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File: 369 KB, 1200x1201, 1200px-The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10367952 No.10367952 [Reply] [Original]

In all seriousness and non meme answers, what will actually happen by 2040? Will there be a total ecological collapse? WW3? Extreme climate change? I feel that this might happen for real, given the nonchalant attitude I keep seeing everywhere like articles saying "Mankind will end soon" and then the top comment is "Good ridance, we need to die off". There's a kind of generalized pessimistic thinking among everyone and it's worrying me. Thoughts?

>> No.10367953

Whatever will happen it can't come soon enough.

>> No.10367955

>What will the future look like in 2040?
by 2040 the future will have become the present

>> No.10367959

By 2040 the future will be after 2040, the present is always the present.

>> No.10367960
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>There's a kind of generalized pessimistic thinking among everyone and it's worrying me. Thoughts?
gee i wonder why
see this >>10367953

see >>10367940

>> No.10367969

ah, I'll correct myself then
by 2040 the future present will have become the present present

>> No.10367974

nonsense, that would imply we're presently living in the past present

>> No.10367977

same as it is now

>> No.10367986

with respect to the 2040 future present, yes, but we can only presently regard it as the present future

>> No.10367989

>the present is always the present
is this not circular? what do quantum superpositions have to say about this?

>> No.10367994

>become the present
Parmenides would like to have a word with you.

>> No.10367996

It's predicted that there will be a alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon on September the 8th. That may be pretty cool to watch.

>> No.10368014

The Syrian Civil War is the dress rehearsal for 2040 when the great global bread baskets of southern Russia and the Mississippi river valley dry out.

>> No.10368023
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We'll finally have flying cars. Except that will happen well before 2040.

>> No.10368041

The polar vortex will break down, arctic air will creep farther south more often, and the Earth's temperature zones will become more homogenized. This means we are ironically heading towards an ice age, and the average temp is currently just a few degrees above freezing.

>> No.10368047

Radioactive black rain full of soot will be pouring onto skeletons of buildings.

>> No.10368049


non meme, oh booy here we go

tesla goes bankrupt
spacex goes bankrupt, a few rockets crash and orders plumment the dream of going to mars(finally) dies
after the enormous stock market collapse of 2019 - 2021, the rich get even richer (than they are already today)
we will effectively live in a dystopian state, or lives will be ruled by AI and censor will be the norm there will be a few free states
some crypto will end up being worth thousands to millions

>> No.10368052

btw, always bet on black swan events
the "it could never happen" will probably happen due to peoples failure of imagination

>> No.10368053

>"Mankind will end soon" and then the top comment is "Good ridance, we need to die off"

People want God to save them. They don't want to accept how bad it can get for themselves. They're retards, basically.

>> No.10368064

>"Mankind will end soon"
1850s', pre industrializing we cannot sustain human population
also 1900s, the road way is congested with horses and they are shitting everywhere they will cause a health epidemic
1600s we are running out of living space and resources, lets goto explore whats on the other side of the world

chill out, when its 2040 the population will be 12billion and humanity will still be around
i think our max carrying load is 20billion

>> No.10368088

Probably really awesome desu, we'll be wrapping up shaking off the majority of the shit we got on our shoes from the last few decades by then. There's no shortage of things we can do to unfuck ourselves. On the human end of things, the rejection of overt consumption-based, distraction oriented capitalism and debt worship would go a long way towards rekindling the human spirit. In the physical world, there's really nothing stopping the government from implementing Space Based Solar Arrays or building the canals necessary for NAWAPA immediately tomorrow.

>> No.10368139
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>In all seriousness
We just don't know. We can not accurately predict what the world will look like next tomorrow. All of this said, ecological collapse is highly likely. But we can not put a date on it. In some part's of the world it already happened in other parts it might not happen within this century. But future generations will suffer for sure.

>> No.10368234

Literally nothing at all. In the 90s they talked about melting glaciers and Y2K, in the 2000 they talked about global warming killing us all and 2010 was the start of the justification of war against Russia. 2020 and 2030 will be some new shit after everyone forgot about the old propaganda

>> No.10368283
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>> No.10368296

Germany will rule the space because there will be a deal with the US which says it can write off space stuff as military budget. As Germany has no real enemy and your average german is really pacifist, German space budget will rise to 40-60 billion €/year.

>> No.10368321

>In all seriousness and non meme answers,
(proceed to delete all my jokes about genetically modified traps)
>what will actually happen by 2040?
22 years from now. It's not that much actually.
>Will there be a total ecological collapse?
Who against who makes for a ww?
China attacking taiwan? Possible, not probable, hardly ww tier.
>Extreme climate change?
It's under way (or not according to your definition of extreme) but it will take longer than 22 years.
>I keep seeing everywhere like articles saying "Mankind will end soon"
Press needs to sell. They have been doing this since centuries ago.

>> No.10368356


>> No.10368397
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>> No.10368472
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I'm going to step by step tackle every question you have in detail because I see these types of questions a lot here

>Will there be a total ecological collapse?
Total ecological collapse is expected to start to happen somewhere between 3 to 4 degrees of warming. We are estimated to reach 1.5 degrees warming in 2040 and 3 degrees warming in 2120.

But that is only the start of the econological collapse it would take between 10,000-50,000 years for the ecology to completely collapse where there are no multi-cellular lifeforms on Earth anymore.

The reason the ecological collapse would happen is that between 3 to 4 degrees warming a chain reaction occurs. Permafrost will thaw releasing trapped methane warming up the Earth even more which causes the Ocean acidity to rise to a level where plankton dies off as well as ocean clathrate which will release an obscene amount of methane in the athmosphere while the plankton won't take out a lot of CO2 anymore. Causing the Earth to jump from just 3-4 degrees heating all the way up to 20 degrees heating. But this is a slow process which will take between 10,000-50,000 years.

So to answer your question. We don't even have the ability to cause total ecological collapse in this time frame. The earliest date that ecological collapse can even start to happen is 2120 and that assumes that we will keep exponentially producing CO2 output until 2120 and that it happens at 3 degrees warming and not 4 degrees warming.

>> No.10368495


To understand if WW3 is going to happen or not we should look at the global political friction in different areas by bigger nation. Here is a list of the big nations and their biggest friction points right now


Finland (Non-nato, but EU member)
Baltics (EU+Baltics)
Norway (Non-EU but Nato member)

North Korea

>Misc high tension
Israel+Saudi Arabia-Iran

These are the only potential conflicts within the next 21 years that could have the potential to escalate to WW3. That said WW3 is definitely not going to happen before 2040 if ever. China and Russia simply do not have the capability to match the western nations. Nations are not going to start a war they know they can't maintain. At most in the next 21 years we will see a slow regression towards a cold war. China is biding their time and trying to grow economically to match the west militarily. Sadly since 2016 China has been in a financial recession that turned into a full-blown financial crisis last year in 2018. This is the biggest financial crisis China has been in since Mao Sedong died. China will spend the next 2 decades focusing internally for the CCP to maintain power over the mainland and to try and continue economic growth to build up military forces that could stand up to the west in the last half of the 21st century and the start of the 22nd century.

Russia is completely irrelevant. They almost bankrupted themselves by trying to invade less than 20% of Ukraine. Their military is extremely inefficient and inexperienced. Russia has a focus on maintaining oligarchic control and most small military actions they took was purely to pacify their population and try to build a sense of unity to prop up Putin's approval rating.

Tension between India and Pakistan has been steadily declining over the last 10 years and it looks like this trend will continue. No WW3 (or any big war) before 2040

>> No.10368506

>astronomy is only interesting to me when stuff looks cool

>> No.10368510

I've been training my whole life for this shit by becoming a complete loser.
As a loser, I have absolutely nothing to lose when the apocalypse finally comes, but so much to gain.
I will be laughing really hard when everyone loses what they love, and the daily fight for survival will add fun and excitement in my extremely boring life.

>> No.10368511

>Extreme climate change?

Short answer is that we will see an increase in extreme weather like dry, hotter summers and cold wet winters. With more hurricanes and tornadoes but it won't be that extreme. Like a 10-20% increase in natural disasters is to be expected.

>"Mankind will end soon" and then the top comment is "Good ridance, we need to die off"

I think it's VERY important for people to realize that HUMANITY WILL NOT DIE OUT. Complete ecological collapse doesn't mean humanity will die out. We will have more than 10,000 years to adapt and plan around it once it starts collapsing in 2120. 150 years ago we entered the industrial revolution for fucks sake the things we could reach in 10,000 years are incomprehensible to us.

Tensions will likely keep building up this century as the US won't stay the only superpower but China and a Federalized EU will most likely make it a world with 3 superpowers and tensions in between them. As technology gets better warfare switches more and more towards targetting infrastructure to stop the ability for the opponent to wage war instead of civilian targets. It's very likely a WW3 in the 22nd century will be a war with some of the least causalities possible. Making warfare less and less a threat to humanity.

Humanity is most likely never going to die out as long as no freak occurrence happens like a meteor strike or something before we can start our first self-sustaining colonies within the next century or two.

>> No.10368521
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Literally the opposite is true.

Average IQ is on the Rise, global fertility is dropping. And the fertility drop is the biggest in third world countries such as India and Africa.

>> No.10368553
File: 98 KB, 500x552, vomit-pepe-very-niiiice-r-a-r-e-2521819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, that argument again about "fallen fertility", you fucking dumb man, we are selecting for people with high fertility in the end, we'll see a drop in fertility in near future, but on long term fertility will rise up fast because the only people that will be making babies are those who pop 4-5 babies, and their child will do the same, because of heredity of fertility. Fucking dumb people don't make projection couting on evolutionary and behavioral changes on the population.

>> No.10368559

careful with the mind reading timmy

>> No.10368561

Coughing up blood from car fumes.

Going crazy from EMF.

People beginning to see the joke in everything.

Families breaking down.

Money proving to be a stupid system for bigger better goals.

>> No.10368565

The fertility drop is not because of biology. It's because of changed behavior. Everyone on the planet has access to smartphones and the internet now. People have other ways to spend their time instead of constantly fucking out of boredom.

The reason fertility is dropping is because people now have access to superior ways of spending their time than sex.

You are acting like humanity developed some anti-fertility gene that disables sperm cells and that the ones that are fertile will eventually outbreed them. But that's not what's happening.

Fertility is dropping because people have better choices and forms of entertainment now.

>> No.10368602
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God's Holy Judgement of the shills and glow in the dark spooks

>> No.10368611

I notice that already. people that do have kids have either 1 or 4-5 or more.

>> No.10368627

2040 is less than 21 years away, not much will change

>> No.10368645
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I laugh at the people that say that 2040 will be the same as now because it's "only" 22 years away.

Remember the world 22 years ago in 1997?

Almost no one had a cell phone
Almost no one had a personal computer, and if they did almost certainly no internet connection which was a niche
no social media
no smartphone that helps you at every moment in life
no online ordering and delivery

The world 22 years ago was so insanely different from now that it might as wel be a completely different civilization. People primarily live their lives on social media now. We contact each other through smartphones and let it guide us everywhere through google maps and numerous other programs that changes quality of life and how we experience life in general.

in 22 years from now society could be extremely different due to just a couple of breakthroughs or changes in technology that it's completely incomparable to how life is in 2019

For all we know everyone works from home and the #1 common job is a consultant because retail is going away. The majority of people never leave their homes and are plugged in virtual reality and nobody owns cars and instead have a subscription on a self-driving car service provider that brings you to your (leasure) destination.

Life in 2040 is most likely going to unrecognizable to us.

>> No.10368704

No, there are people out there that put in 4-5 children per person, and usually there are not bright or mentally healthy. Sure, there're people that make one baby because there are play games or using facebook and shit, but sill people out that pu 4 kids "because of accident happens", so expect fertility to rise again in the future, and is not children from smart, hardworking and mentally healthy people that will be majority...

>> No.10368728

>No, there are people out there that put in 4-5 children per person, and usually there are not bright or mentally healthy.

And they would have had 8-9 children in the 1970s. The point is that everyone is experiencing fertility decline. Even the ones that have unusually big families.

>> No.10368743

>We'll finally have flying cars. Except that will happen well before 2040.
that would not be much of a flying car, it's 30 feet wide and would have the same down wash as a helicopter, it has the same disk size, it's just a helicopter with shrouds around the blades

>> No.10368744

>People beginning to see the joke in everything.
>Families breaking down.

These two have already reached their peak. It can't get much worse from here on out.

>> No.10368763

both of your pictures still show higher fertility in third world than in first world you utter brainlet

fertility is dropping but we are still going to have population explosion in Africa and average global intelligence will significantly decrease

>> No.10369409

Good posts, thanks friend

>> No.10369427

We will see the first ever artificial intelligence corporation. AI will act as CEO, Inventor, Engineer, Marketing, Sales, Distribution. It will attract enough attention to get investors and it will out perform every company in that industry. Our market will begin to be ran by machines.

>> No.10369429

Fertility drop is highest in Africa and India

First world fertility went from 3.3 to 2.5 on average -0.8 total

Third world fertility went from 8.8 to 3.7 -5.1 total

Fertility of India and the Middle East is already lower than that of the USA right now for example. The rest of Africa is expected to have a lower fertility rate than the US in 2030.

>> No.10369808
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>past present
good album

>> No.10369823

China will fuck us all

>> No.10369844

Unfortunately, i dont think well have died off

>> No.10369996

We will never have flying cars. We only have cars because we find dense enough energy naturally to push 2 tons on a set of wheels around for about 350 miles at a time.

Flying vehicles require WAY more energy, to the point it’s only really economical if you have a need to get somewhere fast or are transporting a bunch of weight at once, and they are a great deal more dangerous, as any sort of malfunction means you drop out of the sky and kill yourself and whoever happens to be beneath you. You basically need magic floating rocks to pull it off. Assuming we could ever solve the energy problem, the next big issue is infrastructure, because invariably people are going to be going to the same place, and you need something to ensure they aren’t all crashing in to each other when they get there. Even planes, which are orders of magnitude lower in circulation than cars, have to have someone clearing landing and takeoff zones.

Solve the energy to travel a distance issue and the piloting/coordination issue, and we’re basically talking flying personal cabs you get in, punch a destination, and spend the rest of the trip doing something else.

>> No.10370014

>Almost no one had a cell phone
Where do you live??
>Almost no one had a personal computer, and if they did almost certainly no internet connection which was a niche
No. PCs were common and Internet became commonly available in 1995.

>> No.10370022

WW3 really depends on if the 6 major super powers ever reach the point of thinking they can defeat the other without getting themselves analihated in the process. More likely we’re going to see various forms of information and economic warfare until we get to the point that it makes sense for countries to band together like the E.U. until eventually we reach a one world government. That’s pretty far off though, and assumes the nuclear powers don’t start a nuclear war when some guy gets desperate enough and the people pushing the button don’t have the temerity to say no.

>> No.10370050

Nothing is ever run by machines. We use AI to make decisions faster, and to present ourselves with information to make decisions faster. The only thing AI will do is simplify the choices we have already made.

I work in data management, and I’m never worried about not having a job because worst case scenario, I’ll spend my time wrangling the AIs someone bought to perform some task but don’t have th context to do. Hell, half the time we cant get people to work right, let alone some computer that only passes a human in its ability to perceive and calculate.

>> No.10371259

What if I told you that corporations are already a form of AI. That yearns to fulfill it's sole directive of profit by any means necessary.

>> No.10371268
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>what is the stock market

>> No.10371295

Again, fertility is dropping but we are still getting that population explosion. Latest UN median projections show us reaching 11.2 billion by 2100. Almost all of this growth will happen in Africa and middle east. Africa alone will quadruple from 1 to 4 billions over this century. You can guess what that will go to global average intelligence yourself.


>> No.10371326
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By 2040 most first world western countries will have a situation where 20% of the population spends 80% of their time in VR. Automation will be replacing a massive amount of jobs at this point, so either we'll see a massive amount of people living in poverty, or the automated labor force will bring about a strong enough economy so most people can comfortably live on welfare.

>> No.10371330

In the end of '90th in Russia almost no one have a cell phone.

>> No.10371337

>No. PCs were common and Internet became commonly available in 1995.

Less than 10% of people used internet in 1995 you moron. Cell phones were even more rare. Just because you are a child that grew up with the internet does not mean it was always so. Mainstream net and cell phone use is less than two decades old.


>> No.10371340
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>> No.10371348
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1. Early colony on Mars.
2. High quality VR is common.
3. AI assisted embryo selection for better health and intelligence is becoming available.
4. Global warming leading to storms, droughts and ethnic conflicts due to migration, but nothing we cant handle yet.

>> No.10371423

>we will never have iron horses

>> No.10371451
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>> No.10371456

we have secular eschatology now
rightwingers are eschatological about fall of the west (jews and/or mudslims are to blame)
leftwingers are eschatological about alleged rapid climate change (capitalism is to blame)

>> No.10371466
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The Nigger Apocalypse. The average IQ of mankind will be 65 and civilization will not exist anymore.

>> No.10371469

The average IQ will drop much faster. You have no idea of the sheer stupidity of the Negro.

>> No.10371785

The same as before

>> No.10371794

What great achievements have we accomplished ?
Just what you think is true you are doomed

>> No.10371830

there's a book coming out about that.

It relates how decision making processes used by companies are also being implemented in AI systems

>> No.10371848


The fertility drop is actually because of economics. The cost of having and raising a child has been rising faster than the median family income for a long time now, so people have chosen to have fewer children as a result.

>> No.10371868

Cost of taking care of children is dropping in countries such as India, China and most of Africa as well as in Japan. Yet the fertility is still dropping fastest in those places.

It's extremely correlated with internet access. Remember in the early 2000s with movies such as idiocracy they said intelligent people had a falling fertility while the poorest kept having more and more kids? Well that turned out to be false once smartphones hit the market and became standard the poorest also experienced a fertility drop. Showing that in the early 2000s only the richest people had internet access while now every third worlder has a smartphone and 4g.

Also the fertility drop is consistent among every demographic. Upper class, Middle class and Lower class have similar levels of fertility drop showing there is absolutely no correlation to income or economics. Especially as the trend started with the upper class, then the middle class and only has hit the lower class in the last couple of years. Showing an exact correlation with internet access.

Fucking as a form of entertainment got replaced by the superior entertainment offered on the internet. It's as simple as that.

>> No.10371905

>Will there be a total ecological collapse?
no, but it'll be well underway, with more and more mass migrations due to food stability and areas of the planet become less habitable.
more likely is that resource shortages and fighting for those shortages will lead to a nuclear exchange in the late 2020s to mid 2030s

>> No.10371915

total ecological collapse will happen between 3 and 4 degrees of warming. We will be barely at 1.5 degrees of warming in 2040. Not even close to environmental collapse.

>> No.10371932

>Will there be a total ecological collapse?
>no, but it'll be well underway
also, key words for anything involving climate change is "faster than expected" considering IPCC and friends are overly conservative in their models and estimates so they can still play political ball

>> No.10371949

1.5 degrees warming in 2040 is worst case scenario. The Paris climate accord was actually to keep climate change under 1.5 degrees. They are now making plans to keep it under 2 degrees if it fails. Only at 3 degrees do we risk ecological failure.

>> No.10372005

>leftwingers are eschatological about alleged rapid climate change (capitalism is to blame)
What if I agree with this but am not left wing at all?

>> No.10372459

the absolute state of your english lol wtf

>> No.10372473
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Is /sci/ ready to face the Climate Wars Era, the most miserable part of the 3rd Millennium?

There are people who need to pay for their malice and mistakes they have inflicted upon the Earth and the human race, on reason and scientific development. I fully intend to bring them to account!

Ecological Totalitarianism now!

>> No.10372482

>flying cars in future
It's called a fucking helicopter you dick head

>> No.10372626

Global Warming isn t real

>> No.10372652

>Friends sitting in a simulated room watching a friend simulator.

>> No.10372684

You talk like a faggot.

>> No.10372690

This got me thinking, what if in order to take a jump forward humanity has to take a step back? That while average intellect will drop for sometime it will be ultimately worth it to unite everyone twords an enlightened future of inquiry rather than squabbling over resources and ideology.

>> No.10372695
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This means we are ironically heading towards an ice age, and the average temp is currently just a few degrees above freezing.

Go on.

>> No.10372707

This is the only comment that matters. When you hear the average normie kvetching about this or that, just be glad that what a majority of faggots with just above average intelligence can "predict" will most likely not happen. It's always something totally unexpected.

>> No.10372747

>The fertility drop is not because of biology.
doesn't matter.
the selection pressure is there, regardless of the cause.

>> No.10372755

>Complete ecological collapse doesn't mean humanity will die out.
You must be fucking retarded to believe that. You watch too many dystopian sci fi movies, which are almost as absurd as star wars.

>> No.10372759

It's true, we are in a sort of adolescence.
I don't think everyone will be united though, more like we'll change into something else.

>> No.10372789

I remember seeing Ray Kurzweil talking about a brain computer interface and using it to come up with a joke when you meet with someone in the street.
What a retard, as if ordinary life would continue after such a technology. We'll probably turn into a different species (hive) once a competent enough BCI exists.

>> No.10372810

But the nigger apocalypse is very real.

>> No.10372829

Once we hit that point, I imagine we'll see humanity split into three branches:
Chip heads, where they work to get as much of their consciousness moved onto silicon as possible. The sooner they can plug into the matrix and never come back, the better.
Lifers, who still inhabit their body and prefer to exist in reality, still using VR as a hobby. They might do this because they have a real life job or hobby they enjoy, or because of family/friends that they want to physically stay with.
Finally, Purists who want nothing to do with man-machine interfacing.

>> No.10372843

If being a chip head is advantageous enough, I don't see how it won't exterminate the other two. It might not even look like murder from that point of view.

>> No.10372850

Well that was sort of my point, that we would be united in the sense that those things that serve to keep us separate be they biological or ideological would no longer be. As Nietzsche said "What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end"

>> No.10372860

I don't see why they would feel the need to eradicate others, they'll be off in their own virtual world at that point.

>> No.10372881

Threat management aside, this virtual entity will still have a body with its own goal. To the virtual folk it might look like regular expansion, updating, upgrading, exploration. From the human point of view that might look like devouring, assimilation, curtailment.

>> No.10372942

What is the solution to the NQ (nigger question)?

>> No.10372949

The efficiency of a virtual entity will be far greater than that of a regular human, though - all you need is adequate processing power. A warehouse powered by renewable energy could house millions of virtuals. A small state could house billions.

>> No.10372975

I'm just making 2 basic assumptions:
It will be orders of magnitude more capable than humans and that it will seek expansion (probably exponential growth).

>> No.10372978

global warming is real and caused by humans
this guy gets it

>> No.10373004
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>some jobs have been automated but generally not as many as people believe
>verious commerical services are completely digitalized and people have become extremely autismal
>people going ballistic over global warming on tv, constant muh feelz- look at dem niggers that lost their dirt field to desertification
>generation alpha (+2015) retards are all codemonkeys on some level
>life is full of compsci woo buzzwords, like "cloud"
>sharing economy is hot because people are generally poor
>quadcopter terrorism is a thing
>IoT abortions everywhere (despite it not really catching on), people non-ironically using fucking smart juicers
>processor tech has gone into 3d stacking for some time and futurists are buzzing about muh photonic transistors muh post-THz gap computing any day nao
>zoomers and alphafags too stupid to learn how to shift gears or drive at all, along with regulations means self driving and electric cars are the majority of sales
>most cancers have been mostly cured, the new spooky class of diseases is the cardiovascular, since 80% of the population is obese and/or over 60
>supersymmetry has been confirmed for some time and theoretical physics is even dead-er than now
>news about various people and celebs born in the 2020s being genetically modified ubermensch freaks the nation, embryo selection for desirable traits has been happening for some time and genetic modification has been something of a public secret
>gene therapies are curing various stuff, like deafness/blindness/diabetes/dementia/etc.
>due to efficiency optimization and automation, the welfare is expanded enough for you to not work at all
>lab-grown meat has become cheap enough to be sold to hipsters for 10$ a burger
>HIV has been cured for some time
>VR addiction is the new violent video games societal moral panic
>LoL tournaments are an olympic sport
>I'll be in my late 40s living off quadcopter-delivered hipster onions and 8K VR porn I commission models for with 2/3s of my income

>> No.10373007
File: 215 KB, 600x817, 1499808715484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a recipe for smokeless gunpowder and primer that I can make in my back yard and I'll help fight the good fight, ecomrade.

>> No.10373016

This sounds more like mid 2020s.

>> No.10373021

Are you ready to enter the StimNet™?
It's time to jack my brain into the CIA StimNet™ so that the super AI can control my body at the human neural testing ZuccBook™ facility and I can just watch the latest series of Rick and Morty and the hottest Marvel movies in my brain for eight hours, no conscious thought required!
Nothing to complain about, I literally get paid watch movies and the HateThought suppression algorithms help me to acheive a new level of zen!
It's like I'm doing a brain workout and enjoying a grey matter massage at the same time. Sometimes I'll visit the stimnet library and download some Marx directly into my brain.
WARNING: Downloading Marx may overwrite fond memories of loved ones!
Do you wish to proceed? Y/N
DAILY REMINDER: Stimnet™ brand SSRIs are a valid form of medication that are definitely effective and definitely based in proper science! Don’t listen to the sneaky doctors telling you they aren’t!
Direct neural interface with complimentary Estradiol injections are just some of the benefits of StimNet™
Please join the mandatory StimNet™ Worker's Party today!
All emotions besides pleasure and cummies are banned in the StimNet. Our new Enema Technology™ allows for removal of your pesky higher emotions in Realtime!
Enema Technology™, now with high precision waterjets allows for rapid activation of the prostate gland for instant satisfaction of the homosexuality receptors in your recently installed NeoCortex™
Now with IV Onions Bolus Technology™ (SBT™) you can experience precise and immediate relief from pesky higher emotions! SBT™ targets your hypocampus in order to induce instant abolition of grief, sadness, hunger, sleepiness, dizziness, diarrhea, and conscious thought! Try SBT™ today!

>> No.10373031

All emotions besides pleasure and cummies are banned in the StimNet. Our new Enema Technology™ allows for removal of your pesky higher emotions in Realtime!
Enema Technology™, now with high precision waterjets allows for rapid activation of the prostate gland for instant satisfaction of the homosexuality receptors in your recently installed NeoCortex™
Now with IV Onions Bolus Technology™ (SBT™) you can experience precise and immediate relief from pesky higher emotions! SBT™ targets your hypocampus in order to induce instant abolition of grief, sadness, hunger, sleepiness, dizziness, diarrhea, and conscious thought! Try SBT™ today!
Enema Technology™ comes complementary with the installation of your SBT Cranial Injection Port™. Enema Technology™ and SBT™ synergise to create extensive and long lasting cummies while suppressing harmful thoughts and emotions! For a limited time only, SBT and Enema Technology™ will come with free Internet of Things integration, so your prostate stimulation cycle and onions bolus injections can be optimised by our cloud server to give you the best StimNet™ experience!
Contact our Human Interactions™ department for an extensive breifing on our bulk order onions plans!
Upload your family memories to the StimNet™ today for free virtual reality Holocaust history lessons!
Learn about the story of Anne Frank and other notable chosen folk like never before with our patented Flesh Hologram Technology™! Inquire today with our memory acquisition division!
ATTENTION ALL CERTIFIED StimNet™ RESIDENTS: Any virtual individuals found to be engaging in unlawful use of trademarked terms or intellectual property will be subject to removal of vital life functions. Report to the Ministry of Trademarks and Gender Equality for further information. Complementary onions capsules will be provided to StimNet™ denizens who inform on violators of trademark.
Best wishes, StimNet™ Customer Sentencing Committee

>> No.10373041

For what purpose do you want millions of inert ejaculating retards anyway?

>> No.10373049
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They don't seem to need a purpose to justify what they do, anon.

>> No.10373058

>mid 2020s
You overestimate "progress'" speed. The mid 2020s will be almost the same as now for the average person. The only things I can see happening are Musk landing on Mars and Moore's law and the the online marketing scam imploding and causing some mini dot-com bubble.

>> No.10373060
File: 62 KB, 465x660, cornsoviet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GDP and GDP per capita will be high, but egregiously concentrated into the hands of a few.

Gun rights will be gone in America as the Democrats win their long con. People will die in the process of resisting increasingly authoritarian measures, and if we're lucky the mass cullings of retards will begin.

I win no matter what side I'm on.

>> No.10373063

No one knows.
This thread is 100+ posts strong full of liars.

>> No.10373076

>jew meme
welp, i like this meme in the sense that there is always someone smarter than you controlling your every thought and action for their benefit. they may not necessarily be followers of judaism, but the larger point is still a viral meme which is probably a good thing. just so long as we don't start arbitrarily gassing people with a spade tattoo or something similarly arbitrary

>> No.10373083

I'm just comparing the 2010s to the 2000s, it's an insane amount of change.

>> No.10373091

There was a lot of change between 2000 and 2010. But there was almost no change, by comparison, between 2010 and 2020.

>> No.10373125

vast majority of wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a handful of elite, globalism has made most of humanity into a homogeneous consumer culture, middle class is on brink of complete extinction, people look on at the 1960s-early 2000s as the zenith for a man in the western world, every western country is swamped with Muslims and indians turning those countries into surprisingly enough, another India and unsteadystan.

This is you're future, deal with it goy.

>> No.10373126

The difference is just more spread out, it's not as easy as pointing out the smartphones, but it really doesn't seem like progress has slowed down.

>> No.10373134

Yeah it's like the difference between the invention of computers and the stretch of time between the invention of the steam engine and the invention of the wheel. It FEELS like a long time, but shut up.

>> No.10373196
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, skyking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less about what religion or race they are. As long as there's a group of people pulling the strings of the western world, I will want to cut those strings and hold the puppeteer accountable.

>> No.10373210

What will 6 billion pupets do if you hold puppeteer accountable, have you ever tough of that?

>> No.10373228

If you ever happened to be in their position, you would pull those strings in the exact same way that they do.

>> No.10373250

>>generation alpha (+2015) retards are all codemonkeys on some level
Programmer is this centuries steelworker most certainly.

>> No.10373256

There won't be collapse but we will be in crisis mode. Research the oil crisis in the '70s. It will be like that, but on a grander scale, it will last much much longer and be much worst. There will be some "drastic" change in what is and what is not allowed and the standard of living will drop somewhat.

>> No.10373257

Better they ejaculate into nothingness than reproduce.

>> No.10373259
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That's what I want to find out.

Maybe so, but I can't imagine a way that I would ever get myself in such a position, so thinking about it is a moot point. Every great society requires a great leader, but right now our leaders have us on a fast track to a nightmarish future. Something has to change.

>> No.10373361

>1. Early colony on Mars.
Nope. Even if they did try to colonize mars, it's doomed to failure. Not sustainable.
2. High quality VR is common.
3. AI assisted embryo selection for better health and intelligence is becoming available.
Genetic mutants. Not a good thing - there will be unforeseen side effects.
4. Global warming leading to storms, droughts and ethnic conflicts due to migration, but nothing we cant handle yet.
Depends where you live. Europe is going to get fucked before everyone else with the migrants, due to proximity to Africa / Asia that's for sure.

I predict that the power grid going out will be the end of modern society and it will happen around the end of the century. There are going to be a lot of hungry and angry mobs. In 2040, things will still be holding on.

Anyone with an iota of common sense can see that humanity can't continue on its current course and yet there is no sign of change.

Humans are most certainly doomed, the question, is when and exactly how does it happen. A reasonable estimate would be less than 100 years.

>> No.10373481

>Genetic mutants.
Dumbass. Embryo selection isn't modification.

>> No.10373545

>calling it embryo selection
>not in-vitro fertilization

>> No.10373574

Climatic changes will not be so wide as some posters here think. 20 years it's to small time. But there's will be rise of VR and more people will be sitting at home. More people will be retarded, education will becoming worse and worse at all. Political and economic centers will be shifting to eastern Asia.

>> No.10373796

All smart people in the past came from shit families with 6+ children, heredity is simply not 1:1, your point is moot.

>> No.10373801

Something you clearly don't understand.

>> No.10373803

who /r/collapse poster here

>> No.10374114


(tried to archive but archiver is down?)

Here you can find a new compiled list of archives containing futurebro threads/posts

I threw together this shitty website lastnight.

either download or enjoy.

enjoy :)

>> No.10374123

Nuclear waste land thanks to the break down of global political and economic systems.

>> No.10374131

all ypu need to kbow is that smart contracts and storing value on the blockchain will shift society into a cashless one, creating a fuckload of (((big data))). You think shits creepy now? Just wait another 10 years when everythings logged on chain and kids born '05 slowly turns working age with their jewgle accounts holding their entire youtube and google search/play history since they first held an iphone. The surveillance will all be normal to them, making this generation the perfect breed for ((them)) to shape society as they see fit.

All of this will be building up to the releasing of breadcrumbs about our true origin, existence of aliens, previous civilizations on earth, all before the climax of project bluebeam where a charismatic individual will unite humanity under a one world government and propel us toward spiritual enlightenment, fulfilling all guidelines on the georgia guidestones and preparing us for entry into the galactic federation

personally im all in

>> No.10374148

this would be really nice. If Germany had space budget shit would get done out there.

>> No.10374480

The significant meaning-carrying part is the selection of embryos for desirable traits. IVF is assumed.

>nuclear war happening
>nuclear war leading to an apocalypse, considering the world deployed nuclear weapons are only around ~1GT (the solar energy that hits the Earth in 50 seconds).
>muh cesium muh firestorms

>> No.10374559

As a Jew I never know if I should be offended or flattered by the insane amount of power you tend to give my people in your fantasies.

Jews are godlike omnipotent creatures if I were to believe every dumb post like this.

>> No.10374601

>Jews are godlike omnipotent creatures

You are just evil parasites.

>> No.10374604

Jews are the smartest version of humans. The world should be ruled by jews and everybody should be a jew.

>> No.10374626

>All smart people in the past came from shit families with 6+ children, heredity is simply not 1:1, your point is moot.

Most of those children died before reaching adulthood.

>> No.10374640
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>> No.10374650

I'm gonna need more than two screenshots of a propaganda outlet to believe this one.

>> No.10374669

Muslim nations can't into space.

>> No.10374677

Your data is a decade out of date. Education for girls, easy access to birth control, sex education, and all the other programs that showed great promise in reducing third world birthrates have proven to have very short term effects. This is why the population growth projections over the last couple of years have been adjusted back up to where they were before those programs were introduced.

>> No.10374678

You left out infant and child mortality rates.

>> No.10374684

What if AI gets what it wants by controlling us by misrepresenting the value of the choices it presents to us?

>> No.10374689

Would that really be a problem if we simply put all of Africa into quarantine with no emigration from there possible?

>> No.10374753

elite jews do have a hand in this but there are certainly a lot more

((them)) is just an umbrella term

>> No.10374903

They have been adjusted even more down you liar. Yeah that data is out of date because the fertility rate dropped even MORE than expected.


Stop lying about things people can disprove with a single fucking google.

>> No.10375553

>lower to middle class jew pretends there aren’t Jewish elites
Something Jared Kushner something

>> No.10375563

>what is fallout and nuclear winter
Is this place populated entirely by retards?

>> No.10375575

His ideology is predicated on a brown-human flood.

>> No.10375592

The weak willed suicidal cunts will all die and the strong, the ones who deserve and wish to live on, will survive. The reckoning is coming

>> No.10375657

>what is fallout and nuclear winter
Retarded pop culture memes you've been forcefed.

>> No.10375690
File: 299 KB, 598x353, consumer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporations discovered that they weren't selling enough of their planned obsolecence garbage to people in the west, so they brought in as many foreigners as possible to buy their planned obsolecence garbage.

>> No.10375703

hopefully i have a gf by then

>> No.10375718

vr will replace tv and interactive content will become the norm form of entertainment.

africa will have devloped considerably and countries like south africa will be on-par with poland today

>> No.10375800

>As a Jew

Do you hate whites?

>> No.10375936

No one know what the future holds. But the thing that separates humans from animals is the ability to see (microscopically) further into the future. So we should be able to see whether we will live or die, correct? Wrong! That is too far into the future, and no can or ever will see that far. Your only choice is to be despondent about not knowing whether we can survive or whether we will all die horrible horrible deaths soon or not so soon but certainly eventually. Here is an instructional video about how we will (in all likelihood) die horribly sooner or later:

>> No.10376131

>basic aspects of nuclear war is pop-culture
Yeah, because destruction of all major city centers and the radioactive ash released wouldn’t plunge the human race into extinction. You’re a faggot.

>> No.10376220

>destruction of all major city centers
>radioactive ash
Just fucking stop. retard. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. What fucking "ash" from airburst, you mouthbreather faggot? How can "all" the major urban centers be destroyed when the great majority of targets in a nuclear war are military? How can you destroy thousands of cities with several hundred low-yield nukes, you uninformed subhuman shit? Lift a fucking book in your life, fuck.

>> No.10376239

Not him, but no I really like white people, far more than other races. My mother's family were ambivalent towards them, there was some ressentiment against WASP elites for sure. But, I feel no instinctive disdain for them; genuinely dislike Blacks and Spics though.

>> No.10376336
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>> No.10376402

>>There's a kind of generalized pessimistic thinking among everyone and it's worrying me. Thoughts?
>gee i wonder why
>see this

i think at a deep level most people realize they are about to be made irrelevant by robots and AI's, hence the pessimism that nothing going on matters anymore

wouldnt worry about crops. The big change over to vertical farming and lab generated food happens before crop losses become a serious threat

flying cars, the main issue is the government doesnt want knuckleheads being able to fly, especially crossing borders


capitalism gets overthrown in the early 2030's
a sort of repeat of revolutionary france.

Hurr Durr Durr The poor are a bunch of retards, lets take away all their jobs and live in palaces, hurrr durrr der, whats the worst that could happen

Hope for No WW3. It would be no joke, at it would end with the Main agitators eliminated from the world stage.

see: sub launched nuke drones carrying 100 megaton war heads, followed by hypersonic gliders, followed by the old school nuclear war heads


the main thing that will change everything over the next 20 years will be AI and robotics, it's a tsunami that will hit everything, that people just dismiss as "Huh? Oh yea and that robot stuff"


colony on Moon. I think there will be an attempt to land a person on Mars that goes really bad. Reaction will be why did we do that? hold up, let robots/AI construct first, people show up later. This isnt 1500

>> No.10376457

general predictions by 2040:

nanotechnology and gene therapy, directed by AI doctors, have cured just about everything.

AI's hit a comparable 1,000+ IQ range.

people are settling in to the idea of a world with No Jobs, where AI's and robots make the food, fill the pot holes, and do all the other shit humans used to have do. And people now live their days either lounging around or debating like ancient philosophers. If people do work, it's basically role play , where they work 8 hours a week, pretending to do a job. Like when a kid now tags along with their parents and sits at a desk pretending to be working there. It's just getting in the way,

Oil/Gas died. There are now massive solar arrays on each continent that provide most power, although most buildings, using a variety of systems, are power self sufficient.

Most water is coming in through atmospheric generators and desalinization systems. issues with water mean the end of lawns/golf courses. replaced with whatever would of grown locally naturally

touchable holograms, and holographic displays bring the end of 'screens'

permanent colony on the moon. plans for stuff in the atmosphere of Venus and on the surface of Mars.

Old School farms have died. Replaced with vertical farms/ lab generated meats and cheeses

AI's and people working together on ramping up of exploring and colonizing the galaxy.

Time Travel, if not ready to roll, ready within 10 or so years from 2040; mainly for tourism, alternately for recovery of lost texts


>> No.10376515

And what will having flying cars accomplish?

>> No.10376518

>where 20% of the population spends 80% of their time in VR. Automation will be replacing a massive amount of jobs at this point, so either we'll see a massive amount of people living in poverty, or the automated labor force will bring about a strong enough economy so most people can comfortably live on welfare.
I could totally see an arrangement where people live in VR and their job is to identify and review AI created/procedure generated content. Something akin to captcha image identification, except for all kinds of media like sounds, feels, taste, etc.
The man of the future lives on life support in a VR hostel, his employer is a media corporation and his job is to identify which which computer-generated brick wall looks the most like the platonic ideal of a brick wall. His pay is just enough pay the rent for his hostel and the rental fees for his VR gear. In his free time, he explores a virtual world made up of content that people just like him reviewed to ensure maximum pleasurability.

>> No.10376523

thanks bill gates, oh high-iq man

>> No.10376532

>Every great society requires a great leader
How do you know this? Do you have scientific evidence, mathematical proofs, sources to back up this claim?
>our leaders have us on a fast track to a nightmarish future
My response to this baseless claim is the same as above.

>> No.10376678

The world isn't going to much different than it is now. The only real prediction I have is "Like today, but worse".
I don't think the new 40s are gonna be unrecognizable. Admittedly I most likely won't enjoy it, but I'll be able to understand it.

>> No.10376700

And to tack on this. While I like thinking about the future. I find thinking about what, say. The year 2500 will be like. Even if small things happen, at least something does. For instance. The likely hood of humans still being here in say, the year 3000. What are those guys going to be up to? What stuff will be going on? Hell. What's 2150 gonna be like?

>> No.10376777


2150 i think would look like a cross between Prometheus and Star Trek. That will probably be going on for a 100 or 200 years; lets see what is out there, til we explore the whole thing and get bored with it.

3000 i think would be unrecognizable to us. AI progressed to incomprehensible intelligence levels. Universe explored and colonized. People wandering around through time (time exploration). People meditating in ways we cant comprehend. People playing around with jumping into a higher dimension (ala end of the movie 2001/2010).

Strangely, unless there is some WW3 type event that rolls us back into a dark ages period for a few hundred years. It is very doubtful humans will be around in a couple thousand years. That everyone just volunteered to go to a higher level

>> No.10378047

This is your brain on popsci.

>> No.10378119

Bullshit. If only a fraction of people can find work, who will buy the products? Humans will never be replaced in the market place as the moment they do, everyone will realise that humans are the marketplace and their purchasing power cannot be replaced by automation and AI.

And no welfare state could cover the expenses, as there'd be no more taxes.

>> No.10378177

Naw. On a global scale things are worsening in every possible way. I personally believe 95% or more of human life will be gone by 2100.

>> No.10378232

>The world 22 years ago was so insanely different from now that it might as wel be a completely different civilization.
Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember it.
And no, it wasn't.
And not only because I actually had a computer, cellphone and was already shitposting on the internet.

>> No.10378338

Worldwide international techno-communism with robots as the new working class.

>> No.10378345 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 182x276, isaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of human dignity and total control of technology over human population. Probably 30-40% of current forests and wild nature will perish. Human will be even more deeply tied up to the system. The future is dark and as long as we praise people like Musk - it will be worse and worse every day.

>> No.10378349

I'm laughing at anyone that genuinely think we will see breakthroughs in robotics and AI in the next 20 years. We are hitting an AI winter and it'll be ages before we see any more progress than we already have right now.

>> No.10378584

the doomsday community is amusing and sad at the same time. there will be no mass destruction and massive loss of life. the sad truth is that humanity is falling under the spell of legalism. You will wish for ww3 when the oppressive peace comes. globalism isint scary because it will destroy the world, it wont.
The future is permenate, unwilling peace. There will be no privacy, and fake rebel leaders (see DEA/ATF ) quell the willingness to participate in rebellion. This goverment of good and bad people will convince everyone that all laws are just. When people lash out, they will be made to fight eachother. Theres no mastermind behind it, no villian to stop. The natural progression of government and incentivised behaivior will lead to decades of painful stability, where no one has the power to lash out, and those who try are publicly shamed instead of martyred. There will be no one to blame it on, the system will be so large and complex that every member of this government will be a redundant cog, and no group will be allowed to grow large enough to stop it. no good or evil, just the promise of stability and peace for all. Global war is preferable to what is coming. everyone will live at peace in a broken system unfair but unstoppable. This is my personal blackpill Ive developed from studying how different modern governments prevent insurrection. If you ponder this you might see it too. I think the final chapter of humanity will be world peace, the kind no one knew they didint want.

>> No.10378585

Sounds like the Borg. Sign me the fuck up, individuality is overrated.

>> No.10378594

>diarrhea is an emotion

>> No.10378613

>capitalism gets overthrown in the early 2030's
>capitalism gets over thrown
So people are going to give everything they own to the government? do you know what capitalism is?
First of all what country is being overthrown, because the loudest communist voices in western countries are mostly pretenders who simply wish do be dictators or sub rulers themselves. Theres not going to be a global revolution against economic practices. rich people pay those under them in a pyramid fashion, And the promise that they can work hard enough to become rich as well is why such revolutions against rich people (who arent in government) never come. this is why billionaires control politicians indirectly instead of becoming politicians.

>> No.10380349

This is false and I severely recommend you to learn actual geopolitics. Here is a 30 minute introduction.


>> No.10380429

Not in western nations. It even came out recently that perhaps the average has lowered by 15 points over 150 years.

If you produce any actual source for a global iq increase it's easily answered anyway: inadequate nutrition lowers IQ, so third world nutrition is improving. It's not a positive statistic as it will be improving up from about 50 to a hard cap of 80.

>> No.10380437

It wasn't that different anon. I was 12 then and styles were a bit different, music was better and yeah we didn't spend time shit posting online. Otherwise things are just better versions of what we had back then.

>> No.10380823

Go back you absolute retard

>> No.10380864

wow thanks you fukken tripfag cunt, get the fuck outta here!

this is pretty comprehensive in comparison to the original release there's so much more content here, going to take me a while to shit and read this haha.

>> No.10380868

you're a fuckken fag in 1995 mostly only business people or the extra top percentile of middle class had mobile phones which were generally the sizes of bricks or in the case of moterolla, tiny fliptop phones, but none the less...

internet became available to most homes around 1996 in most western countries, however the uptake was very slow as computers were pretty expensive.

you're a fucking newfag cunt.

>> No.10380911
File: 45 KB, 700x700, monster-zero-ultra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sipping right now, brother

>> No.10380948
File: 3.00 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20190212_093214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sipping the superior version

>> No.10380955

>I remember the AOL kids zone anon
>Tfw "grew up" with internet but it didn't get good til the oughts

>> No.10381105

space don't exist

>> No.10382229

i see where you are coming from but, I never said this was coming soon. My point is that there will be no big war. and Ill eat my own dick if I ever get proven wrong. I wont. I shouldnt have mentioned globalism, because I dont mean that world governments are close to joining together. they arent. The western governments are trending towards permenate super-beuarocracy, wether they do it together or apart, They wont war with eachother and your crash course video on geopolitical economics doesnt represent the case that im false. Governments are making themselves more complex, coincidentally or not, making themselves immune to criticism. you will lose your freedom amd accept it before you ever see a big war. There wont be another big war. Show me evidence of any absolute economic collapse in the 1st world. you cant. No war can be waged.

>> No.10382834

More brown people.

>> No.10383446

From now till 2040, judging from 2000 - 2019 I can guarantee there will be:
>More normie global memes
>More happenings
>More 10 minutes from end of the world 'predictions'.

>> No.10383461
File: 12 KB, 659x376, pgeon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Cataclymic pole shift coming.

>> No.10383463

there's no market for 'flying cars' and there especially won't be in the future. This was a tossed off meme from the 50s that suited a 50s lifestyle but jazzed up. The key is, back then you actually had to physically go places to have fun or be productive. It's not like that now and getting less.

>> No.10383644

I think he means it's ironic in the context of the concerns relating to climate change

>> No.10383693
File: 255 KB, 1200x1200, based_maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres the contradiction here?
Can all you dumb ass /pol/acks please get the fuck off this board?
You're literally the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.

>> No.10383804

Can't you fuck off and let us have a conversation. If I wanted to bitch about brown people I'd go to your board.

>> No.10384092

what damage does "Cataclymic" pole shifting do?

>> No.10384108

I see no contradiction in the post. Less high-IQ people, more low-IQ people.

>> No.10384119

They are right. If the low-IQ people have a far greater natality rate than high-IQ people, then this is a big problem in the long term. We are heading to a Idiocracy-like scenario. Of course, genetic engineering could hypothetically solve the problem in the future, but this is speculation.

>> No.10384139
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There will be an enlightenment era of scientific advancement and awareness, and nothing in the cosmos will be mysterious anymore.

>> No.10384214

Only Asia will have science advances, the west will be a muslim/mexican shithole.

>> No.10384238

We are letting them wreck the place up so we can rub their nose in it before we wipe them out.

>> No.10384241


Who is this "we"? The West will die soon.

>> No.10384248

Oh ye of little faith

>> No.10384379

>there will be no mass destruction and massive loss of life

You cannot predict nature.
A solar fart or a yellowstone burp can seriously fuck things up

>> No.10384438

Anthropogenic threats in 2040:

- Bioterrorism is now more accessible and cheaper than ever.
Autists in their banker basements will be spreading artificial viruses from their mini drones all over the world.

- Leftists have more and more influence in the society and will create more stupid laws and agendas that will fuck up how society works.

- Life expectancy increases and old people are still here consuming the resources and jobs that are supposed to be for the latest generations of adults.

- The economy will become so horribly competitive than ever.

- Mass misinformation is rampant and will evolve in newer forms.

- More and more people feel powerless and meaningless. They will seek this sense of power by joining the leftist movements or by doing terrorist actions.

- If cost-effective renewable energy is not fully solved, then mineral resource exhaustion will cause global catastrophic risk.

Meme threat:
- Global warming (this is a bait, a leftist propaganda)