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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10719231 No.10719231 [Reply] [Original]

how true is this? are we fucked?


>> No.10719245


>> No.10719264
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please explain why. not a /sci/ anon, saw this on /pol/ inbetween two posts saying nigger. only an occasional armchair scientist but i can recognise patterns well, this shit fucking scared me to my bones. fossil fuels made us and there's nothing to replace it, massive economy bubbles everywhere, wildlife declining - aren't we going off a fucking cliff? some /biz/ anons have been saying we're in for a massive depression soon as well

>> No.10719288
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... and the guy in the video says the collapse has already begun and i get the uncanny feeling this is true and it's difficult to even put in to words. it all makes sense actually... nations are failing.. the economy isn't real... the financial economy and the material economy are splitting apart, it's tearing

>> No.10719299
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This is the perfect storm anon. As you have said, there is fossil fuel lockup because the economy is going through a massive demographic shift in both time and resources. Increases in population at the moment are unsustainable at this rate and economic downturn will be fatal to anything but the strongest financial institution. Wildlife is not in decline. What is horrifying is that it is in something unprecedented. It is in STASIS. This has never happened before, but it seems like it is about to fucking dip. The wildlife are dying off in swathes and honestly, there has been no documented reason for some of these deaths. It is like they are just...suiciding. Flora has begun blooming later and later into the spring, massive shifts in temperature have begun worldwide and there are odd fluctuations in earths ionosphere caused by...something under the earths crust. This is a good guideline for what is happening but to be honest, it is much worse because as much as we like to believe we have eyes on it all, we most certainly don't have the hands. We are reaching a zenith point, this could be it. Perhaps...this is The Great Filter. A critical point and this century will define humanities fate. We are flying blind. I simply hope, instead of apoptosis, this is a pause before growth, but hope isn't the best right now.

>> No.10719301
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white nationalists are the national bodies immune system to foreign bodies, the immune system is weak and actively being attacked by the national body meaning it can't protect them from the foreign bodies, it's like we're old...near death, have cancer or aids

>> No.10719320
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stasis? is that global? how do you know it hasn't happened before? is that in human time or geological?

>> No.10719345

this is all scaring me, it makes my life feel so trivial.. everyones lives... i hugged my mother after i watched this. i need to spend more time with and be nicer to my family

>> No.10719350

there must be an equal and opposite reaction to global civ, it's like a black hole

>> No.10719366

the future is, i mean.

>> No.10719374
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>> No.10719386
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Ted Kaczynski warned you niggers. Anyways, sit down and have some tea and crackers because the economic collapse won’t please you.

>> No.10719436

i know it's largely the jews fault. experts in lies and lies are making the collapse way worse than it needed to be, instead of a more gradual decline with a series of drops it's a fucking cliff. if europeans had been in charge of european civ 50 years ago and not jews we would have taken action to either prevent or at least prepare for this

>> No.10719443

will it please you?

>> No.10719494

this is why we need to use the current high EROI stage to create multiple, disconnected high-EROI civilizations capable of exploiting the resources of other objects within our solar system and in other systems while we can. Collapses are probably inevitable, but if you can stagger them and isolate them from each other by light lag, you can keep the torch of civilization going until the end of time.

Too bad nobody really truly gives a fuck about what happens after they die. Which is why instead of investing the surplus we have now into creating a future civilization that is now we're going to fight endless defensive battles of attrition and accept concession after concession until final collapse just like the Roman empire did.

>> No.10719502

ted kaczynski suggests avoiding collapse by collapsing voluntarily. it's the nigger way of thinking.

we still have time to create the tools needed to sustain robust, high EROI compartmentalized civilizations that can reproduce and restore collapsed ones while completely obviating overreliance on each other through sheer distance. but we won't, because even most people who are worried about the collapse are retarded short sighted niggers who don't realize that giving up now is just conceding defeat forever.

>> No.10719523

you're talking about off-planet civilisations? mars?

>> No.10721337


>> No.10721409

I was just thinking about this scene earlier today. I go on 4chan, there it is.

This happens too often. I no longer believe any of this is real.

>> No.10721429


>> No.10721445

Shinji is a nigger.

>> No.10721781
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This is actually a really good talk anon. I'll keep this one around.

>> No.10721895

if you had read Ted's ATR, you'd know the collapse is imminent, and making it happen earlier is the best you can do.

>> No.10722234

>and making it happen earlier is the best you can do.
I'm good to have it peak in 60 years so I won't have to bother with it.

>> No.10722276

Economic history shows that price incentives will increase to fund alternative energies once other energies become inefficient. Society will lose population and energy for awhile as everything has a lower BTU than gas but it won't cause complete collapse, just a long period of unrest and war.

>> No.10722317

shouldn't we be in a state of emergency right now?

>> No.10722325

That's what everyone says before emergencies occur but then they don't do it an the emergency occurs and everyone suffers until they adapt. There are always people figuring out where things will break down but the big dumb beast of the masses that moves only when their food is threatened wont move until it is. So like every other time people called for revolution in history, nothing happens until the food for the average person runs out.

So basically learn to homestead, or be a dick ass murderer, or just gamble that you'll out live before it goes to total shit.

>> No.10722363

i've already been accumulating wealth from crypto investments to buy land, i plan on doing that as remote as possible. the ecological volatility still worries me however

>> No.10722487
File: 29 KB, 213x252, Screenshot (63).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda fucked up after watching that, I have to go reconsider my priorities...

Also, if you watch it all the way through he looks like he has a beanbag chair sized ass while standing at the podium.

>> No.10722488

The talk was on March 26th, posted a month later on April 23rd, and is getting to you now, with 18K views, a month and a half later.

I could unpack my predictions from the length of the video, the dopamine economy, and our pitifully nonexistent (and somehow still shrinking) attention spans, but it wouldn't change your current behavior because you're still in the "how true is this?" stage of grief.

Additionally, the future has reached maximal value from crowdsourcing, and the recursive optimization potential that can be derived from querying /sci/ for prediction will only yield naive results on which little further optimization can be had. There will certainly be a timeline that sees a full collapse, from which we will be able to better calculate how to modify the timeline to assuage that damage that industrialization has emerged upon our society, but as far as any type of recursive structure that will allow those gains to be non-perimeter with regard to depth modification of fates will require some form of primitive similarity between the collapsed and modified timeline such that congruence mapping does not extend to the indefinite time frame as far as effective analysis is concerned.

Survival has always been a convergent system.

If you thought cooperation was optional, it was because you come from a future where you had to pick and choose which parts of the population you thought were genetically non-viable. Since this occurs naturally through social ossification, it directly implies that misunderstandings about mental health have destroyed the possibility of generally valuing higher intelligence, and incoherent reasoning due to acausal feedback effects, preventing a sane method of delivering this final sentiment.

>> No.10722537

>are we fucked?

>> No.10722552

Everything is futile, collapse imminent. Now I don't feel so bad about being a shut-in incel.

>> No.10722581
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thanks anons

>> No.10722624

Same, I'm actually pretty depressed about this right now.

>> No.10722650
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Holy crap. I saw this earlier today thanks to you OP. Now climate change and economic collapse isn't something new we're hearing, but listening to this man calmly tell us we fucked up and we're too late while he keeps his cool. Its powerful. Sadly many of us and myself are too dulled out by entertainment to actually get off our assets and do something. Whether it's prepare for the inevitable or work on finding a solution. I wish I could say this gave me a wake up call, but it looks like ill need to wait till the issue rapes my ass to care. By then it will be to late. And its my fault. All I wanted to do was be a good human. Then I realized taxes were a thing and adult problems happen. Now it looks like I wont even make it to an adult. I honestly wouldn't care if I just had to learn how to farm and stay alone, but even that seems far fetched now. I've barely started living and now it seems like having kids is a terrible idea. For the kid's sake and for mine. If me and my neighbours could just live off the land and work not for money, but because we need to survive, I would be all for it. But money runs the world. If there were just tribes that have humans work for the tribe just because its required to survive, that wouls be great. But farming will become very difficult. And with all the humans, hunting would quickly dry up the animal population. Then each person would fight each other for food. Fuck

>> No.10722663
File: 329 KB, 717x541, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something from his other video humanity: the last chapter.

this is the extent to which we've domesticated animals. we're fucking fucked

>> No.10722670

Monstrous asses truly are disheartening.

>> No.10722787

Why is steak so expensive

>> No.10722836


this one's from a year later and a little bit more hopeful

the far right needs to deal with jews and their white mates (or as he calls them in this video 'the owners') and the far left needs to rejuvenate ecology.. there needs to be unification on this issue. i'm going to post this on /pol/

>> No.10722880
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>blah blah game of life
>blah blah roman empire
>these things are closely analogous because I said so
>here's some numbers I pulled out of my ass
>no mention of the function of IQ
>no mention of racial differences
>no mention of white displacement
Jesus Christ what a boomer. No wonder he's a "doctor" instead of a "professor" of mathematics, this is beyond sophomoric, I was writing shit like this in my high school history essays

>> No.10722884

>the far left
>rejuvenate ecology
Daily reminder the far left would gladly torch Yellowstone if it meant one more poor brown baby could be fed with your tax dollars.

>> No.10722887

you're right, i mean the greens, corrected here


>> No.10722918

>visiting assistant professor
>at a no name institution
>60 years old
lmao no need to take this guy seriously

>> No.10722923

>Dur why isn’t this guy a retarded racist like me


>> No.10722927

Citation needed.

>> No.10722937

Correlation often completely fails to imply causation. I would argue it is the norm among naive normative predictions.

>> No.10722943

>Study citing large nation sized sociological data sets
>No accounting for the material and social reward doled by Elite to those who follow their precepts ie people who are upper class with high intelligence and thus simply agree with the upper class ethos to recieve the material and social rewards mandates.

That study is shit. It would be more compelling if it looked at groups of individuals of similar cognition and different beliefs. At the national level all it is saying is "the rich favor this set of politics".

>> No.10722951

We are fucked, but only because our own sun will kill us. (about 100 million years)

>> No.10722958

>Dude what about this irrelevant thing

Seething low IQ /pol/tard.

>> No.10722974

>Be raised in good family go to high class education and are taught to be dogmatically neoliberal or end up "rebelling" and be a little commie
>Higher cognition of parents leads to higher income and thus of children, parental IQ is 80% correlated (Which means race and IQ are causal by the way lol!)
>Elite give no incentive to be anti-zionist, anti-technology, or pro local community
>Peepeepoopoo Obama is based and look at all those Dummies, they would be more liberal if they had an better education!

Meanwhile the average college graduate couldn't tell you where the Netherlands was on a map or name any figures from the enlightenment outside of neoliberal sweetheart Loki. Much less have read anything of value.

>> No.10722980
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STOP degenerating into retarded normalfag-tier arguing over trivial mainstream nonsense

>> No.10722982

misato is best grill

>> No.10722984

“All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status.”

Based seething /pol/tard doesn’t know how to read.

>> No.10722990


Coincidental difficulty reading AND racism. Your IQ is off the charts, dude. ;)

Make sure to wear your helmet when you go to the obese Nazi March.

>> No.10723015


>Can't even put both his points in the same post and accuses others of being unable to read
>Study makes fallacious claims, can't even access methodology without paying some retard
>Control for individual data point's social status but don't control for class based ideology incentives which result in class based voting blocks. It just so happens the higher class and thus higher IQ loves tranny penis and globo homo because it is beneficial to them materially.

You might as well put on a mitre with how easily you believe any state sponsored scholar. Do you even understand how regression models work? If you have heteroscedastic variables your controls don't matter.

>> No.10723042

>Can't even put both his points in the same post and accuses others of being unable to read

Those things are unrelated so I’m unsure why you brought them up.

>Study makes fallacious claims

Name them. You haven’t and won’t.

>can't even access methodology without paying some retard

Based seething /pol/tard can’t even use goddamn google LMAO


>Control for individual data point's social status but don't control for class based ideology incentives which result in class based voting blocks. It just so happens the higher class and thus higher IQ loves tranny penis and globo homo because it is beneficial to them materially.

Based /pol/tard thinks g factor doesn’t matter for predicting people growing up to dumb racists like himself but cares a lot about it when the topic is race. Absolutely based and redpilled.

Look both ways before you cross the street my dude.

>> No.10723076

Confirmed that you are just some idiot who parrots what his school daddy tells him, has never constructed a statistical model in their life.

The study makes the fallacious claim that the causal link between Abstract Reasoning and Right Wing Authoritarianism is entirely explained by their cognitive measure. Which is what I have been getting at the entire time. The link for their correlation is a single variable analysis! Can you believe that? Also this is a 4 coefficient model trying to explain advanced human cognition, its a complete joke, sociological models of any sophistication use hundreds or thousands of variables. This is just some undergrads blurb jerking himself off like you are doing now.

>> No.10723080


I'm like 30 minutes in and he still hasn't mentioned nuclear energy as an alternative.

Is this intentional? Does he ever mention it?

>> No.10723091

>The study makes the fallacious claim that the causal link between Abstract Reasoning and Right Wing Authoritarianism is entirely explained by their cognitive measure.


>Which is what I have been getting at the entire time. The link for their correlation is a single variable analysis!

Nope. Based /pol/tard displays his inability to read yet again, ironically reinforcing the conclusions of the paper. Jesus Christ you need to wear something to catch all that drool.

>> No.10723095

he does and he says it's not viable, nothing can replace fossil fuels. it rings true for me

>> No.10723116

>British Cohort study and US study have different values for their R-relation between cognition and right wing values, indicating right wing Americans are smarter than right Wing Britons. US men had a -.15 and UK men had a -.40

This basically confirms everything that I am saying that these ideological heuristics are meaningless and completely dependent on social incentives and conditioning of its given society. It doesn't even bring up this distinction because it makes the study look like a complete joke, and it doesn't even study cognition in countries that aren't following the neoliberal tradition. It outs its own data points as having different variances and plainly ignores it.

It basically looks at two fish that are blue and claims all fish are blue in a sea of red fish. But don't worry the Chinese in their racist "stupidity" don't bother funding non studies so they will probably get to all the breakpoints before us.

>> No.10723524

I was just about to recommend you The Collapse of Complex Societies when I finished watching the video and he just said it in the middle of it, so here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0R09YzyuCI . It's basically the core idea behind this talk, and there's also a book about it which I recommend you read as well - http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=95D1F492D6186FC1676042FA835D224E

>> No.10723987

>he does and he says it's not viable,
ok ill truts him
hes on the intenet why'd he lie?

>> No.10724022

is he wrong? i don't know and i'm not smart enough to find out

>> No.10724128
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>it's real in my mind
You've got to be kidding.

>> No.10724132

i said i don't know, that's why i'm here. no-one has disputed it ITT so far, there seems to be a lot of avoidance around the issue everywhere, which is a red flag

>> No.10724264


The world might end through sheer boredom from listening to these clowns for the past 50 years.

>> No.10724336
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>nobody has discussed a topic I didn't bring up until now
>that's a red flag
You're either psycho, a retard, or the least competent shill/manipulator I've ever encountered.

>> No.10724383
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i AM a psycho and a retard, you don't end up on 4chan unless there's something severely wrong with you. are you going to offer any of your infinite wisdom ITT or are you here to try and derail it like the competent shill/manipulator you are?

>> No.10724453 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10724631
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Global warming is a hoax.
Oil will mosty run out but we have enough coal and uranium to last centuries.
Green energy will become a thing in your lifetime.
The greatest proximate threat to civilization and the environment is from the expansion of low-IQ populations.
The only solution is a great purge of enemies and traitors from within high-IQ populations.
We are the Children of the Light. The Keepers of the Flame. The great Darkness must be held back.

>> No.10724732

well that sounds about right and i'd be game for low IQ purge, subhuman population is clearly too large desu

>> No.10724764

>Abstract Reasoning and Right Wing Authoritarianism is entirely explained by their cognitive measure.
correlation is not causation, anon.

they prove that being a seething /pol/tard is correlated with ignorance, a fact we already knew

>> No.10724768


>> No.10724771

You already lost, racist.

>> No.10724784


>> No.10725708


>> No.10725713

We've been fucked from the beginning, Joe. Whether we perish on this rock or out in space, death is gunna git us one way or another. I'm not sure why you're surprised by this. I suppose it's because your head is filled with one too many Elon Musk fairy tales.

>> No.10725951
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No one is going to, or needs to, dispute your belief that it "rings true" because that is massively fallacious reasoning, you are a self described idiot and yet also demand the burden of proof be on others. As that anon said youve got to be kidding. Id laugh at this if you werent ostensibly able to vote.

>> No.10725989

The goyim will be always fucked.
The ones on the top never will be.

>> No.10725991


>> No.10725993

you posting an ebin frog doesn't help

>> No.10726002


>> No.10726257
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you're projecting a strange image onto me and i'm not sure how to respond or why i should but i'll give it a try in block form. i'm asking questions based primarily on my own intuition, which i've made clear. my intuitive awareness is exceptional which is why i can afford to be an idiot. no-one's compelled to answer my questions, i'm not making claims about anything or demanding anything, the claim about fossil fuels was the professors. i'm asking if anyone wants to dispute these claims because some people like to talk just to talk and welcome the invitation. my desires are adjacent to this, because it feeds my intuitive, pattern-noticing, weird-dot-connecting 4D brain. i try not to be too intellectual or reasonable (limiting) which is why i'm not a /sci/ anon, which means you and i are unlikely to create anything productive with this conversation because following the rules of this or that kind of reasoning or guideline or exact definitions for words to the letter of a dictionary is clearly very important to you when it is not for me. try meditation, fren, it will really help you out.

>> No.10726323


>> No.10726335
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>> No.10726426

Have you read the sci-fi book, foundation?

>> No.10726691

The Far Left: We'd never do such a thing.
>the jewish media and shills: If you don't do it you are a racist, anti-semite.
The Far Left; silently capitulates
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.10726701

>he isn't going to just engage in cannibalism or convince people that he can build things for them using his science knowledge

>> No.10726710

So our only options are realistically?
>figuring out fusion in order to increase EROI
>developing AGI so that reserach is much more productive and less resource intensive
Well CS/physics-niggers I thing you have a job to do

>> No.10726729
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Take the LFTR pill.

>> No.10726764

its complete bullshit. dont be a brainlet
>the world is gonna end because muuh global warming in 10 years tipping point that will lead to extinction of almost all life

>> No.10726800

You didn't even watch the video

>> No.10726804

yes I did fuckass
>muuh fictional economy
>muh global warming
>muh dying species
>muh society will have collapsed completely within 100 years no matter what

>> No.10726810

">muh" is not an argument

If that's all you took away from the video, you are a complete retard and have no right to be calling anyone else a brainlet.

>> No.10727033

This is some Isaac Asimov-Foundation series shit.
Where or who will be our Hari Seldon anons?

>> No.10727075

This fucking thread, honestly. Isn't /sci/ supposed to be smart or is it all college kids LARPing? First things first: society isn't collapsing, the world won't turn into a mad max tier dystopian nightmare. Eventually western civilization will be undermined by other cultures -maybe China, maybe Islam- this is nothing but a shift of power structures. It happened to the Persian empire, the greeks, Rome, Spain, etc. It'll eventually happen to this UN clusterfuck superpower. The main difference now is the internet and hyper connectivity, way back people learnt about events slowly, maybe months after it happened, you might watch different events unfold live on instagram. Sense of impending doom isn't new but that doesn't make it less retarded.
Are we culturally decadent? Yes, but this is normal in our civilization stage (see: fate of empires) can we stop it? Probably not (Spengler). Besides that, will the dollar collapse and make us use gold as currency? Almost impossible. Is climate change real? Yes, but humans have fuck all to do about it for the exception of eco system destruction which is easily solved for the non extinct species and even for them we could still bring them back eventually.
What you faggots need is a job, all this free time got most of you hoping for the end so you can avoid working when your mom kicks you out of the basement.

>> No.10727077

then go tell me what is the important takeaway from the video which shows that "we are fucked". if you cant do that you are the retard

>> No.10727153

shut the fuck up

>> No.10727157

>maybe Islam

maybe you should stop trying to pretend you're smarter than everyone when you spout nonsense like this

>> No.10727161
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you should have known it was dumb the instant he said green new deal.
the dude almost completely ignores nuclear. and just baselessly claims that it isnt profitable.
my state is already like 75% nuke hydro solar
nuclear will solve it all.

>> No.10727163

He mentions the ITER Tokamak, but then says how nuclear fusion has been hyped since he was a child, so he doesn't believe it is coming anytime soon.

>> No.10727172


Watched the whole thing.
He barely touches Hydro and Nuclear, which are huge already in some places. Freaking mentions fucking Tidal power-plants but not hydroelectric.
I think at nearly every point of civilization someone could've make an equally believable presentation.
My personal opinion as a STEM PhD is that we will either see a massive increase in Nuclear or the world will just revert to medieval times after a massive world war caused by competition for the last oil reserves. This will happen way before water becomes a real issue for developed nations, and won't be before 400 years from now.

Screenshot this for your grandgrandgrandkids.

>> No.10727175


Also I say this as a pessimistic doomer who would love for the video to be 100% correct and for mankind to be fully gone from this planet forever within my lifetime.
It's just not gonna be this way.

>> No.10727187
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meanwhile... in reality... pic related

>> No.10727190
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*Blocks your path AND doomsday predictions*

>> No.10727201
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>> No.10727226

Dams are being torn down all over the US

>> No.10727429

fossil fuel depletion ya dumb-dumb

>> No.10727434

ohhh noooo we only have like 150 years to switch to better technology

>> No.10727485

There's plenty of fossil fuel left, but the stuff that's left is becoming more and more expensive to extract.
The modern global economy was built by burning through all the low hanging fruit, and he lays out a case in the video why as the energy return on investment shrinks, we will be forced to divert more and more resources just to maintain the energy production we have, and this precludes the ability to fund development of the industrial infrastructure for alternative energy sources.

>> No.10727495

wrong. it incentivizes us to create those alternatives. the exhaustion of fossils will accelerate the technological shift, not slow it. the inefficiencies of our society are 100 times bigger factor than EROI

>> No.10727521

If you don't see the symptoms I don't give a shit, late stage western Roman Empire had the same issue with germanic tribes

>> No.10727648

you're assuming that somehow innovation and creativity is infinite sourced and those alternatives will be created as and when desired.

>> No.10727761
File: 166 KB, 730x1095, 26CA6DD6-164E-48A9-BCD7-5492A3C0AFCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the Semitic modern world is crumbling
Based and redpilled. All the weak niggers and heeba and faggots will burn in the ensuing Kaliyuga

>> No.10728185

You live in the information age, do some research for yourself.

>> No.10729891
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I don't have time for this. Can someone give me a tl;dr?

>> No.10729947

The Universe is going to give us a little nudge to encourage us to fulfill our destiny and scatter our children among the stars. I don't know how bad it will be or when it will happen but people need to wake up.

>> No.10730213


>> No.10730698

A compelling talk, but a lot of these supposed “signs of collapse” are only true in the United States and not in Europe.

>> No.10731915
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>not in Europe
>non-existent materials economy
>best economies are either based on fossil fuels (Norway) or financial markets (Switzerland)
>wage stagnation
>long-since depletion of most natural resources, leaving only low EROI sources like offshore oil
uh, yea sure anon, Europe's fine

>> No.10731933

Here in Europe the government takes care of and pays for all that so we don't have to worry about it. How come amerifats don't understand this? I guess it's their inferior education system (did I mention I can read and write four languages?)

>> No.10731940

I guess you missed the part of the video about how increased complexity and reliance on systems is exactly what causes the brittleness. Basically you all relying on "the man" is exactly why you're even more fucked

>> No.10731947

That's only up North, though, and it sucks there because all the money you earned gets sucked up through taxes. And because of everybody's "high wage" there isn't even cheap beer.

>> No.10731971

Sorry, I was actually thinking about the “Social Pathologies of Collapse” that he lists in the other video on the same channel around the 1 hour, 1 minute mark: https://youtu.be/EEcxVDRYZqk&t=1h1m

>daily mass shootings
>opioid epidemic
>nomadic retirees living without dignity
>dying from lack of medical care
>failed educational system
>inescapable debt
>rising suicide and mental illness
>political powerlessness

The stuff he says about EROI, climate and wildlife makes sense, and those are real problems for the entire planet. But he’s conflating social problems in the United States with the process of collapse.

>> No.10731977

Seriously, none of the things in that list are big problems in Europe. Many Americans don’t seem to realize how shitty their country is.

>> No.10731988

I keep trying to tell you guys about microwave radiation. That ecological destruction rate? RF is a major contributor. The rest is caused by massive amounts of free aluminum in the soil. Why? Because that "geoengineering" thing he called fantasy has been going on for decades, they use polymers intended to mimic spider web in its floating ability, to suspend aluminum nanoparticles.

Keep trying to tell you guys. You'll accept the problems, but there's extreme opposition to the causes. Any cause. All causes.

Keep trying to tell you guys.

>> No.10731990
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Titan has massive lakes of liquid hydrocarbons, there's also the sun, and we could try to do some sort of eXtreme wind farming on gas giants.

>> No.10731992

Three curses:
-May you find what you are looking for
-May you gain the attention of important people
-May you live in interesting times

>> No.10731995

It's sensationalist drivel. Do you really need to be told that? I mean look at the title...aren't you embarrassed anon?

>> No.10732000

This. Americans like to think that all of civilization is collapsing, when it’s actually just their country becoming an increasingly shittier place for people who aren’t billionaires. But hey, if you bend over backwards hard enough and suck just enough corporate cock, maybe you’ll be a billionaire too!

>> No.10732150

>blocks your path
>yfw you're a migrating fish and have no face

>> No.10732206
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Economy is doing strong and US is an oil net exporter we have so much. Cant take the opinion of these liberal green new deal pusher boomers seriously. Fake news presentation.

>> No.10732259

you ain't have seen nothing yet, compare the amount of money made at financial markets and the rest (virtual money vs. cash)

>> No.10732263

>no documented reason for documented deaths
>blooming shifts towards the end of the year
based basement schizo

>> No.10732291

This is some serious delusion. The Universe couldn't give a single fuck about humanity. Even then a crisis event is likely to kill us all given how divided and self absorbed everyone is

>> No.10732314

It is way less efficient to have a general education than a specialized one in current society. I couldn't give a flying fuck if a neurosurgeon couldn't tell me where Zimbabwe was on a map so long as he understood his field of expertise

>> No.10732321

ITT you see exactly why we are all doomed

>> No.10732363

It's metaphorical you numb nut.

>> No.10732388


>> No.10733370
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>If I repeat boomer talking points I can also pretend there won't be problems before I keel over

>> No.10733554

ITT jobless /pol/tards talk amongst themselves
Nobody's actually going to fall for your ebin psyop lol

>> No.10733562

Boomers vote Trump and don't believe in global warming you're not fooling anyone

>> No.10733577

This graph can't be posted enough. People act like CO2 emissions are purely about it as a greenhouse gas, when there's zero doubt about ocean acidification happening, being due to increased CO2 emissions, and being bad news.