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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10205921 No.10205921 [Reply] [Original]

I just failed my final exam for Data Structures. Make fun of me and call me a brainlet

>> No.10205926

It's ok, linked lists are super hard I know

>> No.10205929

You don't even deserve our insults. You have reached the brainlet level known as "Brainletception". Here, nobody can accurately even describe how much of a brainlet you are because it has become an abstract mathematical complex.

>> No.10206259

you'll get 'em next time, apu.

>> No.10206267

>oh stem is the hot shit
>muh money
>"i want to build AI"
>fails data structures

>> No.10206289

What got you? Was it topological ordering, a graph algorithm like Dijkstra's, or did you forget some structure?

>> No.10206412

CS is not science, pajeet.

>> No.10206414

No one said otherwise, retard

>> No.10206419

>CS is not a science
yet it will make all of you fags obsolete in 50 years

>> No.10206424
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Just pointing it out, brainlet.

Machine """ learning """ is a fucking meme and won't replace anyone except people like you at McD.
>see festering pile of linear algebra
>thinks its learning
Don't make me fucking laugh lmao

>> No.10206434

>making fun of a field in its infancy
I bet you would've said in the 50s that computers are just a retarded toy, yet 60 years later your life, job and enjoyment of these things depends on them while you're making your shitty plagiarized derivation of some obscure irrelevant physical/biological/chemical phenomenon. Meanwhile I'll be making 6 figures, getting research funds left and right and will be widely respected in the scientific community

>> No.10206442
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Machine learning is not in its infancy. Gradient descent had been around since literarily forever. Its only now that they rebranded it that it became a fucking meme so retards like you can be bugmen about it online.

>> No.10206447

>he thinks machine learning consists only of gradient descent, linear optimization and regression algorithms
stay mad brainlet. what field are you from?

>> No.10206460

Computer Science is basically math++, i.e. a CS graduate is considered elite, capable of mastering in 1 year what math graduates do in 2 years. The world's elite universities will tell you right away that as their CS student you are considered the best group they have and that math students go slower than you are, and increase your load to crazy levels As a CS student, you are expected to master (continuous) calculus, discrete calculus (discrete math proofs, hypercubes for parallel algorithms), optimization (machine/deep learning, compilers), category theory (functional programming), logic (up to automated proofs, i.e. including set theory), differential equations, topology (computational geometry, distributed algorithms), probability and statistics (reinforcement learning, queueing), number theory (cryptology), graph theory (almost everywhere)... There is no functional analysis needed yet, but it's heavily used for PhD degrees anyway. You need to know all this down to the level of proving theorems if you want to achieve anything in CS. While pure math & physics progress slowed down, the advanced in CS are fast and accelerating. CS is the major of future. Math jobs are shrinking; CS jobs will grow even more than today.

>> No.10206481
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>> No.10206511

What do CS chads here think about the CS curriculum in my uni? Will it be worth investing or will a student be better off getting a math degree and self teach CS?


pls help senpai

>> No.10206613

Either you code too fucking little or you just don't know how to learn. Fix it while you can, pleb.

>> No.10206690

Data structures exams aren’t even code heavy. They have some easy to understand snippets, but the whole idea is to be able to scan and understand what’s going on really quickly. The hard part (what could be considered slightly more difficult as a freshman, anyway) imo is writing algorithms with the right structures to squeeze out the best asymptotics for a problem/ proving it works, especially if they ask you to solve new problems on the spot.

Idk about your school, but my data structures class was a very simple proof class and primer into algorithms. They taught us sorting (comparison model, radix, heap, topological), LL, stacks and queues, hashing and tables, Huffman encoding, trees (general, min/max heap, binary, red-black, AVL, recurrences with branching work trees), graphs (all traversals/orderings, baby graph theory, spanning trees, kruskal’s, dijkstra’s, and because the professor really liked the topic, he did basic flow/cuts on graphs, and more).

The data structures version of trees are basic. The algorithms version is slightly less basic. The higher algorithms version teaches you that trees of all kind are black magic if you can use their advantages to their absolute limit. You can squeeze so many hard problems log or polylog with the right structure (Four Russians linear time, linear space setup using Cartesian trees comes to mind. You can do constant time query for a lot of bullshit if you reduce your problems down to ranged minimum queries)

>> No.10206849

looks pretty bad desu

>> No.10206865


i've always said, people are probably better off taking a math major with a CS minor or a math major and then spending your electives on some of the better CS classes at your uni if they'll let you. it all depends on your college though. i can count the number of "worthwhile" college courses i've taken with two hands. half of them were math courses, one of them was physics, and the rest were cs courses taught by professors who actually knew what they were talking about and who gave a damn about teaching, and were fairly math heavy.

>> No.10206870


it's my "menu hack" for public colleges. the problem is whether your college will let you take such a combination of courses. they might, but not before indoctrinating you with useless geneds anyway.

>> No.10206874

>taught by professors who actually knew what they were talking about

most of whom are now retired or very close to retirement. god help gen z.

>> No.10206879


Do whatever interests you the most. If you don't think mathematics is as interesting as CS then don't torture yourself for 3 years

>> No.10206890

Here on my uni there are only a few very old profs who are competent and most middle age profs are useless frauds.
The younger generation of teachers and professors are quite competent, mostly. I wonder how many of them will move on for better money or burn out and turn to shit

>> No.10206891

Doesn't matter, a Bachelor in CS is worthless and will only get you code monkey jobs. CS is only good in grad school.

>> No.10206938

>Data Structures
not science or math

>> No.10207053

Can't say shit im a fucking retard lol. I was fucking donezo after arrays

>> No.10207153

More jobs for us

>> No.10207186

>that picture
Time to go back to your DC study cubicle Zhang. You have a CS 452 project due tomorrow.

>> No.10207297

>being this butthurt
at least I won't have to work at mcdonalds

>> No.10207300

I'm just trolling man, I'm in Waterloo CS too. Feels pretty good desu.

>> No.10207302

I'm from Germany tho

>> No.10209238
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>he thinks its any more than that
Why would I be mad about at meme field, friend. Literally any child can do machine """learning""" lmao. And yes, I would like fries with that.

>> No.10209289

>calls it a meme field
>thinks ml engineers work at McDonald's despite it currently being the highest paying job in all of STEM
cope harder faggot