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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 653 KB, 900x568, mbti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10560059 No.10560059 [Reply] [Original]

Why do brainlets hate this?

>> No.10560063

Why do brainlets like it

>> No.10560090


>> No.10560094

do they?

>> No.10560095

Horoscope for nerds.

>> No.10560096

Spotted the faggots who didn't get what they expected.

>> No.10560194

every "personality" test that exists:
>"do you think you are X?"

>> No.10560202

It's fun but it gets annoying when people take it too seriously.

>> No.10560207

Normies love this shit
Btw I got INTJ. What about you guys?

>> No.10560211

>imagine being on /sci/ and not being INTP

>> No.10560212

I should add: In that sense, it's like IQ. Fun but useless

>> No.10560234


>> No.10560240

They hate it because its not the current method of measuring personality in psychology with a weird 4 dimensional binary structure. It has beautiful qualitative descriptions that appeals to open minded and creative people.

>> No.10560243

>believing in horoscopes for fedoras


>> No.10560244
File: 1.78 MB, 2518x1173, 1528647030302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10560261


>> No.10560270

Someone needs to make a virgin MBTI Vs Chad Enneagram meme

>> No.10560271

>Horoscope for nerds.
Imagine being such a bug man that you cannot have fun with horoscopes. Holy fuck.

>> No.10560703

Always meta criticising... typical ENT-Pisces.

>> No.10560762

I got INTP but I'm quite balanced.

44% Extrovert / 56% Introvert
63% Intuitive / 37% Observer
57% Rational / 43% Emotional
26% Judging / 74% Prospecting
72% Assertive / 28% Turbulent

>> No.10560768

INTJ here, I got INTP friends and I think they're great at what they do. they just need an INTJ manager/boss

>> No.10560771
File: 18 KB, 584x612, 1553370214479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you truly understood the meaning of the words (intuition, sensing, perceiving, judging, extrovert, introvert, etc.) you wouldn't need a "test".

Extroversion vs introversion for example-- do you really need to answer 50 questions to know which one you lean toward?

Tests are for brainlets who can't figure out what the words imply.


>> No.10560780

Do I need a test to know myself? No.
Is it fun to take tests? Kinda.

>> No.10560793

well, there's also te concept of cognitive functions. There isn't a clean introvert vs extrovert in that sense but e.g. introverted intuition vs extroverted intuition. Not that it isn't bullshit, but still.

>> No.10560798

>meta criticising
Not really. OP didn't establish a framework for this judgement, thus I have no obligation to accept yours.

>> No.10560809

You sound like a woman who posts "What Game Of Thrones character are you?!" shit on facebook

>> No.10560825

Just get out

>> No.10560836

I'm INTP. Ultimately, doesn't matter

>> No.10560846

So triggered. Hit a nerve I guess.

>> No.10560853

I'm an enfj-a
Fuck this test

>> No.10561309

ENFP reporting

>> No.10561348

ENTP chad coming through

>> No.10561358
File: 201 KB, 1200x416, Same bullshit different name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to keep posting this till you like it.

>> No.10561367

Archetypes are bit too specific thus they read more like horoscope to psueds. The problem with MBTI is its not really that accurate in typing and because it tries to be specific on type, it fails often. We have people shifting from type to type depending on their mood. The shifts aren't too drastic, but its there.

Its better to just stick with the Big5 and stick with a broader scope.

>> No.10561388

ENTJ superior race reporting in

>> No.10561549

It's the other way around
Pseudo - Intellectuals and braindead normalfags love it

>> No.10561558

Because it's too easy to game and get whatever score you want.

>> No.10561588

do they

>> No.10561594


>> No.10561779
File: 178 KB, 540x720, 1555035854959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562140

I've taken the test several times, and I either come out with INTP or INTJ. Maybe as I grow as a person, my thought process changes which results in the variables?

>> No.10562321

Extraversion-Intuition-thinking over feeling-Perception and judgement 50/50
so obvious who need these nonsense

>> No.10562578

ENTP Chad reporting