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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10768448 No.10768448 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone on this board endlessly brag about how smart they are?

>> No.10768458

Because everyone here is a pathetic nerd loser that has nothing but that to brag about. Which, by the way, is wrong, 'cause everyone here is also dumb as fuck.

>> No.10768473


>> No.10768477


>> No.10768530

The retarded belief that being smart, in and of itself has value, and not hiw it is utilized or capitalized on.

>> No.10768536

Maybe folks here are more explicitly engaging in this behavior but it's no lie that much of our communication IRL is an attempt to get the same point across in a much subtler manner.

>> No.10768540

>Why does everyone on this board endlessly brag about how smart they are?
Most of us don't.

>> No.10768581

That's not what the daily IQ threads and constant derailing of discussions to humble brag about how you completed college credits in high school or got tested for being gifted say. A couple of days ago we had a thread where the OP was complaining about feeling alienated because everyone he talks to is 'so dumb and slow'. It's just disgusting.

>> No.10768938

Because they believe that intelligence is something worth having while not realizing that there are other things like imagination or autonomy that are in some ways more important in the scientific process, especially if you do science on your own instead of just going to classes and solving tests

>> No.10770534

Because we're so smrt.

>> No.10770541

I have a big cock in addition to having a high iq

>> No.10770542

Because the dumbest people are also the ones with the loudest voices. It's easier for them to blend in on the net (where all voices are equally loud), but I assure you IRL you'd recognize it real fast.

>> No.10771339

Stealth IQ thread. Everyone post power levels.
>tfw 125 IQ

>> No.10771362

Okay midwit

>> No.10771369

>Why does everyone on this board endlessly brag about how smart they are?

It didn't use to be like this.
In 2016 /pol/ flooded many boards including this one. After 2016 some left but many stayed. Since then they've constantly been posting IQ threads claiming how whites are smarter than everyone else.

blame /pol/ for the constant IQ posting

>> No.10772064

stop bragging about your dildo collection.

>> No.10772632

>100% of the people bragging about being smart are bragging about how smart they are
You aren't very bright, are you?

>> No.10772688

>pol bogeyman

>> No.10772756

more like thank /pol for enlightening this place

>> No.10772947

Holy Based

>> No.10772986

Because intelligence is something you can simply claim you posses without being able to prove it easily, as opposed to something like wealth or physique.

>> No.10772999

Dumb people who think they're smart.

>> No.10773019

>users have an even distribution of posts
>all users post
Its like you are trying to think like a normie.

>> No.10773021

I am actually smart though

>> No.10773032

stormfront fags got kicked off 4chan by deleting /pol/ once before, it can happen again

shut your dirty mouths and stay in your gay baby jail containment board

>> No.10773122

bragging intelligence is the dumbest thing there is, intelligence isn't something you can quantify, same thing with compliments cause one thing is to say something like "wow you study a lot" to someone, other is saying "you're so intelligent", the latter is completely meaningless, i'd immediately raise my eyebrows depending on who that is coming from

at my bullshit uni people would love to subjugate my supposed intelligence and call me a retard etc.. but those were always the ones getting bad grades, honestly i loved that bullshit place, people were so predictable, and watching them being wrong again and again and again was so fun, it is like they were compensating for something, and it would NEVER end. some people just have issues

>> No.10774138

Tell me, what do you think has objective value?

>> No.10774449
File: 136 KB, 546x700, 1560910713221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is allowed to criticize me for ruining 4chan

>> No.10775103


The ability to use intelligence and other resources to get what you want. Because in order to get what you want in a capitalist system involves to some degree giving other people what they want.

A person who sits in uni for 50 years but never utilizes that knowledge to better themselves or others and improve their standard of living is a sad waste. The same as if they had dropped out of high school and stayed home.

>> No.10775126
File: 73 KB, 894x894, 1559948956261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because only those who are intellectually fit are aloud to post on this board. By the way...what's your IQ?

>> No.10775131

Idk mate at some point these douchefags got up and went over to /x/ and ruined it with all there uninvited science shit, so no more laughably stupid shitposts. Musta trolled em all off, and now its just the hardcore conspiracy theorists arguing like a bunch of asshats.

>> No.10775132
File: 37 KB, 586x578, -1÷χ^2 Wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we shove nootropics up our asses. Pic related to us

>> No.10775135


>> No.10775203

I do it because I'm drunk, also I'm gonna go solve P=NP in a bit, as soon as I stop compulsively masturbating and drinking, haha.

>> No.10775635

Im smarter than you

>> No.10777440

>Why does everyone on this board endlessly brag about how smart they are?

Dude, I am dumber than rock.
I thank god each morning that breathing is automatic or I would be dead.

>> No.10778377
