. His only motivator is learning more through experimentation which takes up all the time and energy a normie would spend being a wage slave

>> No.10786077

His example was fine. Your anecdote was dumb

>> No.10786080
File: 13 KB, 547x363, DC-2238V1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your father does not invalidate the example.

>> No.10786149


Don't listen to these two, yes the higher IQ has a higher chance of earning more IF you are utilizing very rigid/very linear comparisons. I'm talking specifically within the job field itself.

The fact is that in the sciences let alone the general job market the field/speciality you go into is what determines your income potential. You can have an IQ of 145 but if you are in Biology, Psychology, pure Physics or pure Mathematics. You will on average be paid less than a 120 IQ individual in most Engineering professions, Programing, Medicine or Actuarial work.

So no, looking at a person's income doesn't give you good insight in their potential IQ. Especially at such a high thresholds. They would be right if we were comparing average income potential for 70/95 IQ vs 120/145 IQ.

>> No.10786168

Also consider the fact that there are baby boomers who can't rotate a PDF 90° making over $150K a year. IQ my ass...

>> No.10786175

And you're right. If you look only at each individual and take into account of the environment that individual is in.

But I was looking at it in a more statistical way. Where if you focus on one individual....IQ CANNOT tell you how successful that person is. It only can tell relate AVERAGE wealth with AVERAGE IQ of a large group of individuals. If you know your IQ, you still know practically nothing about how well you'll actually do out in the world.

>> No.10786309


>> No.10786321
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>statistical mathematics
>(fuzzy logic)

>> No.10786827
File: 75 KB, 680x504, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact opposite is true. IQ is like height. Too low you're just a brainlet, and too high you're just a big weirdo. You want to be at the mean of the bell curve.

>> No.10786847

>Is this true?
it's a stupid bait image.

>> No.10788592

is it more valid as a comparison within a field of work?

>> No.10788795

This actually makes sense.

>> No.10788992

this is true. I believe my high IQ is the sole reason for my misery. Every time I socialise with sub 110s I immediately feel the disconnect

>> No.10789021

If you're super smart like me you can just tell who the other smarties are. Now listen up and do what I say! You're not a insubordinate midwit are you?!

>> No.10789066

IQ has diminishing returns when it comes to income. After a certain threshold it becomes more of a hindrance, i.e. if you are bad at networking, which is quite important for income.

>> No.10789069

1) make an effort to find peers and people more intelligent than you. Mensa was found for that reason, but there are others ways too 2) try to become open. You can learn something from everyone, just maybe not in logical thinking. But turns out, humans are more than computers on a protein basis.

>> No.10789070

Midwits resent you if you're more intelligent than they are.

>> No.10789114
File: 97 KB, 736x1307, 432d4b9c5c17067b25e6c7f6aa6764c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is, usually the other smarties are the ones trying to fuck you over. It's the dummies and useful idiots that you should be tight with

>> No.10789134

If the idea is that height is enough to overcome an intellectual gap then it is silly.
I'm a tall guy and I've never felt any particular fraternity with other tall guys.

>> No.10789136

I lose my shit at the 110 pepe everytime

>> No.10789139

Based double digit poster.

>> No.10789153
File: 169 KB, 1080x810, 1542659485745 Grigori Perelman .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could really skew things by adding marginal people such as hermits, societal non-conformists, the homeless, psych patients, those assumed to have mental illness, etc.

>> No.10789164

a more realistic example around these parts would be, anon with 130iq has managed to talk his parents in to buying him more anime dolls than an anon with 110iq and is higher rank in online games, with more virtual capital.

>> No.10789167

Thanks fren. I can get in a social 'hyper' social mode and make "friends" with everyone. But soon enough I revert to my old habits and detach from all of them.
Making close friends is the only way I have found to help, but I have made a sum total of 3 (i'm 26), and we're all separated by continents.

>> No.10789210

still high enough income to spend time on his experiments, rather than being a wage slave. Or has managed to build a family to support him, while he can sit back and do what he wants.

>> No.10790771

This applies perfectly to opinions on race by IQ, incidentally.

>> No.10790851


>> No.10790912

I make around 100k a year.
I have a bachelor's in CS and work a great database job with tons of benefits.
What's my IQ?

>> No.10790947


>> No.10791657

>CS and work a great database job
yup, I'll give you an upper limit of 120