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10650674 No.10650674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are elephants submissive towards humans even though they have larger brains than us?

>> No.10650689

thai people beat them with sticks to play games for silly rich people

>> No.10650729

Lovely creatures, both. I am pleased by this.

>> No.10650745

Larger =/= more complex

>> No.10650814

you just KNOW

>> No.10650864

i didn't used to understand why people would talk about brain size relative to body size, because i was like 'it's still doing more computation'. I didn't realise how much of brains neurons are just for motor control (half) and other base body shit. so more body means more neurons doing the same dumb low level shit. bigger brain but not smarter

>> No.10650869

This but cetaceans' brains not only larger but also more complex

>> No.10650903

Not true at all. Big reptiles have tiny brains compared to their body

>> No.10650926

Complex isn't a sliding scale, there are hundreds of ways for a brain to be complex, and it just so happens that the way our complexity differs from a whales or elephants means we started inventing shit while elephants just use branches and twigs.

>> No.10650979


>> No.10651043

A lot of humans are submissive towards other humans.

>> No.10651123
File: 45 KB, 630x366, stegosaurus-size[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dumbest tetrapod ever.

>be 10,000 lbs
>brain is 2.5 oz

>> No.10651137

they are submissive, because stupid thai people beat them hooked sticks and deprive them of food and water until they obey. all because stupid cunts like you can take webm and post it on a monoglian basekt weaving board full of pseud brainlets

>> No.10651152

alof of those motor neurons i imagine youre talking about are in your celebellum so id say its not as straightforward as you make out.

>> No.10651173
File: 19 KB, 495x362, REEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute blunde curvy scandinavian gf like this

>> No.10651188

>Why are elephants submissive towards humans
They're not. In parts of india they have to build their villiages in the trees because elephants occasionally would storm through town and level it.

>> No.10651213
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x1125, SG9A8359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Why are elephants submissive towards humans
Elephants are herbivores. They don't attack humans because why risk it? You aren't food to them. They don't need to ingest your ground up bones to make their pee pees harder. So fuck it.

NEVER get between a mama elephant and her calf though. She won't think twice about curb stomping you.

>> No.10651285

>like that girl
oh, anon ...

>> No.10651302
File: 28 KB, 619x453, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot curvy.

>> No.10651326

Complex in what way? What is that complexity used for?

>> No.10651362
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>> No.10651436

We dont know that much about thwir brains desu.

>> No.10651497
File: 889 KB, 610x762, 7 is the most magical number of them all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yea?
well if elephants are so stupid then why is that elephant slapping thicc ass while you are sitting at home posting on 4chan!?

>> No.10651506

Most of that brain mass are useless glial cells just like with dolphins.

>> No.10651515

Primates have uniquely compact neurons, while nearly all other mammals neurons scale with their body size, primate neurons do not. That is why we are much smarter than Elephants despite the fact that our brains occupy less volume, we have more neurons anyway because we can fit more in a smaller space.