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10645251 No.10645251 [Reply] [Original]

Orthopods are real doctors edition
Last one reached bump limit
old: >>10625995

We discuss research, offer advice (Just see your family physician), make fun of premeds, discuss residency and different specialities but we mostly shitpost

If you want to discuss vaccines, please make your own thread because it takes a lot of replies and the discussion degenerates.

>What's the best speciality for research?
Path, clinical lab, onc, rad/onc, anaesthesia

>What are the best specialities lifestyle wise?
Optho, derm, psych and rads

>> No.10645257

Have nothing really to say so just gonna bump
On lab rotation currently
Chill environment
Only women there
Not lots of people
Heaven for autists

>> No.10645261

I just came back from diabetes exam and got an 8/10 because of course, I fucked up the diet of the patient. I'm extremely bad at math.

I remember my lab rotations, it was boring imo. If you like a silent and chill environment, sure, but for me it wasn't that much going on in there, I really like some action.

>> No.10645276

Grandma is the hands of said orthopods atm for a knee replacement. Hope everything's fine.

this reminded me that I have to sit down and read diabetes for my final IM exam.

>> No.10645278

I'm sure she'll be fine, anon! :) I wish her the best!
Diabetes seems at first sight boring as hell but then becomes very complicated complication and treatment wise that it makes my head spin.

>> No.10645294

Thanks ^^ The emergency complications are most interesting to me, ketoacidosis, hypoglicemia, hyperosmolaric coma, all that stuff. Per-oral drugs too. The diets, insulin treatment and long term complications are kind of confusing.

>> No.10645307

>The diets, insulin treatment and long term complications are kind of confusing.

They are indeed. Complications are a living hell, diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, diabetic kidney disease, all those sensitivity test to find out if the patient feels cold/warm temps on the skin, vibratory and tactile sensitivity and the list goes on. The acute events are the best, as you said, easy to retain the info and also entertaining to read.

Here, in Romania, the hospital I'm at doesn't have glucagon in case of severe hypoglicemia and they go for 10ml 33% glucose shots i.v in bolus instead until the patient is stabilized. I have no idea why is glucagon so hard to find. Is it expensive?

>> No.10645319

Answering to Anon on the old post: Trigeminal neuralgia can be treated initially with oral medications. Only on refractory cases surgical procedures are indicated. Usually each center have a particular treatment algorithm regarding how to proceed, but in general terms minimally invasive or non invasive options are nowadays preferred.
Among those are what we call percutaneous balloon microcompresion (my preferred first line treatment), in which we perform a small incision on the cheek and through a thin trocar we pierce the skull base dura to enter the trigeminal cave (where the trigeminal ganglion is located) and inflate a microballoon for a few seconds, thus generating a specific and localized nervous damage on the aberrant pain fibers causing the syndrome.
In the past NC used to introduce alcohol or other chemical substances to obtain the same effect.
Stereotactic radiosurgery can be a non invasive procedure where you shoot an specific amount of radiation to a localized intracranial target (the trigeminal ganglion), causing the same effect but with a delayed response.
Finally the classical open micro vascular decompression can be performed by an appropriate team of skull base NCs when an abnormal or enlarged vessel is confirmed by MRI. Basically you put some small piece of material like a sponge between the vessel and the ganglion (actually, the root entry zone proximal to the ganglion), eliminating the pulsating stimulus causing pain...

Hope this is helpful !

>> No.10645339

Neurosurgeon again:

Best specialty for research: None of the traditional ones by themselves. Each specialty has a clinical demand high enough for eating your working hours entirely, even more so in the case of surgical jobs. The only colleagues who do REAL research (not "clinical" research) are completely devoted to research as their job.

Best lifestyle: Dermatology, ophthalmology, diagnostic radiology (not interventional !). Neurosurgery is one of the worst in this regard ...

Cheers !

>> No.10645345

Surgeons have a bad lifestyle in general, being on call most of the times, plus surgery is not as "easy" (can't find the right word) as clinical specialities.

>are completely devoted to research as their job
So, help me out a bit. Doc, you're saying that if, for example, I become an oncologist and want to do a lot of research, I should drop the clinical part of it and focus on research instead? (I want family medicine, so I'm not sure what kind of research I can do there, but this is just an example)

>> No.10645353

Why do plastic surgeons have such high job satisfaction overall, higher than all other allegedly more lifestyle-friendly clinical specialties?

>> No.10645373

I currently work in fast food and I get complaints a lot from another co-worker for not smiling and being cheerful enough all day. I tell him I can't really smile for 8 hours a day while handing people their diabetes burgers. He all ways replies with the "just cheer up bro".

Would someone like me have a bad time being a general physician? I know to be a good doctor you need to be good with understanding people. Which strayed me away from /med/. But I think job prestige has a lot to do with it too because it's hard for me to care about a minimum wage fast food job that people look down upon compared to the exact opposite in terms of a doctor.

I'm 20 and I'm going to start school for computer science in September, but I'm honestly thinking of delaying a year and doing pre-med, while volunteering in clinics so I know what life is like.

>> No.10645382

What I meant with devote yourself to research was regarding real biochemical or biomolecular research, lab work sort of speak.
Let me tell you something that most people here don´t want to accept: In most developed countries the head of any clinical research team IS a physician, an MD... So if you manage to become an oncologist and then become the chairman or head of your department, you will lead the main research trials (not only the clinical ones) and you will have several "employees" like younger MDs, pHDs students, biochemists, and so on .... And you will be on the list of authors when the paper gets published, BUT, you will not DO the actual work .... and that is because it will be physically impossible for you.
On the other hand, clinical trials will be almost obligatory if you end up in a field like oncology.
Oncology by itself works continuously with therapeutic trials and testing new developments on both chemotherapy, inmunotherapy and radiotherapy.

Family medicine is very different. You can do research but mostly you will have to cover epidemiological studies, a lot of statistics and multidisciplinary interventions (you will have to investigate the role of not only physiological factors, but also economical, social and educational factors as well).

If you really love classical lab work, your best bet should be doing a pHD and then a postdoctoral thesis, however, if you are not sure by now I recommend you do the specialty of your choosing and then if you really want it, devote yourself to research.

I hope this helps you. Whatever question you have please post it, I was in a similar position years ago ...


>> No.10645383

You certainly don't have to smile a whole shift to be a physician. You just have to show the patients that you're interested about their current situation. Being a doctor in general comes with prestige, but that doesn't matter much compared to how good you are as a physician.

>> No.10645386

What about path lifestyle, is it good?

>> No.10645391
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I don't have problems with choosing a specialty, even before starting medschool I wanted to become a family physician and research isn't one of my strong points, I just want to practice it because I like chronic diseases and management of cases. Also, doing full physicals is fun.

I just wanted to ask this because I thought it is possible as an onc to do research yourself (not clinical trials) but apparently it's not. Maybe I will think about doing research in the future but there is just a slim chance for me, also thank you so much for the detailed reply, doc!

>> No.10645405

Plastic surgeons in general have a good financial situation, but also have one of the highest rates of malpractice lawsuits. So in my experience the really big advantage they have regarding lifestyle is that they can work as surgeons without night calls, which believe me, is a significant difference.

Pathology residency is very demanding regarding studying hours, at least those spots that I know, but their job schedule after their finish is relatively benign, and usually are well paid.

And you don´t need to smile all day, I usually almost never do on a night shift, but you just have to be professional and respectful of your patient and his family. Basically House MD is a myth on present-day medicine, for most institutions what people say about you is even more important than your actual working skills, but the world is expecting for you to be serious, so any Patch Adams out there are also on their way to extinction.



>> No.10645501

>they can work as surgeons without night calls
Isn't that also the case with ophthalmologists and urologists?

>> No.10645505

Anyone here do an engineering undergrad and then med?

Curious how the workload compares.

>> No.10645512

I'm not him but I'm pretty sure ophta's are called only when shit hits the fan, otherwise they're fine. Don't know about uro, tho.

>> No.10645524

You are right, ophthalmologists and urologists in general don´t work at nights, that´s why those are very popular residencies (ophthalmology being somewhat of the less-surgical "surgical" specialties), both very well paid.


>> No.10645528

Yeah, there are like 1 or 2 opthalmic emergencies which require immediate care, so they are rarely waken up during the night

>> No.10645530

Are plastics, ophto and uro the only ones? It seems so but I don't know much about the surgical specialties.

>> No.10645574

Oncological surgeons usually don´t take night calls, although that will depend on your institution.
Some surgical specialties that originally had nightshifts after a sub-specialization program can get rid of those, like in the case of neurosurgeons that work in the field of functional NCx, or radiosurgery ... Almost every surgical career has some way of leaving night shifts behind, although how feasible is that would differ considerably depending on your specialty (in some cases, it would require years and luck, in others just a simple choice)


>> No.10645579

>Oncological surgeons usually don´t take night calls,

>> No.10645611

Because they don´t have to ... their cases usually don´t require urgent management, at least not from them. Almost all oncological emergencies are managed by internal medicine MDs and general surgeons.

>> No.10645644

Fuck me I didn't realize how hard it is to transfer from the UK to US.

>> No.10645654

>Is it expensive?
It is, that's why no one is using it (in poor countries like ours, I'm from BG). There are some patients that buy it individually. I saw a sample package during our rotations. It's a neat little box with syrange, needle and a vial.
Fucking neat. Don't know how much I'm gonna need the info, but it's pretty interesting and I could brag about it infront of others. So that's something. Next question: is the pussy slayer, suit wearing, rich guy neurosurgeon a meme?
Compassion and sympathy is more important and you can do these without smiling 24/7.
My path teacher just chilled in his office, looked at his microscope drinking coffee, eating snacks, smoking cigarettes and listening to rock music all day. He was the epitomy of chill. And don't get me wrong he's a kick ass pathologist.

>> No.10645714

Stop namefagging redditor

>> No.10645720

Stop namefagging again>>10645524
Stop n

>> No.10645724
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You really had to make two posts about it, friend?

>> No.10645726

Stop namefagging

>> No.10645728

Stop trying so hard to fit in, faggot.

>> No.10645730


>> No.10645735

Im gonna fit in yer mum

>> No.10645736
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>tfw the thread goes nicely and some faggot ruins it
You're the one that hates surgeons, senpai?

>> No.10645739

Ncx is fag

>> No.10645749

I have nothing against surgeons

>> No.10645761

Regarding the success stereotype of Neurosurgeons:

Money: Depends on your country. For the US, some South American, middle east and southeast asian countries you certainly can have huge salaries, and will be able to live on the very best neighborhood of your town and drive a sportscar. In Canada, Central America, Europe and Japan you will have an upper-middle class salary at most. And that is valid for every other specialty on those countries, for several reasons.. This I can say because is one of the main topics on international congresses hahaha.

Girls: While this could vary from other countries, in my humble experience, being a neurosurgeon certainly gives you a perceived social advantage that you can use to get girls. Of course it will not be instantaneously effective if you are a fat egotistical loser who thinks that your job is your presentation card, but if you are just normal (and I mean, just average), being a NCx will make you the alpha male in the eyes of almost every female doctor, student or other health professionals, at least inside your hospital. That my friend, I can say It´s one of the few rewards of this job. With all that said, beware of goldiggers !, we have one of the highest divorce rates out there, and sadly every colleague over 40 that I know, had to endure it.

So basically if you take pleasure having to deal with the most difficult patients, diseases and schedules known to medicine (ego: checked), while at the same time gaining social acceptance and money (sex: checked), but understanding that you will die younger and probably alone, then Neurosurgery is for you !

PD: This stereotype is valid only for 90% of us, there are few exceptions (not known to me)

>> No.10645766

>And that is valid for every other specialty on those countries, for several reasons.
Could you elaborate on that?

>> No.10645770
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Holy shit, based and blackpilled.

>tfw the virgin family physician vs the chad neurosurgeon
My life is ruined

>> No.10645771

Hahaha, chill friend !
Why so much hate ? Remember that sooner or later you will become one of our patients .... we all do.
Anyway, I will continue answering surgery related concerns if that`s ok with you.
I have a long flight and I paid for internet access all along ...



>> No.10645796

The reason why those countries have lower salaries for MDs is that their healthcare system are public, or at least regulated by the state.
In Japan for example, it doesn´t matter what specialty you have, every MD earns the same amount only related to the amount of years they have been working.
Germany has a somewhat private system, but the salaries are also previously determined, actually you can google it.
In the UK the healtcare system and therefore their salaries are also determined, and for the price of living in London for example, are not so high.
In Central and South America (with the exception of Chile and Colombia), salaries in general are lower.
In countries where the private sector is dominant (like the US), or when it exists at least independently (Colombia, Chile, Brazil, SouthEast Asia), you can get paid depending on how much you do. So basically if you operate on a daily basis, you can get rich.

For the Family Medicine anon, don´t be sad. You can enjoy the privilege of freedom, you probably will not suffer from being sued annually, you can enjoy a family, live on a small town with outdoor activities, have a hobby .... Life is choosing ...


>> No.10645797
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Wanted to ask something. How are the female neurosurgeons? You must've met at least one. Are they "alpha"? (Independent, serious and very focused?)

I'd really like to marry one like that and let her make money while I go part time.

>> No.10645814

Hahaha as a matter of fact they tend to be alpha.
Because this field has been historically male-dominated, when a NCx female resident gets in, they tend to develop a very strong personality, almost like a defensive mechanism, and think that they have to be "more badass" than their male counterparts.
So yeah, if you can put up with those kind of girls, they will provide for you, as long as you don`t get in her way ...

(I seriously don`t recommend it though)

>> No.10645816

Sure, but even in countries with socialized healthcare, a lot of physicians have private practices, including some surgeons.

>> No.10645848

Is there a way to treat mild varicocelle without surgery? Or at least stop its progression before it becomes severe?

>> No.10645882

The last part I wrote was a joke. I figured they would be alpha but needed a confirmation. I have a colleague that wants to do neurosurgery and she went to every surgery related workshop so far and she really shows signs of being an alpha female. I guess you guys are absorbed by this speciality, but it's a very interesting path to go on.

I have varicocele. There's no treatment besides surgery. All you can do is wear tight underwear and take NSAIDs when it hurts like hell

>> No.10645915

In countries like Japan, where you have a socialized healthcare system, as you said, you can also treat private patients.
However, those patients are usually "reserved" for the department´s chair, or the oldest/most famous surgeon. That is even more strict on specialties with small numbers, both on patients and specialists, like the case of NCx (at least cranial).
In France for example, only a few hand-picked world-renowned vascular NCx can be considered rich, while at the same time the rest have a very modest salary.
The same applies to Japan by the way, a fact that`s even more evident considering their high price of living.
In other countries every private patient fee goes to a "common arc", that eventually is divided unequally, favoring the head of the department, following by their senior staffs, and then the younger ones ...
There are several "mechanisms" that old surgeons have to control who gets paid and how much, believe me.


>> No.10645918

>those patients are usually "reserved" for the department´s chair, or the oldest/most famous surgeon
Are you referring to private hospitals? I was talking about actual private practices, i.e. "self employed" physicians. IIRC few surgeons are allowed to perform procedures independently, but some specs like ORL, ophto and a few others can.

>> No.10645941

What is logic behind tight undies why dies it help?

>> No.10645943
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Why do you add NCx below your every post?

>> No.10645946

>Orthopods are real doctors edition
Dis nigga be thinking a squid can stitch you up an sheit

>> No.10645977
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I-is there an STD that would cause a woman to lose both of her ovaries over the course of 4 years? Supposedly the first one developed some sort of tumor and had to be removed, and now the second one is starting to go too. This person is essentially a walking STD from nymphomania.

>> No.10645980

When I got checked out, the urologist (My prof) told me that my vas deferens is a bit longer but it's normal since I'm a tall guy. Basically, because the testicles like it colder than the rest of the body, they either hang lower or get close to the body. For me, it hurts when they hang low, because it stretches out the varicose veins and I end up having a miserable, barely supportable pain. So, he told me to wear tight underwear. And it actually works. Mine is kind of mild too, no changes in sexual life so far, and I don't feel pain when taking showers, but if I don't have underwear on for approx 2-3 hours it starts aching.

>> No.10645985

In surgery you earn money by working under a hospital for a fixed schedule, i.e. 22,44,60 hrs per week, by each patient seen (admitted or outpatients) or by each surgery performed in the case of privatized systems.
That being said, you can have a private practice where you can see outpatients (medical consult) and charge what you want, BUT, unlike an ophthalmologist who can also perform his procedures IN IS OWN clinic, with his own instruments, neurosurgeons can´t.
The reason is simple: We need an entire OR, extremely expensive equipment, an ICU, MRI, CT scan, angiography suit, and so on ...
We need to work on a large specialized clinic / hospital to treat neurosurgical patients. So basically we cannot be independent, specially if you do complex NCx. This applies also to cardiothoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, most digestive surgeons, and others.

NCx (it´s an old habit)

>> No.10646045

>The reason is simple: We need an entire OR, extremely expensive equipment, an ICU, MRI, CT scan, angiography suit, and so on
So it's not actually illegal for a neurosurgeon to perform procedures independently, it's just too inefficient/expensive?

>> No.10646052 [DELETED] 


>> No.10646086
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Are you European? Any information on American ex-pats studying medicine and getting eventual citizenship in EU nations? I've been thinking about Finland/Estonia since I have family there, my mother was born in Finland but I can't declare citizenship so I would have to naturalize like anybody else.

>> No.10646182

Neurosurgeons are my favorite specialty to bully. We used to have these multidisciplinary meetings on patients who we were considering to be suitable candidates for psychosurgery. I just pedantically corrected even their tiniest mistakes and questioned their views every time I felt they were wrong. And oh boy, they couldn't take it at all. A fucking psychiatrist. Most were seething at the end and I had a few actually snap at me.

>> No.10646188
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>Work your ass off for 8 years to get your license
>The pay is fucking shit for all that effort
>Barely make more than a programmer who studied for 3 years
Fuck this gay shit

>> No.10646228

>8 years
More like ten to twelve on average
>pay is fucking shit
Are you for real m8? Doctors are still among the highest paid professions by far, and if you're in a spec like derm or ophto you have a great work-life balance, earn a lot of money (definitely more than a programmer except those in the bay area whose high salaries are offset by the retarded housing costs anyway), and your work is more interesting and rewarding than software engineering shit

>> No.10646256

Did you go to regular American high school?

>> No.10646331

How can I do research to improve my resume if I'm currently attending a community college? What kind of credentials are needed, how many years of college do I need?

>> No.10646346

at least the job is permanent
whether we're in a recession or another great depression people are always still gonna be unhealthy and sick
software engineers can barely make it to their mid-40s tops, until they either get replaced by a younger engineer or somehow win the competition and become the CTO or CIO

>> No.10646355

Yes, I assume that I'll need an undergraduate degree to be competitive? I've only played around with the idea a bit, haven't looked into it yet.

>> No.10646366

Nah buddy you might be fucked. In Finland you apply to med school straight out of high school. Either you have good grades in the matriculation exam or you pass the entrance exam. Dick sucking, extra-curriculars, interviews, research experience, previous degrees, none of that matters at all.

>> No.10646367

Not to mention the more abstract social prestige that comes with being a doctor. Doctors consistently rank as a top profession.

>> No.10647323

If you think it's all about the money, you can fuck off. Docs are paid very well compared to programmers, don't know where that came from.

>> No.10647373

Not in the countries where you pay for residency and average doctor sallary is less than 400 bucks

>> No.10647377

Neurosurgeon again. If I didn´t put it clear enough, physicians get paid less that the US in some countries, but that doesn´t mean that they will have shitty jobs or a bad salaries at all.
Around the world probably you will never be poor as a medical specialist ....

But medicine is not something you choose for money, at least you shouldn´t determined yourself to such a long path for just that.
There are plenty of other options out there that can give you money at far less effort.
You do this because you like it, whether you feel the stereotypical "calling" for helping others, like biological sciences a lot, want to cut inside other people´s organs or just plain ego, it doesn´t matter what drives you to it, but it must really move you.

Specially in Neurosurgery, for us this will never be just a job or profession like programming can be... This is a way of life.
You devote your entire youth and adulthood to continuously learn the technique, maybe similar to what an artist must do when learning their craft, and also similar to an athlete that needs to practice to stay on top; while at the same time you get to determine people´s fate, if someone will live or die, and the consequence of your decision will forever haunt their relatives ... The amount of pressure and baggage you take home with you, cannot be tolerable if you really don´t love what you do ....

For all of you that find an ortho surgery a long painful experience, let me tell you that some cranial-base surgeries usually last more than 20 hours ... but after that, if everything went well, you go home with a feeling of incredible accomplishment, a fulfillment that probably no other career can give you. You see how other surgeons look up to you, and physicians respect you, and even women see you with different eyes...

Please, and I don´t mean to disrespect, tell me how programming gives you anything similar ?


>> No.10647382

>Eat fish
>Dick smells of fish a few hours later
Is this normal or do I have Trimethylaminuria?

>> No.10647385

"Neurosurgeons are my favorite specialty to bully..."

Sorry I don´t know how to green text

A psychiatrist bulling a NCx is something I can´t conceive in this world .... I ... just ........ can´t

Maybe you should consult one of your colleagues man ....

>> No.10647401

To greentext put ">" without the quotation marks before the sentence.

>A psych bullying a NCx is something I can't conceive
I can't see any specialty that can bully neurosurgeons, to be quite honest. Surgeries take a long time, people look up to you and they respect you. I'm not saying that only neurosurgeons get that, but they get the most out of it. I can't compare family med to neurosurgery, since even fellow doctors shit on FM.

>> No.10647452

Thanks for the tip !

I honestly think that any professional who work as they should and cares enough to continuously learn and improve deserves respect.
We usually work along neurologists, radiologists and ICU doctors that in some cases, are very talented people; even non-physicians as physical therapists, ocupational therapists, psycologists and so on ... they all do their part for the patient.
One thing that in my opinion (please, take it just as a personal opinion) set physicians apart from other health care professionals, is that we tend to take our "job" more than just a job, and precisely that shows when discussing something at a multidisciplinary meeting... at least we tend to do it at a higher proportion compared to the rest.
Again, needless to say, I have the fortune to know extremely well qualified people of different careers, but they are just scarce ...


>> No.10647461

I want to be a physician but I think I fucked up and ruined that possibility.

>got through high school without effort, As and Bs mostly
>went to community college to save money because I had no idea what I wanted to do
>slacked off since I lacked motivation, got shit grades
>eventually realised I needed to get my shit together and applied for lab tech program
>get motivated, put in some effort, starting getting straight As
>realise that I love pathology, and that if I set the bar higher during high school I could have easily pursued that dream

Is there still hope or am I going to be a lab bitch for the rest of my life?

>> No.10647469

Doc, I have a question. What do you think about midlevels that practice independently? Especially NPs.

I'm from Romania and we don't even have such thing as nurse practitioner, here they're called "medical assistants" and are not allowed to do anything without the physician's call. I'm interested in this subject because I saw some controversies and debates on other forums where the physicians (especially family physicians) said that mid levels took over their specialty and it's absurd to let them practice by themselves since their training is much lower than a physician's. I've also seen that many medical mistakes in the primary care (in US and Canada) are made by mid levels because they bite more than they can chew. Also, is it true that some mid levels make more money than a physician?

>> No.10647602 [DELETED] 

>around the world you will never be poor as a doctor
Stfu you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.10647605

First of all, the name midlevel practitioner is not really used nowadays, we simply call everyone as their degree, having that in mind there are not so many differences between the general role of this group among different countries.
I think their real role, independently if they work without a physician, is actually different than what a family medicine MD do.

Probably in some states or countries where there is a shortage of professionals, either one of them must assume further responsibilities. And if you haven´t been trained to do something and you try it, probably you will screw up eventually.

I think that in a idilic situation, the family physician should oversee the rest of the healthcare team in a primary level, also taking other managing and research responsibilities (such as epidemiological studies) INSTEAD of only focusing on clinic work, maybe reserving itself for more complex cases...

In some countries a general MD (without having to take any residency) can actually work, and they assume the role of primary care physicians under the supervision of a family practitioner, or even on ER departments when the certified Emergency MD is reserved for only the most critical patients.
Basically if you are a physician, you shouldn`t worry about what the rest is doing, you will always enjoy a special place in whatever institution you work.

For the anon asking for hope: You can always try, even if you apply on a lesser known university or even a different country, the medical pathway is discontinuous, you will never finish at where you started (I have been in three countries, 4 institutions). For an example, look at the biography of Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, a world renown Neurosurgeon who started as an illegal immigrant on the US, an had to complete a psychology degree BEFORE entering to medschool ...


>> No.10647613

doctors = fags

>> No.10647637

I see. The thing is, family physicians in Romania are given their private practice by the state in a rural setting because the speciality isn't picked that much anymore. I was thinking that might be the case in US considering that many people don't want to practice in a rural environment so they give NPs the right to practice independently. Here the residency is 4 years for family medicine and I'd really like to do a fellowship in aerospace medicine.

I think it's normal to supervise NPs and PAs and not let them practice on their own. Mistakes always happen and not only to them but to physicians too. I've read something that NPs are better paid than family physicians in British Columbia and it made some people go nuts.

>t. literature major

>> No.10647715
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Serious question: I'm finally getting at that moment where I must choose a specialization and thus decreting what I will be doing for the rest of my life.
Right now I have 4 possible choices that I'm considering:
Infectious diseases
Anesthesiology and intensive care
Given that I liked studying all those subjects and the time spent in the respective yards, what would you choose in my place and why?

>> No.10647843

neurosurgery is heavily overrated, you basically repeat the same 2-3 surgeries and it's not really harder than any other specialty


> psychiatry
> neurology
enjoy working with females who think they are hot shit
> infectious diseases
enjoy doing nothing
> anesthesia
probably a smart choice

>> No.10647849

>Ctrl-F ‘Roman’
>3 results
For fuck’s sake

>> No.10647856


just because something takes long does not mean its hard or delicate

if you take 20 hours to do an operation it just means your team is slow and your surgeon sucks , and everybody who has ever been in an OP knows that this is true

>> No.10647869

Neurosurgery is the biggest meme ever, it's literally made to attract morons who think highly of themselves and aren't particularly skilled but are willing to work their asses off.

>> No.10647913

No one can tell you what residency you should choose, because their appeal is a matter of personal taste and personality, however, I can tell you that some may be considered "better jobs".

Neurology: Highly academic, lot of interesting topics to study: anatomy, physiology, inmunology; you can choose your clinical setting after finishing, meaning that you can choose a life of emergency calls (vascular neurology) or the complete opposite (peripheral nerves, dementia ...). Intermediate salaries, good possibility of basic research.

Psychiatry: Depends on your country !, intermediate academic setting, good manners among your peers and superiors, benign amount of working hours. Intermediate to low salary, intermediate possibility of research (mostly clinical).

Infectious diseases: It is a subspecialty of internal medicine in most of the world, so that is a difference. After finishing, intermediate academic setting, you will probably always will have to work linked to a hospital, not so much outpatient work, fair amount of working hours but not excessive, probably will not have night calls, good chance of doing clinical and epidemiological research, intermediate to low salary.

Anestesia: Hectic life, depending on your ambition, will probably live between several clinics and even night shifts at leas at the beginning, good working conditions: Everyone relaxed, coffee, reading in the OR ..., low possibility of research (they don´t care), HIGH salary.


>> No.10647926

How unusual to see someone disrespecting neurosurgery, in all my years, even since I was just a premed student, I have never seen someone saying anything like that to a NCx staff .... quite the opposite actually.
So I guess that all this negative comments surely come from people who doesn`t belong to medicine or are just too young....

Anyway, for anyone interested in what we really do, there is a couple of links here to show how we learn microneuroanatomy, and some very short but didactic books of some of our main surgeries (they are not 4 to 5 like some anon said ... sadly).

Enjoy (free download)








>> No.10647940

Is this bait? You would have smell regardless of eating fish

>> No.10647946

Kek neurosurgs are so high up their horse, it shows in you too, be a little humbler. You can make mistakes and other people from other specs can be smarter or more knowledgeble than you in certain aspects. Be little biit more humbler otherwise you won’t progress.

>> No.10647947

>I can´t conceive in this world .... I ... just ........ can´t

That's exactly the thing. It just doesn't fit the frame they operate on at all. Hot headed young bucks who think they can do no wrong and everyone around them echo their notions. It catches them completely off guard and leaves them out of balance.

>> No.10647952


Here is what the truth looks like: you specialize in 2-3 surgeries and perform only those for the rest of your life, just like every other specialty in surgery.

It's filled with mediocre people who got told they are special. It's really nothing special or different, except that you work with a microscope in some cases. It's a routine job that anybody can learn (and perform if they are dumb enough to put up with it).

>> No.10647953

How did you find 4chan?

>> No.10647954


he probably didn't get enough attention over at r*ddit lol

>> No.10647955

I think romanians make the thread all the time so we gotta give them pass for this

>> No.10647961


it's pathetic really, none of the posts is particulary original , it's just pure blogging and craving for attention/admiration

imagine a humble person that is a doctor and doesn't need to rub it under everybodys nose every 20 seconds

>> No.10647965

Ok kid, you don´t like us.
And you know what ? thats ok ... You are free to post whatever you like on 4chan.

Moving on, can you actually contribute with something more interesting than just your rant ?, maybe helping other anons ?, telling us what you think of the subject on discussion ?

Anyway .... I forgive you ;)

Your friend, the NCx

>> No.10647968

Yup checks out
>posts like total redditor
>knows nothing about board culture and doesn’t try to get a clue
>thinks he is hot shit
>typical meme opinions

>> No.10647969


how did any of your posts "help" anybody? you are just mindlessly stroking your own ego posting random shit and advice that nobody asked for

you are completely pathetic in every way and i doubt you have ever performed a single procedure (most likely you are an assistant that gets to hold the light)

the only achievement i can commend you for is that you are apparently able to hide your true personality in real life , you should look into acting

and not surgery ;)

>> No.10647972

Medicine is filled with people like that, even in medschools. You need to filter out their talk and find the 10% info that might be interesting or has actual value during discussion

>> No.10647987

>How did you find 4chan?

I´m not so old! I lurk this place since a long time, I found it thanks to a (now) psychiatrist friend.

>be a little humbler. You can make mistakes and other people from other specs can be smarter or more knowledgeble than you in certain aspects

I am humble, I know that a lot of people can be smarter or more knowledgeable than I. I know a lot of remarkable people from different backgrounds out there ... The thing that surprise me is how do you get to the conclusion that I think otherwise ....

>It's filled with mediocre people who got told they are special. It's really nothing special or different, except that you work with a microscope in some cases. It's a routine job that anybody can learn (and perform if they are dumb enough to put up with it).

As a technical skill, of course anyone can learn it, we even joke that even a monkey could do it, but to have the chance to learn it is the key ... that my friend, is not so easy. So I will have to disagree with the mediocre thing.
If we are mediocre, who isn´t ?

NCx on a very boring congress

>> No.10647994


i've already said it , and im gonna repeat it since you don't understand.
being a neurosurgeon is a routine job just like every other job that exists.
yes, it requires more training, but thats mostly because you don't get cases on request but have to wait for them and also because the medical world is structured such that people get used as slaves for 4-6 years in most countries after they get their 6 year degree
it has absolutely nothing to do with being a particularly gifted surgeon, because neurosurgeons aren't and also aren't measured by that skill (being good at surgery)
the competition between orthopedists, plastic surgeons is much higher than that between neurosurgeons (mostly because the procedures are completely antiquated and require 10 people in a room working "together" or rather step by step)
individually a neurosurgeon is actually one of the least competent surgeons, he can't work alone, and most neurosurgeons are not smart technically compared to orthopedists, who are often engineers ; or plastic surgeons, who are most of the time also required to be dermatologists at the same time

the reason why neurosurgeons think they have a high reputation is because simply most people are not dumb enough to go into it , it is not competitive (it's probably one of the easiest specialties to get into , the only requirement is not having a life and willing to be a mindless slave) and because the general populace is unknowledgable about the medical world

>> No.10648024

I actually did create every thread so far. Can't see a problem with it.

What's the problem, whenever the thread is dead, I always post something about what I did. Just keep your faggot mouth shut and leave if you don't like it.

>> No.10648034


> Being so pathetic that you have to blog on 4chan

Keep holding the light straight when I'm replying to you, or else you won't count as a "Ncx" anymore ;)

>> No.10648045

I'm not the neurosurgeon, retard. What the fuck do you want to discuss, then? Your posts are literally cancerous , I didn't post so much because I had an exam, so I'm not 24/7 in here unlike NEETs like you.

If you want to discuss something, and not rant like the little edgy snowflake you are, then post something of quality. The guy is just responding to our questions from his own experience.

>> No.10648047


> samefagging to defend yourself

going through 13 years+ of education just to reach a new low point
jesus fucking christ , how can an individual become so pathetic?

>> No.10648051


> posts on a NEET board
> calls out people as NEETs
> still keeps making a thread every 10 nanoseconds because he needs admiration/respect from NEETs

wew, guess your thread on r*ddit didn't get you the expected dicksucking

>> No.10648056

I agree that every field at the end becomes routine, but how long until it does will differ significantly depending off each job. For my boss probably clipping an ACM aneurysm could be boring, but for me it is still far from it. Following this argument, each surgical specialty ends with the same fate, however I honestly doubt what other surgical field can be more challenging than cerebrovascular - cranial-base NCX, and I don't mean to disrespect (*I am not finished this route yet!)

You are right that we got fewer patients comparing to ortho or plastic on the same period of time, that explain in part why our training is longer. But you don`t take into consideration that we "train" with one of the most critical patients out there (compared only to cardiothoracic or vascular surgery) and at the same time with elective patients that are not immediately dying (who usually is a relief), and any tiny mistake on them could be considerably worse than death, such as blinding or crippling them for life. If training with a rare, critical, and potentially devastating pathology is not hard, please tell me what is (and I haven´t mentioned children yet).


>> No.10648059
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>being this retarded

>being even more retarded

>> No.10648063

Your line that we are not technically capable is ludicrous, please enlighten us about how many orthopedic surgeons are engineers (citation needed), and how that could make a difference.

Continuing: We don´t need 10 people around our OR, again, check your sources. You cannot become a vascular NCX without having your skills tested: You cannot perform an intracranial bypass if you don´t achieve SEVERAL other milestones first, and that is personally regulated on the most respected clinics of the world (I can share some of the "requirements" used by Lawton, de Oliveira or Tanikawa).
If you want technology, please look at how an endovascular suit works. Training note: using catheterization techniques is quite the opposite to work under a microscope, and that is another skill that we have to gain along the way...

I insist, if you find NCx dumb, can you tell us who is the smart guy?

Finally, I love what I do, and yes, sometimes I have to just be the second surgeon (Ic-Ic bypasses ....), but that is the beauty of it, it takes a long path to become a master in this job, sometimes I think of it like learning to paint... it will never stop to amaze you.

If someone have more questions regarding NCx or other career paths, I am happy to help


>> No.10648075


When did I say neurosurgeons are dumb? I'm saying you don't have to be particularly gifted to be one. And that's true.
There is practically 0 competition if you want to become a neurosurgeon. People are just happy there are morons willing to do the job.

Good luck getting an orthopedy residency in a 1st world country with lacking technical skills, or good luck getting clients when you have shit results as a plastic surgeon.

The most competitive specialties by far are : orthopedic surgery>plastic surgery> vascular surgery

Its funny you think getting a "long" training means anything; in reality it just means that you don't get many cases, not that your actual training time is that long.

You can most likely learn everything required to perform neurosurgery in less than 1 year if you got all the cases and logistics. Same with every other surgical specialty.

>> No.10648083

>Its funny you think getting a "long" training means anything; in reality it just means that you don't get many cases, not that your actual training time is that long.
interesting perspective, I never thought about doctors lacking cases in their specialty. what do they do in the downtime between cases then during trainig then?

>> No.10648088


You make your rounds and do basic stuff.
100% of the long training times in surgical specialties boils down to simply not having enough cases or problems with logistics (not having enough OP personnel f.e) , especially in 1st world countries.

It's actually quite telling the self proclaimed neurosurgeon here doesn't even understand why his education is taking so long lol...

If you want to meet really gifted people, you go to a place where there is a high competition for ortho residencies or plastic surgery residencies. Neurosurgery just attracts people who love to self-sacrifice and think so highly of themselves (and expect you to see them as a saviour).

>> No.10648095

Not the guy you replied to but

If you want to meet really gifted people, you go to a place where there is a high competition for ortho residencies or plastic surgery residencies.

This applies to almost every country. From my 3rd world shithole, these specs are very competitive. But most of them just go to another country and practice there to get a better lifestyle than here.

>> No.10648096

Shit. forgot to greentext

>If you want to meet really gifted people, you go to a place where there is a high competition for ortho residencies or plastic surgery residencies.

>> No.10648151

t. retarded premed faggot

>> No.10648154

>tfw ortho isn’t very competitive in the U.K.

Thank you based gubment healthcare

>> No.10648159
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>> No.10648168


and this is just the competition to get in, generally having more people in a specialty makes it more competitive because to stand out you need to be better against more people
neurosurgery is a complete joke in that regard and plastic surgery additionally has artificial competition due to the fact that a lot of procedures can be performed by non plastic surgeons (and are done so)

>> No.10648178
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>> No.10648201

>You can most likely learn everything required to perform neurosurgery in less than 1 year if you got all the cases and logistics. Same with every other surgical specialty.

This really shows how little you know about NCx or surgical specialties in general ... I really hope you are not a Orthopedic surgeon, otherwise it really says a lot about how simple your specialty is (or rather you are deluded to think)

>> No.10648205

>Its funny you think getting a "long" training means anything; in reality it just means that you don't get many cases, not that your actual training time is that long.

Bullshit. Are you a doctor, you useless piece of shit? Cardiology takes a long time, IR takes a long time, but there are tons of cases in both specs. Neurosurg is the same, how did you figured it out that they don't have cases? How big is your asshole that you keep pulling so much shit out of it?

>> No.10648208


Why don't you show us the cases requirements needed to finish your residency? I can assure you that I'm right and 1 year is plenty of time to finish all of them if you do multiple cases every day (which is certainly possible if the requirements and logistics are met).

As I said, not only are you not a real neurosurgeon (you are most likely just an assistant to one who is deluding himself into believing he is hot shit), you are also completely pathetic in every way in the way you act here not to mention dishonest .

>> No.10648211
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Here, bought you a new hat.

>> No.10648215
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Do you have any proof that he isn't a neurosurgeon?

It's clear that you're an assblasted premed or some kind of smart ass that couldn't get into medschool, from the way you're talking.

>I can assure you that I'm right and 1 year is plenty of time
The absolute state of medschool failures.

>> No.10648218
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>the nigger can talk

>> No.10648220


They take a lot of time because you have a lot of cases which you can't complete because they don't exist when you need them to. You absolute moron.

Every 1st world country has a case requirement for every specialty. That's the "unofficial" reason why residencies take so long. Not only in surgical specialties, but it's harder to complete them there because you won't get some cases in every place.

The official one is ofc "teaching", which is a scam because you don't learn anything during basic rounds (it's basically just being a slave for lesser pay). Morons like you and that fake neurosurgeon just like to lie to themselves they aren't getting fucked over and are training hard (lol).

I could complete neurosurg in 1 year and beat that retard who thinks everybody else looks up to him. I can tell he is a moron because only a moron would go into neurosurgery if he is talented.

>> No.10648221
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/sci/ i need help. I have bad crohns disease. Im getting anti-inflammation infusions but the problem is lots of bleeding. Please tell me there is cure to fix this or if there is diet which should i follow to stop the bleeding. Im tired and weak. I have not lost weight but im feeling dizzy and im tired all the time.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.10648224
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>I could complete neurosurg in 1 year and beat that retard who thinks everybody else looks up to him
I seriously have a hard time to think this isn't bait

>> No.10648228


Why are you namefagging for yourself so I can ask you questions just so you can cum to yourself answering me by posting random names and cases that every neurosurg resident knows?
Residencies take 4-6 years, some less some longer. Main conditions to finish them is always that you have completed certain cases which are defining for your specialty.

You could in theory finish all cases as fast as possible and take the board examination to finish your residency, however this is in 1st world countries not possible due to the cases simply not existing or due to massive competition.

There is also an artificial time restriction stated by the local associations to make sure people don't do that (like you can only take the first part of the board exam after 2 years, the second part after 4 etc.).

These are a complete scam and anybody with a brain knows it. People who are braindead delude themselves and tell themselves they are learning something special by wasting their years (lol).

>> No.10648239

>interesting perspective, I never thought about doctors lacking cases in their specialty. what do they do in the downtime between cases then during trainig then?

That really depends on where you are training. Most developed countries have some sort of institution that watches over the minimum requirements a teaching center must have, and what do you require to get your license.
In surgical specialties, your specific set of technical skills are only one part of your education. What its true to every clinical residency is also true for Us, you need to develop an adequate medical criteria before trying to become a master surgeon, so you have to study a lot depending on your program, and gradually practice on non-living or animal models (as well cadaveric training).
In NCx we have to learn Neuroanatomy (a lot), neuroradiology, oncology, otology, ophthalmology, ICU care, spine dynamics, NEUROLOGY, and so on.
So in your first years you will have to share your time between this activities. A lot of basic NCx is learn who should be treated and who doesn´t, and a lot of your patient´s outcome will be decided after surgery on the ICU, so you have to learn that first.
After you get your diploma after fulfilling every formal requirement, if you want to learn complex NCx you apply of a subspecialty or fellowship. The latter is basically the opportunity to go to a very high volume center to train a specific field of your specialty, for one to three years. This usually is done abroad (even third world countries), where you can make the most of that time. This also gives you an opportunity to travel !



>> No.10648248

Im gonna fuck your mouth

>> No.10648249
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>> No.10648262


These cases are everything, they are also what you use to advertize yourself once you finish your board examinations.
They are the only limitation to becoming a surgeon or doctor in general, which is learning by doing.
That self proclaimed NCRX talking about time with cadavers and what not is ofc a complete joke, because nobody cares whether or not you spent 10 or 1000 h on the cadaver, people only care about the amount of experience you have with actual cases.

You guys are morons falling for another moron (self proclaimed neurosurgeon lmfao).

>> No.10648273
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>I could complete neurosurg in 1 year and beat that retard

>> No.10648300

>/sci/ i need help. I have bad crohns disease. Im getting anti-inflammation infusions but the problem is lots of bleeding. Please tell me there is cure to fix this or if there is diet which should i follow to stop the bleeding. Im tired and weak. I have not lost weight but im feeling dizzy and im tired all the time.

Sorry buddy, this is far from my field, you probably already have gone to a gastroenterology consult, have you check your platelets lately ?

Instead of losing our time with this troll`s obvious bait, this thread should focus more on medical stuff. Any internal medicine anon around ?

>> No.10648333

We do have an IM resident but he comes in pretty rarely.

>> No.10648340

>Instead of losing our time with this troll`s obvious bait, this thread should focus more on medical stuff. Any internal medicine anon around ?

Caveat: must practice in a first world country.

>> No.10648348



>> No.10648652

Do abnormal cells that are released in bloodstream during leukemia multiply uncontrollably? Thats probably a case when its mostly blasts right? I imagine it must be one of the most malignant tumors cause the reach of cells is unlimited even from the very start of the disease.

>> No.10648664
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This has probably been asked much before but can you list downsides of going IM route? Do most of the doctors there go more narrow specialized after some years, i want field as wide as possible but not FM, i want to have detailed knowledge about everything what spec is for me? Thing is im finishing medschool in one year and i think im realizing i cant choose one narrow specialization because i dont want to let go others, this is so hard in modern world :(

>> No.10648675

Any psych here?
Does insomnia have anything to do with masturbation?

>> No.10648691

Well, just got an A on my biology class, but I'm not pre-med, nor am I planning on becoming pre-med, nor even a biology major. In fact, my major isn't even in STEM.

>> No.10648701

If you like everything in medicine, FM is for you, I'm not sure why you don't want to pick it. Huge variety of patients and you also get to live a comfy life.

IM, from my point of view, is overwhelming. Also a huge variety of patients, but it's more stressful than FM. It's a good spec if you want to practice in a hospital for the rest of your life, to be honest. I don't have any other downsides, if you want to do it, go for it, anon! (Consider that in FM, you get to see children or newborns too, while in IM you deal only with adults/old people)

>> No.10648710


there are no broad fields, you'll end up referring to a specialist always and end up having to wait for the specialists opinion in 100% of the cases

its much better to become a specialist

>> No.10648713

Lots of work
old chronic people
no one respects in you in the medicine field
>Do most of the doctors there go more narrow specialized after some years
>i want field as wide as possible
no you don't want you are just some clueless nerd memeing

I picked it because I literally didn't knew what to pick and I knew a comfy hospital where I could practice it and have some nice 5 years of residency, reasons are very personal
actual workplace and everyday colleagues>>>>>everything else

IM is good if you want to dick around until you pick a second specialty, and if you do that you have LOTS of places to get hired with internal medicine+whatever subspecialty, you literally can't die of hunger

also >>10648710 is 100% right

>> No.10648715

I'm not sure that they multiply uncontrollably, but AFAIK, leukemia = uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal lymphocytes and in the end they take over the bone marrow and lymphoid organs.

Imo, it's not the most "malignant", I consider that glioblastoma and lung small cell carcinoma are worse.

>> No.10648721

Medicina Interna bro! Do you want to subspec or just to practice nicely in a hospital?

>> No.10648727

I'll get a subspec if I continue practicing in the city, if not I'll just retire to some 20k population city and enjoy a comfy lifestyle

>> No.10648728

>enjoy a comfy lifestyle
Still at a hospital or in a private practice?

>> No.10648736

both? do 6-7 hours dicking around at the hospital, do some extra abdominal ultrasound and listen to 4-5 patient complaints in private practice for ez money

>> No.10648738

Not him but what bothers me about FM is how different it is from other specs in the relationship you have with your patients. You're supposed to be much more empathetic and versatile (i.e. not just give medical advice) than other specs

>> No.10648739

Oh, I thought doctors here aren't allowed to practice privately AND in a hospital because of the scandals that happened, not sure in which county, when doctors left their shift early to go practice in their clinic. Also nice choice, what do IM's do in a private practice? I mean, ultrasounds can be performed by a family physician too. (If they get that "atestat" or "competenta")

>> No.10648757

Because most of FM time seems to me would be paperwork and referals and honestly yeah i would like more hospital time, still think FM is one of the most important things in healthcare but indont see myself fully realized there rn.
What spec would you advise for someone like me?
Im not memeing i assure you, hard to explain but i want to come contact with every kind of patient, i want to deal with every system of the body. Why is it hard to understand?

>> No.10648767

> I mean, ultrasounds can be performed by a family physician too
I didn't even knew they hired FM in private practice.
Basically as an internist in private practice, you do the FM job for rich people which means listening to their mostly bullshit complaints while 1 in 10 cases is legit. Most people don't have anything serious but for the few that do you tell them to do whatever examination is required. Your job is to diagnose. You diagnose the cancer, the oncologist does all the yucky treatment or paliative part while you pretend you are big brained. t. asked an internist with another specialty, at the hospital he does the specialty work but he found easy hiring in private practice as an internist

>> No.10648784

There are clinics such as Regina Maria and one other but I forgot it's name that hired FM. Also they can do it in their own office. (Own Office = Cabinet de medicina de familie, just to be sure)

I like doing full physicals and diagnose too, but honestly, I want to have my patients. I considered IM, but I know that I'll be a miserable one because I don't like working in a crowded hospital and be constantly on the move with my patients charts.

>> No.10648797

>>tfw the virgin family physician vs the chad neurosurgeon
Why don't you just get operated? I had it and my left testicle shrinked from being 1/3 bigger than the right to 1/3 smaller. Fortunately without changes in my swimmers. And you have pain too, as well. Surgery is nothing complicated and recovery is fast as fuck. Results are nice too.
<3 Anesthesia <3
Dude, you gotta go for some lab work. You might have anemia. Also there's biological treatment available. Ask your physician about it.
EM. Has everything and isn't FM.

Unpopular opinion: nurosurganon isn't that bad.

Also check this shit out.

>> No.10648863

How do you distinguish varicocelle from skinny balls if there is no pain yet?

>> No.10648904

Palpate them. If you feel varicose veins, you have it.

>> No.10648913

Everyone always asks about the most interdisciplinary fields of medicine in these threads, but what about the least interdisciplinary? Which residencies/specialties are the most highly specialized and not very broad in their applicability?

>> No.10648921

Sorry if im fucking your brain but what would varicose vein feel like how would it be different from normal one?

>> No.10648960

Try to palpate a vein on your forearm. (If possible) and then palpate your testicles. If you feel the same "texture", then it's most likely varicocele, since you shouldn't be able to feel veins on your testicles.

>> No.10649003

Literally how do I study medicine? I study in a way that passes exams but then when I look back I realize I'm fucking retarded and I don't know anything, there's still physiology stuff that I don't understand even though I've been through that shit years ago. Do I just open random stuff and read about it? How do I make it interesting?

>> No.10649534


this is painful to read. i hope you find happiness in your life and if it's in medicine, you get into an advanced school to pursue such.

>> No.10649540


maximum autism and poser status at 100.

>> No.10649547

>I'm from Romania and we

why do these fucking vampires infect everyone of these medicine threads? no one gives a shit about your isolated inbred country, thanks.


>> No.10649554

>neurosurgery is heavily overrated, you basically repeat the same 2-3 surgeries and it's not really harder than any other specialty

you forgot to add working 110 hours per week, always in the hospital, stressed out constantly, always behind on charting and billing.... and it's thankless work especially surg onc

but hey, fucking premeds and foreign assholes no one gives a shit about can larp all day and pose.

>> No.10649564


but in rommania, we cut open heads and do maybe 1-2 surgeries and make millions and are home everyday by 3 pm to watch Loogashvisharilli cartoons and eat borstch and shiver in our stone homes. Very cold. Please send firewood.

>> No.10649574


harder as in requires more skill you mongoloid. just because you work more doesn't mean your specialy requires more skill and it doesn't even mean you learn more
people who are smart and talented generally don't take the hardest specialties, they go for specialties with a good lifestyle where they can outshine others by being better than them

so to sum this whole thread up: go into neurosurgery if you have 0 talent and are afraid of competition , and want to slave away hoping random chicks will think highly of you

go into everything else if you know you are better than others and aren't afraid to prove it

>> No.10649585


sorry i'm late. what's all this territorial pissing going on and mr. chron, you need to stay off the chans and see your pcp.

from the web/general information on chron dz foods to aboid... and only presented with no implied doctor-patient relationship:

Insoluble Fiber Foods: Insoluble fiber is found in plant foods, including fruit with skin/seeds, raw green vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower or anything with a peel, whole nuts, and whole grains

Lactose: Lactose is a sugar found in dairy (i.e. milk, cream, soft cheeses)

Non-absorbable Sugars: Sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol) can be found in sugar-free gum, candy, ice cream, and certain types of fruits/juices such as pear, peach and prune

Sugary Foods: Pastries and juices

High Fat Foods: Butter, coconut, margarine, and cream, as well as food that is fatty, fried or greasy

Alcohol or Caffeinated drinks: Beer, wine, liquor, sodas, and coffee

Spicy Foods

>> No.10649587


it's because he is 1. a fake 2. actually retarded and 3. completely devoid of any intelligence (he actually enjoys being used by the system and thinks suffering through it makes him better than others)

you guys are all falling for him because you are morons

>> No.10649599


> posts because he can't/doesn't want to go to a pcp
> some nigger uses the chance to LARP as a doctor and recommends going to a pcp

lmfao what a shitshow this thread is, they really need to up the requirements to enter this board

>> No.10649617


you don't know shit about neurological surgery. shut the fuck up.

>> No.10649620


doesn't acknowledge a single piece of evidence-based practice or for that matter. pretends to be in medicine. pretends to be a 4chan wizard. knows all. the absolute nature of /sci/ and the fucking autists on this bored.

>> No.10649624


keep telling yourself your specialty with 20 applicants on 10 seats is something competitive ;)

>> No.10649630


you googled foods and their chemical make up, and you told somebody to go to a pcp just to make yourself feel like a doctor

LMFAO what the FUCK is going on with this board?

how fucking pathetic are you niggers?

>> No.10649636


maybe in the land of overcast skies, spikes and bats

is this you at dinner?


>> No.10649643


one day if you actually get into medical school, pass it, and complete a residency, perhaps you might be reluctant to post medical advice to strangers on an internet forum a chron disease support website. glad you know how to use the googles you fucking prole.

>> No.10649645


not gonna watch your joke video, but somebody already posted the applicants to seats ratio.

so tell us, why are you trying to shill the least competitive specialty (neurosurgery), over extremely competitive ones like plastic surgery and ortho?

i dont expect a sensible answer, as you and your alter ego (that NCRWADSX faggot) have already proven you are pathetic incompetitive failures whose only chance at being successful in life is in complete servitude to the system

>> No.10649647


have a nice day you underaged faggot "science" major wannabe doctor. you're probably no higher than a douchebag annoying scribe. you smell from here.

>> No.10649654


1. someone didn't get into neurosurgery
2. someone didn't take their psychotropics
3. someone had defective brain surgery

i'm voting for #3

>> No.10649653


wow, yo utold somebvody who posts on 4 chan what different foods are made up. and you told him to go to a pcp

you are such a good doctor. or rather you are larping as one.

if you should be in med school i can only weep for whoever gets some literal monkey like yourself, that is not only not helpful, but thinks so lowly of his "patients", that he thinks they can't google the make up of foods :DDDD

>> No.10649656

>yo utold somebvody

your keyboard is stuck from all your cheetos and sugary foods. that and your fingers are too fat. and you're typing too much.


>> No.10649659


its funny because i never claimed to be a doctor (unlike that NRCAXSSA faggot who is fooling all of you morons because well, you are not smart)


if you are male and want to get into neurosrugery, you will get into neurosurgery. it's not competitive at all

that's all. it's funny how you retards are so completely unintelligent and falling for that obvious LARP as well as trying to shill a specialty thats nothing special

>> No.10649663


let me google the make up of the plastic in a keyboard, i recommend yo ugo a nd see your local dealer !

its based on evidence based studies!!!!!!


holy fucking shit . imagine thinking other people are so fucking stupid that you google what foods are made up and tell them what they already knew

and then stroke your own dick over it and go to sleep thinking you saved the world

>> No.10649679

how ridiculous is that ?

oh so you have a keyboard that looks like one of those,

with a plastic case, but it actually is made from actual human hair .

that is sooooooo hard to believe .

how did that happen?

I'm not joking, that is insane.

im going to search for videos of people with the same keyboard and post them on the internet so that there are as many people as there are photos , I am willing to pay for the results.

so my theory is . it isn't real .

>> No.10649689


sry im late.... first of all... you should visit your pcp.

heres what google tells me about you:

you show massive symptoms of being a faggot, consider killing yourself
obviously we don't have a patient-doctor relationship. but i feel like you are too stupid to realize you are a faggot, so i had to google it

hope i could help


>> No.10649693

what a moron


we've been dealing with these morons a lot. the best thing about this is you might start off with a healthy dose of honesty by admitting some of the insanity involved with neurosurgery but then you might have to get through that and get your head cleared in order to understand exactly what you've done and why

you are a retard. you should be able to see that neurosurgics really are specialized to treat people with autism

this is just my opinion

>> No.10649704


just because you are overworked does not mean it requires more skill just that there are either too few capacities or too few people willing to get into it, and just because you lack a spine and willingly slave away does not mean you are "better". that's common sense
it's quite the opposite. people who are talented and smart compete directly and aggressively and successfully do so
they won't accept a slave lifestyle because they don't have a slave mentality or martyr mentality where they believe society will secretely see them as gods (which they don't, except some retarded gold digging chicks)

>> No.10649718

just think of people at work, who actually work hard, and are successful when they show respect for their bosses - not just a guy from the middle class who knows his way around the computer but a white guy in a cubicle who has enough intelligence to know his way around a computer, but can't get laid? I would say you would have a slave mentality - you are going to be afraid of losing something (losing my love...) because of what others think of you for being a good person

well neurosurgery is more common than you think right? i did it once and it turned out fine, in other words i know when to quit, as i am better (and more confident/well off) then all the people who tried it before me

that's right, i've gone out and met a lot of beautiful ladies in my days too - some pretty nasty girls you could probably run into in nightclubs but they are always too busy enjoying themselves if you approach them

>> No.10649735


your english is terrible i cant even comprehend what you are trying to say,

i can tell you this: more seats, more people in the specialty, more people to oppose you , fight you, argue with you, means MORE competition
the high work hours scare off talented people (who can also tend to be the lazy smart type)

all these factors make neurosurgery a cess pool for people who are neither talented, nor smart , but willing to sacrifice their own life in order for some special non existant kind of respect

if neurosurgery were competitive, there would be 1000s of people in it, and the more skilled people would rise to the top while the unskilled would drop out

what happens in reality is that people who enter the specialty usually stay in it because they are not interested in competition but self-sacrifice

nobody is interested in changing the system because they are happy that such morons exist (uncompetitive slaves that are afraid to compete with others and thus accept 110 h workweeks)

>> No.10649746

but if neurosurgery becomes competitive, there is almost no incentive for people to change or to be honest about the situation

the brain and the entire human being is being destroyed in the name of "research" and there is absolutely zero reason not to

you need a medical license in order to do clinical research for profit as a profession

it is all based on the same bullshit that makes you happy to do so much pain, discomfort and suffering to find some way to make your own profit.

that's the thing to remember:

you want to be a scientist, engineer, chemist, economist, musician, dancer, musician, actor, singer, model, etc but you're not one of those people who are always looking for an easy answer because some big problem lies ahead of you and if you're not prepared for it you might just find yourself getting sick with the cancer that you always knew was lurking behind every corner of your brain or whatever the case may be. That doesn't mean you can't use your brain, however you're not always going to be able to just pick up a knife and slice off half

>> No.10649758



im starting to t hink you are using that AI text bot to reply

:DDDDDDD not bad

well done ;)

>> No.10649775


yep, i just checked, i managed to get the same lines as


"but if neurosurgery becomes competitive, there is almost no incentive for people to change or to be honest about the situation

the brain and the entire human being is being destroyed in the name of "research" and there is absolutely zero reason not to

the entire human being is being destroyed in the name of "research" and there is absolutely zero reason not to

There is an absolute void of understanding, even if it is in neuroscience. The way this is presented is a total joke

The word "cognitive disability" is only ever used as a buzzword to describe someone who is "irrational
A person who has a brain lesion and requires an extended period of rehabilitation for it

A person who is "irrational" is someone who has had one of the most severe brain tumors of any living person

A neurosurgeon's license does not allow him to be involved in neuroscience activities at all. In fact, there are only two medical school graduate medical training programs at an all-or-nothing point in its development. The other, the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), does permit such activities,"

>> No.10649796


>Just because you work more doesn't mean your specialty requires more skill
>go into neurosurgery if you have 0 talent and are afraid of competition
>why are you trying to shill the least competitive specialty (neurosurgery), over extremely competitive ones like plastic surgery and ortho?

imagine being this retarded of a premed fag
My boy, soon you will realize the truth
Im not aware of how it works in murica' but im glad i live in the real first-world where you wont be given your degree like a piece of bread you baked with loans and attending extra hours a.k.a. bs your way in, but rather get asked to come back one month later to defend what you did after the old hags have heavily discussed your 4~5-hours long surgery test to determine why should they even accept you just because you felt a bit nervous during the pre-planning when you were introducing yourself to the 15 cameras pointing at you and the 10 experts in the other side of the window that were trash talking the size of your fingers without realizing you could hear them.

Also plastic surgery is extremely competitive because the fags there want to make six digits/month, its just obvious. There it's not about who is smarter or better but who has mastered the deadly art of nepotism.

Not sure what you all mean by "i got these specialties to choose from", here we decide what path to take from the very beginning

>> No.10649828


imagine being this retarded of a neurofanboy, and you'll see why I've decided that as soon as someone who has no interest whatsoever in my hobby throws a few insults at me, I'm going to lose track of the time and move their shitty video game obsession to the bottom of the list.

It should be really obvious that when someone like GGG is making something that actually looks and functions like WoW, I'm going to find them and tell them to fuck off forever. I'm also not going to be the only jerk who's been hearing their nonsense. I didn't start the thread with "Hey guys if you wanna play WoW with me, then suck my dick!"

I'm not going to let you have anyone try to tell me how my hobby needs to be abandoned because you've seen other people who get off on watching others try to get off on playing it.

I'm not going to do anything. This thread is mine, and you're not entitled to mine or anybody's.

I like it that you've managed to bring up it, I'm sure I was wrong about everything

>> No.10649969

hello all. i am romania. here to ask question. first, what is nature of nonheal wound of anus to be bother me and my dog for many day. neurosurgeon won't see, i steal his ipod. burn his village. lol. i teach him. now, what about science is your question for me? i know all.

>> No.10650188

>When the one person trying to stain your profession on a internet forum starts to compare it with videogames

It is obvious you are just an angry kid, please grow up, study, work hard (play less videogames) and maybe someday you will enter med school.



>> No.10650221

Really low effort posting right there.

>> No.10650292

>compares medicine with videogames
Just imagine being this retarded. The thread went to shit because of retarded people like you that have no idea how medschool or at least premed is. You're just a fat NEET that probably lives in his parent's house, wears diapers and browses /sci/ because he think he's special. I saw your mother the other day and threw her the crust off my sandwich to feed you.

>> No.10650294

>Im not memeing i assure you, hard to explain but i want to come contact with every kind of patient, i want to deal with every system of the body. Why is it hard to understand?

FM: Wide range of patients, although the vast majority harboring low-complexity (clinically) diseases, such as chronic diseases. You will have to work with your healthcare team (non-physicians), and you will have to care about bio- psyco - social factors affecting your patients.

IM: Probably the widest range of clinical entities in all specs, but usually limited to work inside a hospital. LOTS of studying, and I mean a lot. You will be THE expert of clinical trials and clinical evidence (at least on the boundaries of non-sub-specialty subjects). It is not true that you will not get respect from the rest of the medical community, and also you can choose to remain being a "general IM MD" which mean that you actually don´t have to take a subspec at the end, although most do. Beware that you will have to deal mostly with chronic diseases, although of a higher complexity that FM ones.

Ped: Similar to above, but children. Your work environment will be different just because there are a lot of women in that field, and dealing with neurotic parents can be challenging.

EM: Wide range of diseases, although the more developed your country, probably the lesser the depth of your responsibility. I.e: On a third world country you will have to perform sonographic studies, minor surgical procedures, and even some ICU treatment. Good option if you like to see acute patients in which your management impacts directly on their lives ... at the cost of forever living with night shifts .. Not so much depth in knowledge as the others.

ICU: In between EM and IM, you will deal with a wide range of CRITICALLY ILL patients, but on a depth far superior to what EM does. Fair amount of procedures, such as intubation, arterial lines, central venous access catheters .. Usually a subspecialty of IM or anesthesia.


>> No.10650298
File: 56 KB, 640x934, 05D0A208-894E-4623-9042-912D123A747C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga what happened here?

>> No.10650303

Dumb premeds or failed med students came here to openly address their frustration towards the NCx guy, romanian guy (apparently) and to take a shit in the thread. Just ignore them, it's not worth it.

>> No.10650310

I don´t know what the rest thinks, but if you don´t know what to do or like the most, speaking only related on working conditions, for me the best job will always be radiology. In a way I envy their lifestyle....


>> No.10650313

Med students are arrogant and are too busy cumming over their textbooks and sucking off their professors for letters of rec.

>> No.10650321

I can smell jealousy. Keep at it, I like it.

t. medstudent.

>> No.10650326
File: 965 KB, 1334x969, medical specialty stereotypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most accurate description of medicine by far

>> No.10650330

Doc, why radiology? I know they get to sit in a dark room and make a lot of money and sometimes they can work from home. But if the student didn't like anatomy in-depth, it's just a waste imo.

It was posted before. Also note that the comic was made also by doctor.

>> No.10650339


>> No.10650341

How is the jizzed filled textbook working out for ya?

>> No.10650347

Radiology in my opinion is the specialty that will grow the most in the coming years. If you think about it, every field in medicine is becoming more and more dependent of imaging.
Even surgery has been losing ground continuously against interventional radiology in the las 3 decades.

Apart from that, their residency is a mix of medicine and engineering, at the same time having VERY good working conditions, good salaries and radiologists usually don´t suffer to much with stress (burnout). Also they can now subspecialize in several branches, so one more point to them.

In short, a very wise option if you don´t love a certain field.


>> No.10650354


Very interesting ! I will take a look on it

>> No.10650357


is many offense come to your ancestor for posting such words?


>> No.10650360

I just finished my first full semester as a practicing radiographer. I'm going back to school this fall to start courses in CT and MRI.

If anyone cares, that is.

>> No.10650361


are you the NBCxx guy?

>> No.10650369


if you're not romanian or sign your bullshit posts with some garbage acronym, no, no one gives a fuck.


>> No.10650376

No, but im not a faggot like med students.

>> No.10650381

Oh yes, you're the special kind of faggot.

>> No.10650385

t. med student
How's sucking off every doctor in sight working for you?

>> No.10650388

I have no idea, but I know how it is to be sucked off. Just ask your mommy.

>> No.10650394

problem is that radiology should be separated into two panels, radiologues radiographers. the latter have to deal with the patients and do xrays and shit, while the former just have to look at the pictures.


nigga they work harder than just about anyone else on that photo

>> No.10650480

What the fuck? I thought only radiologists are MD. To what you refer to as radiographer = rad tech most likely. And it's more brain fucking to read the x-ray MRI and CAT scans than to tell the patient what the fuck to do or to press some buttons. Be serious.

>> No.10650502

doctors are the adult version of spoiled rich kids

prove me wrong, protip: you can't

>> No.10650529


>> No.10650552 [DELETED] 

good job falling for the moron faking being a neurosurgeon you guys are complete idiots, if you need to know what is going on look up Dr. Hodge here. Now seriously I hate to make some assholes out of people but there are definitely people out there out there with medical training that are better at diagnosing and treating diseases than the average neurosurgery doctor. This is one such example...the video below comes from The Daily Telegraph. In the clip below Dr Hodge compares the medical profession with a cult based on false religious belief that God and his doctors have chosen to place their faith in. In the Bible there are several quotes where God mentions the name of God's elect people, the elect doctors. God has not sent them to be ruled by fear of disease and death. God has not sent them to be ruled by fear of disease and death. God has not sent them to be ruled by fear of disease and death. That's who God has chosen to be His doctors. If I had to give a name to the elite who were selected for science (God) I'd call them Neurosurgeons. Let those of you

>> No.10650558

Neonatology, optha and occupational medicine.

>> No.10650568

> people ... people ... god ... the bible ... people ... neurosurgery ...

Go back to high school you ignorant prick

>> No.10650571

Just hide their reply and ignore them. Not worth it.

>> No.10650573

What's the muscle that slightly protrudes when you pull back on your second toe? I'm getting a really sharp pain in this region when I walk and I'm wondering if I've torn something. The arch of ny foot also hurts due to flat feet. The last doctor told me to get orthorics but that hasn't helped.

>> No.10650579

i jumped down two flights of ~10 steps each, probably a drop close to 5ft vertically each, with a ~30lb backpack on because i literally had to sprint to the other side of my campus in order to turn in a paper i had just printed that was a crucial part of my grade and i couldnt be late even by a single second

this was two weeks ago and i continue to feel a kind of dull ache in my lowerish midish back ever since that

did i fuck my shit up

>> No.10650586

Are you sure it's the muscle? It might be from the tendon. (Extensor digitorum longus)

If you want to see for yourself, just search anatomy of the foot muscles on google and look it up, I forgot most of the hand and foot muscles since I don't use them that much.

>did I fuck my shit up
Get a CAT scan and see if you have schmorl nodes, those are intravertebral disc herniations.

>> No.10650603

Nope. The opposite really.

>> No.10650611

Any chance I can cunsult anyone with experience in nuerolodgy?

>> No.10650628

>Get a CAT scan and see if you have schmorl nodes, those are intravertebral disc herniations.
I'm in my 20s and relatively active. I didn't feel any pain as I jumped down these steps in the moment. But I would say I landed with my legs straight, so I imagine that couldve put some strain on my spine.

Its nothing overwhelming, nothing painful really, just an occasional dull ache that I didnt notice before. I dont really have the funds for a CAT scan, i was just wondering what the chances were that I couldve done some damage, and how stupid it was of me. The backpack wasnt that heavy though, it just had my books in it.

>> No.10650634

You're probably fine. The pain appears when you're standing for a long time or it appears whenever you rest too?

>> No.10650636

Ive been putting aside my "sensations" for a while now. They seem to have an onset in the order below.
Around 19 years old i was woken up from my sleep with a sense of severe panic and impending doom. What woke me up was a blarring noise ive never heard before. Like ears ringing but amplified even louder and louder with layering upon layering of ringings adding on. Ubearable noise. It brought me to the ground in panic. Nothing I could do but suffer through. I hoped it was the first and last time id experience it. However it became a constant sensation for 3 years now. Every few days it would have a random onset with no triggers at any time. I developed a panic disorder. I would now begin to have daily panic attacks even without the noises at the age of 20 through 22. Now 22. A lot of my muscles begin to cramp and or twitch subtlety or radically. I have chest pains every day which I believe is anxiety. Sometimes when I drive now. My whole body will panic with no obvious trigger to me. It will start from the top of my head where i will feel tingling sensation run down throughout my body and then. Boom. Everything cramps up forcing me to the best i can to pull over. The first time this happened i called an ambulance. They found nothing on the ekg, they did a chest x-ray for no good reason. Found nothing in my blood lab. And told me to go home. Im scared to drive because its happened 5 times now while driving. Every day I deal with these sensations now. Coming onto 23. And no one has an answer besides to stop stressing. I cant sleep regularly my body twitches mostly in my legs when i go for rest. I need help.

>> No.10650644

Its not pain, its just a dull ache. Or a dull sensation. Kind of like after you do deadlifts or after you help someone lift furniture. but its persistent.. Moving around doesnt make it worse or better, its just kind of there.

>> No.10650645

Have you seen a psychiatrist? Some meds might help you with those panic attacks.

>> No.10650652

I have not. Because i feel my life is completely normal. Im happy beside the fact of all these sensations and attacks. I dont have stressful jobs or living situations. I have seen pretty traumatic events happen to other people. But thats its for the bad. Ive seem some of the worst happen to others. But I don't believe i have ptsd because it barely comes up in my mind at all. I suppose it doesnt hurt talking to psych

>> No.10650654

I do consume nicotine daily. Smokeless tobacco.. More than "normally" if that has anything to do with it.

>> No.10650655

Going to a psych isn't only about PTSD. If you have panic attacks, you definitely have some disorder. Just go and check with a psych and you should get better after some meds.

>> No.10650659

Meditation and clarity from others deff keep any anxiousness under control. Ive been practicing that. Its proven to work.

>> No.10650663

It's like you have spaghetti in your ball sack.
You can't remember everything. Revise shit you forgot and try to find the logic behind stuff. If you just memorise shit it won't get you far.
Thread went to shit, that's what happened.
It's a joke anon.
We discourage online consultations.

>> No.10650666


>> No.10650668

>asks for help
>get the advice to go to psych because it seems to be panic disorder/anxiety
>meditation and clarity
Why did you come in, then? Anxiety can manifest in a multiple forms, there are multiple patterns which could explain the twitching and stuff. Should see a psych, he might give you a referral to a neuro. If you came in for legit medical advice, then I have some news for you.

>> No.10650749

4Chan doctors I really need your help, internal medicine doctors. I want to give you some information on how to help someone when they are in pain. Thank you...

How can a patient recover from surgery when they start having seizures?...

How can a patient who has been arrested for driving under the influence of marijuana be taken to their house so they can get some medical marijuana... Thank you!

How can you help me with my epilepsy? A friend of mine told me that she was a recovering crack addict and now she is going on a 10 day journey to take legal marijuana from Colorado to Texas... Please Help!!

How can I help for people like myself facing the daily obstacles in finding a healthcare provider to help my problem....

How can I find someone I can talk to in my situation after I lost my job and insurance?...

I have a friend I need to talk to about using my private insurance plan...

I have been diagnosed with epilepsy and I have been living on the street all my life. I am going through what is considered to be a difficult situation...

>> No.10651109

Radiology will definitely grow, but it's not the only one. We will always need a GP in rural setting, we will always need surgeons, rads is pretty boring, I mean, it lacks action.

>> No.10651122
File: 247 KB, 591x556, received_365265921002785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What degree of compression is this?

>> No.10651128

I'm too autist to calculate the angle, but it's lordosis by any chance?

>> No.10651144

I've got minor lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt, but this specifically is a wedge fracture I've had since last year but only found out about last month (I was walking around on the same day of the accident despite needing an ambulance to get to hospital and being in a lot of pain, so the diagnosis was a paraspinal muscle spasm).
I've carried on more or less as normal following a ton of bed rest for the first three months, but the muscles in my lower back stiffen up whenever I do something that needs a lot of bending over for a long period of time. Recently I've been getting a weird fuzzy feeling in the same area of my lower back that only lasts for a few seconds every few hours and I go days without it at all, but considering how compressed the front half is I think I may have pinched a nerve or something.
I'm not smart enough to tell if I've seriously fucked my shit going off this x-ray and both my GP and sports physio said I've recovered very well, but I've been really fucking depressed over this lately
Jesus Christ that ended up as a full on rant, just learn from my mistake and don't fall for /fit/'s fucking ass2grass squats meme

>> No.10651196

Keep in mind that recovery is not always 100%, especially if it involves the spine. You'll never be the same but honestly, you should see a PT and do some hydrotherapy.

>> No.10651208


Rare case of trauma. It's NSFW, take care.

>> No.10651256

>A 25 years old male was admitted at a primary care hospital after a motorcycle crash; the accident mechanism remains unclear, probably he was impaled on a blunt hard surface.
Question for traumafags, does this sound legit or is it a case of "I just slipped and fell on it, I swear?" Hard to imagine how a motorcycle accident could rip your asshole out.

>> No.10651271

Not a huge traumafag but honestly, it does sound legit. If it's unclear for the driver, it's unclear for you too.

>Hard to imagine how a mortorcycle accident could rip your asshole out
More like it ripped him a new asshole. You can land on your ass or back and just glide on the asphalt, considering he wasn't wearing any protection in that area.

>> No.10651698

>What the fuck? I thought only radiologists are MD
Both are, at least where I live.

>And it's more brain fucking to read the x-ray MRI and CAT scans than to tell the patient what the fuck to do or to press some buttons. Be serious.

Didn't say otherwise. In fact, I was arguing for an even clearer distinction between the two.

>> No.10651700

i'm poor

>> No.10651819

>both are
What the hell.

>> No.10651948

I've tried doing that but it seems they separate the muscles in the foot into layers and I don't know how to differenciate between them.
When I run my knuckle along the region in red I feel a sharp pain. I think it's either the adductor hallucis oblique head or the flexor hallucis longus tendon. Do you know which is more likely to cause pain?

Do I sound like a nutcase if I go to my doctor and say "my adductor hallucis oblique head hurts?"

>> No.10651950
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Pic related

>> No.10651994

That part is for he big toe. Which you encircled.

>> No.10652066

Why are rads so well paid? And why is radiology even a separate spec instead of a subspec? I mean aren't all physicians supposed to be able to read x-rays and whatnot?
Why aren't there just rad technicians, and then specialists for the interpretation, instead of an entire specialty being dedicated to just reading exam results in dark rooms (and being handsomely paid for it)?

>> No.10652088

Here it's the fact that everybody gets a base salary and additional compensation for every procedure and examination you do. And giving statements on images falls under that. So you get paid extra all the time you work.

>> No.10652118

If you actually think doctors post on here you are dumb. Any "doctor" claiming as such is either larping or an arrogant demented pre med student who jerks off in the hospital. Either way they should be arrested for impersonation of one.

>> No.10652123

>dude everyone who posts on 4chan is a worthless neet like me lmao
Fuck off

>> No.10652131

t. larper. And nice projection.

>> No.10652137

>I'm using 4chan buzzwords am I cool yet
Stay frustrated

>> No.10652138

Be honest, any doctor that browses this shithole should be fired. Probably mentally unstable.

>> No.10652142

seething dumbfuck. I'm older, richer and smarter than your undergrad ass.

>> No.10652145
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>telling lies on the internet
It's okay, maybe someday you'll get over your inferiority complex

>> No.10652152

You should leave diagnoses to the professionals.

>> No.10652157

Yeah but why is rad an entire specialty when everyone's supposed to know how to interpret scans and xrays?

>> No.10652371
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He's probably some min-wage cuck that dreamed of being a premed and he couldn't even reach that kek

>> No.10652673

I’m writing my med lab certification exam next month and I don’t feel ready at all. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.10652871

dw it's easy as piss
t. labfag

>> No.10653391

Do you guys dream about being a doctor? I just had another dream in which I was a family med resident. These dreams start to appear more and more.

>> No.10653402

so should I become a occupational therapy assistant

>> No.10653408

If you like it, go for it.

>> No.10653508

Yeah i talked about it in last threads. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT BRO. usually i remember six dreams per night on average and roughly half or more is medicine related.

>> No.10653522

>six dreams pe night
Holy shit, I only have one and the worse thing is that I have no idea what to do, kek. I remember that I did some charts and checked a patient, then I woke up. Nowhere near 6 dreams.

>> No.10653539
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Yeah ive been like this since childhood, sometimes have even more dreams, i think it is because i wake up lot during night and go back to sleep in seconds. For me also they are getting progressively more and more medical, most of the time doing nonsenical things or doing right things in times where it doesnt make sense.
In one of the dreams last night i was on big crime meeting dinner where there was big shoot out and i was running from bullets while at the same time doing cpr or simple surgeries removing bullets, there were even OR lights and vital monitors appearing and disapperiang and some mobs who were shot and bleeding even had their complete blood count and liver enzime panel papers, all this happening while im running in circles dodging the bullets, i got tired of that shit and jumped out from balcony running away while swearing loudly, woke up when i was safe.

>> No.10653624

What's the best speciality that a FM can pair with to make a team in a rural practice?

>> No.10653688

Literally anything can happen in these death machines. Most brutal traumas I've seen wre from motorcycle accidents, like seriously why do people ride these things?


Another interesting case. Ignore that it's in IFLS.

>> No.10653692

>why do people ride these things?
It's much more fun than driving and sometimes more convenient.

>> No.10653718


>> No.10653719

I recently had to resuscitate a person in a mall, now I just have CPR dreams.

>> No.10653755

I was thinking about cards or gastro. Maybe pediatrics.

>> No.10653764

I agree with you but sadly, there are people that get cocky and abuse speed so this kind of shit happens.

>> No.10653768

Why psych? Especially in rural setting

>> No.10653771

Honestly the cases where you need more expertise than a FM has but don't need the other stuff that a hospital can provide are exceedingly rare and generally a patient doesn't need to see a patient so frequently that being close would be a distinct advantage. You'd either be starving for patients or doing a FM doc's job most of the time. A psych sees their patients often, doesn't need extensive facilities or equipment and psychiatric conditions are the most common health problems after obesity/MBO/diabetes. In a few decades they will be the biggest issue out there, if the current trends continue.

>> No.10653773

*a patient doesn't need to see a doctor so frequently

>> No.10653780

Okay, thanks for the heads up. The thing is that I want FM, and want to team up with someone. Psych then. Now it makes sense considering the equipment needed. (Also, note that the hospital is 12km away from the rural area, that's why I was thinking something like cards or gastro)

>> No.10653789

Large arachnoid cyst, should I get it removed? “No symptoms” but I think it has made me more retarded, autistic, anxious than I would be otherwise.

>> No.10653828

A geriatrician is another one that comes to mind.

>> No.10653834

Has it increased the rate at which you are farting? If you are farting more than 2x per waking hour on average I might be worried.

>> No.10653844


>> No.10653845

You should call for an ambulance. Tell them what you told us and they'll get you treatment you need.

>> No.10653847
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I’m an emt actually

>> No.10653852

Then you're the ambulance.

>> No.10653916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10653919
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Psychogenic polydipsia, you'll be fine

>> No.10653926

How often are you farting?

>> No.10653931

Like five liters a day.

>> No.10653941


>> No.10653951

>if the current trend continues
What trend? Mental illness?

>> No.10653966

The incidence of something like depression requiring hospital treatment is dramatically higher in kids, teens and young adults nowadays. Same applies to most other conditions. Drug(medicine) use and hospitalizations are rapidly growing in the young. In a few decades we will be a society where mental illness is much more prevalent than it is now.

>> No.10653968

It's an illness of the mind, ofc it doesn't make sense.

>> No.10653972

So psych is a safe bet to team up with. Thanks a lot!

>> No.10654013

If I posted about some weird skin condition that I just noticed on my hands, and have been searching about for hours, finding nothing but forums filled with people who are describing my symptoms exactly, but no name for the condition or anything official, would you all bully me?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.10654017

Post your hands. Why the fuck would you get bullied?

>> No.10654019

If people here are rude they're just joking. Don't take it so serious.

>> No.10654023

Or baiting, or serious. The latter is because most of them are frustrated NEETs.

>> No.10654046

You should leave diagnoses to the professionals.

>> No.10654048

Ain't nobody got time to learn that shit. Maybe stuff related to your specialty, but that's that.

>> No.10654054

The advice we give is to visit their family physician, you mongrel.

>> No.10654056



>> No.10654062
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Cool, first time on this board, I'm used to lurking much more insular boards, assumed I'd get called a newfag and also didn't want to barge into general I have no experience in and start asking for favours.

Pic related is roughly six hours after I first noticed the marks, I was busy and thought id just be able to search it later.
They first appeared as white marks, mostly rings and blotches, and at first there was just slight pain and irritation when I pressed on them. Then I noticed that they seemed to move around after checking them few minutes later. Assuming it was something under the skin I pressed down harder on one and pushed up, and I'm sure I saw two small specks break off and join a ring higher up.

The rings then started to fade about an hour later, and when I checked just now they were red blotches, minor pain when pressed.
Can't find diddly squat, apart from this forum

Any ideas?

>> No.10654551


stop hanging out with spiders.