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10108311 No.10108311 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the most efficient way of making aliens aware of our presence?

>> No.10108312

Send them alien porn.

>> No.10108359

Carve a giant dick into the dark side of the moon.
If you could build a partial dyson sphere/swarm you could cause some very peculiar occultations that would make the sun stand out from other stars.
Sort of like the kerfuffle with Tabby's Star not so long ago.
Any signal you try to send from earth would need to be super powerful and omni directional to not just turn into white noise over stellar distances.

>> No.10108382

Do you realize that only 100 years ago we didn't know other galaxies existed? If an alien civilization gets into that phase, where it can start to do more accurate observations of the universe, identifying absoluetely every single planet in its home galaxy that has biomarkers in its atmosphere is just a few centuries down the road.

>> No.10108406

Nuking the planet to death.

>> No.10108416

Nuclear war with trump

>> No.10108513

>Whats the most efficient way to make aliens aware of our presence

•Blow up as many stars as possible

•Send taliban with suicide vests in every direction

•Compacting a Trojan horse with c4 and launching it into space

•Catapult a colony of mosquitoes
You can’t mistake evil as just nature so they’ll know of our existence.

>> No.10108557

Maybe a few large simple structures to occlude the light in a certain pattern that could indicate life is here close to the Sun so it can send out the message often. Also it would need to change so they dont think its simple asteroids in the same pattern over and over. but not something as resource expensive a a Dyson Sphere as anon said here >>10108359

>> No.10108564
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We don't want that.

>> No.10108604

"relativistic rockets" are not possible

>> No.10108610

Ideally you'd be using your dyson swarm for something practical besides just contacting ayy lmaos, that would just be icing on the cake.
The benefit from something (partially) encircling the sun vs a bunch of shades in orbit is that now a distant observer will not need to be on the same plane to see your sun-powered light house beacon.

>> No.10108801

I don't notice any aliens so that means the aliens are hiding baka

>> No.10108824

Depends, what kind of aliens? The simplest microbes can't be aware of our presence and the most technologically advanced species likely knew of our existence long before we existed.

>> No.10108857

>"Their game plan is, in its simplest terms, the relativistic inverse to the golden rule: "Do unto the other fellow as he would do unto you and do it first."
The Jew worries/assumes that aliens have the morals of Jews.

>> No.10108860

As if Mr. know it all, the hypothesis that there is some hyper intelligent god-like species in the universe simply because the universe is large is nonsense.

>> No.10108872

>it's nonsense because I say so
Very scientific of you.

>> No.10108884

>There is an intergalactic species that knows of our existence
>There is not an intergalactic species that knows of our existence
Lets apply occams razor here, which seems more realistic?

>> No.10108899
File: 65 KB, 634x420, first colour broadcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first thing Aliens will see. http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/tv1939.htm

>> No.10108913

aliens already know we're here and I doubt they really care to any serious extent. it's like how western countries treated tribals during the 20th century. until we leave the solar system, there's no real point to contact. everything we have is already theirs.

>> No.10108918


turn arecibo radiotelescopy to active emission, switching from current passive search only.

>> No.10108946

How exactly would an intergalactic species exist if travel at the speed of light or even close to it is impossible?

>> No.10108958

Shooting artificial radio waves in random directions. Kinda like what we're doing

>> No.10109047

Signals are far too weak to be detectable at interstellar distances.

>> No.10109083

Intergalactic or Interstellar?
It's an important distinction.

>> No.10109095

Why would you?

>> No.10109939

The most obvious jewish psyop I've ever seen

>> No.10109940

Give them the D.

>> No.10109942

Except a habitable planet. Now you may say "well they can just build habitats as many as they want". But a habitat is commonplace and uninteresting. A habitable planet is one of the few remaining things that cannot be manufactured in bulk and it therefore has value for its sheer rarity and authenticity. They would invade here just for the tourism potential.

>> No.10110250
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We should not make aliens aware of our presence! Any signal would probably detected by a more advanced civilisation. Ask some Africans or native Americans how it feels to be colonized.

>> No.10110273

>Can bridge the gap between stars
>Interested in colonization of an already exploited planet
Cultural suicide is the bigger concern more than colonization, but I think even that goes contrary to the base drives of the human spirit, but that's a nonscientific belief I have.

>> No.10110714
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Most people think in a really selfish way regarding first contact and other alien civilization intents.
>they might colonize us!
We are not in Earth, interstellar space is INFINITELY more vast, with thousands of unhabited celestial bodies ready to be colonized or mined. Imagine, if humanity were capable of interstellar travel and colonization, and we stumble upon some developing minor civilization, knowing how rare how intelligent life is, would we brainlessly destroy it like a homo-erectus? Or would we research it, observe it from afar like they were a little ant colony?.
>They might be interested in some of our resources
The only rare thing Earth has is intelligent life, any other element can be found in hundred of thousands of different rocky planets, asteroids and gas giants. there's not need for them to destroy Earth for resources.
>they might destroy us because we pose a threat to them
nigga we wouldn't even pose a threat to an intelligent civilization living in Mars, we can barely send some 2 tons probes to explore our solar system, each trip taking decades. We are centuries from posing a threat to interstellar civs, besides, if technological progress is logarithmic, if they were to find us now, by the time we are able to reach other stars they would be gods to us, harnessing energy from black holes or most likely they'll be a type 2 civ.

>> No.10110897

Planets with highly evolved ecosystems are the ultimate collectible item. It's only your 21st century biases that make you think in terms of access to minerals and other resources.

>> No.10110902

They might determine that we are out of balance with our ecosystem and in need of culling. Same way you shoot roos when they overpopulate.

>> No.10110931

The best way is to disrupt time space or the light emitted from out sun in some way, something unmistakable

>> No.10110935

We w>>10110250
any civilization capable of interstellar flight would be aware of our existance through telescopes.Even our civilization will be able within next 100 years to analyze alien atmospheres and eventually image continents showing vegetation, night lights etc.
Dark Forest theory is for people who don’t know about hypertelescopes or gravitional lensing

>> No.10111264
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Done, then what?

>> No.10111280

watching less tv and listening to less radio. The more you involve the mind the more it looks to involve the body and that means that it involves more of the cortex and eventually capitualtes to include that all matter may not be enough yet. TV and radio circulate frequencies between a very tight cage system. It doesnt regard space time just a linear notion, and so it cannot properly adjust to vary our states of being into modular states over the course of a lapse in memory if it cannot even function to regulate gestures and even facets of personality or simple organ function. Its a mental state versus mentally stated kind of thing amd most people only care about themselves anyway so its not like these things come up out of weird talks with weird people and tgose weird people usually only respond after youve given them sonething. Fish helps reduce regulation and chicken makes it softer and more tender to let you bring up more water as it realizes new advents of the cleanliness we regard our health to.

>> No.10111288

So are they naked because aliens would never have seen naked people before, or because the scientists probably had never seen naked people before?

>> No.10111431

They're naked to show the anatomy of humans.

>> No.10111435

We're never going to find aliens, and they're never going to find us. Intelligent life is probably pretty rare. We've yet to find life anywhere else, yet we're supposed to find life intelligent enough to transmit any sort of message between stars? And their civilization needs to exist synchronously with ours? Please, Civilization has only been around for 10,000 years, advanced civilization only 100, and many sociologists believe civilization will only last for 100,000 more years at most.

The universe is too big, and everything is too far away. The best we'll ever hope for is one of our signals reaches an alien in time for them to interpret it, or some miracle signal hits us from the distant past and we can somehow interpret it.

>> No.10111443

Who cares they want to larp about knowing the fate of humanity while actively avoiding calling out the greatest threats to civilization today because it’s racist or whatever

>> No.10111449

They already know of our presence. If they're smart enough to have mind bending technology it would be easy for them.

>> No.10111452

What is the greatest threat to civilization? Overpopulation? That's a problem that fixes itself. Terrorism? The biggest terrorist attack in history killed 3,000 people, not even a drop in the water. War? Someone will win, and that civilization will thrive. Global Warming? Same as overpopulation, it's a problem that fixes itself, people will die, but society will continue.

That all being said, it's very silly to think that humanity has it all figured out and we'll live on forever. Very unlikely, something will end us within the next 100,000 years, or at least set our society back a few pegs.

>> No.10112652

That's silly, though. It assumes all sorts of things about how aliums would process an image, what their representative arts would look like, that they'd know the images are supposed to be us and not the gods or something, that they'd know the images were us and not the line of circles at the bottom, etc.

"Scientists" are just pervs.

>> No.10113034

>needing a reason to draw dicks on things