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10751837 No.10751837 [Reply] [Original]

Tenure track Engineering Assistant Professor Here: Ask me whatever

>> No.10752914

Skeptical Chaos Theorist here. Ask me anything!

>> No.10752927

How do you feel knowing that you will never accomplish anything of significance in academia unless you have a meaty grant?

>> No.10753007

That's not nice, and it's simply not true. If you have something to offer to the school, they will make sure they can hold onto you.

>> No.10753190

OP here
I literally don't give a shit, i am just playing the bean counting game untill tenure, if i stay untill then

>> No.10753194

What is the hardest math class you've had to take? Calculus brainlet asking, by the way.

>> No.10753206

All math classes are easy, most advanced course i took as a PhD student was advanced numerical methods

You don't need math to be an engineer, thats a myth

>> No.10753210

Also, getting a meaty grant is not that hard, i spammed proposals to every agancy under the sun and have 2 in already

>> No.10753229

Interesting, so you have active research? In what might I ask?

>> No.10753244

catalysis for meme applications

>> No.10753318

I am planning to apply to grad programs next year.
Now I understand that biochemistry is obviously a different field than engineering, I hear that there’s always hundreds of applications for a single TT position.
Is there really anything that you can do to increase your odds or at least have a reasonable chance or is industry just the better idea?

>> No.10753332

What type of engineering? I am applying to grad school this fall from electrical engineering and not sure on whether to go for a Masters or PhD. The programs are either Optics degrees or EE degrees and I plan to focus on optical/laser engineering, or possibly other parts of optics like quantum optics or fiber. My main goal is to just get a job in industry or a govt lab and not go near academia afterwards so would PhD be a bad idea?

>> No.10753340
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what are your thoughts on these state borders?

>> No.10753359


>> No.10753362
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i have a theoretical degree in phisics, AMA

>> No.10753373
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>> No.10753383

omg i can see my house from here

>> No.10753851
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I'm just an undergrad (EE/Physics, US) but I plan to apply to grad school next year. I plan to go straight for PhD programs, but as a backup plan I will apply to european universities for an MS to lead into applying for a PhD in the US again. Would this be a bad idea? The MS universities i will be applying to are rated highly globally and i believe the degree will be a good educational experience, but will a US university see it as a negative to go overseas for the MS and maybe not recognize a foreign uni as much as a domestic one? sorry if it is a shitty question, but the euro MS would cost me a bit less so would be preferred

>> No.10753857

That looks exactly like Cities: Skylines cities

>> No.10753907

>most advanced course i took as a PhD student was advanced numerical methods
Fuck me, you faggots have it easy. I almost regret taking math/physics instead.
A friend of mine went the engineering route and every single summer he had lucrative internships. His thesis projects were always interesting, working on something practical. None of that stuff was available to us.

>> No.10753923

Field and approximate specialty? I'm curious about your disdain for math, doing my EE PhD now and there has been a fucking TON.

>> No.10754119

Not op, but no, a PhD would not be a bad idea. My company is desperately trying to hire an optical PhD with real lab experience and can't find anyone!! PhDs lead research and inspire customer confidence, those are incredibly valuable in industry.

>> No.10754273

Have you worked a real job as an engineer and if you have, how different was working as an engineer compared to studying engineering?

>> No.10754292

>You don't need math to be an engineer, thats a myth
What do you need, then?

>> No.10754549

What degree do you have

>> No.10754580

what’s the highest level math you need for your degree?

>> No.10754588

> 2019
> IQ

>> No.10754777

Seething midwit.

>> No.10754799

OP here
To get a tenure track position this is what i did:
1. Published as much as possivle
2. Networked as much as possible
3. Went to every 'meet the candidate' session at natiomal conferences
4. Spammed about 400 applications over the span of 3 years (final year of PhD + 2 years postdoc)
5. Got 2 offers

The chances for TT are very low if you are not from a Stanford/MIT/Caltech etc., i am the only one i know who was able to land one over the past 10 years of PhDs from my University. The starting money is not that high untill you get the grants/talks/workshops rolling.

But the "freedom" is somewhat nice.

>> No.10754800

a big enough mouth to suck management's large dong

>> No.10754806

No if you like the topic/research enough to go through 4/5 years of grad school, which can be very annoying (autism everywhere + poverty etc.). Then getting a PhD will be worth it once you go to industry or national labs, but you have to network a lot, especially if you are not a citizen.

>> No.10754808

I hate post WWII world order.

>> No.10754810

OP here


>> No.10754817

Op here

If you are going to a national mid tier european university then trying to transfer to a state school then its a bad idea.

If you are going to an oxford/eth/polytechnique etc and then going to a stanford/princeton/mit then yes it may be worthwhile as long as rhe euro advisor can helo network you.

Basically depends on who you are working with, how strong is the group, and how much exposure to US universities and potential advisors they can give you.

But the easiest roite is to go directly into a PhD program on a research grant where you dont pay anything, if you are consistently unable to land one, then maybe grad school is not for you.

>> No.10754824

Chemical engineering
Math is a tool, just like anything else for an engineer.

In fact most engineers out there never do any differential equations/laplace/fourier whatever at all in their day to day. The essence of engineering for a BS student is about learninng skills and problem solving methods.

>> No.10754828

Yes i worked as a controls engineer post BS, before starting PhD.

Very different. It is important to have a theoretical idea of the basics (difference between feedback/feedforward, difference between P/PI/PID etc. ) But was given 3 months of on the job training about how to use programs, codes, procedures, dealing with end customers, suppliers etc.

Depends on your undergraduate program as well, i went to a mid tier engineering school in a third world country, US undergrads are more prepared for industry, but are not as smart unfortunately.

>> No.10754833

OP here

Be open to using and learning new software.
Learn how to network, work with groups, deal with people etc.
Learn national codes, procedures etc to get your FE/PE licences.

When you get out there, you will be amazed at how many engineers get along with very little math, it is shockig and annoying, but it is the truth unfortunately.

>> No.10754851

Thanks bros. I'm starting a mech e degree in the UK in September. I will be paying extra focus to the software/programming side.

>> No.10754978

based grinder-genius alliance actually making a difference in the world

>> No.10754998

I found combinatorics to be hard, but i don't think many people will end up taking taking it, i also find algebra and topology to be hard, but im okay with analysis and geometry.

>> No.10755181
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>It's another IQ thread

>> No.10755382

okay sounds good to me
nah im a US citizen and im basically autistic anyways, i have had a few internships and may try to do some during grad school as well so hopefully that will help

>> No.10755416


I honestly just want to get a comfy teaching job but at make state school to give back

Is non-tenure track a common offer? How many papers did you have under your belt when you applied? Did you go to a top/meme school or just any R1 school?

>> No.10755426

>be engineer
>mfw literally every other degree in existence HAS to AT LEAST do a master's to even compete with my salary

feels good to be do the hardest program

>> No.10755615

I went to a R1 state school. I had about 12 papers (7 ok, 5 garbage) by the time i finished.

Non-tenure positions are a waste of time and the pay is abysmal, also there is no job security, you can get fired for any minor reason or budget readjustment whim. Unless you know the Department very well, i have seen cases where big profs hire their good previous students in non-tenure positions to keep them around.

Getting a PhD so that you end up in a ""comfy"" teaching positon (unless it is a tenured teachig track), is probably the dumbest thing you can do. These people end up nowhere, because they lose all their research skills. Academia in the US is built on research and grants, teaching is secondary. Unless you are black etc and end up at an HBCU, then that is pretty common because the research standards are abysmal anyways, and the main focus is helping as many minorities/rares graduate as possible.

>> No.10755618
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>> No.10755628

Another seething midwit.

>> No.10755634

the conclusions don’t follow from the premises and i have no idea why you think signals and systems, em and de’s is difficult

>> No.10755698

Hardest classes were the ones where I either lacked the prerequisites or the motivation to keep up with the abstractions and proofs. (As a corollary, this includes every upper division course I took in the physics department, since physics seems to be more about pulling stuff out of your ass and seeing if it works than deductive reasoning or pattern recognition, which is more or less what math boils down to.)

>> No.10756818

Any abusive advisor stories?

>> No.10756826

I'm about to enter my second year of MS in Pure Mathematics, applying out for PhDs.

I was wondering if it'd be worth the time to take a year off and be a lecturer at a local State University or CC for a year, and work with one of my MS professors to try to get a publication, or to go straight into the PhD

>> No.10756838

Apply, if you get accepted to a good PhD program, then go.
Otherwise, get a more professional relevant job, being a lecturer at a CC will help your teaching skills etc, but may end up being a waste of time.

>> No.10756867
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4th year PhD student in Computational Science in Engineering here. AMA

How many hours do you work a week as a prof? Is it more or less stressful than grad school?

>> No.10756900
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what would you do if one of your students hid momijis around all their experiments

pic clearly unrelated

>> No.10757139

OP here
Idk what that is, but has to be clean and results have to be reproducible at all times

I work an average of 70 hours. For me, it is easier than being a graduate student, but more boring, because i spend a big amount of my time doing admin work.

>> No.10757154

do you enjoy being a diversity hire?
did you humiliate yourself by sucking up to the sjws in the administration?
what apart from your proofreading did you contribute to the papers that bear your name?
do you enjoy writing grant proposals instead of doing science?
how does it feel being old geezer laughed at by your students?
do you feel that the clarity of your thinking diminishes?

In general, how does it feel to be a sore looser?

>> No.10757160

>You don't need math to be an engineer, thats a myth
go back to /pol retard

>> No.10757166

I fucking hate you then. You are doing useless bullshit that will be forgotten 2 years after you publish this shit. And sadly, bi portion of US and Chineese academias do this shit: just slap another minuscule modification to your method and rush to publish some shit to write another grant. Could you please just die and remove the noise you papers create?

>> No.10757180

>Chemical engineering
you're bloody lab monkey. The only useful thing you do with your brain is washing vials after you pathetic experiments.

>The essence of engineering for a BS student is about learninng skills and problem solving methods

haven't heard anything more stupid yet

>> No.10757199

>do you enjoy being a diversity hire?
I am not even american lmao
>did you humiliate yourself by sucking up to the sjws in the administration?
not at all
>what apart from your proofreading did you contribute to the papers that bear your name?
Did all the work, i am pretty good
>do you enjoy writing grant proposals instead of doing science?
thats the game and I like winning
>how does it feel being old geezer laughed at by your students?
circle of life
>do you feel that the clarity of your thinking diminishes?
it fluctuates significantly
>In general, how does it feel to be a sore looser?
not sure


you have a very romantic view of science

stay mad lmao

>> No.10757294

>preferring pracitcal over theoretical tasks
>choosing maths/pysics over engineering
dont tell me you choose your major for the presitge

>> No.10757313
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I'm a junior (Biochemistry). I always thought I wanted to get a PhD, but I think I'm starting to realize I might just want only a masters and just go right into biotech. Retire at ~50 years old, then get a PhD later on in life. What do you guys think?

>> No.10757379

>thats the game and I like winning
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>you have a very romantic view of science
you probably are married with children and you forgone your dreams for the sake of natural comfort and a sense of belonging and stability. That's why you think that I am too idealistic. You look at your work as the means instead of the end goal, obviously you have different perspective on science. But honestly, I kinda dislike people like you ever since all these bullshit discussion of vacations, cars and children at the lunch with my labmates and professors. Bloody pissed me off, I thought I was the only crazy one. But since then I found similarly driven people and just accepted existence of folks like you.

>> No.10757409

None of that is true, i do have dreams and ambitions of doing good science, however you dont get the freedom to do so unless you play the game with the admins and the bean counters, this is the case of academia in the us, unfortunately.

I used to be like you, and i disliked people who spam academia, but it is the only way out of being a mindless postdoc for 10 years. I have seen many stick to their guns and drown or get too disillusioned by the system they leave completely.

I am disillusioned myself, and plan on leaving academia eventually, but as long as i am in it, i will not sink.

>> No.10757413

A course taught by Terry Tao. The guy talks like Eminem, it's hard to follow.

>> No.10757511

>you dont need math to be an engineer
maybe to be a bad one

>> No.10757563

How did you review when taking the Licensure exam for Engineers?

>> No.10757564


>> No.10757586
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>tfw 120 big boy

>> No.10757682

What about getting in a comfy permanent teaching-only position?

>> No.10757703

Go for a trade. You don't belong in science.

>> No.10757735

LMAO @ all the engineers getting mad that they aren't good at math and that they don't need it

>> No.10758163

You can alway find a job in HVAC

>> No.10758192

Yes, teaching track position are not uncommon,
however you have to do continuous improvement teaching/accreditation etc activities, which I never found appealing myself

>> No.10758220

So my advisor told me I was a disappointment and that I should be ashamed of myself at our last meeting. Anyone else have this experience?

>> No.10758369

>you probably are married with children and you forgone your dreams for the sake of natural comfort and a sense of belonging and stability.
what are your dreams, travel and work for some jew who pays you lots of money?

>> No.10758416

not personally, but heard people go through it before, as long as you are not at risk of being kicked out, just ignore and keep working

>> No.10758417

The pay its shit

>> No.10758450

>just ignore and keep working
Pretty much all I can do until I get back in his good graces.

>> No.10758453

>I should be ashamed of myself at our last meeting.
u should

>> No.10758490
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>tfw applied to a masters in mathematical statistics and a masters in math
Kinda low key hoping that I get rejected from mathematical statistics and accepted to math since then I don't need to make the choice between jobs or something challenging. I will know in 2 weeks or so

>> No.10758757


>> No.10759900

>you don't need math to be an engineer
pcb soldering blue collar worker detected