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10025931 No.10025931 [Reply] [Original]

>1 in 4 people in the west is obese
How did this happen? What is the solution?

>> No.10025954

>How did this happen?
cheap food filled with empty calories and additives that enhance taste
>What is the solution?
Do not provide healthcare for obesity related diseases unless the person is actively trying to lose weight with his own effort.

>> No.10025955

An overall reduction of movement and physical activity, along with an increase in processed food intake over fresh home cooked meals. I reckon consoles and computers have alot to answer for alone with the media increasing fear of child abduction, resulting in less children playing outside unsupervised over time. These habits are carried on through puberty and adulthood.

>> No.10025960
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just how do you even begin getting this fucking fat?

>> No.10025972

Ikr, wtf, surely there's a point that you say 'wow, I'm starting to get morbidly obese,' how do they even have the money to afford all the food for the constant eating that must be required to be that fat? It's mind boggling.

>> No.10026013

See >>10025954

>> No.10026017

get rid of freezers

>> No.10026019

Holy fuck,

I'd guess-timate he's around 300 kilos.

Absolute unit. This post motivated me to go to /fit/

>> No.10026026

>wanting to solve "social problems"
fucking commie

>> No.10026033

Drugs will be the solution. Give me a pill to make me feel full and I won't eat.

Pretty sure I'm fucked for life. My parents fed me endless junk as a child, and I drank soda all the time. I've dieted before but it leaves me feeling stressed and miserably hungry all the time. It's not about self control. Being in a constant state of hunger isn't normal.

>> No.10026040

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.10026054
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>American people

>> No.10026055

wat is emti calrie lewl

>> No.10026058

vegetals i presume

>> No.10026067 [DELETED] 

>What is the solution?
Disgusting warning labels on products like softdrinks tbqh.

>> No.10026079

Better ask what other developed nations like e.g. Japan do right.

>> No.10026118

we have junkfood as well
fat people too
I've still never seen a person that was half of that guy in diameter
he looks like he spent 20 years doing abolsutely fucking nothing except eating - at gunpoint

>> No.10026132

Don't provide any healthcare for any reason at all. That's how you fix all this shit. You let people die out, leaving people who are smarter and healthier.

Obesity is a mental disease, like transgenderism.

>> No.10026137

Bring back the stigma of being a fat fuck, that'd help. Also just make fast food illegal, or simply go full police station, and limit people's calories. Literally lock people out of purchasing food if they meet their calorie limit. It certainly would be inconvenient but it would get results. Then only truly sick people would get far as they would bypass the rules. Obviously don't punish them for cheating just let them die. I say this as an obese fucker, I acknowledge that I lack discipline and don't blame much genetics.

>> No.10026157

>I acknowledge that I lack discipline and don't blame much genetics.
So you think a constant struggle avoid getting fat is the normal human condition?

>> No.10026184

Try DNP you whiny baby.

>> No.10026196

Not him but basically yes. The human condition IS, among many others things, a constant struggle versus our lower instincts.

>> No.10026197

Oppose any fat acceptance bullshit. People this fat have a psychological weakness that needs to be changed through education. Education on self discipline, on the achievement of regular, routine hard work resulting in positive reward and they need to understand that life involves some level of suffering.

>> No.10026216

>What is the solution?
proper education, mandatory health and cooking classes in grade schools and buttfucking agri-industry until they no longer have the influence that they currently hold

>> No.10026274
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Prepare to have your mind blown: The reason for obesity in the modern age is because of thermal regulation of our climate. The ability to keep the home at a certain room temperature at all time removes the metabolic load of thermogenesis from body, which was responsible for burning hundreds to thousands of calories a day depending on the climate.

>> No.10026288


Riiiight because there totally aren't any genetic factors that predispose obesity rates at all. Gtfo /sci/ with your ignorant ass

>> No.10026289
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so this is why japanese can't get fat to the point where people who manage to do that take part in the national sport
it's their paper uninsulated houses
brb turning off my convector

>> No.10026296

>What is the solution?

Read the fucking /fit/ sticky

>> No.10026418

tfw when you're obese but have a huge cock. i still got to fuck hot sluts even though im fat.

stay mad skinnyfags

>> No.10026425

>Garbage food quality devoid of nutrients and high in endocrine disruptors
>Hypothalamic brain damage

>> No.10026427

The solution is spreading the word about fasting, you don't need to eat some bullshit diet, take all sorts of supplements, shit you don't even need to exercise to lose weight, you just cease caloric intake and weight drops off you. Radical idea I know, unfortunately the populatuon is probably too addicted to sugar.

>> No.10026436

>Bring back the stigma of being a fat fuck

When pigs fly!

For some reason being fat is now not only something accepted but something to be glorified too. This paradigm shift in what is socially acceptable in being and person is simply going on a crazy train ride picking up and accumulating other 'ideological' passengers along the way and I rather pessimistically cannot see any brakes on it any time soon either.

>> No.10026441

Women are attracted to tall fat men. I'm a fat 6ft3 dude and bitches are always riding my dick.

>> No.10026442

last time a country had a runaway libtard effect, we got Stalin

>> No.10026493

go back to siberia, russian shill

>> No.10026499

the amerifat brain in action

>> No.10026503

If a person that fat is left starving to death, does he become skinnier as days pass or dies being a slob before that happens?

>> No.10026513

it's a running joke but sufficiently massive landwhales can seriously survive without any food intake for over a year

>> No.10026537

not strictly true, you need vitamins and minerals or you'll suffer serious health consequences relatively quickly

>> No.10026541

They can live off calorie-free vitamins and tea for over a year.
>if you strap them to a bed

>> No.10026656

Try fasting and you won't feel hunger after the third day

>> No.10026682

I literally know nobody that's americanlevel fat. I literally can't think of anyone on my school that can even be considered fat (engineering). You Americans eat so much bullshit lol.
>> eat shitlaods of carbs
>> sleep in bed for 7 hours
>> roll to car
>> sit in car
>> roll out of car
>> sit in work
>> roll to car
>> sit in car
>> roll out of car
>> roll into home
>> repeat


>> No.10026710

They're not enough to suddenly make you violate the laws of thermodynamics like people think. Daily caloric expenditures don't really vary all that much but taste, hunger, and perception of portion size do greatly.

>> No.10026720

umm but fatphobia of fat people is causing it. rhonda eats only two tree leaf per day. but then she eat 12 tubs ice cream in SECRET because of your bigot. and u say it her DIET?!!!!!!! HER DIET IS TWO TREE LEAF !!!

>> No.10026723

I'm sure you mean intermittent fasting and yes, I've tried it for a week. Felt awful the whole time.

>> No.10026726

try not being a weakwilled piece of human garbage next time fatty

>> No.10026731

unironically nofap

nofap is 99.99% memes but for some reason it makes me slightly less hu gry after a few days

>> No.10026732

I'm not. I can do it with enough willpower. I can do a lot of things with enough willpower. Why don't you learn a new language? Or a craft? Why do we usually give up on these things? It's because they require too much effort to put up with. I can force myself to feel awful all day for a nicer body, or say fuck it and be chubby and not have to deal with that shit.

>> No.10026740

stupid fuck i hate you

>> No.10026763

can't relate dude, I love improving myself, probably because I had a father figure growing up
gl with all that baggage though, I'm sure you'll amount to something worthwhile with your one and only life

>> No.10026772

No I don't mean IF, I mean water fasting

>> No.10027029

All the food in America has fucking added sugars in it. When your body takes in a large concentration of sugar, it overcompensates by releasing a huge amount of insulin. Once the sugar is used up, there is still leftover insulin in your blood, and blood insulin prevents your liver from turning fat into energy. This means you will feel tired unless you eat more sugar. Anybody can lose weight through a forced diet, but they won't remain functional throughout unless they eat the right things.

Also, lack of sleep causes obesity.

>> No.10027051
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>1 in 4
its 40% in america now.

>> No.10027071

Where are they working, who's hiring people like this and how are they productive?

>> No.10027080

You seriously need discipline. I've never been fat, but for example I started reading for an hour every day on top of my studies (engi). I didn't need to do that, I could have not dealt with it, but it made me better and smarter so I bit the bullet and I'm better off for it. It's not hard once you get past the initial stages of changed your life. If I were you, (and I do this myself) cook your own dinners every day limit yourself to one takeaway per month. Get a hobby so that you aren't focused on your hunger in your spare time, dedicate half an hour to excercise every day, then crank it up to an hour when you're ready. Push yourself.

>> No.10027081

>how did this happen
It's going to kill us all.
Treat like tobacco.

>> No.10027082

That was entertaining, thanks.

>> No.10027085

I’m doing a 20 day fast right now. On day 6. It’s definately helping me lose weight, but you also have to take the appropriate measures to change your diet so that after fasting, you don’t put back that weight again.

>> No.10027090 [DELETED] 

The keto diet is also great.

>> No.10027093


>> No.10027100

The keto diet is great if you can’t do water fasting.

>> No.10027104

water fasting is great if you can’t combine a caloric deficit with exercise

>> No.10027107

glad i aint obese haha
glad ive been slowly losing weight over the last few months without doing any exercise or changing diet haha

>> No.10027108 [DELETED] 

IMO the biggest problem is people not being fed healthy food by their parents growing up and not being taught how to cook by them. If you grow up with proper eating habits you won't fall for the temptation of fast food.

Having fat parents drastically increases the odds of you being fat as well.

>> No.10027130

>How did this happen?
Heavily carb based diet
>What is the solution?
Minimize or cut plant based carbs off your diet altogether. You can't get fat if you don't eat carbs, your body only stores excess glucose as fat and excess glucose only happens if you eat carbs.

>> No.10027134

>t. Lost 35 pounds since june

>> No.10027160
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>Getting lean by eating a fairly healthy diet is great if you can't do it by starving yourself in a very unhealthy manner.

>> No.10027175


>> No.10027179

Government tariffs and import quotas on sugar, leading to the astronomical proliferation of corn based sugar substitutes

>> No.10027210


Weak. Intermittent fasting is the easiest fasting diet there is. If you can’t do intermittent fasting, then you deserve to die of clogged arteries.

>> No.10027259

>You seriously need discipline.
Unfortunately they don't sell discipline at the corner store.

>> No.10027264

It isnt true. That statistic is a lie.

>> No.10027279

>What is the solution?
Wait for WALL-E. Humanity is already stuffed with thrash and propaganda and it's to late for it to turn back. Maybe it never was. Only AI can save us or put out of misery.

>> No.10027825


>other countries with air conditioning aren’t fat

Fuck you, it isn’t shoveling donuts into their faces 24/7, it’s air conditioning. Shut the fuck up with your calorie conspiracy.

>> No.10027829

people not understanding that they like umami, not greasy and sugary shit.

>> No.10027863

I don't like doughnuts (donuts?) but
I like the look of those two cupcakes.

>> No.10027912

>How did this happen?
Prevalence of calorie dense foods, prevalence of sedentary working conditions, prevalence of commuting distances that are not feasible within walking conditions thus places more emphasis on fast food.

>What is the solution?

Reduction of any of the three above will address but tradeoffs come with it.

>> No.10027942

Also: flip the entire health care system and replace it with one that incentivises doctors to actually help their patients prevent disease (through diet, mostly) instead of helping big pharma by prescribing overpriced meds that only deal with the symptoms of underlying diseases.

>> No.10027943

Find "How Not to Die" on libgen. Read it. Then do what it implies. You may actually be able to stop, if not reverse your conditions

>> No.10027947

Funny how this alarmism would be less effective if that picture was an average obese person instead of that tub of lard.

>> No.10027949

junk food, greasy, and sugary.
gmail sign up https://www.just4dummies.com/gmail-sign-up

>> No.10027950

Doctors do try. Just like they try to get heart patients to stop smoking, or any other numerous behavioral causes of disease. They just suck at it because they're doctors, not diet coaches or some shit. They don't have time to hold your hand while you try not to eat that extra cupcake.

>> No.10027967

death camps

>> No.10027970
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>empty calories
This activated my fucking almonds.

>> No.10028059 [DELETED] 


I fast and eat when I feel my body craves food, eating is nice and -one of the- best sensations you can give yourself but doing so everyday is a waste of time. In order to still eat everyday I will eat when I crave food(usually a little by lunch and a lot by dinner, nothing goes in my mouth when I don't crave food except water)and I will eat anything I want. I am super skinny. My heart will give up on me, but at least I'll die slim.

I don't understand what you all mean with multi day fasting, do you live by supplements and water+powders?

>> No.10028071

Genetics account for <20% of obesity. Culture and diet are practically all of it. Metabolic diseases run in families not because of genetics but because diets run in families.

>> No.10028072

I am not placing blame on the doctors. They are trained the wrong way (with almost no medical school focusing on diet / nutrition). I believe that they're doing the best they can with what they're given, but what they're given is not enough.

>> No.10028084

Obesity expert here

The reason is a lack of extended family and long working hours combined with the prevalence of high calorie convenience foods.

Americans have to work 12 hours, can't be bothered to cook after that so buy junk food which is sugar and carb laden because companies know that sells.

I know this because there are mcdonalds in southern Europe but they aren't fat. The only difference between the two Westerners are that short working hours and living with extended family is a thing in Italy etc.

There is also the other cause of some people comfort eat when they are depressed but that's a minority.


1) Cut working hours

2) Encourage people to stay with their familes

3) Tax the fuck out of junk food. If i am on the way home, with £4 I have a choice of a 1,500 calorie fried chicken meal or......a bunch of grapes.


Fat shaming is counter productive, it is what caused fat acceptance just like how virgin shaming led to the incel movement.
>Do not provide healthcare for obesity related diseases
This is pants on head retarded, leave the problem to get worse until it requires an expensive A&E visit.
>Being in a constant state of hunger isn't normal
Yeah thin people don't understand, an obese person suddenly not eating is literally painful and nothing compared to when a thin person eats less. It's like a person who did heroin for a week and quit calling a decade long user "weak willed" for failing to make it through withdrawal.

>> No.10028087

Still doesn't mean the family aspect should be dismissed, do you know how hard it is to stick to a diet when your entire family is 300 lbs? They will literally sabotage you out of jealousy.

>> No.10028125

>Heavily carb based diet
Yeah that also explains why asians have been fat as fuck for centuries eating massive quantities of rice. The reason is gluttony plain and simple.

>> No.10028130

Did you just fucking compare learning a new language or mastering a skilled craft with dieting? No one is asking you to become mr universe you fucking idiot all you have to do is put down the fucking fork once you hit 2-2.5k calories each day.

>> No.10028141


Can't fat fucks just literally exercise at least 15 hours a day and lose the weight?

I mean, isn't the simplest answer the right one? Why complicate shit, just fucking move your body until you literally burn off all the fat. To say you can't exercise that much is absolute fucking bullshit. Look up Yiannis Kouros. He has over 100 ultra marathon records and has gone days, AT LEAST 3 FUCKING DAYS, 72 FUCKING HOURS STRAIGHT JUST RUNNING.

I know fat fucks' bodies can't handle the stress of running, so tell them to throw their asses in a pool and not touch the fucking bottom for a few hours at a time. All day everyday. Or get on a bike, but the chafing of the seat sucks dick even for skinny people.

>> No.10028174

Why would we want a solution? It's going to be good fun when only 10% of the population are fit. It's also funny and makes me more desirable. Lots of fucks will be haven with hot people when everyone else is a lard ass. Much less competition. It's really weeding out the mentally weak from the mentally strong.

>> No.10028195
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but most of the people who would have the lack of willpower to agree to fucks with you will be fat too

>> No.10028200
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>> No.10028203

a classic.

>> No.10028204

Yes. It's much higher.

>> No.10028205

>leave the problem to get worse until it requires an expensive A&E visit.
yeah, and they'll be paying out of their pocket for it, so unless they wanna shill out a large sum of cash and have potentially life threatening diseases, I'd say they should first show some incentive in losing weight themselves through their own effort before asking for help from doctors.

>> No.10028211

I rode my bike every day for 2 months and lost 20kg. Now I eat whatever I want and don't gain weight.

>> No.10028212

Funny, anime poster. I will enjoy running circles around you and your ilk when I see you in the streets. If you don't die of the myriad of disease that comes with obesity first, that is.

>> No.10028215 [DELETED] 

>all you have to do is put down the fucking fork once you hit 2-2.5k calories each day.
>Can't fat fucks just literally exercise at least 15 hours a day and lose the weight?

>Just do it lel

Hope you never get a real job.

>> No.10028216
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>tfw sit over 10 hours a day
>tfw sleep 8 or more hours a day
>still in my normal BMI cause i'm too lazy to eat

i might lose my legs from blood clots but at least i won't be a fat fuck lol

>> No.10028217

>all you have to do is put down the fucking fork once you hit 2-2.5k calories each day.
>Can't fat fucks just literally exercise at least 15 hours a day and lose the weight?

>Just do it lel

Hope you never get a real job.

>> No.10028221
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Failures like yourself always get so jealous and envious when confronted with the truth. You're a fat loser because you can't be anything more than that. You will always be fat and poor because you will always be a brainlet. Try to enjoy the scrapings you call your life, if you can.

>> No.10028222

>just get rich, lel

>> No.10028225
File: 10 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaaah I can't be fit it's too hard
>what's this? advice on how to not be fat?
>'just get fit' haha you idiots are stupid it's actually impossible for me to do exercise because of my genetics
>you ride your bike to stay fit?
>haha you'll never get a real job like me, sitting on my ass 24/7
>what's that? you have more money in liquid assets than I have ever seen in my life?
>'just get rich' haha I can't save money because I need to keep paying for my genetics
You are despicable.

>> No.10028226

>low iq post
how are you gonna enforce that what a retarded impracticle solution

>> No.10028239

I'm not talking about the landwhales you keep posting in your pictures. I'm talking about average chubby people who work office jobs the whole day.

Believe it or not, those chubby people do make reasonable choices. Avoiding soda, not eating ice cream all the time, etc.

>> No.10028342

>I mean, isn't the simplest answer the right one?
This is why physicists/mathematicians should stay out of social science.
Not in Europe.

>> No.10028357

>Believe it or not, those chubby people do make reasonable choices. Avoiding soda, not eating ice cream all the time, etc.
They also make bad decisions like eating way too much per meal, and snacking, and not eating any fibre at all. You have to make good decisions 90% of the time if you want to stay at a healthy weight.
>inb4 but that's hard
Just go ahead and die early off of obesity issues then

>> No.10028585

I'm neither of those i'm a miserably anti-social grunt lay person that enjoys intelligence.


Yes just fucking do it, the obvious problem of these people is excuses and lack of willpower. I don't know how the fuck to remedy this other than accepting the reality of hurling yourself into miserable non-stop exercise with a bit of caution towards not damaging tendons/ligaments/muscles permanently

They need to make some unreasonable choices in the form of sleep deprivation and horrificly long hours of physical exercise as well.

You can continue to come up with excuses all you fucking want, but i assure you there is a solution to the problem. I guarenfuckingtee it, and it is not in the form of pills or surgery. PERSIST PERSIST PERSIST, YOU HAVE ONE FUCKING LIFE, MILLIONS/BILLIONS OF YEARS OF DESTRUCTION AND CREATION HAVING TAKEN PLACE IN ORDER FOR YOU TO BE HERE, FUCKING VALUE YOUR GOD DAMN EXISTENCE, VALUE YOURFUCKINGSELF

>> No.10028612

>i'm a miserably anti-social grunt

>> No.10028625


God damn right clearly, what the fuck are you? Lost in the realm of possibility?

Albert Einstein said it best at the tail end of his career/life in one of his final letters to some dude in college. In the aftermath of going insane trying to come up with a grand unified theory, trying to understand the universe in all it's glory, he recognized the importance of his stubbornness even though he failed to unveil any secrets at all: "we all need to be what we are, or we will get lost in the realm of possiblity."

Fuck you, stay lost, i'm found.

>> No.10028631

Ye but how do I get a neck pillow if I'm healthy

>> No.10028633


olololololol engineers' got you covered my bru, they'll construct something magnificent for you

>> No.10028637

and scratch that, it was a high school dropout Einstein responded to.


>> No.10028747

I'm pretty sure that quote is espousing the value of perseverance, not being incorrigible.

>> No.10028832


>At lunch that day in Ontario, Moffat said that he had one more letter from Einstein to show me. He rummaged through a folder, pulled out a copy, and pointed to the date: May 25, 1953. Then he read the words that have guided him for more than half a century: “Every individual . . . has to retain his way of thinking if he does not want to get lost in the maze of possibilities. However, nobody is sure of having taken the right road, me the least.”

I think you are half correct, half incorrect.

>> No.10029737

Again, no one is asking you to be 7% bf at 6 ft 180. Count your calories and stop when you have eaten enough, its literally that simple. There is no excuse for being fat.

>> No.10029742
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>What is the solution?
Bullet is solution, bullet is always solution

>> No.10029770

What is the solution?

>> No.10029852

you sound like a sociopath

>> No.10029856

You're a little bitch, thats why it felt awful. For most of us we experience periods of euphoria in between the hunger pangs.

>> No.10029862

>How did this happen? What is the solution?
The design of cities and suburbs around cars. Since it's impossible to walk anywhere, people see getting less exercise.

>> No.10029867


I am, it is the most functional/efficient/effective collection of traits and values to harbor in the midst of this difficult fucked up world

>> No.10029869

are*, fuck you phone

>> No.10029898
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why would I want this to be "solved"?
>go to the gym for like an hour 3x a week
>eat whatever you want but in moderation
>don't drink yourself into a coma every weekend
>this alone puts you among the top 1% in terms physical fitness within 2 years
life has never been this easy at any point in history #blessed

>> No.10029899


>> No.10029903


Post something to make a conversation out of.

>> No.10029904

That's what I said.

>> No.10029908
File: 50 KB, 650x364, 88F11CE0-9675-48D4-A9DE-AB0A5E9F24D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/4 in the West
How cute, in America 3/4 people are overweight or obese.
Its mostly just subhuman peasant lineages.
subhumans basically
No one cares
Deathmarch them through mountain ranges
Nope genocide is the solution, sorry!
yes, and those families are subhuman lineages and should die out.

>> No.10029916


>> No.10029919


To experience a dialogue on the subject of sociopathy, if you would be so kind as to indulge.

>> No.10029924

this isn’t good advice
he is correct sociopathy is selected for in the west and diagnoses of aspd are skyrocketing in America
I already got the ball rolling, i think im mildly sociopathic but i feel empathy for others and know when im being bad. How about you anon?

>> No.10029926

You have the autism don't you? I'd argue that have sociopathy is probably better than autism.

>> No.10029929

How can sociopathy be optimal? If everyone was a sociopath we wouldn't even be able to have this conversation because computers and other products of cooperation wouldn't exist.

>> No.10029940

>work is within a good walking distance and has a shit ton of trails to explore near it
>don't have a problem with weight and friend who lives close by is starting to have less problems
Just integrate basic fucking exercise into your life and you'll see gradual improvement. Fat fucks like that are at the point where they don't even want to do basic things like using their legs anymore.

>> No.10029942


I don't know if i have autism or sociopathy or schizophrenia. It's too self-indulgent to claim i have any of that. What i can say is being a good person is a challenge no matter who you are or what you got going on inside of you.

I've satisfied my ego enough, and have had countless people along the way always inflating my ego. I'm done with the hierarchy climb now. All i really give a shit about is relaying the values that have allowed me to satisfy my ego endlessly and in the process, get endless people to inflate my ego:Respect, Polite Common Courtesy, Work Ethic, Taking Care of Yourself, and Taking Care of Others.

I desperately want to live in a world where everyone has these values, but the path to this world is filled with many obstacles. Differing personalities. Differing capabilities. Differing levels of good fortune AND bad fortune. It's a turbulent world. I don't know my set of values are valuable, but i hope they are. I hope i can find a way to instill them into others.

>> No.10029946

they aren’t all sociopaths, the rate of sociopathy is increasing and is selected for by western society because atomized rootless mercenary market driven sociality demands people who min-max every situation.
altruism doesn’t exist according to evolutionary theory, stop worrying about it

>> No.10029948

It's not possible for everyone to be a sociopath, it's not possible for life to ever be the same. Reality doesn't work like that, unless that is the ultimate destination of life in which case, i'm sure that is millions/billions of years away if not more.

>> No.10029950

I think the Theory of Evolution is flawed if not all out wrong.

>> No.10029955

then you’re not very bright

>> No.10029957


I just don't believe it's as streamlined as Darwin makes it out to be. I think evolution is a numbers game ruled by chance as opposed to nature choosing anything with a preconceived notion of anything in mind outside of more life, more life, more life... more mutations more mutations more mutations...just more more more more more of any and everything possible

>> No.10029987

The fuck are you talking about. That's what evolution is. Maybe you should get a basic understanding of something before arguing it.

>> No.10029997


I probably don't have a very good understanding of it, I just see it argued that a choice is being made in favor of specific desired outcome on behalf of reproduction such as "stronger traits" when I don't believe that to be the point, I simply see it as another opportunity for life to emerge with potential for mutation, whether good or bad.

>> No.10030001


If anything, the way humans choose is more akin to intelligent design at this point

>> No.10030066

It's important to remember what the definition of "obese" is, because the horrifying planetoids you might think of are not it. A 220lb average height male is technically obese and most people would regard that as merely "chubby." Propaganda and shitposting using such figures to imply that a quarter of the population are disfigured monstrosities is disingenuous.

>> No.10030148

>“Every individual . . . has to retain his way of thinking if he does not want to get lost in the maze of possibilities"
what a fucking brainlet

>> No.10030150
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>> No.10030400

Sure. I am arguing against the hypothesis that genes play a large role in obesity. The data show that this just isn't the case.

>> No.10030474

Mainstreamize fasting. People will power through their fasts because they see results, aren't hungry all the time and still have energy to do everyday tasks.

>> No.10030474,2 [INTERNAL] 

I do not know what to say really what you share very well and useful to the community, I feel that it makes our community much more developed, thanks