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10070478 No.10070478 [Reply] [Original]

Is Juan Maldacena the greatest living physicist?

>> No.10071233

Murray Gell-Mann and Stephen Weinberg are still alive.

They’re better _physicists_ because they found real physical theories that explained observations in a beautiful way and were borne out by experiment.

Juan OTOH is very well-cited because he found a very intriguing mathematical thing inside some complicated mathematical frameworks that might one day be relevant to the real world. So a lot more math that has no bearing on experiments could be claimed to potentially be relevant some day.

More or less he found a great example of speculative math that a bunch of people who only do math use to claim that maybe it’s relevant to physics.

>> No.10071239
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>> No.10071242


>> No.10071245

enotype yes. witten is another guy who just works on math that still hasn’t become relevant to real experiments

>> No.10071359 [DELETED] 
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I used my awareness of Juan's result to formulate my own mechanism of AdS/CFT but my mechanism is much better. I am glad Juan found it first, I would not even have known to look for it had he not found it already, and the main reason my mechanism is valuable is because Juan already spelled out all the gritty details in his seminal paper. However, he did not explain the place of AdS/CFT in the grand scheme of physics, ie: what exactly do you use it for, and the totality of the MCM far exceeds the AdS/CFT, and it is a much greater contribution to physics that what any other living physicist has contributed.
>Geometric Cosmology

>> No.10071431

I'd say David Thouless