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10150926 No.10150926 [Reply] [Original]

Is Marxism a science?

>> No.10150936

>Is Marxism a science?
No, since Marxists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.10150942


>> No.10150943

Marx built his system on a scientific basis. However, all tested evidence points against his system.

>> No.10150946


>> No.10150950

I don't believe either of those claims

>> No.10151043
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>> No.10151110

more like it appealed to scientific paradigms. not the same as a scientific basis.

>> No.10151145

Evidence is more important than "scientific basis" when analysing a theory, and evidence isnt on Marx's side. Holding Marxist views in the 21st century is laughable.

>> No.10151169

It is the most coherent political ideology but I wouldn't call it a science.

>> No.10151172

What are you talking about? All evidence supports Marx. How exactly is Marx wrong? Everything he predicted came true.

>> No.10151185

So when is the workers revolution coming, anon?
>it will happen eventually, i swear!

>> No.10151191

not the most coherent by any measure

>> No.10151201

The core of Marx's Marxism is that Capitalism is flawed, has inherent contradictions and destroys the liberal society that it needs to work within.
Now, we have seen exactly this, multiple times.
The Capitalism of Marx is extinct because it would have led to revolt. And this has happened over and over again. What we have nowadays is a very different kind of Capitalism and again we see that it is leading to disaster, this time not only a national disaster but also a global one.

>> No.10151206

Definitely is. What is more coherent? The "let it be, 'ill fix itself Liberalism"?

>> No.10151208

The alienation of the working class is steadily decreasing, which is in explicit contradiction to Marx. This is your last (you)

>> No.10151251

The "let it mostly be, but sometimes interfere" liberalism. There is some merit to some of Marx theories however history has profoundly vindicated those who wanted to reform capitalism instead of those who wanted to abolish it.

>> No.10151584

race realism and biosociology

>> No.10151588

'cept for that little thing called climate change

>> No.10151654

You're an idiot if you don't think humans will find a way to live with climate change

>> No.10151669
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>> No.10152005

no, because of this >>10150936.

but that doesn't mean he was wrong. He was actually right about big majority of things

>> No.10152012
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>> No.10152026

>Capitalism is flawed
Amazing prediction

>has inherent contradictions
Like what

>destroys the liberal society that it needs to work within
Then why are all the top performing liberal democracies primarily market economies that score highly in economic freedom?

>> No.10152142

>All evidence supports Marx.
No it doesn't. It does a decent job at explaining constant economies of scale, and does a shit job at everything else.

>> No.10152526


But whether or not this belongs on /pol/ is the subject of this thread.


Lol no

>Industrialisation will result in the final dialectical synthesis of the proletariat dictatorship!
>Communism occurs exclusively in hick barely post-feudal faux-industrial societies.

>> No.10152529


Actually I'll take that back. People are quick to call false ideas 'pseudoscience', but if an idea can be shown to be wrong, it is by all stretches of the imagination not pseudoscience as it has shown itself capable of being tested by the scientific method.

>> No.10152532

it's as much of a science as climatology is.
take that as you please

>> No.10152538
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No, it's a spook.

>> No.10152543

>the laws of physics would be different under communism so as not to allow climate change to occur
communism is based

>> No.10152940

Marx was a scientist, economist and philosopher. As ha historical figure he is also a subject of history.

>> No.10152957

The economic and political incentives would be different so that polluting would not be beneficial for any entity.
But yeah, keep pretending like Liberalism isn't the reason behind climate change. Totally objective and not all all biased thinking.

>> No.10153035

>The economic and political incentives would be different

>> No.10153058

It's tautological. Neither Liberals nor Communists would disagree that different economic and political incentives would result from the implementation of either system.

>> No.10153065

Economics is a science (supposedly), Marxism is a death cult.

>> No.10153067
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Profit as the motivation for economic activity will never NOT be the case you stupid communist.

>> No.10153069
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I'm not convinced. Demonstrate the difference in motivation?

>> No.10153099

Why is 4chan so lame?. You are anonymous on the Internet yet you have to pretend to be brainlets or trolls. Why? Why do you have to be like this? Why cannot you engage in honest intellectual discussion? You know what happens in literally every other offline and online forum when people behave like you two?
They tell them to fuck off. So fuck off! I'm too old for this shit.

>> No.10153124

>trying to have serious discourse on 4chan
It is you who needs to fuck off

>> No.10153157

>evidence isnt on Marx's side
Lrn2evidence fgt pls

>> No.10153158

>alienation of the working class is steadily decreasing
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.10153162

It's a summary, read a book nigga

>> No.10153164

>liberal democracies
...are mythical and non-existent.
Lrn2reality fgt pls

>> No.10153178

>polluting would not be beneficial for any entity.
If communists are so retarded, that they cannot realize there are benefits from having pollution, then I don't want them in charge.

>> No.10153186

but you're not explaining anything. how wouldn't there be global warming in communism?

>> No.10153189
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So this is the power of dialectical reasoning...

>> No.10153191

Are you completely ignorant? Pollution is a direct result billions of humans living with modern technology. There is a benefit.

>> No.10153194

L0l nO f4GG07 1 le 3p1k 7R0lerZ

>> No.10153216

I genuinely trying. I have given multiple specific examples of things that Marx is incorrect about. Give an argument IN FAVOR of something, else it's actually impossible to talk to you.

>> No.10153299


No. There was barely any math, and it was a science with actual predictive power then Marxist theory would literally be taught to stock traders so they could make more money.

>> No.10153501

No, because its foundation is in dialectics and not in math or science

>> No.10153514

I'm an econ major and I can tell you that most stock traders don't know conventional economic theory either

>> No.10153515

Yes and no, depends on the context. Are you talking about sociology, mathematical economics, dialectical materialism, what?

>> No.10153517

Dialectical materialism is however a form of logic, like logical positivism which does have use in science while not being a science.

>> No.10153533

Marx literally used empirical evidence to back up his claims
He actually spent so much time researching data that he let his children starve to death lol

>> No.10153670

>Marx literally used empirical evidence to back up his claims
He also literally dropped a major book mid publication because he knew his logic was retarded.
His entire carrier is, "hey wait a minute... no... let me start over." or, "Let's just put this happy little modifier here because the data doesn't line up with my theory."

>> No.10153737

but even then his conclusions from the data were flatly wrong - productivity is absolutely not negatively linked to profit

>> No.10153742

What evidence?

>> No.10153770

what the actual fuck? hahahahaha

>> No.10154930

it never fails to amaze me how alarmists think the entire world is filled with a bunch of fools, but on the other side of the same token think they are the ones who has the world all figured out.
What an astonishing level of naive thinking.

>> No.10154957

>It is the most coherent political ideology
The "everything is exploitation: you walk outside and interact with others and/or things and it's exploitation" political philosophy is not the most coherent political ideology.
The "the only thing that matters is homo-economus: are you a person living subsistence, or a person making investments?" political philosophy is not the most coherent political ideology.
You sound like a kid who discovered distributive justice for the first time in his life.