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10592439 No.10592439 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this not the main source of energy yet? It doesn't have the security issues of regular nuclear reactors and is a lot smaller and more efficient.


>> No.10592442

Baby boomers

Day of the pillow now.

>> No.10592492

The government doesnt want you to be independent of oil, because oil forms the financial backbone of the Four horsemen of banking, who also happen to run OPEC.

>> No.10592497

It's not worth developing compared top fusion.

>> No.10592583

Compress gas, extract thermal energy, expand gas, heat it up by surrounding air, compress again.

Fuck your Thorium, that's for submarines, for legit energy outside of box, heat in air is satisfactory.

>> No.10592605
File: 406 KB, 1804x744, VATR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other anons are right about how normies got brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry's propaganda that shoves "fukujima bad! reeeeeee" crap down our throat while ignoring climate change and deepwater horizon and etc. so it's just a non-starter compared with fusion development, which is disgraceful but true

anyhow look at this, from the Trump budget (and no, this isn't an endorsement of drumpf, but at least it means there are still pro-nuclear people with influence pushing for more fission development)

>> No.10592630
File: 497 KB, 1500x844, desert-city-render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this image because it's cool

also this is a good read:

>> No.10592649

Scroll through that list. For every third reactor or so they kept promising that now it's safe. Yet people keep unironically falling for the nuclear meme


>> No.10592661

shut up oil shill. all of them were either nothingburgers except the handful that were basically human errors or bad judgement calls because of poor judgement by business and politics idiots.

>> No.10592671

kys faggot
>all nuclear is the same tech
the whole point of liquid salt reactors is that it's passively secured so even if everything gets fucked, nothing will happen

>> No.10592674

>implying other politicians are trying to kill fusion.

>> No.10592679

>except the handful that were basically human errors or bad judgement calls because of poor judgement by business and politics idiots.
>everything's fine, except when it isn't

>> No.10592693

Lol subtle anon

>> No.10592697

Nuclear has fewest deaths per kilowatt hr, fight me fgt

>> No.10592746

While the reactor itself may be safe, the on site fuel reprocessing might not be. We haven't certified reactors which reprocess their own fuel. Thorium is overhyped
That looks like it could interfere with operation of the reactor. Also looks gay af.

>> No.10592748

Source on that

>> No.10592764


I'm not who you asked this from. But nuclear is quite low. It's at 90 deaths per trillion kWh.

>> No.10592769


>> No.10592784
File: 847 KB, 938x4167, 1311010641509small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LFTR threads

Reminds me of 2013.

>> No.10592786



>> No.10592860

Nuclear would have been good to build 20-30 years ago, but at this point wind and solar have gotten so much cheaper that we've basically skipped nuclear and there's not much point in going back. Industries follow the cheapest option possible, and now even oil companies are investing into building renewables because its cheaper than oil extraction/refinement/combustion.

>> No.10592866

They need nuke plants for weapons program that why anything else will never fly

>> No.10592893

> implying the electric universe isn't the true model

>> No.10592900

>conveniently forget mining uranium and storing waste for 10k years

>> No.10593007


>Fuck your actual proposal, here's some troll physics!

>> No.10593044

How many deaths is uranium mining causing then? Its usually included in the mortality studies though, so most likely its nothing to worry about.
Why would waste be a problem? Were you in a coma since from before breeder reactors were a thing?

>> No.10593198

>Anonymous 04/26/19(Fri)17:05:33 No.10593007▶
>>>10592583 (You)
>>Fuck your actual proposal, here's some troll physics!
It's not troll at all you retarded dumbfuck, we're not in closed system and absorbing heat of surrounding is real. e.g. endothermic reactions.

>> No.10593260

1. you gotta mine coal too, you inbred delinquent incoherent troglodyte dipshit
2. who dies from putting things in barrels and burying them?

>> No.10594254

a real answer: there is still some materials development work to avoid long term corrosion of the liquid salt piping. Although Hastalloy-N is the most appropriate material so far, it is hard to work with.

Basically, needs a lot more development bucks, but nobody (except China) has pockets deep enough to pay for it.

>> No.10595695

The real problem with thorium is the weapons-grade nuclear waste.

>> No.10595852

>mine coal too
not comparable