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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, MyersBriggsTypes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10259496 No.10259496 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any scientific value to Myers Briggs?
I know you're gonna say it's nothing but a horoscope but at a the same time most of you are probably INTP/INTJs and at the very least NTs.

So anyway what's your type?

>> No.10259592

>Is there any scientific value to Myers Briggs?
Since it's something belonging to psychology, which is a pseudoscience, no.

>> No.10259682

indeed, horoscopes for autistic people

>> No.10259696

A stands for ambi, I'm alpha and omega bitches.

>> No.10259976

90% of people here are INTJ or INTP

>> No.10260392
File: 248 KB, 881x652, tumblr_p3ssq9J1yj1w3zha7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are INTJ so insufferable?

>> No.10260769

It's not my fault to be an INTJ desu

>> No.10260786

I'm an INTJ but I can't build muscle

>> No.10260789

Myers Briggs is a deposited trademark. That's all you need to know.

>> No.10260798

Horoscope tier pseudoscience.
Did the test years ago and I was INTJ.
Did again last year and I was INFJ.
Did it again right now and I was ENFP.

>> No.10260806

Did it like 3 or 4 times a year apart and got 3 or 4 times INTJ, it's sturdy as fuck

>> No.10260821

intp reporting in

>> No.10260824

Because they buy into Meyers Briggs like shit.

>> No.10260826

Based can't build muscle anon

>> No.10260836

I'm an INTP should I worry ?

>> No.10260843

Almost like many of the questions are heavily dependent on your current way of life, something that changes over the course of multiple years. Wow, who wudda thunk.

>> No.10260845

Then I'm sorry your mind is so limited.

>> No.10260869


>went from T to F

You just became more normie over the years

>> No.10260896
File: 201 KB, 1200x416, Same bullshit different name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you're gonna say it's nothing but a horoscope
Since you bring it up.

>> No.10260906

I am actually shocked by how accurate this is. As cancer I am pretty much cold on the outside, but cry to fiction all the bloody time. Even the bit about being "giving" is fairly accurate, since I made it my job to play therapist for classmates during highschool. W-what is this?

>> No.10260914


>Tfw not believing in any of this crap
>Tfw both ENTP and Gemini and it's accurate as fuck

What the fuck bros

>> No.10260928

Most stuff is general and non committal enough that anyone can feel like it applies to them. You're suggestible.

>> No.10260935


>> No.10260938

What, did I open girl 4chan by accident?

>> No.10260956
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>> No.10260983

Yeah that's what my gf and my friends tell me all the time. Got a nice big promotion because of it as well.
It's a good thing it's finally happening because we are expecting this year!
Oh how the tides of fortune have turned!

>> No.10260990


So ISTP is basically the like the other autists, minus the intelligence?

>> No.10260994



Get the fuck out normie

>> No.10261006


Woah what the fuck this is real. I didn't know girl 4chan exists. How do they know it's girls or is it just autists role-playing as girls?

>CTRL F Entp
>All the posts are just how much they hate ENTP
Fuck me

>> No.10261039

Damn I didn't know this existed, this is pretty cool, now I know what's happening inside the average woman's head.
>no /sci/
females confirmed for being absolute brainlets lmao

>> No.10261051


>average woman

That's like calling anons average men. These are all autistic women

>> No.10261069

Based fellow INTP - Einstein, Socrates, Darwin, Descartes, Pascal, Lincoln, Kafka, Curie, and Madison are all speculated to be on our side so you should be okay unless if you’re mentally ill.

>> No.10261073

No anon, the women on 4chan are the autistic ones. Just go on /clg/ and they all shit on trannies while playing vidya and flexing their /sci/ abilities.

>> No.10261088


>All boards are about fashion and feels

Women truly only have a limited range of interests

>> No.10261101

reeeeee stop posting this board it’s making a bad name for women

>> No.10261103
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>he probably doesn't even know about sushichan

>> No.10261439

>geminis are described as energetic, enthusiastic, superficial, and as tricksters
>this applies to everyone

>> No.10261453

>Reads entire paragraph with conflicting descriptions.
>Summarizes into only points that agree with one another.
Wow I've never actually seen the Barnum effect in real time.

>> No.10261467

Oh don't be jealous, just because I have a hot girlfriend, numerous friends, a great job and expecting kids.

Lmao you have to be really autistic to believe any of this could be real.

>> No.10261506

I got intj and one either intp or istj a second time I took the test in my late teens/early 20's. Just took it again for this thread and I got ISFP

>> No.10262138
File: 254 KB, 1531x865, 1477411838771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTJ Master race here

>> No.10262143

INTP/ENTP (on stimulants) reporting.

>> No.10262153

Stuff like this is just a tool for self reflection

>> No.10262156
File: 134 KB, 500x636, kappa213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got INTP on test
What does this supposedly mean?

>> No.10262160

Autism, the personality.

>> No.10262166

>prefers ideas that have practical applications
I'm kinda like that although my idea of practicality is probably different

>> No.10262227


Stereotypical nerd with no friends and fringe interests

>> No.10262235

Although it's dumb to believe a random assignment of a personality describes you accurately, it's still worth studying stuff like zodiac signs because if people don't admit it, they do see themselves in them. So if you wanna act like you "get" them treat them exactly like their zodiac sign tells them they want to be treated. Subconsciously they will like you simply because they read in their horoscope that the people who treat them like that are good for them

>> No.10262250



>> No.10262253

only a sith deals in absolutes

>> No.10262275
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, 7hzgjh9j70d11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are INTJ so insufferable?
At least you're proactive insufferables. There is zero (0) reason to be attracted to a male INTP.

>> No.10262278

Intp fags unironically sound like niggas with ADHD.

>> No.10262287

Male INTP here. Chart and comment are unironically correct.

>> No.10262305

Lmao, nearly perfectly describes me.
I guess "INTP" is just another synonym for Asperger's.

>> No.10262317


It is

>> No.10262318
File: 138 KB, 1042x638, 9y8xctk5qkw11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ENTP masterselfconsciousness reporting in

>> No.10262319

I'm a ENFP, which specifically says to avoid software engineering, but it's what I do and love. I think it can be useful, but taken as a point to look into, not something to live your life by

>> No.10262324

I pulled an all-nighter just to shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.10262326

>take test year ago
>take test 6 months ago
>take test today

it's based on how you perceive yourself at one particular moment, and everyone knows the least important opinion of yourself is your own

>> No.10262331

Oh lookie, me when I'm on stims.
I swap I for E, and become a nasty prick.

>> No.10262333



This does not exist

>> No.10262335
File: 34 KB, 680x907, 1450328519834 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did this test a year ago
>did this test 6 months ago
>did this test about 2 months ago
Nigger it seems to me that you can't answer these questions consistently because you might be an over emotional faggot.
Also you got IN on all of them and an INT on most. Since it's not that wide of a difference the problem is with precision, which most likely means you.

>> No.10262346


You don't actually change your personality, you're just not afraid anymore.

There's lots of ENTPs who get INTP as test result, because they think they are introverts, but just because you get lost in thought a lot doesn't necessarily mean you're an introvert.

It's how you're around people and how important it is to you how others see you. If you were a hard introvert, your feelings about sharing your thoughts with the environment wouldn't change, just cause you're on stims

>> No.10262351
File: 23 KB, 502x502, 30629870_648550408871608_5272506820714319541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chad ENTP vs the virgin INTJ

>> No.10262373

>not a single post is a shitpost, insulting eachother or playing ego games

made me think

>> No.10262387
File: 1.50 MB, 1159x624, true power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10262389

Well, you can't argue with science!

>> No.10262390

>not getting secret personality 17

Answered honestly m8. No need to get so touchy about your horoscope

>> No.10262393


Also all posts are meaningless trite shit

>> No.10262396


I actually don't, no

>> No.10262428

yeah because "dude check out my 6'2 masterrace height lol bro i fucking mogged that guy yesterday and fucked his chick haha *dabs on jannies and niggers*" is a more coherent information transfer

>> No.10262435


Can INTJs ever catch a break?

>> No.10262463


The MBTI is about Epistemology, not behavior.

>> No.10262935
File: 91 KB, 7000x6318, 1523701722612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relax m8 it's a horoscope
You lost this the moment you started complaining about your own horoscope on a horoscope thread.

>> No.10263699

wtf this is so fucking cringe, it's worse than reddit tier

>> No.10263709

Then mbti is working.

>> No.10263782

Tests alone won't give you reliable results. Read about cognitive functions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_cognitive_functions)), find your dominant one and then look at the type table to see function stacks the types have and try to find one that matches you.

If you are unhealthy your function stack may not match any type, for example INTP's stack is TiNeSiFe but unhealthy INTPs may neglect their secondary function and operate in dominant/tertiary loop using mostly their Ti and Si, so keep that in mind if you find your stack not match any type.

>> No.10263945

show us a better one then

>> No.10263951

Pretty accurate, actually.

>> No.10264218

>Source: Science


>> No.10265560



>> No.10265566

intp-t here

>> No.10265568

This is so fucking massively faggy

>> No.10265586

Its probably made to assist in doxxing people, I wouldnt post on there, appears dead with artificial conversations

>> No.10265587
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there even a difference between ENTP and ENFP? IT says the difference is based on how decisions are made (logic vs feeling) but both are rational thinkers in consideration of others, so both will go with the most logical decision and feel happy about it so both... Make decisions the same way?
I don't get it. Is someone really into this?

>> No.10265589


Feels is pretty active. I posted in the >Tfw no bf thread posing as a girl

>> No.10265774

How does it feel posing as a girl.

>> No.10265790


Pretty gay desu
All they care about is talking about cute boys so in order to fit in you have to pretend you have a crush on a cute guy

>> No.10265847

>Did the test
Did you got a real test or an online one?
Also it's a spectrum, so if you are borderline you can switch types with time.
I always got INTP.

Nah, it's the same as majority of /sci/. Stereotypical scientists/genius.
But it's rather rare in general population.

Completely opposite of me.

>> No.10265866

>you have to pretend you have a crush on a cute guy
That's not hard.

>> No.10265946
File: 127 KB, 600x1266, 1528987458578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm an insufferable faggot with no qt ENFP gf

>> No.10265964


Who would want a girlfriend like that

>> No.10265966
File: 59 KB, 718x511, tumblr_inline_otd5os47aj1uaatm0_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10266027

I'm an INTJ not some faggy moral relativist engineer.

>> No.10266028

>if I can't get attention from you then I'll have to get it from your best friend
You're not making a strong case. I need a person who can be mature and realize despite being a couple we're both still individuals goddammit

>> No.10266061

>thinks it's okay to be a slut and get sexual attention from your bfs friends
tits or gtfo

>> No.10267137

Cognitive functions aren't any more science than 16personalities.

>> No.10267139

i dont know how to type myself i dont find there to be any reliable tests with uncorelated questions so the whole theory is trash

>> No.10267392


>> No.10267931

It’s garbage.
There’s a thread about it 24/7 on r9k so it’s for idiots

>> No.10268047

I'm an INTJ and I actually read the /fit/ sticky and I can build muscle.
Don't let your dreams be memes faggot.

>> No.10268060

>He doesn't like that there are so many personality types completely assblasted with the INTJ's existence, because they know that they can't compete.

>> No.10268302



>> No.10268490
File: 5 KB, 250x250, oh god oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hits close to home

>> No.10268511

It has some value but from what understand you can not divide personality in discrete types and it lacks some personality traits (neurotisism iirc).

Still, I have done it several times and gotten INTJ and the description seems to match. I also could guess my ex's type before she had taken the test and she got it.

According a professor I had for a lecture in a class he said that the Meyers-Briggs is not the most rigours test from a scientific standpoint and instead recommended a test called OCEAN/big five https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test . This is supposed to be more accurate.

The reason for why it is not as populat imo is that people like something that gives you something similar to what a horoscopes gives you, ie a story, and not just how you score on a continnua on certain traits.

>> No.10268643

This person looks insufferable.

>> No.10268899

I've always consistently got INTP over the past decade of taking the test. It's not that I am implying it has any significant scientific backing but I think it can be reasonably accurate.

>> No.10268930

Imagine not being an INTP-T, lmao

>> No.10268943

Brainlet tier: Big 5
Normie tier: MBTI
Chad tier: Eastern Astrology
Awakened tier: Western Astrology
A S C E N D E D tier: Enneagram
thank you

>> No.10268956

>"So anyway what's your type?"
> how to start an MBTI thread on /sci/

>> No.10268976

There was an interesting thread on /pol/ were an anon was doing a statistical survey on personality types on 4chan and by gender.

It was interesting because it showed what you expected to see in the biological differences between males and females.

Psychoanalysis is pseudocience.
A model that define categories defined by sets of traits and empirical methods to quantify those traits is not. It's a model.
Maybe a shitty model but a model nonetheless.

>> No.10268985

Here, main pic https://yuki.la/pol/193160071..

This is a repost thread, the original had additional information but i can't find it.

>> No.10269050

is there an easy way to tell if you're an istp or intp?

>> No.10269090

take the 16personalities test

>> No.10269104

Fluctuates between intj and entj. But the meyers briggs test is shit and doesn't mean anything.

>> No.10269130


What the fuck is it with ENTP and abandonment issues? I score ENTP and my mother always threatened to leave us if I didn't behave and I had a shitty relationship to my father and thus I am. Incapable of forming bonds with anyone.
What the fuck. How does this pic know. You can't just call this horoscope general statements, these hit way too close to fucking home and I have never seen general descriptions that really described me.

Seriously what the fuck I'm freaking the fuck out

>> No.10269173
File: 40 KB, 500x409, 5e5b6f1e07976955e3676787c0b768cd49405ad3_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is alot of similarites between myer and ocean.

the questions are the same just worded diffrently. its both on a scale. what myer brigs does bad is that it has only yes or no. no spectrum

ether you are or you arnt. soo those that score inbetwine to types gets mixed results retesting it.

but get abivert on ocean.

>> No.10269232

Turbulent INTP reporting in.

>> No.10269357

ENTJ reporting.

>> No.10269554

Horoscope is based on birth month, not personality testing.

>> No.10269564

It means you're crazy. I, N, T, and P all correlate with mental illness. Put them together and you get a psycho. I suggest suicide.

>> No.10269925
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>> No.10269931

you are freaking out because of a gf/bf meme. Get a fucking hold of yourself the result of this test doesn’t correlate with your shitty family situation.

>> No.10269962

MBTI isn't 100% rigorous by modern scientific standards but clearly isn't 100% bogus either. I was classed INTP in every test I took, and overwhelmingly so in those test which included a scale for the four parameters ; and the description of the type fits me too closely to be a Barnum effect.

>> No.10271092

Funny thing is that INTPs usually have no problem with MBTI. They do not obsess over it nor have any need to discredit it. They just accept it as it is and move on.
That's the most rational type for you, I guess.

>> No.10271098

I have read much more than the /fit/ sticky but the problem is that I can't build muscle. It works for you because you can build muscle. I don't know if there is a way to fix my genetics. If it's just T maybe there's hope but if it's more complicated and I have to fix my myostatin levels or satellite cell count then I can't do much... Even for the T I don't know how I can get a prescription.

>> No.10271104

What is your lifting routine?

>> No.10271119

Mostly starting strength, I have tried slight variations over time like adding sets or removing sets or adding some accessory exercises but in any case I've been doing the compound exercises that are supposed to be good for me, and at a sufficient weight (mostly so that I can do 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps for the bench press/squat/dl). I have gained strength but no muscle, and increasing the rep count doesn't seem to do much. Accessory exercises neither increase nor decrease the uselessness of the usual routine. They just don't do anything. Being on a surplus and eating lots of meat doesn't help either. Meanwhile I've seen people grow more than me just by curling dumbbells in the squat rack for a month.

>> No.10271121

Are you a fatass?

>> No.10271129

5'9 at about 165, so a bit (I don't have muscle), probably around 20% bf (reason why recently I've not been on a surplus, it didn't work anyway). You think some fat could prevent me completely from building muscle and I should let myself starve to 8% so that maybe T lvls increase? I thought about that but I'm pretty sure it won't do anything. In all cases I do plan to get at 15% at most at some point

>> No.10271133

What are your weights for squat, diddly etc?

>> No.10271138

about ~200 bench ~240 squats ~300 dl but I've been training for about two years so it's only neuronal activation and now I'm stuck because at some point to lift more you need muscle

>> No.10271144

It think that you're suffering from body dismorphic disorder, otherwise you're just bullshitting.

>> No.10271148

You think a sub-2-plates bench is enough to have muscle?

>> No.10271150

Pffft, yeah later anon call a psychologist.

>> No.10271153

they're 1rms, it's really bad after 2 years

>> No.10271243

there's also a thread about dating 24/7 on /r9k/, is having a loving partner for idiots?

>> No.10271249

big 5 is something of the standard when it comes to psychological personality tests, but myers briggs is easier to stereotype and follow for normies. It can gain something of a following, because if you make jokes based on how a certain type acts there's an aspect of relation to that which people can latch onto.

>> No.10271251

it's an educated guess, anon. you gave a test a bunch of information about how you act in certain situations and are now surprised that a meme made a guess about how you act in certain situations. it's nothing but a set of personality traits personified into a cartoon.

>> No.10271260

you probably do have muscle, it's just covered by your 20% bf so it doesn't show. I'm no fitness professional, but I don't think you'd be able to get to 300lb dl without building any muscle in the process.

>> No.10271272

I got 51% INTP and 49% INFP.
Yes I have some gender dysphoria.

>> No.10271433

This girl has bigger arms than I do

>> No.10271867

E 100%
N 64%
T 92%
P 81%
T 51%

O 92%
C 50%
E 98%
A 0%
N 37.5%

How into a career? Nothing interests me for more than 6 months at a time.

>> No.10271873

When I was in high school I would always get INTP. Now that I'm not an autist anymore I get ISTJ.

>> No.10272069

this shit is just as dumb as political compass test

>> No.10272941

what makes us the best?

>> No.10273746

Myers-Briggs is a horoscope tier and was developed to prey on the psychologically illiterate

>> No.10274142

they're not even that big, anon...

>> No.10274155

Yes that's the point. I can't build muscle.

>> No.10274808

Sounds like a lame excuse to me.

>> No.10274819

Why? I already lift but muscles won't grow.

>> No.10275045


>> No.10275064

EFSJ :^)

>> No.10275129

someone post an infj BF one i want to barnum tf out

>> No.10275172

>doesn't know about amethyst.restaurant

>> No.10275208

pretty bland, but its all that I could find.

>> No.10275333
File: 119 KB, 720x1090, Briggs Myers me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have made a little typo.

>> No.10275365

>100% extroverted


>> No.10275495

Try something different or eat more.

>> No.10276159

I just am? That's what the 16personality test says

>> No.10276194

INTP or INTJ, which I get depends on the test

>> No.10276225

I think he was just surprised that an extrovert spends their time on an anonymous imageboard instead of actually doing things,

poe's law strikes again. I even made that face.

>> No.10277406
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1540864429555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharks with lasers instead of exam
>mfw have to study for an exam on Wednesday
>mfw want worldbuild the design of the mass transit of my imaginary conurbation instead
Fucking autism...

>> No.10277909

ISTP here
INT-anythings are fucking losers who accomplish nothing

>> No.10277942

>being a sensor subhuman
>any year
Whew lad.

>> No.10277987

Psychologists hate the Meyers-Brigg though, so it's something even less

>> No.10277988

I'm a typical NEET, literally no different then all of you except slightly less degenerate (At least in the cases of the anti vaxxers and other similar bottom-of-the-barrel-scum) and when I just took a test I got ENTP on it. If that doesn't tell you what value the MBT has then I don't know what does.

>> No.10278291

It tells me you probably didn't fill it out accurately, you didn't answer based on what you actually and who you are but instead on how you perceive yourself.

>> No.10278292

*you actually do and...

>> No.10278320

Many famous INTPs and INTJs have pushed the boundaries and achieved amazing feats in the fields of science, math, and philosophy. What the fuck have ISTPs done?

>> No.10278517
File: 68 KB, 516x417, 1365818043137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm clearly a INTP, but i date an ENFP which makes little sense.
I guess INTJs are a bunch of betafaggots :^)

>> No.10278552

edginess maybe?

>> No.10278568
File: 70 KB, 480x480, IMG_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XNTP/T here, I need memes

>> No.10279067
File: 268 KB, 468x468, smoking_batman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTPish type here that can act like a ENTP
Well I'm not THAT autistic...
Also for some reason there are girls that are attracted to me.
Mostly ENFPs and EXTJs for some reason...
Also MBTI is pretty shitty considering that there is more to it than just those basic functions.
Also can someone explain to me why some INTPs are always dressed like shit and don't give a fuck about their hygiene and the other ones do?

>> No.10279108

Do you surround yourself with like minded people?
I'm like that, ENTP while I'm with people I know well and feel comfortable with, but once I land in a new environment I go full INTP. I think that's expected because 90% of my friends are INTP so we all are similiary weird. Like we enjoy just sitting silently together and everyone working on their own projects and speak only when we have some information we want to share with each other.

>Also can someone explain to me why some INTPs are always dressed like shit and don't give a fuck about their hygiene and the other ones do?
Because they focus more on ideas and concepts in their heads than things others think about(eg. what do they think about me). Some might see it as a step in some bigger plan, like making a good impression at job or something. For example my hair gets greasy super fast and I'm allergic to antiperspirants so I decided to take good care of my hygiene. But I have no reason to care about my clothes, and that's why I could go to work in a ragged shirt and not even realize it before someone pointed it out.

>> No.10279162

>do you surround yourself with like minded people
Kinda... Most people I'm friends with are ENXXs.
Most INTPs I know I've lost contact with, also I don't know any INTJs nor any INFJs.
>ragged shirt
That would drive me crazy desu

>> No.10280435
File: 1.28 MB, 924x974, 1546647008105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBTI is useless

>> No.10280479

Build the world around us rather than be miserable pieces of shit who THINK theyre better than others

>> No.10280717

Yeah alright, ISTPs can enjoy their blue collar jobs until they're automated out of existence.

>> No.10280726

ITT: pick a number between 0 and 9 and argue which one is better.

>> No.10281929

2 is the best fuck you

>> No.10282097

MBTI is retarded. The test asks you questions about what you'd do in situations and what you prefer then puts you in a group and says "wow you're somebody who would do these things and you prefer this" and brainlets have their mind blown because they don't realize they're just having their answers fed back to them