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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10754674 No.10754674 [Reply] [Original]

Medfags need help.
Got and STI check and it said "HIV test requires further examination"


>> No.10754676

It means you're a degenerate and should stop fucking Tyrone, faggot

>> No.10754679


>> No.10754680

I'm sorry, it's cancer

>> No.10754682

haha you have AIDS faggot

>> No.10754683

Back to /pol/.

>> No.10754686

>In science board
>Still thinks only fags carry HIV

You sound like a 60IQ nigger

>> No.10754801

They can't actually directly test for HIV so they are looking at related factors like your white blood cell count. You might not have AIDS you slut.

>> No.10754803

and you sound like a 40IQ asian faggot.

>> No.10754830

that's so cool he has a boba fat helmet but it's like looking modern xD

is this what the navy seals are using?

>> No.10754854

Have you tried using condoms, you degenerate?

>> No.10754864

That’s very unfun. The best part is watching cum leak out of whatever hole you just fucked and licking it up if you’re feeling particularly frisky.

>> No.10754875
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Ugh. That is utterly disgusting, especially if you aren't limiting your "gastrological fetish" to the "conventional holes". Animal.

>> No.10754904

What a boring Puritan. I weep for your sexual partners, denied the pleasure of rimjobs.

>> No.10754905

Enjoy contracting some godawful infection.

>> No.10754915

That’s never happening, unfortunately for you. I only enter arrangements with people that have been confirmed free of detectable STIs. In the far future, biotechnology will render us free of this concern and orgies will take place in massive arenas where thousands thrust into eachother with wild abandon.

>> No.10755933

Hope you had a nice life

>> No.10756080
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Non meme answer: HIV screening tests have a high rate of false positives, so any positive or inconclusive result has to be confirmed by PCR or Western blot. You will have a definitive answer when you get the confirmatory results. It's theoretically possible that you have HIV but it's more likely to be a false positive.

>> No.10756087

It's much, much better to get false positives than to potentially miss somebody who DOES have HIV, so the tests are designed with a very strong bias towards confirmation.

>> No.10757194

this, keep us updated on whether you have aids anon

>> No.10757210

Yep. This is actually a textbook problem in conditional probability theory. When we covered this section in class, our professor used an anecdote about how his friend was worried that he had HIV just like OP (but a retest came back negative).

>> No.10757535

op is, scientifically speaking, most likely to be a black woman

>> No.10758093

This I think also fails to understand conditional probability. He's on /sci, so he's probably more likely to be a white male with a false positive (who fucked a black woman).

>> No.10758097

>false positive (who fucked a black woman)
whoops, didn't mean to type both of these at the same time.

>> No.10758107

Top kek

>> No.10758404

Listen to Dr.Helper

I have a friend who got such a result after donating blood, even though he's a virgin. Much guffawing ensued.