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10677139 No.10677139 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nuclear engineering worth it?

Have a long waste of time backstory:
I'm a 18 years old highschool grad. I was planning to enter university when I'm 21 and travel around/have fun before it but my family interfered with my plans. Getting educated is a must now.

I have 18 days until my university entrance exams. I didn't studied for it so I have two options;
>study physics/computer engineering in a average uni
>Try next year and study, Get in a good uni (know some people that can help me enter better unis overseas after it)

I was thinking about trying next year unless I'll get lucky and enter my "joker" choice of uni. Then I found this program that let's you travel to Russia and become a nuclear engineer. Then I called someone I knew in the project and he said that I can join this program without problems assuming I can handle the requirements:
>I need to have maths/physics classes in uni, then enter the program. That takes one year.
>I must pass the Russian test (they will be teaching)
>I'll live in Russia for 6-6.5 years

I thought the idea of being a nuclear engineer was interesting but I'm not sure if I could actually learn some stuff.
Before someone asks, the money I earn after it is pretty nice and I don't care about money.


>> No.10677142 [DELETED] 

kys cuck


>> No.10677147
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I considered it before but... Nope.

>> No.10677335

> Is Nuclear engineering worth it?
> travel to Russia
> Russia
One word: Chernobyl.

You might as well study nuclear engineering at the Three Mile Island College for Insane Fuckups. Your degree? Well, I guess you can wrap the first Big Mac you make in it.

>> No.10677346

Nuclear engineering is pretty based, don't listen to retards like >>10677335 that don't know that thorium exists. The great thing about nuclear is that while the climate alarmists do their usual autistic screeching, real problem solvers are building our nuclear infrastructure and we will unironically be able to produce virtually infinite energy in the future. Go join the revolution OP and tell all climate alarmists to go suck a big black nuclear dick.

>> No.10677353

>Is Nuclear engineering worth it?
you will be treated like a slave by idiots that are below you. at least in most cases you will be.

>> No.10677365

Uni quality and renown is everything
Wait a year and go for the good one

>> No.10677391

Did you check the unis written in the page? They seemed nice.
I might Anon. Thank you for your based reply.
How? Sorry if it's a weird question. I don't have knowledge about this stuff.

>> No.10677413

Does it matter *THAT* much? I might study like I've sold my soul and get into MIT/METU. I'd prefer METU actually but my MIT grad relative said "MIT's education makes up for the social construct of METU" so I can't even decide on it.

>> No.10677481

The way it goes is if you go to the very best top ranking unis you have the best advantage on jobs regardless of grades. If you go to a Decent uni youre on an even playing field with everyone else and grades are more important. If you go to a shit uni your fucked either way

>> No.10678160

>but my family interfered with my plans. Getting educated is a must now.
why dont you tell them (or not even bother telling them) to get to fuck and live your own life. you're a big boy now.

>> No.10678169

My dad has really good connections and he is kinda rich. He could give me some money and I could live on it until I die.
But he lived in USSR and he's over-disciplined. He said I have to earn get educated properly. He's a bit weird about this kind of stuff.

>> No.10678199

Based dad. My tip: listen to him. Also, you should ask your dad about this if you haven't

>> No.10678228

The guy at the project called my dad and my dad invited his family to dinner. Sadly they couldn't come (I was actually sad because his son is a pretty chill dude) but he explained the protect to him and my dad gave green light to me. It's all up to me now.
If I fail to get into my "joker" choice (we own a cabin in the woods near it, average education) I'll propably enter this program.

>> No.10678247

i know some people like u.
they are now fake and living a life they dont want to live. their parents are living their life by proxy.
they are not happy.
who cares about ur dads connections, youll make your own, along with your own money. thats how they control you lolz

>> No.10678264

Damn Anon that's deep and I don't get the control part
But no. I can't make that kind of connections. It's impossible.
Also you're right at the making your own money part. I worked for a month in harsh conditions and it was nice to see actually doing something. Got my family presents with it.

>> No.10678290

How much radiation can a worst case scenario meltdown emit?

>> No.10678304
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It won't matter

>> No.10678305

well you'd forge your own path more easily if it weren't for your fathers money and connections. and he knows that too and will use it to live your life by proxy which he is already evidently doing. the government will even pay you to be a neet if you wanna walk away

>> No.10678318

I guess I created a misunderstanding somewhere. Yes he's rich but I don't live the rich life because his father never spoiled him. Every friend I have already have a Benz but I still use bus, use a Xiaomi mi6, never wear desinger stuff etc... He can make me live a comfortable life but he won't...
But the government won't pay if I walk away. I don't even think I can walk away because they make you sign a contract or something. You have to finish your education then work at your destined job.

>> No.10678326

>One word: Chernobyl
This is bait, right?

>> No.10678373

Russians unis are much more rigourous than most top American and probably British schools. They don't run on a for profit basis like the aforementioned, and the faculty are hardcore.

>> No.10678384

You're right. I've never been to UK but if I were to compare Russian middle schoolers with American college students... Russians take their education much more seriously, their families care more and they study properly.

>> No.10678409

In case someone replies, I have to sleep now since sun is starting to shine. Have a nice day everyone.

>> No.10678411

I also mean at a university level they will cover more content and their assessments will be more difficult. This is because most schools are state run and tuition is covered by the state. So unlike the semi private schools of the US and the UK the faculty are under no pressure to pass as many students as possible nor ease standards.

>> No.10678487

>petroleum engineering
>nuclear engineering
>chemical engineering

If you are considering these as an undergraduate you are being tricked into a meme degree.

>Russia study abroad program

Russia is also trying to meme you into thinking their country is literally anything but a cold, desolate shithole.

>> No.10678527

>Is Nuclear engineering worth it

NE is fucking dead. Just look at all the desperate ex-engineers shilling here for people to support it in the forlorn hope that the industry will magically stop being 5-10 times more expensive than all other forms of energy generations, stop shutting down right and left, and new construction abandoned.

>> No.10680037

It's all about what you want to do OP. Think about it, do you really want to spend the rest of your days designing nuclear reactors that people really, REALLY depend on and that the Atomic Energy Associations will drill you hard on safety and flawed designs when you don't really have a passion for it?
I'm not a nuclear engineer yet, but I am a Navy Nuke and I hope to join USNA eventually taking the nuclear engineering program. I think that nuclear engineering is a fascinating and interesting field and I am willing to spend countless hours on such complexity because that is simply what I have a passion for: clean energy and frickin' rad science.
As I stated earlier however, really think about whether it's what YOU want to do and see yourself ENJOYING. Don't go in just because you can't think of what to do, there are people's lives at stake here dammit!

>> No.10680040

Thinking that solar energy and wind energy is better.
>Hey goys, let's clear entire deserts with solar panels that are expensive, break easily, and can't be disposed off! While we're at it, why don't we also clear entire fields for wind turbines that kill birds and bats!

>> No.10680043

>Wanting to make money instead of helping the planet.

>> No.10680045
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Yes. Someone has to make those LFTRs.

>> No.10680210

It's not that. It's a bad undergraduate study. You can't easily get a job in nuclear engineering without graduate study because the industry is dying and whether or not it will rebound from the Gen IV reactor designs is a total uncertainty.

The EU elections just put more power into the hands of the green party is who anti-nuclear. The US is decommissioning more plants than they're creating. Plants are getting old and struggle under heavy regulations to be profitable. Water scarcity and increasing temperatures make it more difficult to operate plants. Yucca Mountain still isn't open. The decline of domestic manufacturers make it ridiculously expensive to construct new plants or order replacement parts.

And if you can't scratch out a career in nuclear, then you're fucked. People will be impressed and that might be able to get you some sort of credibility in another field if you can prove yourself competent, but it otherwise doesn't translate to any other industry.

LFTR is trash. The science of it is nice and all, but its implementation is a nightmare that won't see the light of day for many decades, if ever.

>> No.10681040

Why do you say that about the implementation? Transatomic Power is making a MSR with Uranium kinda like the Thorium ones so won't that help with transition?

>> No.10681055

It's not going to take a nuclear engineer to solve Fusion it's going to take a physicist

>> No.10681063

Would it be a reasonable idea to get a mechanical degree with the prospect of becoming a nuclear engineer? I don’t want a nuke degree if it turns out to completely die, judging by the rate at which plants are closing