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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 806x646, TIMESAND___1i272o6525ggrgh3rg34iytlitbr1hhjrjtyjjyjyt3p2252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10763136 No.10763136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread about workarounds that might not be as strong as one would hope but still have a decently decent chance of effectively "working around"
>Quick Disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis

>> No.10763155

Hi Tooker. I’m happy you made a new thread. May many funs be had in here.

>> No.10763187
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>> No.10763694
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If you're calling it "fun," then even though you are happy that I made a new appointment, you are very likely in the group of people whose children I will defile in the most disrespectful possible manner before I give you to your enemies to do worse to you than I could ever imagine. Maybe you're not if you're glad I made the appointment, but then again... maybe you are anyways. If you think torture is fun, then almost certainly you are.

>> No.10763965

Jon, you know me, I am always in your threads. You know that I shit on the establishment and I am always attracted to interesting individuals like you. I may believe I have found a flaw in your proof, but I default to believing I am a brainlet and you are a genius with a proof too good for me and thus I support you. In fact, if the day came that arxiv published you, I’d show all of my friends.

The only disagreement you and I have is that I support Israel. I do this not to offend you, but as an earnest position I have independent of you. I hope you may one day join me in supporting Israel.

>> No.10764177
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If I do know you and you're in here making these stupid posts, then you're in a much, much worse position than the people I don't know who do it.

>> No.10764182
File: 27 KB, 782x248, TIMESAND___efwrgtty5685783gjfghcdnnulfhlopjisyuioiultltg7wn7tgxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I disproved RH in 2017, and even if there is a flaw in what I'm doing know, I still disproved in 2017.
>On The Riemann Zeta Function

>> No.10764219

You don’t know me in real life. I’m your /sci/fren, Jon.

>> No.10764388

I'm thinking of using an approximation with no mathematical or physical basis, it's just something that seems to work.

>> No.10764513

The mathematical basis is that I supposed it to be the case. Supposition is perfectly legitimate. It is the mathematical equivalent of the scientific hypothesis. Sometimes in math this is referred to as "taking a lemma," or I think I have heard it described that way at least. Sometimes you assume something is true, and then study what happens if it is. Obviously this weakens my alleged result of a totally rigorous proof complementing my other perfectly rigorous proof from 2017, but it actually strengthens my real result because my alleged result had a step in it that was a little fishy. The step is no longer fishy: I have taken a lemma, as it were.

>> No.10764528

>taking a lemma
But any theorem can be proven from a contradiction.

>> No.10764602
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>But any theorem can be proven from a contradiction.
If you see a contradiction, I'd like to see it too

>> No.10764649

daily reminder that you will never have power over a single person

>> No.10764680

I bet your loved ones are hoping that's true

>> No.10764694

Jon, I have an honest good-faith question. Do you also speak like this in person? And by that I mean, do you tell people that you'll destroy their loved ones and such? Or is that just for us in /sci/?

>> No.10764778

I was talking about my something from my research, not sure what you are on about.

>> No.10764910
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OP pic related, in the rush to get a meme date on my paper, I forgot that I was trying to use an impeccable standard of rigor. I think this version does it while OP pic does not.

>> No.10764911
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>I have an honest good-faith question
no you don't

>> No.10765456
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>> No.10765486

It is in good faith, Jon. I have been thinking about why so many people have hurt you and if you treat people like this irl then that may be a hint. I am just trying to figure this out because if this is the case, we can work on that.

>> No.10765491
File: 62 KB, 742x390, 4E536FB1-129A-4AB1-A55A-91AB9BB3245C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one, Jon?

>> No.10765561
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That was from the time when the Israelites were my ancestors.

>> No.10765832

We are still doing God’s work.

>> No.10765914
File: 65 KB, 1605x345, TookerLimit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm Tooker and I don't know how to compute limits"

>> No.10766187
File: 3.14 MB, 538x1161, TIMESAND___stock+response+to+Hi+Jon+limitfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from me, there is no God.

pic, saved you some time there

>> No.10766238

Then we are doing your work. Aren’t you pleased with our treatment of Palestinians? We do it for you, your holy book indicates 4 generations of suffering.

>> No.10766588
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You aren't doing my work, you infidels! I left you very specific instructions about how to treat the goyim among you, and you do not follow my instructions at all! You are doing the work of the Queen of Heaven: Chaya Leah. Not only is she a false god that you have before me, but she is not even a queen. She just calls herself that, you hideous cretins.

You're not doing my work. I tried to move to Israel in 2017. Your passport agent turned me away, for some reason, despite my valid US passport and the $7,000 I brought with me. I am the Sovereign Lord God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and you refused to let me enter the land I left you as an inheritance. I tried three times to move there, and all three times your passport agent turned me away. I exhausted all my money trying to go there, and I became homeless after that. I tried to do the Aliyah immigration, and the Aliyah agent told me that she was informed by the Ministry of the Interior of Israel not to work with me. When I bought an El-Al ticket to try to get there, the El-Al agent would not let me board the plane saying that the Israeli consulate had instructed her not to honor my ticket.

No, I am not pleased at with your treatment of the Palestinians. You are evil and everything you do is wrong. I hate you. Since you have broken the covenant I made with your ancestors, I will profane that covenant before I destroy you completely.

>> No.10766609
File: 77 KB, 715x556, TIMESAND___ethy3byin8o69ptoh784wctwdrsxd2efrg3h73h3575u7j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all three times your passport agent turned me away.
>and I became homeless after that

>> No.10766612

Jon I don’t know which devil has taken hold of immigration but my penis is holding our covenant.

>> No.10766617

They attacked first, Jon.

>> No.10766645
File: 41 KB, 579x577, TIMESAND___ethy3byin8ty2674wctwd677567356h3575u7j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me that you invaded British Palestine shortly after WWII and the people who were already in the land attacked you first?

Pic related, you chose death. You and your children will all die.

You know I don't like it when you call me Jon, and yet you persist in it. One of these days, you are going to learn the hard way that whether or not I like something is literally the ONLY thing matters. I don't like you, Israel. Jacob is Satan, and you have named yourself after the devil. If the Israelis had a brain in the heads, they would kill you to stop you from antagonizing me in their name. However, that name is the name of Satan and they do not have a brain in there.

>> No.10766651
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>You and your children will all die.
Unless you are Helene, which is very likely, in which case one of your children will live, but only one.

>> No.10766667

Sorry, I didn’t know you disliked it. There is another important Jonathan in my life who I call Jon, so I adopted it for you.

Anyways, our peaceful migration to Israel was well-justified

>> No.10766685
File: 13 KB, 570x301, TIMESAND___166u725ujuegwtyy26u256uin8ty2674wctwd677567356h3575u7j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now look here, you hideous creature, you filthy wretch. Even if they did attack you first, my instructions to you were not to hold a grudge against them. On top of that, you attacked first. You invaded their land. The Stern Gang was blowing up buses full of Palestinian civilians long before the Palestinians ever got the idea to do it to you.

How does it feel to know that flame carried across thousands of years by your ancestors is going to be extinguished because you couldn't deal with your pussy during menopause? Do you feel good about that?

How does it feel to know that you will be the prototypical example for all of eternity about why women are nothing but whores and should never be trusted with anything more than 20 feet from a kitchen? Are you proud?

>> No.10766693
File: 74 KB, 500x456, TIMESAND___bnk49qkgye3eryqy26iouglsjsuwuwtyesf77627256u77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't migrate to Israel. You migrated to British Palestine and you had no good justification for doing so. It was Adolf Hitler who was well-justified, as far as I can tell.

>> No.10766751

Not proud then? Maybe you can activate the rape implant in my ass and attack me with your acoustic device to make yourself feel better.

>> No.10766772

Israel does not inherit the actions of those criminals. We uphold the mandate of the LORD.

"Palestine" or "British Palestine" as you call it was never a country. It was just a name given to an area that was not and was never self-governing. Saying that this belongs to the cockroaches that happened to be within is ridiculous. When a building is left unoccupied, we do not hand the property to the rats that then make it their temporary home. We wait for the rightful owner to come back.

>> No.10766821

You don't uphold my mandate. My mandate was for you let me into your land and you refused, three times separately. I will destroy for you those crimes alone, never mind the rest of it. I am the Lord, and I hate you, and I will destroy you. Even if you hadn't turned me away, I would exterminate all 6.5M Israeli Jews for Israel's part in the Emily Hancock affair. I am the Lord and you are against me. I am against you too.

>We wait for the rightful owner to come back.
I am the Lord and you turned me away from my own land. You weren't waiting for me, you were ready to send me away when my plane landed.

Just this whole tone of your dissent from my opinion shows what despicable infidels you are. Do you beg my forgiveness? No, you insist you didn't do anything wrong when I have already told you, plainly that you were wrong, and you are wrong.

>cockroaches that happened to be within
>the rats that then make it their temporary home
That's you.

>> No.10766836
File: 372 KB, 590x958, TRINITY___Vengeance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak now, you cretin: Is this picture a picture of the Lord's face? Is the man in this picture the Governor of Jerusalem right now, in the present day, or do you believe he is not? Is the man in this picture rightful owner of the land, or is he not. Is he not the landlord of that land you turned him away from? Make your beliefs known.

As it is, it sounds like you think the Lord is someone other than who you're fucking with right now.

>> No.10766851

We are sorry.


>> No.10766868

i love a good schitzo thread

>> No.10766887
File: 157 KB, 1024x683, TRINITY___Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacob is Satan.