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10697678 No.10697678 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible at this point to clone ancient dead people like the Pharaohs of Egypt? What would happen if it was tried?

>> No.10697686

Why would you want to? It's not like you're resurrecting the person from the grave

>> No.10697687

Why clone a product of multiple generations of incest?

>> No.10697690

imagine cloning king tut ... he had a deformity from birth... doesnt make sense

>> No.10697701
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>clone important leaders from the past
>change their gender to female
>tfw harem of qt pharaohs/kings/fuhrers/etc

>> No.10697706 [DELETED] 

> Is it possible at this point to clone

But lets say it was possible despite all the incredibly difficult unsolved technological challenges. Firstly you'd need a 100% fully complete sample of their DNA. That's hard enough for bodies years old let alone a few thousand stored in a hot desert environment. But again lets go with it. So you create a baby using the DNA of some person, Pharoah, whatever. What's the point? They would have none of the original memories, their personalities wouldn't be the safe - look at identical twins, the same DNA but brain connections are still random during growth. A lot of effort for zero gain.

>> No.10697707

in this case you would be fucked instead anon

>> No.10697709

>>10697678 (OP)
> Is it possible at this point to clone

But lets say it was possible despite all the incredibly difficult unsolved technological challenges. Firstly you'd need a 100% fully complete sample of their DNA. That's hard enough for bodies years old let alone a few thousand stored in a hot desert environment. But again lets go with it. So you create a baby using the DNA of some person, Pharoah, whatever. What's the point? They would have none of the original memories, their personalities wouldn't be the same - look at identical twins, the same DNA but brain connections are still random during growth. A lot of effort for zero gain.

>> No.10697732

I think it would be much more interesting to try to clone people like Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Kepler, and Hooke.

>> No.10697752

You would know what those people looked like

>> No.10697811


If we cloned Einstein or Hawking, would the clone have the same level of intelligence as them?

>> No.10697820

Its possible in China, but not so much in Europe/Americas due to it being seen as racist against blacks and racist against God.

>> No.10697840

I don't mind that.

>> No.10697872

To finally prove pharaohs were black.

>> No.10697878

Caring about looks is what's holding all the girls in the world back from doing useful stuff

>> No.10697976

Extremely truthpilled

>> No.10697990

lol no.
We absolutely could clone a person, no problem. Only issue is ethics, i guess cost would be high too but not prohibitive. I dont mean to be so dismissive, but cloning mammals isnt really difficult anymore experimentally. Hell that's not even that ethically concerning considering some of the other shit you can do at the research level of biology, it's the closest shit to playing god you can get

>> No.10698242

Too right you are, the fertility rate in western countries is shit right now.

>> No.10698286

Isn't the half life of DNA something like 500 years? I'm guessing you'd need the whole intact genome from one cell. Your not gonna get that in a mummy

>> No.10698294

There’s nothing unethical about cloning.

>> No.10698322

Same intelligence potential for sure.

>> No.10698329

Well im petty sure its outlawed

>> No.10698424

maybe for you and me, but for this fucking world it is
we would be gods and that's not good for society

>> No.10698431

possibly, it's somewhat random but not entirely, as intelligent parents are more likely to have intelligent kids

>> No.10699952
File: 257 KB, 1079x1278, Screenshot_20190605-105303_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a deformity
Boy. It was more than just one

>> No.10699953
File: 45 KB, 633x645, TRINITY___GOKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ears were normal until I got cauliflower
my quads were even until I had knee surgery and the emaciation never went away
my collar bones were normal until they drilled my heel bones
There's no way to know, but I bet my gait would have been a lot more even if Helene didn't fuvk my guts up with her thermometer.
My quad probably would have grown back if I'd have been able to afford rehab after my surgery

>> No.10699976

The preservation of good genes

>> No.10699990
File: 8 KB, 453x231, TRINITY___IsThisTheMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breed human trash
>call it preserving good genes

>> No.10700040

It is possible, but not currently possible. The DNA of a mummy should be in pretty decent shape depending on age because they're stored in dry and fairly cool places (so not out in the open desert) and aren't insanely old. It's something that could be done in the future potentially.

A possibly better thing would be to clone people that died from Bubonic plague, much more recent and would increase the genetic diversity of European descent peeps. You can probably extract some DNA from some of the stored bones.

>> No.10700078

we would be sure if they were ayy lmaos

>> No.10700084

So you're saying combine the DNA of Einstein's first wife and Nikolai Tesla? The offspring may be too intelligent.