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10677785 No.10677785 [Reply] [Original]

This idiot right here is going to ruin the night sky forever.

>> No.10677885

me first

>> No.10678315

I'd suck a golfball through a hose just to see the earth from space.
Couldn't care less about the night sky.

>> No.10678327
File: 515 KB, 623x427, consumer5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like an excellent Consumer

>> No.10678328

How is he going to ruin the night sky exactly?

>> No.10678494

Oh yeah, fuck light pollution which doesn’t exist blame it all on Musk. You must be amazing at parties.

>> No.10678514

I embrace the silicon sky

>> No.10678521

so do (you)

>> No.10678590

Nope. He's just the few that has enough meme power to make our modern night sky a news item. Iridium flares did it longer, but not many cared. Rocket lab and their disco ball flew under most people radars. When SpaceX does this thing half a dozen times every year forever, it will attract more attention. And it will be glorious.

>> No.10678620

The idiot will go to mars and retire there in comfortable life with robotic maids and AI waifus. He'll then download his consciousness into a computer and be named God-Emperor of Martian empire.

>> No.10680197

What exactly is wrong with that?

>> No.10680214

it's the no-you argument employed by trolls to deliberately sabotage discussions.

>> No.10680256

Muskrats detected. Back to r/ElonMusk with you.

>> No.10680344

what is he going to do?

>> No.10680352


>> No.10680365


I welcome more perceivable objects in the night sky. Cool shit to look for and see.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

>> No.10680388

Oh, well I guess points for not just saying "no you".

>> No.10680396

It does look pretty cool.

>> No.10680429


I agree with him being an idiot. But, there's nothing wrong with expanding our infrastructure to space.

>> No.10680463


I would 100% be ok with this if there had been a consensus between nations to set it up. But there wasn't. It was approved by the FCC, a US agency, and that's about it. Who the fuck grants them the right to decide for the whole world?

>> No.10680491

You are the one who wants to eat out his ass, though.

>> No.10680497

Yeah, you got me.

>> No.10681016

That only exists in the Silicon Valley.

>> No.10681019

t. based retard surface groveler

>> No.10681774

>based retard surface groveler
One big problem with the Musk groupies: they live in a fantasy land powered by Musk promises. WE ARE ALL STILL ON THE SURFACE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

>> No.10681798

How often do we need Elon Musk gossip threads on /sci/? Fuck off and sage

>> No.10682007

We know it's you thunderf00t
Go be asshurt back on reddit

>> No.10682018

>Who the fuck grants them the right to decide for the whole world?
The US, apparently.

>> No.10682023

To be honest, I'm surprised that he hasn't made a video about Starlink yet.

>> No.10682037

don't worry guys. I'm making a company who's incentive is to knock out the satellites from the sky for our consumer interests.

we'll be using gigantic nuclear missiles to vaporize the satellites.

>> No.10682038

I’m ready for the cyberpunk future

>> No.10682043

most people cant see the sky to begin with

>> No.10682136

Not even the US, the FCC. Don't be fooled though, this doesn't mean there aren't damages to be claimed from anyone affected. Consider that the VLA alone cost nearly half a billion USD in today's money and it'll cost far far more to make the owners whole by having one in space. That is one of countless projects.

>> No.10682421

That would violate article 4 of the Outer Space Treaty. No WMD are allowed in space. Damaging satellites launched under the authority of a another nation is also forbidden. Said treaty also establishes that groups putting stuff into space only need the approval of their home nation's government.

>> No.10682438
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>inb4 "Spaceflight should be defunded and the money used to feed poor people."

>> No.10682459

This is the price of the future.
Not that you could see anything in the night sky near cities anyway

>> No.10682488


>consensus between nations

Lol, enjoy waiting forever.

>> No.10682502

Lucky brilliant bastard.

>> No.10682514

Look up the Outer Space Treaty - it specifically delegates the regulation of non-goverment spacecraft to the home nation of whoever is launching it. So there is already a consensus among the 108 nations that signed it that any country can approve whatever satellites they want, with the exception of sats that have WMD on them.

>> No.10682526

>This idiot right here is going to ruin the night sky forever.
so he launches spy satellites and may have possible connections to a sex cult and this is what you choose to bitch about? idiot.

>> No.10682527

So we can build a Burger King at the Grand Canyon but for some reason space is off limits

>> No.10682534

Why Starlink? Why not just build up more infrastructure the internet on earth?

>> No.10682536

NOOOO don't you understand that Starlink will ruin science forever!!!! They're so reflective that their light may burn the astronomers' eyes while they're looking into their telescopes. Burn their eyes straight into their brain and may make them forget how to science! Not only that but Starlink will ruin the night sky FOR ALL TIME literally. Their light could be seen all the way back to BC. Their light would make it impossible for the ancients to see the stars and thus ruin astrology too. STARLINK MUST BE STOPPED!!!!1 /s

>> No.10682543

That's gay.

>> No.10682558
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>and be named God-Emperor of Martian empire
Well, duh.

>> No.10682589

Starlink is cheaper and has less paperwork
Monopoly laws (that grant a telecom company a monopoly) restrict any significant effort into expanding the ground based services

>> No.10682624

Starlink will provide good internet where it is impossible to run high speed cables too - like cargo & cruise ships, oil rigs, and so on. Right now those people are stuck with really crappy geosync internet. Secondly, there are plenty of rural areas around the world that, while in theory could have fiber ran out to them, never will because the cost is too much. The most recent estimate I have seen for fully running fiber to rural parts of just the US comes in at $61 billion.


Then figure all the rural areas around the world, and how much it would cost to run all of them fiber. Hundreds of billions, at the least.

Meanwhile, a full Starlink network should me much cheaper than that. Even if each Starlink sat costs a million dollars, and each Falcon 9 launch cost the full $60 million they charge commercial customers, setting up the full 12,000 satellite network would cost $24 billion. And that is a worst case expense estimate. The sats are probably cheaper per unit, Space X's cost for a Falcon 9 flight is undoubtedly lower than what it charges its customers, and of course if Starship works it will massively drive the launch costs down.

>> No.10683006

No one here is saying that, you tard.

>> No.10683175

If he is an idiot, what does that make you?

>> No.10683182

That's a non-sequitur if ever I saw one. Also

>> No.10683193

Obviously you never fucking saw one then bitch

>> No.10683197

...but I did. How can someone be so dumb to be this bad at arguing while still being literate?

>> No.10683198
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>Who the fuck grants them the right to decide for the whole world?

its the upside of having to be the worlds security force and supporting a stupid big military. you get to do shit like make taiwan a vassal state and poop satellites into space without permission.

>> No.10683206
File: 178 KB, 1920x1280, 654564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean take the sky to a whole new level, right?

>see constellation of communication satellites
>see city lights...on the moon...

>> No.10683215

Might makes right.

>> No.10683268
File: 60 KB, 640x360, cha-180oeb5v3zxdhjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.10683272


>> No.10683279

How can someone who makes no fucking sense whatsoever accuse anyone else of being dumb?

>> No.10683280

In the future if you want to look at the sky you'll just take a rocket to one of the many space stations.

>> No.10683284

Also, if professional astronomy is getting messed up from those satellites, then maybe it's time to move to space. We've spent 50 years looking at the universe at a distance, maybe we should start moving out there to see it much more closely.

>> No.10683295

There are satellites in space already m80, it doesn't change the fact that most of what is observed is done so from Earth or that you're asking for a massive overhaul of how astronomy is done in a cultural sense.

>> No.10683297

Don't worry I'm sure india will blow up another satellite and Fuck everything up.

>> No.10684275

Astronomy culture sucks dick

>> No.10684286

nigga we all will be long dead before we see any of that.

>> No.10684289

Imagine if you could actually look up into the night sky and see a cris-crossing pattern of lights.

That would be the biggest 'fuck-yeah humanity' event ever.

>> No.10684291

Meh, most people can't see the night sky properly anyway due to light pollution.

>> No.10684292

But it will be good. Now you can look up and not only wonder about the universe, but also the capability of man.

>> No.10684427


>> No.10684431

I can't wait to witness 50 sputniks criss-crossing the night sky every day. It will be exciting. He is our savior. He will make life more interesting. Starlight doesn't wake you up at night because it's as bright as the sun. Satellites are about as bright.

>> No.10684432

They have exactly the sort of mindset that Musk wants to appear to have. It's like
>hey this sensor is $100K
>but if I scrape the top off this $20 junk camera sensor I get nearly the same thing
Super hacky and they lurve space. In reality Musk has disdain for such people and would try to collect rents on access to the sky itself given the chance.

>> No.10684434

I wish Starlink internet service was free. But it's not gonna be free because they need funds for pointless missions like going to pointless Mars. Fucking stupid. Just give up and accept you're going to die on this stupid insular rock. And give me free internet while you're at it.

>> No.10684495

Or you know, repay the money that was used to put starlink into space.

>> No.10684589

>This is what muskrats actually believe


>> No.10684594

*tips fedora*

>> No.10684597

>Saying global internet is a good idea

>> No.10684611

>see city lights...on the moon...

You literally can't make this up. Muskrats are legit retarded.

>> No.10684619

Have spaceships, earthcel

>> No.10685433

How are you supposed to know the carbon output from the production of electricity you have stored in the car. Is it still higher than that of a regular car emissions from what I've heard it is. I live in a state that burns alot of coal for most of the electricity so I assume this is the case.

>> No.10685435

More like ENHANCE it.

>> No.10685438

There's nothing wrong with being a consumer >>10680197

>> No.10685452

Coal is nasty for other reasons but by raw carbon it's probably better than an ICE

>> No.10685540

"People I disagree with must be retarded"
explain why or fuck off

>> No.10685722

This idiot will put maybe 200 satellites up tops. 12000 is a fucking joke.

>> No.10685727
File: 132 KB, 298x301, i wanna be this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robotic maids and AI waifus
>tfw this will never be real

>> No.10685736

So you think he'll only get off two more starlink launches? Also OP is a reactionary neo-Luddite moron that should kill himself if he's so worried about nature.

>> No.10685744

Nobody called you a retard, but it seems you recognized it yourself.

>> No.10685758


>> No.10686489

>This idiot right here is going to ruin the night sky forever.

meh, after the first space AD gets put up, and it's companies profits die horribly from angry consumers, the desire to advertise in space will die off pretty quickly.

>> No.10686492

Why? What's his idea?

>> No.10686595

Short sighted thinking. Humans need goals to strive for as a society, things like space travel are good non-harmful goals to work toward. Once we have mastered agriculture and industry, we have to make the goals ourselves, and many goals certain politically alligned people have created (progressives) are very deterimental.

>> No.10686611

This is such a bad argument.
There will always be poor people on welfare from cradle to the grave. It doesn't mean anyone should halt all human progress. Progress that often brings new technologies that improve peoples lives

>> No.10686623

Pretty sure space is already fucked

>> No.10687353
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Also, welcome to the era of cyberpunk. We're gonna have (((advertisements))) in space soon enough, might as well have something useful too

>> No.10687371

Is this that scientist who was dating Grimes

>> No.10687439

>the worlds security force

US intervention hasn't done anything except make things worse since after WW2, and even then it was mainly the USSR that stopped the Nazis.

>> No.10687450
File: 2.91 MB, 800x338, starflare_ksp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10687452

We fucked up WW2 too
Allied with the wrong team, should have fought the Soviets and Nazis at the same time

>> No.10687462

This is a really good article

>> No.10687466

At least we dropped the bomb on the Japs and got them to surrender before Russia could take them over. They're still sore enough that Russia got their northern islands, even right now in the current news they're complaining to Russia wanting them back.

>> No.10687473

Fuck the world, United Stars of America when?

50 stars on the flag for 50 systems.

>> No.10687490

Fucking mouth pipetting.

>> No.10687499

>United Stars of America
That's just silly. It'll be United Planets of America first. Gotta start claiming the Solar system first before moving to other stars.

>> No.10687509

Gotta dream big, anon; dress for the job you want, not the job you have and all that.

>> No.10687518
File: 110 KB, 1041x693, unitedspaceofamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me there. Although it should be called United Space of America. It sort of rhymes with United States of America.

>> No.10689276

Oh yeah the space government really sucks ass.

Especially space Australia.

>> No.10689293
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That's "sucks arse", m8.

>> No.10689488

What is he doing that will ruin it?
>implying the night sky hasn't already been ruined by industrialization

>> No.10689508


Mfw I helped contribute to this by working on Starlink

>> No.10689881
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>doesn't post a face

>> No.10690208

Me liek dis

>> No.10690220


>> No.10691587

>No one does anything to solve light polution
>Some faggots go mad because now they'll see 2 moving points in the sky
Brainlets and hypocrites get the rope