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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10282741 No.10282741 [Reply] [Original]

I have a Masters degree in Math and just found out that my IQ is 102... Now it all makes sense... I was only ever good at memorizing for exams. No wonder I could never derive theorems using first principles and generally found studying boring rather than fun. Is suicide the only option now /sci/? I can’t even look myself in the mirror knowing my IQ is 30 points lower than the average mathematician.

>> No.10282764

My IQ was tested at 84 in 6th grade and I got a BS in EE cause my mom cheered me on and told me with hard work you can accomplish anything. I've been terminated from every job I've had other than fast food though. Employers don't have patience for slow learners who will eventually "get it". Truth is no likes "hard" workers they want smart workers who'll do a job quickly and then socialize

>> No.10282815

Get over it and get a job you dumbass

>> No.10282852

>Employers don't have patience for slow learners who will eventually "get it". Truth is no likes "hard" workers they want smart workers who'll do a job quickly and then socialize

Well fuck...

>> No.10282857

What did you do to find out?

>> No.10282867

I used to take my work home and pull all nighters weekly. College was worse and took me 7 years to finish.

>> No.10282871

You could be a code monkey or an IT guy OP. You'd need some certs to do the IT stuff but it's lots of autistic fun and mostly a solo job, which I presume you would love considering you got a math degree. Honestly thinking about doing something like that after I graduate.

>> No.10282874

IQ tests are just garbage, some ppl may be bad with some stuff you got in the tests like stereopsis.
Also you got a bad day? -> bad IQ test.

This whole iq thing is jsut garbage, good for big groups but not single ppl.

>> No.10282878

also they have a super high tolerance and so on.
Besides why even do a IQ test ?
There is no point at all.
Hey i got a IQ of N well congrats and fuck off

>> No.10282933

Yes, OP! Kill yourself! (I don't want competition)

>> No.10283318


how did you get a maters in math without deriving anything? I thought every assignment would have been a proof or derivation.

now that I think about it I write alot of proofs and do alot of derivations for an engineer.

>> No.10283322

Dude think of it like this, you did something that "should've been" way out of your league.
You're a fucking beast for doing that.

>> No.10283421

Math isn't really that hard of a major.
Chem, physics, CS, and any type of engineering except civil are harder

>> No.10283439

What were your plans when you took math? Would you have taken masters in stats instead?

Or were you taking math because you wanted to go into phd in CS?

>> No.10283459

How much do you actually know about any of those majors beyond /sci/ memes?

>> No.10283507


>> No.10283516

I've seen memorizers go through math courses. While introductory calculus isn't too hard, these people generally have a lot of trouble with them since they tackle them as a set of problem forms that you need to memorize, and since the whole point is to have a general intuition, they get hit the hardest. So long as you took lots of good math classes at a decent university (lots of analysis, lots of algebra, lots of combinatorics, lots of topology, ..., you get the point), I do think it's hard to come out of a math major without having gained at least some intuition. Math courses generally do have the instructors do work to guide you through the basic intuition while providing you a lot of problems and proofs that walk you through the nature and implications of the theory, and great professors know how to ask about deep examples from the simplest ideas.

I legitimately suggest just spending time in office hours and working through what you can through proofs and theorems. It's impossible that you haven't improved *at all.* Part of my problem with CS programs is that they don't generally do nearly enough to build mathematical maturity to the point that someone is ready for grad school theory, but even then I see undergrad mouthbreathers in intro to proofs classes coming out with a much sharper intuition and maturity.

>> No.10283521

1. I'm guessing the test you took is bullshit
2. There are people who are very intelligent but do nothing with it, like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons
3. You, even if you do have average intelligence have managed to something that takes lots of rigor people with a mental advantage.

Howcome we celebrate people in wheelchairs who roll their way through a marathon, but after you accomplish something great despite not being mentally predisposed to it you want to kill yourself.

Probably because you don't want to be pitied, because you know that you aren't actually stupid.

>> No.10283622

That's the question I should be asking you.
No one outside of /sci/ thinks math is harder than engineering

>> No.10284007


its called lying on the internet. every single assignments is to derive something. you can't memorize shit, and if you manage to memorize every single derivation, you must be some kind of savant with a great fucking memory
people usually only memorize the derivations that they can't understand, everybody has one of these

>> No.10284015

OP here. It was a slow process for me, but through hard work you can memorize the proof style and just adapt the pattern to any test problem. I never had to come up with any creative idea on my own. Even my masters degree was just expanding on other's work.

>> No.10284017

>IQ is 150
>dropped out of college
you leave the suicide to me OP

>> No.10284019

Kill yourself

>> No.10284033

In general at 99% of universities you won't find a single person that disputes that engineering is far, far more difficult than a math degree. However, at top math universities the opposite is true especially because undergrads are usually forced to take more graduate electives so that the workload starts to approach an engineering workload.

There are also a lot of relatively subpar students on the internet that really struggle with their math degree (some even with easier courses like analysis I) so to they really want to perserve their ego by insisting by insisting that math is the most difficult degree. Even in the face of engineering students getting higher marks than them on their math electives the delusion digs deeper.

You will never be a good mathematical researcher with that attitude. A math undergrad should be easy to you and you should be taking postgrad electives or at least physics/econ/engineer to increase your workload and challenge yourself.

>> No.10284041

IQ is bullshit and deter people from doing what would enhance their intellectual performance dramatically: LEARNING

>> No.10284057

IQ should be considered a complex calculation of the ability to interpret things, I would say regardless of the answers correctness. It's a measure of the rate of communication of anything to that person plus their ability to interpret the communication and communicate a response that is legible to anyone and aware of all relevant circumstances surrounding that thing and the nature of that thing.

>> No.10284066

You don't need to derive anything to study math. You got your notes. You have your theory with, your examples and your problem sets. You learn all the proof techniques within the examples and the problem sets and you're good to do the exam.

>> No.10284077

There aren't math books that don't teach the proof techniques in the examples?

>> No.10284082


thanks bro this gave me more hope for my comp science bachelors degree, i have no grasp of math yet I have an IQ of 120

>> No.10284083

If you don't have a crucial proof technique and you aren't shown it, it is going to take you a very long fucking time to come up with it. That was probably someone's thesis a long time ago ....
The point of a math education is not to make you solve puzzles like a Rubix cube. The point is to gain intuition in the relevant mathematical fields and learn the ropes of navigating that field, which includes all those precious proof techniques.
Usually, the professor will make sure you know the proof technique before he hands the assignment. If not they will surely give you the solution afterwards. By the time the exam comes you are just required to memorize and apply those proof techniques to some textbook problem.

>> No.10284095

OK that's very impressive. What is your MSc thesis about?
Don't know how to console you. I'm also a STEM brainlet. My aim is to find myself some comfy stress free job and just get by. At least I won't be full of stress for 40+ years.

>> No.10284102

>You could be a code monkey or an IT guy OP.
That sounds a lot less desirable than OP's plan.

>> No.10284112

Only because OP has not found the secret to happiness yet. OP needs to understand that ultimately there is no gain to be had by taking part in the rat race. OP needs to learn to chill, find a comfy job and a gf and learn to enjoy life.

>> No.10284118

At least you're probably otherwise normal. Me, I'm a total loser. Only thing I had going for me was thinking I was moderately smart with my moderate success in school and everything. Turns out I'm not.
At least now I feel zero pressure to accomplish anything which is kind of liberating.

>> No.10284128

Why'd you drop out when you're literally smarter than Einsteinberg?

>> No.10284468

I've never met anyone irl who respects engineers
They see them as not intelligent enough to have studied physics or math.

>> No.10284488

The fact that you even trust the metric of IQ is proof that you're a brainlet

>> No.10284560

Maybe because you only speak to physics majors. The entrance requirements fo engineering much higher. Most people study physics because they are trying to transfer into an engineering programme.

>> No.10284659

Like a good goy

>> No.10284669

You could just be an accountant. At least there your job would be too easy for you then and everyone will be impressed by how good at Excel you are.

>> No.10284677

This desu. Easy peasy

>> No.10284786

Thats just fucking sad. There need to be IQ enhancement pills.

>> No.10284841

Sounds sorta like ADHD

>> No.10284881

You can't give the population IQ enhancement pills, this has been discussed if you read the literature.

>> No.10284882

>way out of your league
>Teaches algebra 1 in community college with a masters in math
I'm convinced math is a meme

>> No.10284903

Then how about IQ enhancement surgery anon?

>> No.10284934

Just work hard broski

>> No.10284946


>> No.10284957

Engineering majors (except electrical) tend to be retarded compared to physics majors. On the other hand, engineering majors are usually more well rounded and have better soft skills.

>> No.10285000

I have ADHD.
For my own experimentation I took two IQ tests. One with ADHD medication, one without. For the test with ADHD medication I scored 134, which for me was surprising. The test I took before I was put on medication had a score of 122, which I thought was my IQ for a long time before medicating. Just an anecdote.

>> No.10285026

122 is actually your real score.

>> No.10285044

That's the reality, man.
IQ is a real deal because it basically means how quickly you catch up with reality, how quickly you process it.
It's true that you can do a lot, but only if you have double the time and you do double the work. However, faced with new information, your processing ability stays the same... till the very end, in fact, it decays.
It's depressing. But to cheer you up, I have IQ over 125 and I know people with 140, yet they are doing terrible at life (although having a dysfunctional family in all cases must mean something).

>> No.10285048

Tell me why. Please be sincere. If my score improoved because I was at a normal level of "focus" then why is that not my real score?

>> No.10285050

>fat fingers

>> No.10285299

i enjoyed videos games, manga and shit posting more than i did seeping or studying

>> No.10285316

Fair enough. Actually there is some noted academic that said something to that affect. Really high IQ people are not fit for science because they get bored too easily.

>> No.10285331

kind of sucks, i cant even work at the same place for more than a year because it gets too boring for me and its hard to be friends with people.

>> No.10286510

>On the other hand, engineering majors are usually more well rounded and have better soft skills.
Isn't that just a low key way of saying that they are smarter? Of course when you focus on one thing (studying physics) you're gonna be good at it. But it's an immense mistake that just because you perceive skill in a single field as a measure of intelligence that everyone measures it by that (your) field.

>> No.10286612

You could just kill the dumb ones, breed the smart ones and make a super race of intellectuals.

>> No.10286617

Because you're using performance enhancing drugs. The real you is ADHD boy.