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File: 207 KB, 1500x926, DrmcvlzVYAAeC3-.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10129885 No.10129885 [Reply] [Original]

>California, the state that produces the most food, will continue to experience more and more intense wildfires thanks to climate change

lol what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.10129905


I read that the reason they have so much wildfires was because they mass planted a cheap tree that basically has gasoline in it's bark 100 or so years ago

>> No.10129927

/out/ here

The reason why we have so many fires is because Timber sale admins from the FS in the 40s planted a shit ton timber (ponderosa pine mostly) because clear cutting was the way to go back then

Then clear cutting was stopped, regulations and NEPA bullshit put in place, and now the FS timber dept have to jump through hoops to put a plot for auction (3rd party logging companies bid on plots with x amount of board-feet (timber unit), tree species etc).

Meanwhile, all the overgrown plots accumulate fuel and all it takes is I a rogue lighting bolt to light up the entire plot and burn down potential sale

There needs to be more logging. Logging has a negative connotation, but it does a net good to do the land and government

>> No.10129942

what is it, like 4 years in a row now?
I was wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Wildfires_in_California_by_year


>> No.10129943

i bet you think we oughta stop letting all those rivers go to waste by running off into the ocean as well.

>> No.10129949

i dont think forest fires are a threat to farmers fields.

>> No.10129958

>timber company plants a metric fuck ton of trees
>industry gets regulated because they were cutting corners for profit, so when they regulated corner cutting everyone got butthurt and quit
>left all of the transplanted trees they put in because nobody paid them not to
>lmao c'mon logging is a net good it's not like it's their fault
huh, interesting point anon

>> No.10129967

even if they're clear of the fire, if they're in close proximity to any of the areas there's still potential for it to cause issues for them
for example http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/01-015.htm

>> No.10129971
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It's a worldwide thing, one cause is that in a warmer atmosphere the Hadley cells expand so the desert zones expand with them. Besides CA its happening in south Europe, north Pakistan&India, Australia etc.

Food security gets hit

>> No.10130155

Not sure what your criticism is, of if you even said anything. Timber land needs to be managed properly. I'm not saying we need to clear cut again, but we definitely need to thin more plots of timber. Lots of excess growth, lots of competition for nutrients, lots of opportunity to fungal and insect attack, lots of disease spreading, lots of fire danger from ladder fires. I'm not against regulation, but at least in the FS, the NEPA really prevents proper timber management by excessive regulation

Ex) someone from wildlife hooted an owl 1 ft inside your proposed and ALREADY scouted timber sale unit, therefore the entire unit is out of commission because it's deemed protected area for wildlife. Meanwhile, all the red fir are have root rot and are dying left and right causing perfect fuel pile ups

>> No.10130172

Again, I don't understand your criticism.

Privately owned timber land is another story. They are generally more efficient at harvesting and replanting than the FS. And they follow the law, otherwise they wouldn't be in business.

The FS and BLM have more hoops to go through because we are government entity and subject to public scrutiny. During our "public comment" time periods before we begin the process of setting up a sale, some dude can stagnate the entire operation because of his personal attachment to some sugar pine in which his mother's name was carved during the 60s. That same sugar pine however is covered in blister rust, has a dead top, and it's in the perfect spot to cause a massive fire or Forest road blockage. Fire comes and an the entire plot of timber is decimated and erosion becomes a thing. All of the could have been prevented by just going in quickly, doing a survey, marking harvest and dead trees for removal, and putting up a quick sale.

There needs to be a fix to the mechanism which allows for proper land management.

I have a degree in forestry and work as a forester in the region. Would love to answer more questions and educate anyone interested in the agency NEEDS that would prevent a lot of fires and general timber land management

>> No.10130849

Probably intentionally started forest fires either to clear land or lumber or something similar. My country has them all the time because cutting healthy trees is legally difficult, but damaged ones is not.

>> No.10130853
File: 27 KB, 403x252, lots_wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks to climate change

Clearly, it's God smiting the degenerates.

>> No.10130854

Third worlder here.
This is good because it will raise american demand for our food production. California, please burn more.

>> No.10130856

>hurr durr we must autarchy
you can always import food from abroad retard

>> No.10130944

Comfy /out/ poster.

>> No.10130962

sure bub

>> No.10131573

The program of controlled forest fires was dismissed 40 years ago......dumb fucks deserve this.

>> No.10131765

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10131959

this and /thread

>> No.10131996

California with all the wacked out liberal cucked parasites got exactly what happens when you let people move into areas and then neglect to trim the fuel. Burn baby burn.

>> No.10132001

>There needs to be more logging.
Ya for sure. Removing all remaining carbon and nutrients from the land will definitely stop it from burning. Fucking genius.

>> No.10132008

Grass is incredibly green after a fire.

>> No.10132009

>trim the fuel

pick one

>> No.10132011

Liberal blood is the secret fertilizer. It's full of shit.

>> No.10132012

Fuckin yanks make desolate wastelands everywhere they go, so they must feel right at home in desolate wastelands. They should be happy about this.

>> No.10132017

Picture is about 10 years old btw.

>> No.10132196

Massive forest fires are the result of the accumulation of chaparral.
Controlled burns are the way to prevent this, but California libtards are too concerned with muh endangered species to take any action, so instead they let uncontrolled conflagrations happen every few years.

>> No.10132262

>thanks to climate change
that's a lie

>> No.10132266

>conservative, Trump-voting places like Paradise and Redding get ravaged by wildfires
every time

>> No.10132288

>one rogue lightning bolt
Disregard the fact that all the major wild fires in recent years have been started by people, on purpose.

>> No.10132291

Most of the world's food in grown in 3 countries, fuck-nugget.

>> No.10132297

>global warming
this is just an excuse for liberals to escape blame for their shitty policy.

ok so say it is global warming, what can we actually do about it in the mean time?

degenerate meth head town

>> No.10132304

In California? Few of the largest wildfires have been human caused, and the ones that were human caused were accidental

>> No.10132449
File: 12 KB, 288x320, tex ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catching on fire during winter

Im literally lmaoing @ your life commiefornia, thats wha you get for being liberal faggots, regards texas

>> No.10132453
File: 58 KB, 960x666, DrpydmjVsAUg_cT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the liberal disease is coming for you next!

>> No.10132457

we quarantine your kind in austin

>> No.10132461

>climate change
and of course it has nothing to do with them draining all the water out of the ecosystem and turning everything into a fucking desert.

>> No.10132466

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10132468

>your kind
I'm warning you. there done with us,we're forever fucked past the point of no return, but they're moving on to you now, what did you think the whole massive beta campaign was?

>> No.10132489

thats a lie

>> No.10132552

>this is just an excuse for liberals to escape blame for their shitty policy.

Wait let me check something real quick:
Just like I thought, we arent living in an alternate timeline where the democrats have held power for 100 years continuously.

Presumably you had to pass a basic literacy and critical thinking test to graduate high school. How did you do it?

>> No.10132608

>united states
>past 100 years

we're talking about california, sweaty, try and keep up. and don't be so hard on yourself, you lot need way less than 100 years to fuck shit up.

>> No.10132611

Why the Islamophobia?

>> No.10132629

You know Ronald Reagan was the governor of California, right?

>> No.10132651

Why the xenophobia?

>> No.10132652

CA isn't alone with drought, that whole latitude is experiencing the same

>> No.10132668

yeah like 30 years ago and he ruined it, but that's neither here nor there. what on earth is your point?

>> No.10132673


>> No.10132675

>thanks to climate change

False. It's thanks to poor land management. Fires get put out too often, which leads to overgrowth and eventual super fires.

Also, denuding the land of trees near the coast has made it difficult for moisture from the ocean air to make it inland before it gets burnt up under the sun.

>> No.10132678

This is a progressive marxist board. Don't expect them to listen to your facts.

>> No.10132686

its not, that’s what the conservatard shills are saying; its because they’re experiencing a drought and heightened temperatures.
Please kill yourself

>> No.10132689

there has been a massive drought the last few summers in california. the drainage of water is in the southwestern US not in NorCal which gets plenty of rain and has river systems and lakes

>> No.10132705

>communist government policies is climate change now
Imagine being this much of a willfully ignorant brainlet

>> No.10132707


>> No.10132749

Dumb lefty more concerned about casting blame than solving the problem. Typical.

>> No.10132752

can't solve what you don't even admit is a problem
analogy: alcoholism

>> No.10132784

>the problem is loggers were greedy 50 years ago
The problem is we have a bunch of trees too densely packed, retard. There aren't even any loggers left ffs.

>> No.10132786

how saturated is cali in cell towers? they fry things up real good.

>> No.10132850

>come to science board to discuss and learn about obscure topics in mathematics/science
>1/5 threads are about global warming.
Who cares about it. You won't convince anyone on either side and you do nothing but fill this board with the same tiresome politics related science. Its just as tiresome as iq or raceposting. People know and people don't care.

>> No.10132869

they are a plague, a social media plague plugged in to their apps and groups, droids without a single original thought. I hope they burn to death in these fires.

>> No.10132880

Cutting trees is murder.

>> No.10132916

because 1/5 posters here are I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE STARS AND STUFF™

>> No.10132924

keep being a shillfaggot
>who cares about the 6th major extinction event and western north america becoming a cloud of ash 6 months a year every year from now on until we all die off

>> No.10132935

ever heard of the dustbowl? the climate has always changed kys retard

>> No.10132937

>ever heard of the prelude to what GHG’s are going to do to every single bread basket on Earth
>da cwimate aways change
lol you guys all deserve to be gassed man

>> No.10132944

How many years does it take till wildlife population and plants recover?

>> No.10132958

>agricultural production the highest it's ever been and growing
you should be publicly hanged

>> No.10132963

>misconstrues what i said clearly so everyone knows he is dishonest, a venal ophidic nigger and also witless
>durr hurr more people and more technology so more land converted to crops that must mean no dustbowls
you should know that your race is going to be literally food for hordes of niggers because of what people like you enable

>> No.10132967

>angry negroid detected
your children and grandchildren will starve to death. that's the natural order of things, get over it

>> No.10132969

> you lot need way less than 100 years to fuck shit up
With respect to global warming, demonstrably no. With respect to global warming more than just california matters. Again I question how you managed to graduate high school.

>> No.10132972

>bunch of trees too densely packed
[citation needed]

All the news I've seen show just grass areas burning, not massive forests.
This is all about the drought

>> No.10132976

brainlet lol

every single piece of arable land in the most inhabited lattitudes is going to become unviable for crop production and the northern lattitudes will succumb to overuse and rising sea levels all the same while summers last longer and freak weather devastates harvests with random cold snaps and hurricanes. Enjoy hell

>> No.10132990

you dont know what you are talking about, climate change is many things but is not a threat to arable land, food production will actually somewhat increase in northern lattitudes, only southern lattitudes will be devastated

>> No.10132991
File: 236 KB, 466x469, 1520690744890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded commies abandon brush control policies because muh enviromeme
>entire state now catches fire daily
>how could climate change have done this.

>> No.10132992


this guy seems to know what he is talking about

>> No.10132995

California still gets most of its electricity from fossil fuels, despite nuclear being available for decades. You reap what you sow.

>> No.10132997

>you don’t know nuffin
Climate change is expected to cause desertification all across the planet, extreme droughts and destruction of soil systems along with the already outrageous topsoil depletion that mechanized farming and population growth is perpetuating
>da norf gon be safe from tithonic aids
not for long when everyone migrates, when the land is overtaxed by gmo monocultures, when sea level rise begins swallowing the northern countries and the new extended summer bakes the life giving soil into dust

>> No.10133010

I don't really understand the mentality that the governments of a place are necessarily equivalent to the moral worth of the people who live in that place. Most people don't know, care about, or even have the time to actually be educated about what the proper energy sources to support are, and it seems like a fruitless effort to think people are morally bad for something they don't have a choice in.

It's as that cunt, kant said. "Ought implies can", if a person ought to do something, then it should be that they had the option in the first place. And a person born in poverty who has been taught in certain ways, or funneled through a certain system, without the actual option to do anything else (regardless of the deterministic truth behind things anyway) certainly can't be held morally responsible and definitely doesn't deserve to die.

>> No.10133029

>when the land is overtaxed by gmo monocultures

GMO fearmongering only further confirms that you are a certified pseud

>> No.10133222

>Most people don't know, care about,
done. they deserve to pay for their stupidity

>> No.10133227

>freak weather devastates harvests with random cold snaps and hurricanes.
that's called weather you mongoloid lmao

>> No.10133281

Oh, seems like everyone forgot that climate change is a phenomenon which was caused only by california, and which's effects are limited to california as well! Thanks for reminding us that that is the case

>> No.10133301

>climate change

>> No.10133341

>mad underweight kid is triggered to the point he can't even pull some bullshit argument out of his ass, and instead writes ad hominems and "kys"

>> No.10133356

It's a net good for humanity not a net good for the Earth, you dope. That's the problem. Humans are fuck heads. I know you're all a bunch of anti-social shit heads. But we need to stop spreading out in suburbs. It's literally encroaching on nature. It's killing the planet shit heads. Not logging specifically, nor suburbs specifically. But the selfish need to have all of it. The Earth was not meant for this many people. Quit fucking arguing left/right bullshit so we can get off this fucking rock.

>> No.10133442
File: 140 KB, 900x900, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only guy who knows what hes talking about
>ignore him and /pol/&/leftypol/ wank
I fucking love science

>> No.10133705

what is it with you people and your lack of comprehension skills?I was talking about policy. i was not talking about climate change,which is such a convenient problem, by the way, isn’t it?I find it amusing that question was never addressed: if it was simply a consequence climate change, what do you propose we do about it?

>> No.10134154

>the climate has always changed
bullshit pseudoscience.
moron of the month award.

>> No.10134161

>Lets ring every last microjoule of energy from the system for human population growth and then blame liberals and niggers when natural fluctuations lead to hardship
>for muh ecomomy
>for muh grof muh jerbs

you people are literally cancer

>> No.10134958

of a place lol fuck

>> No.10134962

>climate change
Is that the new Californian word for batshit insane arsonist?

>> No.10135115

People have blamed terrorism on climate change, so probably.

>> No.10135130

I mean, broadly speaking those could be considered "climate change."

>> No.10135135

>people like this actually browse here

>> No.10135138

brainlet shill

>> No.10135149

Okay PG&E , yeah it’s JUST climate change

>> No.10135150
File: 78 KB, 1024x1001, urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-140804-99-06826-large-4-3-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is just the literal tip of the iceberg. This summer we had forest fires in Scandinavia. If it happens here it can happen everywhere. If you live near a forest prepare for wildfires.

>> No.10135518

>Presumably you had to pass a basic literacy and critical thinking test to graduate high school. How did you do it?

literally no such thing

>> No.10135547
File: 33 KB, 702x395, Roll Safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't have forest fires if you cut down all the trees

>> No.10135566
File: 57 KB, 612x395, Rise of the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice theory, but it's wrong. It's promulgated by conservatives that want to evade the fact that the American South West is simply drying out.

>> No.10135606

>Seasons are climate change now
Is this the power of communist intellectualism?

>> No.10135621

>be commie posted faggot governor Jerry Brown
>create laws banning prescribed burning
>tell populace that green lawns are racist
>create an artificial scarcity of water
>force water treatment companies to waste thousands of gallons of water each month because of commie antiwatering laws
>act surprised when lightning ignites overgrown vegetation and consumes entire towns in flames
>blame (((climate change))) white people and conservatism
>repeat until commiefornia becomes a third world hellscape with nothing but Shitskin inhabitants

>> No.10135670

they would not understand even if their own house burns down

>> No.10135695

>wood can burn
Holy shit my almonds.

>> No.10135736

dry vs wet
>mind blown

>> No.10135869

I had to take an exit exam to graduate high school. You didn't?

>> No.10136713

>california produces the most food
The midwest literally produces nothing but starches and fats, I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.10136718

Or maybe we should stop planting an excessive amount of trees?

>> No.10136720

>implying firefighters are stupid
they do controlled burns to prevent this exact thing

>> No.10136801


You get done perspirating?

>> No.10137076

based youtube link. that guy knows his stuff. i've read his book and i'm scared af.

>> No.10137140

>California, the state that has a bunch of rich as fuck celebrities
>None of them think to put a fire retarding tent around their homes.

>> No.10137162

they're not retarded like the inflammable you

>> No.10137166

I dunno but hopefully all the cuckfornians die.

>> No.10137174

/out/ poster here again. Let me tell you how the FS puts up a sale.

1. An area is scouted, usually using aerial maps on GIS. A good place to start is by looking at the plantations from 30 yrs ago and areas with excessive biodensity. Plantations are plots of land that were previously logged, and replanted.

2. A proposed map is drawn, and submitted for approval to Wildlife, Archeology, Hydrology, and Silviculture departments (although Silviculture dudes are usually in the same office) as well as Forest Chief and District Ranger

3. The individual departments make adjustments to proposed maps, if for example, areas needing management are within protected wildlife or archeological areas. Logging near creeks and streams can be accomplished as long as buffer zones are established to prevent excessive dust and soil from operations to enter watershed (this darkens water, increases light absorption and raises temperature messing with fish and other life). Skyline/cable logging are feasible alternatives, IF the end bidder has these capabilities (i.e the equipment).

>> No.10137183

It happened in British Columbia and Washington and parts of Brazil as well, its happening more intensely than at any point in the last 100 years and is directly correlated with record temperatures and record low rainfall. You're completely fucking insane if you think that this is just a coincidence.
California is on the West coast and they produce more food than any other states besides the Plains states. All of the Western US and North America is expected to see increased droughts and wildfires this century. I just lived through almost two months of the worst wildfires in recent memory, its not just in California.

>> No.10137186


those boys were tricking you into doing that and now your "exam" is on youtube

>> No.10137192

4. Based in the new map (usually lose some area) a crew is sent out to survey the plots of land. This requires the crew to walk the entire unit and note: dominant and co dominant tree species, creeks, changes in slope, whether existing roads are still present from past logging, a place to potentially set up a landing for machinery, whether sources of water not visible through aerial (springs, water holes, bogs) are present, lack of trees, disease, excess vegetation growth

5. Plots are either dropped or adjusted based on initial scouting. Proposed total area shrinks usually. Map is adjusted. Crews go out to to "quick plots" which are estimates of total potential merchantable timber ( usually only trees between 13-26" DBH (diameter breast at height) are harvested, or as per prescribed by the silviculturist).

6. A large marking crew is sent out to mark all merchantable trees within stipulations. Legacy trees are kept, wildlife habitat trees are kept, usually within a cluster, the healthiest dominant tree is kept. Disease trees are culled. Snags are kept, unless near a road or trail, otherwise it's marked for removal

>> No.10137206

>repeat until commiefornia becomes a third world hellscape with nothing but Shitskin inhabitants
and it’s beautiful

>> No.10137219

7. Based on tally of marked tree species and diameters, an estimate in board feet (unit for /loggingtimber) is put together by sale admin. Final proposal is once again sent to departments, district ranger, and Forest Chief. They can make adjustments if need be. Public comment period opens for public. NEPA specialist reviews proposal to make sure everything is within code and no regulations are being stepped on. If approved, timber plots are put up for auction in which a a 3rd party logging company bids for the right to log everything that was marked for harvest. Bidder is subject to following all regulations established in contract. A breach of contract results in termination of contractor. A bidder bids based on how much board feet are present, tree species, their own capabilities (equipment).

Steps 1-7, on average, take a total of 5 years. Could this be expedited? Certainly. How? Several ways

No one I'm the FS is there because they want to curtail regulation and just cut everything down. People in the agency love their job and love the outdoors. Same for loggers. These guys have usually been doing this kind of work for generations, most companies are family owned and they're not evil boogymen that want to cut down everything for a profit. It's in fact, not incredibly profitable.

Proper land management prevents forest fires

>> No.10137237

Prescribed burns are handled by the Fuels department. Firefighters are just used a muscle to go out and do the actual burning when the Fuels guys are stretched thin, because firefightera are usually, you know, out fighting fires.

Fuels is another story. If you think I'm complaining about my work in the timber dept, the Fuels guys have it worse. Lack of funds, lack of manpower, stifling regulations.

You need to replant what you harvest. Overplanting is not the cause of overgrowth. Overgrowth is caused by fire suppression and neglect in land management.

I'll be here to answer any questions. Keep politics out and let's focus on the science. Particularly since the anonymity of this website lends itself to a perpetual shit-slinging fest that none of you would engage in a real life discussion.

It really takes a damaged individual to wish harm to the land and people, regardless of their race or political orientation, as seen by
Regardless of what your individual backstories are, I hope for you the best and that one day you will be able to leave this website. Places like this make people grow unnecessarily angry and delusional.

>> No.10137250


>> No.10137253

Look up any USDA publication regarding food production. I was surprised to learn CA is #1 dairy producer in the US. I thought it was Wisconsin (#2)

Iowa is #1 in pork, onions, corn and eggs.

No, it's a net good for the land. Never going to improve on nature, but we certainly can do our part. We are also never going to stop being greedy. Land management is more feasible than asking people to stop being greedy.

It's not unique to CA. OR, MT, ID have seen devastating fires recently for the same reasons I've outlined. Have a number of colleagues in MT and they timber operations there are less stifled

Good eye

Depends on how hot the fire burned, the species endemic to the area and how much erosion becomes a problem. Lodgepole pine for example, thrives after fires pass through, and usually vastly outcompetes all other species. If you have a forest full of lodgepole, all it takes is disease or insect pesta to create massive problems, etc

>> No.10137256
File: 303 KB, 1040x1024, 1040px-Central_Valley_STS040-609-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central Valley is ridiculously productive. Would be interesting know how they're quantifying the amount of food though.

>> No.10137273

>makes the most food
And that is a bad thing for variety of reasons with massive negative effects on Nature. Any reduction to industrial agriculture is welcome.

>> No.10137905

California flora is based on a firery ecosystem, has nothing to do with global warming. Read up on the formation of redwood trees.

>> No.10137947

Jack pines require forest fires to regenerate. Forest fires are 100% natural. You are trying to butt fuck mother nature. And mom is pissed.

>> No.10139603

>what's the worst that can happen?
with more then 50 people dead it's the worst fire in many decades

>> No.10140172

What's all this hate on California when it's the state that's literally carrying America on its back?
All the rednecks do nothing for America but consume subsidiaries. California even grows the most food. Rednecks can't even do farming right even though they're rural hicks.

>> No.10140180

The Camp Fire has only 48 confirmed dead but I agree in reality it is probably more than that. It's the most destructive in terms of structures lost and the deadliest wildfire in California history.

>> No.10140574

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City people all voted for Hillary

>> No.10142098

climate change means all of rural America may become as dry as California and could burn down

>> No.10142834

They're arrogant gits who despite all evidence to the contrary, delude themselves into thinking that its the poor rural areas holding up the country and have their wealth sucked out by cities. The rural population is the worst case of an ungrateful bastard in existence, their lives are subsidized by the cities they hate, they enjoy disproportionate voting representation and then claim unfairness benefits the victims of it rather than the benfactors.

>> No.10143111

But those who produce the food and livestock in California are rural themselves. And nearly half of the state is rural. Unless you meant specifically poor rural areas, but then you could argue they are less wealthy than metropolitan areas in the same state. I don't think anyone hates California's rural communities, what they really mean is that they hate those living in the cities. Regarding voting, why is mitigating total mob rule a bad thing?

>> No.10143173

I'm a native California living in the Sierras. There is some logging going on, but it's all beetle kill pine. On my drives I see on average one or two log trucks going down the hill back into the Fresno area. But then I look at the forest and I still see a fuck ton of beetle kill pine standing. From what I understand it's a bitch and a half to get that timber cut that and PG&Es fuckery in the area as well.

We've gotten really lucky with the fire we had this year. Thankfully CalFire was able to get a handle on it and it burned mostly rugged inaccessible terrain. Save for the two firefighters that died, the fire was by and large good for our area. (closing Yosemite notwithstanding.) It ended up clearing a lot of dead vegetation and old growth as well as beetle kill pine. Which, in my opinion, is a good thing.

What people don't understand is that it takes a balance between fighting fire and letting it burn. The forest needs fire to regulate it's self. Fire removes the dead brush, the dead trees, and the old growth that otherwise would continue building. All while providing an opportunity for the local bull pine and Sequoias to drop their seeds and reproduce. But we can't let it go out of control.

In decades past a fire would burn through an area every decade or so. The pine would largely be left unscathed, but the volatile fuel brush would be removed. The ground would be fertilized by the ash, and new life would spring up. California's stupid decision to limit our abilities to manage our forest coupled with the practices of fire fighting of a hundred years ago has really caused a major fuels issue in our forest that we can't remove because of California policy. Then in the case of the Ferguson fire, we have a catalytic converter set grass on fire and bam, major wild fire starts. Then there's PG&Es shitty infrastructure causing fires too.

Something really needs to be done.

>> No.10143189

Central California resident here. Sure, there's a lot of corn, but there's also a FUCK TON of almonds, pistachios, grapes, rice, etc... We actually produce more peaches than Georgia.

I respect our Ag a great deal, but the crops we grow here don't exactly help our water problems. It takes a lot of water to grow a peach, plum, pound of rice, or an avocado.

>> No.10143338

>But those who produce the food and livestock in California are rural themselves.
Who are guaranteed a market by subsidies paid for by the cities, use tools made in the cities and grow their food from genetically modified seeds made from the cities and then hate the cities.
>And nearly half of the state is rural.
Incorrect, 95% of the state is urban population. (https://www.icip.iastate.edu/tables/population/urban-pct-states))
>I don't think anyone hates California's rural communities, what they really mean is that they hate those living in the cities.
The cities are the economic heart of every country and generate 85% of US GDP. (https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Urbanization/US%20cities%20in%20the%20global%20economy/MGI_Urban_America_Full_Report.ashx)) The Right claims to respect success but if someone they don't like enjoys success such as Jews or urbanites, they accuse them of cheating.
>Regarding voting, why is mitigating total mob rule a bad thing?
The principle of democracy is one person, one vote, not one acre, one vote. The rural population hates cities because they think cities run politics while enjoying the fact that their votes are worth more than someone living in the city. You only think it's "fair" because you're the one whose vote is worth more.

>> No.10143354

I bet Morocco once had lush forests filled with huge trees at one point too. It's natural. Humans "manage" the shit out of everything.

>> No.10143637

Fair points regarding GDP, the figure I was using probably referred to geographical distribution and not population. Though I understand why you'd assume so, I don't live in a rural area nor has my family for several generations. From the context I wrongly assumed you were implying that the food production of California was urban and that rural areas wrongly believe they produce all the food. Now re reading your post I realize you were specifically referring to wealth (GDP). For voting, do you mean to say that you prefer Athenian democracy to representative democracy, or that they should be combined? Should states with smaller populations necessarily be beholden to those with larger? I'm not being rhetorical, I'm genuinely asking for clarification.

>> No.10143779 [DELETED] 

A mix of both Representative and Direct democracy with which being which decided based on a case by case basis, when representative democracy is used, the elected official should ideally have a team of experts at their call who will know the subject matter better than them but as the elected representative, they get the final call. Direct democracy is applied when things that the general population will individually care about (for example, the city I live in recently had a Direct Democratic vote on whether to host the olympics) and doesn't require a lot of education to understand.

In the question of whether states with smaller populations should be beholden to those with larger population in matters that affect the entire country, I would genuinely say yes. Even then, smaller population states aren't completely beholden to larger population ones as there are three levels of government (municipal, federal and state governments). While which issues should be decided by which level is too complex for a single post, smaller population states do have plenty of authority in the state and municipal level.

>> No.10143799

A mix of both Representative and Direct democracy with which being which decided based on a case by case basis, when representative democracy is used, the elected official should ideally have a team of experts at their call who will know the subject matter better than them but as the elected representative, they get the final call. Direct democracy is applied when things that the general population will individually care about (for example, the city I live in recently had a Direct Democratic vote on whether to host the olympics) and doesn't require a lot of education to understand.

In the question of whether states with smaller populations should be beholden to those with larger population in matters that affect the entire country, I would genuinely say yes. Even then, smaller population states aren't completely beholden to larger population ones as there are three levels of government (municipal, federal and state governments). While which issues should be decided by which level is too complex for a single post, smaller population states do have plenty of authority in the state and municipal level.

I'm not fine with the current system where location causes someones votes to be worth more or less. This goes against the principle of democracy that each individual gets one vote (and this often disenfranchises the wealthier and more successful who live where the wealth and opportunity are) and makes it possible for politicians to get elected with less votes, possibly because they rearranged the districts.

>> No.10143811

>Particularly since the anonymity of this website lends itself to a perpetual shit-slinging fest that none of you would engage in a real life discussion.
>the virgin NeoCon versus the Chad forester

>> No.10143840

Thanks for indulging me, I apologize for the more knee-jerk initial reply, I didn't take the time to read the post carefully and made assumptions.

>> No.10143856

Old world forest management called for all fires to be extinguished immediately. Problem is old world forests were relatively flat and peasants cleared the junk from the floor.

California forests are on hills and no one clears the junk. So dead dry junk builds up and becomes kindling.