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10519164 No.10519164 [Reply] [Original]

They found another galaxy without dark matter. I don’t know what to think anymore.


>> No.10519273

Dark matter is a fable.

t. Ben Davidson

>> No.10519307

I still think it's just cold interstellar gas and dust.

>> No.10519308

But that much?

>> No.10519343

no its hot intelligent gas and dust, or in other words, A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) gas and dust programmed by an interdimensional race of hypergalactic pan-dimensional beings

>> No.10519344

Yeah. Once stars start to shine they probably do a pretty good job of pushing away material that might otherwise become trapped in their system. A galaxy has enough space to support a vast about of free interstellar material.

>> No.10519637

>0.5% of the stars compared to MW
'tis but a random puff

>> No.10519640

>he fell for the space meme

>> No.10519653

Here's a basic overview of how we know that's not true.

There's lots of literature out there on why dark matter can't be baryonic matter, it's not hard to find.

>> No.10519971


>> No.10519994

Damn we are even more clueless than before.
And we used to be completely clueless.

>> No.10520014

Dark matter is probably just what happens to our "souls" when we die. Our essence of life drifts up into the universe.

>> No.10520020

this just makes the case for dark matter being stuff we can't see stronger

>> No.10520024

I've read into this too. There's increasing evidence that dark matter is our consciousness.

>> No.10520044

Just more evidence that it's a weakly-interacting substance and not an elusive quirk of gravity.

>> No.10520045

It means MOND is BTFO

>> No.10520079

>There's increasing evidence that dark matter is our consciousness.
define "consciousness"

>> No.10520082

Our soul, to echo the other anon. There's increasing evidence that when we die, the part of us that makes our "soul" or what makes us us, ends up as dark matter. The theory states that all the dark matter in the universe is the "souls" of everyone with intelligent thought.

>> No.10520085

>increasing evidence
Provide said evidence.

>> No.10520093

There's increasing evidence that you're a brainlet.

>> No.10520106

>dark matter
Nice meme. It would be more respectable to stick with what's real and the theories you have, and accept that they are incomplete, than throw in voodoo nonsense like dark energy and dark matter.
>hmmm our theory is mostly correct, but there are some areas that lack
>lol let's just throw in some fixing factors and call it 'dark matter' so the idiots thinks it's sciency

>> No.10520118


>> No.10520122

Wow OP ur mum so fat she ate all the dark matter in that galaxie xD

>> No.10520123

Google it dude? I find it hard to believe you're on a math and science forum and don't know how to research for yourself

>> No.10520126

how is that paranormal lmao. they just did studies on this and most scientists believe it. you a flat earther too?

>> No.10520139

>Some areas
96% of the universe.

>> No.10520146

Wow that bad huh? Not very academically honest to see your theory is that bad and they just claim that huge error is muh spooky darkies

>> No.10520152
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>> No.10520233

read about this too crazy shit

>> No.10520235
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That's my galaxy.

>> No.10520239

yeah, true.... this debunks MOND real hard.

anyhow i don't think it's unusual that we found galaxies with no dark matter. i mean, we've also seen spots in the sky that are a lot of dark matter with very little visible matter, and in reverse it would be much harder to detect a little bit of dark matter with a bunch of ordinary matter. also looking at the bullet cluster, i could imagine that some sort of cluster/galaxy collision can happen that separates the dark matter away from the ordinary matter

>> No.10520241

Das rayciss

>> No.10520244

how do you propose we test your theory?

>> No.10520245

Dark matter can easily be fused into pure energy, and those galaxies have advanced alien civs. It's the only explanation.

>> No.10520250

time to look for correllations. This seems actually really useful

>> No.10520259

what is with people that suffer from dementia and their intelligence slowly dwindles into nothingness?

>> No.10520466

This looks promising in our understanding of dark matter.

>> No.10520500

This proves god exists and is manipulating our reality via dark matter and dark energy.

>> No.10520530

Back in the 1820s when astronomers figured out that Uranus's orbit didn't match up with their predictions, some proposed that gravity worked differently far away from the sun, while others predicted a more distant, hard to see planet (a "dark planet", if you will) was causing the mismatch. Twenty-some years later the matter was resolved with the discovery of Neptune.

Granted, later on a more accurate gravity theory (general relativity) was developed (and ended up being the solution to Mercury's orbit not matching up with Newtonian gravity, rather than the proposed planet Vulcan). That said, the dark matter hypothesis seems to be a more logical solution to various observations, compared to any modified gravity theory yet devised. I don't get why so many people get butt hurt that at the idea that there are a bunch of particles that are sorta like neutrinos, only even harder to detect.

>> No.10520531

How do you suppose we test the existing theories?
This is a much more reasonable hypothesis than the others.

>> No.10520593

This hypothesis has been tested, and it's been falsified.

>> No.10520628


Why not just have a large number of black holes and rouge planets, to account for the missing mass?

>> No.10520665

The problem with black holes is that there's not way to detect them with current space technology. Sonar waves don't bounce back from a black hole so we have no way to tell where they are until it's too late.

>> No.10520692


>> No.10520724

That’s not true at all. Their accretion discs and gravitational effects are pretty simplistic to notice.

>> No.10520750

I figured out ur mum's anus didn't match my dick back in her 18-20s if you know what I mean

>> No.10520753

This. Anyone who says that scientists are just morons who don't see the obvious don't get how much work goes into this shit.

>> No.10520754

The tiny primordial black holes theory was just recently debunked too. We have very few options left. It's certainly something no one has even thought of yet.

>> No.10520759
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>dude theres a floating cia space nigger floating somewhere in space
>can you provide evidence for that?
>google it dude? i find it hard to believe you're on a math and science forum and don't know how to research for yourself
the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.10520760
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Making a factual statement without providing evidence is a cardinal sin of all science

>> No.10520764

>responding to trolls

>> No.10520771

The burden of proof lays on the accuser, i.e. you

>> No.10520773

i think you're a bit too optimistic about people

>> No.10520774

It's not trolling, since trolling requires some capacity of intelligence to pull off

>> No.10520776

The answer is obviously that the troll is responding to himself.

>> No.10520778

>trolling requires intelligence
>when that fag's been shitting up the whole thread

>> No.10520786

An intelligent troll need only make one post

>> No.10520792

Poe's law in action.

>> No.10520805

>still doesn't know that space is a scam

>> No.10520860


>> No.10522349

What you don't know what to think? There was already Dragonfly 44 four years ago https://www.space.com/33850-weird-galaxy-is-mostly-dark-matter.html

>> No.10522367

My bet?
Highly evolved aliens doing something funky.
Maybe they can interact with dark matter.
Or maybe they are made out of dark matter and they are right here and we can't see them.

>> No.10522794

So what did those galaxies do for God to forsake them?

>> No.10522879


>> No.10522927
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>> No.10523182

>anon asks proof
>rebrands consciousness as soul
That's not proof gaylord.

>> No.10523186

Big gay

>> No.10523474


>> No.10523499

>source: based schizo

>> No.10523504

It's the Xeelee, they managed to create a whole galaxy free from Photino Birds.