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10209386 No.10209386 [Reply] [Original]

>skip all lectures
>Only do tests, always A or B(because of arithmetic mistakes)
>Do final examination of the whole course
>Score highest in class
>Get B because I've missed mandatory attendence (just lectures, no homework)

Justify mandatory attendence.
Pro tip:
You can't

>> No.10209396

No matter how intelligent or capable you are, if you're not on the place in that time no one will hire you.

>> No.10209401

why did you chose easy college?

>> No.10209412

Employers shouldn't care if you are there. They should care if you did your job (study/do all tests).

Not easy, of the best where I live. Live in a small European country so there aren't really any elite international universities here.

>> No.10209423

If that was my class I'd have been dropped, only allow 6 hours absent. And yes it's unjustifiable

>> No.10209428

grad courses don't have this problem

>> No.10209447


>> No.10209452

No good university that I know of has mandatory attendance. So far I think I've been forced to attend classes twice, and those were for presentations, so they're about as mandatory as actually arriving to write the exams.

>> No.10209488
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>Employers shouldn't care if you are there.
Except they should. Once you join the real world you'll see just how much you need others throughout the day.

>> No.10209521

What's the class, Algebra 101?

>> No.10209649

Higher education prepares you for the ways of life in the sense that you are a jester performing on a stage for jewish overlords, and if you dont play the act by the numbers, they wont like you very much.

aka if you want to get through university, you better play all their arbitrary rules. Then you will also be prepared for life, knowing that you are just a clown obeying arbitrary rules to keep your head above water.

Honestly, if a cataclysmic event screwed humanity and only left less than a few hundred million, knowledge would disappear as well.
the world is fucked because of how education has been privatized, localized, and overly-specialized. One shitty event and the remaining few might not know how to generate or store electricity, what edibles fauna are toxic or not, how to preserve food without refridgeration, how to make a fridge, how to farm, how to build a calculator or computer, how to make gunpowder, how to refine oil, how to refine metal.. unfortunately, the only sensibile thing is that every person needs to know as much knowledge as possible, the notion of a "major" is sorely misguided, and that this education shouldn't be prohibitively expensive.

one. arbitrary. event. and humanity goes back to the stone age within a week after, scratching their fucking heads surrounded by skyscrapers, electronic devices that no longer turn on, guns without ammo, and no more google or wikipedia.

best case scenario at that point would just be hoping whatever event caused it may as well just have killed everyone and left no humans left to live on in that retarded world.

>> No.10209668

the point is OP, barring a cataclysmic event to reset everything, the world is fucking gay and retarded and runs on arbitrary meaningless rules, and you gotta follow them to be considered a good boy.

>> No.10209670

FUCK mandatory attendence but I will defend participation marks

>> No.10209678

Imagine not showing up to your job, but you can get work done remotely. You can do things for the company, but are not accessible. Your boss has a difficult time finding you and other employees have to pick up the projects your boss would have given you if only he could speak with you in person. You show up to meetings and give your presentation and leave immediately. You're a model employee and deserve a raise because you can get work done, right?

>> No.10209680

That can work and that's fine but expect to be paid less.

>> No.10209684

Again, get a job and then complain about having to be in class. There will be enough other bullshit that your past class attendance seems like no big deal

>> No.10209687

Similar to the statement of "If I can get an A on all the exams, why do I have to do homework? Homework is there to help you learn, so if I already know it, I shouldn't need to do the homework"

>> No.10209693

Justify paying someone who wasn't there on the job. You can't show a paper and witnesses proving you were at the job at least the minimum of time then no matter how much you done and how much you are capable of doing you won't get paid. It is a easy way to do free work and for me to get rich on your stupidity.
But you said you are in a small european country, most probably slav so it just figures you are a sublevel brainlet.
Aslo Analysis1-2/Calc1-2/Algebra1-2 are brainlet tier classes, even a braindead pajeet is able to tackle those WITH attendance to the lectures.

>> No.10209696

>register for a class
>get syllabus
>required attendance
>don't play by the rules
>don't show up to class
>complain about not getting the grade I wanted to the rest of my frog friends

>> No.10209716
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also pic related

>> No.10209717

Literally the only courses that grade attendance are found on the brainlett express to a non-important degree.

>> No.10209722
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Let me guess, you're one of the enlightened few that would survive.

>> No.10209745
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>> No.10209930

One of my physics professors gave an A at the end of the year to students who attended every class.

>> No.10209951

You showed that you were willing to harm yourself out of laziness or inability to plan.
No more justification is needed than that.

>> No.10209953

It makes you a turbobrainlet not taking advantage of free As
One bigmac with small fries. Yes, small fry, just like you.

>> No.10210357
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Mandatory attendance is so fucking gay. Got an A- and if I had just gone to one more class I would have had the A. Always did well on everything else.

Don't give me that employer bullshit, I'm not paying my employer thousands of dollars.

>> No.10210378

>going to college to learn
You go there to become a good employee...

>> No.10210455

>t. brainlet

>> No.10210581

You pay for your education and the degree, not to be treated like some special fuck who only follows the rules he likes. Sorry you can't understand meeting expectations that are clearly laid out in the syllabus. If you have a problem, take it up with the department or the dean and see how that goes.

>> No.10210610

Personally, as a physics professor, if you can convince me you know what you're doing but don't come to class or miss a few homeworks, I'll usually let it slide unless you're an arrogant ass and I just want to be a dick, which, according to the syllabus, I have the right to

>> No.10211049

Prove you're a professor. What's the dumbest shit anyone's said in all sincerity during a lecture?

>> No.10211069

>Once you join the real world you'll see just how much you need others throughout the day.
I read this as
>Once you join the real world you'll see just how incompetent everyone is at performing their jobs
Sound right?

>> No.10211071

>cucked by the education industry
doctor, the cancer has metastasized

>> No.10211081

Asking why an exam wasn't curved right after I said it their final exam grade was better than any previous exam, I would replace the previous exam grade with the one on the final exam. Dumbest actual physics question, when to know if 9.8 is positive or negative when we got to forces and using magnitude of gravitational force as mg. Plenty of other things of "I just taught this and the answer is literally on the board as the last thing I wrote" but I don't assume they're actually processing it yet so I don't count those. Can come up with others, but I try not to remember them too much. Makes it difficult to keep the friendly face

>> No.10211085

Okay, I believe you. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.10211087

It's honestly a good question to ask professors before going into academia if that's your goal, whether it is at a research university or teaching college.

>> No.10211389

If Im still paying for the class whats their problem if I dont go

>> No.10211402

Other students show more effort than you and you expect the same grade. Let me just skip the first exam because we all know it's over the way material. You know what? I'll just turn in my homework on the last day, didn't matter it was due a month ago, I still showed I could do the work.
Since grades are used to determine eligibility for jobs, achievements, honors, scholarships, etc. there needs to be some rigor that didn't depend on the actual class itself to sort those out.

>> No.10212022

Not him, but a class is meant to test ability to complete the coursework. Deadlines are important because they facilitate some level of proficiency in the work. If it takes someone several days to finish a problem that others in the same class are finished with in a few hours, chances are that person isn't properly understanding the material. Attending class is only a measure of how devoted a student is in showing up to lecture.
Many colleges allow students to challenge a course, they pay to take a lengthy exam which covers the entire semester's material. If they pass, they are given credit without needing to actually take the class. If blowing off class is an option because the material is too easy, this is a good option. The fact that the option exists also shows that attendance is not important, as the goal of a class is to educate, not preach time management.
Some lecturers are also not good at their job, I had a prof. who would spend half the lecture going over problems that were discussed in recitation and would then rush through the important material. He told us to attend a different section if we didn't like him, but we still had to complete an online problem that was open for the first 5 minutes of his lecture.

>> No.10212058

>work is the same as attending university
How can someone be so retarded? You need to show up to work because you are paid by the hour and interacting with your colleagues and boss in person makes you more efficient. Meanwhile, at a university, your only job is getting good grades, and wasting time on lectures actually makes you less efficient when you can just get the lecture pdfs and problem sheets from the course website.
I know, because I always showed up on time when I worked 40 hours a week, but skip as many classes as I can get away with at university.

Mandatory homework is 100% about making it easier for brainlets to pass. Intelligent people would do the problems anyway, while brainlets just google the problems or copy the answers from each other.

>You can't show a paper and witnesses proving you were at the job at least the minimum of time
It's almost like tests are supposed to be a way of showing that you actually have a good understanding of the material.

>> No.10212063

Being this arrogant will not take you very far in life

>> No.10212079

>Other students show more effort than you and you expect the same grade.
Holy shit lmfao. University is not kindergarten where you get a participation trophy for "showing effort".
>I'll just turn in my homework on the last day, didn't matter it was due a month ago
You know that's just a strawman.
>I still showed I could do the work.
Getting a good grade on an exam shows that you could do the work and on time. Turning your homework in late clearly doesn't show the latter.

>> No.10212258

Based on your logic, homework isn't important either because you could just take an exam to get credit instead. End of the day, OP signed up for a course, knew attendance was mandatory from the syllabus, and chose not to come to class. The existence of other options isn't justification for poor behavior. That's like saying another professor assigned a different homework set for the chapter so you did the other professors assignment instead so that should be just as valid and you should get full credit for the homework set you didn't do from your own professor. He made a choice and has to deal with consequences.

>> No.10212260

Ever hear of salary?

>> No.10212394

This looks like a deformed cow LMAO

>> No.10212435


>> No.10212459

>"mandatory" attendance
>only get a minor grade deduction for not attending

>> No.10212879

well it's either that or the "miss 2 classes without an excused absence with a doctors note and it's an instant failure in the course" type courses

>> No.10213464

Yes, homework is bullshit. Also, your analogy makes no sense.
No, the other option is taking a single exam, demonstrating proficiency, and being given credit for the course without taking it for the semester. If someone is competent and understands the material, they should be able to avoid attending class. Attendance is not a measurement of someone's ability to do the coursework, if you want to be beholden to a strict schedule, join the military.

>> No.10213479

You are right OP I can't. I hate taking attendance because I don't want you in my fucking class unless you want to be there.

However, Administration disagrees.

That said, If you so desire, you could argue with administration that any form of attendance taking that ties into your grade violates the FERPA by making public knowledge of if you attended the class that day, either by passing around a sign in sheet or doing the classic role call before class begins. But what do I know, I just work at a university because I couldn't get a real job.

>> No.10213574

Yes. The same thing applies to salary though, your efficiency matters.

>> No.10213786

>Employers shouldn't care if you are there. They should care if you did your job (study/do all tests).
Your B in the course should have taught you different.

>> No.10214205

Mandatory attendance is for large classrooms where the school or teacher cannot be responsible for knowing every students situation or capabilities.
It's the same reason we have tests like the SAT and GRE. They are nowhere near the best ways to find out if someone is intelligent or not but they make it reasonable to cross section large populations.
Universities and teachers take the easy way out (like mandatory attendance) because if they took the time to pay attention to every student, they wouldn't get anything done.

Also university students are 18-22 for the most part and still need to be taught basic life skills like showing up to something even if they don't want to.

>> No.10214207

>retarded sociopath
>justify x hehe gottem

>> No.10214366
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>> No.10214633


>> No.10214679

If you're as intelligent as you think you are, you would just attend the course rather than take the grade hit.

>> No.10214698
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I have vitamin d defiency and am therefore very lethargic and anhedonistic. Found this out the other day which explains why I'm unable to get out of bed to go to class or study.

Hopefully I'll be better soon when my vitamin D pills arrive.

What kinds of asshole-behaviour have you seen by students? Just curious not questioning you.

>> No.10214728

>What kinds of asshole-behaviour have you seen by students?
Blatant disregard for others (showing up to class late and not being quiet about it, chewing loudly during class, taking out laptops for entertainment purposes instead of education, I'd rather them not be there than be distracting to others)
Insisting they have the easier way and I'm wrong because they can just use energy to solve the problem, but energy isn't conserved or you'd have to go through a Lagrangian/Hamiltonian to get what's wanted. Don't get me wrong, I make mistakes on the board and encourage students to point them out, but there's a line where you're becoming Tooker.
Plagiarism (not counting copying homework solutions or minor offenses)
Never putting the effort in during group work (discussions/labs)
Schedule appointments outside of office hours not adjacent to class/lab and doesn't show up without warning or apology.
Blatant cheating

tl;dr unfounded arrogance, cheating, disrespect for other students

What ones have you noticed as a student or things other students or the professor does that in particularly bothersome or counter productive? And by all means, if you have a solution to the apathy problem, please let me know.

>Just curious not questioning you.
Honestly, this is 4chan, so please do question people, but thank you for the respect.

>> No.10214737

Other things I wish I could change in students is an unwillingness to ask questions, fear of being wrong, and being too timid to weigh in during small groups (usually from assuming their thoughts aren't valuable to the group) but those things change slowly building confidence one interaction at a time

>> No.10214763


>> No.10214772

What a load of shit, the localization of education is WHY society will live on. Get your illuminati bullshit out of my board.

>> No.10214802

Real answer: Foreign students pay HUGR dosh to attend American Universities and are required by law to attend a certain number of lectures or else they're kicked out of the country (to prevent "students" entering and never leaving). However, it's also illrgal for schools to discriminate against foreign students, so the only way to actually make sure the foreign students attend is to force EVERYONE to attend.

>why not just let the foreign students fail if they're too dumb/lazy?
Because then they stop paying to attend, which is bad for business. The current crop of pedagoges and administrators believe attendance guarantees success (it doesn't) out of mistaken philosophical and scientific notions of how education works (tl;dr you can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink), so they believe if they can FORCE foreign students to attend class then they can keep shuffling them along for four years. This continues the revenue stream.

>> No.10214813

I used to think like this. I thought I was superior for focusing on... cognitive intelligence? Is that what it's called? Book smarts, basically.

But then I realized there is also emotional intelligence. The five traits are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Don't you want to excel in all forms of intelligence? You don't want to be an autist do you?

Think that way and you will do well in life. You can't do everything on your own. You need to integrate into society.

>> No.10214848
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Only integrating I do

>> No.10214853

I wouldn't have given you an A, either. You're a poor student and it doesn't mean anything if you're BTFOing retards.

>> No.10214856

>and wasting time on lectures actually makes you less efficient when you can just get the lecture pdfs and problem sheets from the course website.
good god you went to a shit uni

>> No.10214915

>Finding autodidacticism more efficient means you went to a shit uni
Doesn't follow.

>> No.10214931
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>first day of statistics course
>"15% of your grade will be based on weekly quizzes, and three quarters of it will be based on test scores"
>raise hand
>"you're telling me I can do ZERO homework in this class and still get an A?"
>"well, that's not what I'm trying to say"
>"that's what I'm hearing"
Wound up skating by with an 88.

>> No.10214941


>> No.10214961

>the other option is taking a single exam, demonstrating proficiency, and being given credit for the course without taking it for the semester
That's insane, though. As much as I'd love to have purely proficiency-based grading, think of what would happen. You'd have tons and tons of people getting loads of degrees in courses they never took. Any lazy autist or shut-in bookworm could have like 15 degrees because they paid fees and showed up for the tests.
I mean, I'd love that, but I also feel like it'd devalue the degrees and cause issues. You'd only be limited by the number of courses/tests you could pay for. People would be walking around with quadruple-majors and quintuple minors just for shits and giggles, without ever having to display any interest in or dedication to the subjects.

>> No.10215666

>one cataclysmic event and every library book WILL DISAPPEAR

>> No.10216117

What are books? What are computers?
>inb4 "but anon computers won't work if there is a cataclysm and books will be destroyed by degradation!"
Unless you have a rainstorm for 12 decades, then most books and computers will still work. Just go and get a power generator to power the computer and look through the files. From there you can most likely find books that are stored as PDF. As for paper books, I think it is obvious why you could still find them unless you wait 100 years and people have burned them all for their new religion or to cook their rat meat.

I hope we have a cataclysm and you die in it. Obviously you wouldn't bring anything for anyone.

>> No.10216172

Only sensible post itt
OP is just a lazy fuck who wants everything handed to him

>> No.10216186

>(study/do all tests)
School is not a job, nor is it job prep. You fell for the "go to college" line, now follow the rules and get the point: you go to class to demonstrate and communicate understanding, or lack thereof.
Now drop out before you give some old professor an aneurysm

>> No.10216643

>t. brainlet

>> No.10216783

Yes, anon, if people were allowed to just take the tests without showing up to class then people who have "never displayed any interest in or dedication to the subjects" would be "running around with quadruple majors and quintuple minors" because of course anyone can pass all the dozens of tests required to get something like an EE or physics degree without every having studied a day in their life. Also, even if this really was what would happen, the solution is trivial: just raise the fucking bar.

>> No.10216856

It's pain you're rewarded for in school, not your competence to solve problems. Mandatory attendance is pain.

I just did. Sorry.

>> No.10216935

He is talking more about the fact that most classes are longer than need be and that cramming for a final test and forgetting everything right after would be the norm. Most universities base their courses around a single textbook for each class. So if you're good at remembering the text and you do all the problems you could finish a class in a month easily. I'm a 4.0 student and this is actually what I do because I have a lot of free time. I do all the assigned hw that can be done early, and I already know the material before the week it is going to be presented. I have to do this anyways or I end up procrastinating.