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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 593x443, combo-k7fE-U43150280552075iYG-1224x916@Corriere-Web-Nazionale-593x443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9980690 No.9980690 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell are those 2 retards wasting money like they are? They're trying to hog pig-sized organic humans to another planet (just one, because you can't go to Venus), which is far enough away that light has to travel for hours at worst to reach them from here.
They should just pour all their wealth into converting brains to inorganic circuits. Then we'd be lighter, have radiation protection, death because your body is pig disgusting shit would disappear, you'd be immortal as long as your inorganic brain is fine, you could wait forever so you could go on long journeys to other stars.
Instead these 2 idiots seem to think mars is the solution to all problems. Mars. A place with absolutely fucking nothing on it, just dirt, and I don't think the dirt is very good at all. Its also cold and has no air. Literally a worst place for 3DPD humans than the pigsty that is this planet.

>> No.9980696

>stop talking shit about visionarys
>get wealthy with hard work
>actually do stuff instead of criticizing others

there, fixed that for ya

>> No.9980716

But I do work anon, I just give my research away for free rather than hogging money like these 2 misspending bastards who worked hard for around 2 weeks and went lucky.

>> No.9980725

>read accelerando
>take the whole commie dick
>put on a dress
>post on 4chan

>> No.9980731

Oh ok. But I dont understand why you are shittalking musk.

>> No.9980733

shows that you know fuck-all about what these people stand for. Bezos thinks deep space colonies are a better idea than Mars settlement (he's wrong about that, like he is about most things related to the coming space revolution)

>> No.9980734

Because he's a fucking fraud and immature man child you insufferable faggot

>> No.9980736
File: 205 KB, 1000x910, SpaceX'dout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9980744

Ok, maybe its just me, but on this board people begin to offend me without a reason.

I was just asking about why you have that opinion dude. No need to be like that.

>> No.9980759

Do you believe the roadster was launched and sent into space?

>> No.9981176
File: 40 KB, 375x500, 51kzcZqdrlL(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read accelerando
It's on libgen.io
However, the physical version is relatively cheap on Amazon and eBay
I've just read "The old axolotl: hardware dreams" which is mostly good.
Prompted me to buy "Computer hardware illustrated guide", "upgrading and repairing PCs", and "code: the hidden language of hardware and software" to add to my library and eventually get through.
Any suggestions for further learning about hardware?
I wonder if there's still enough people of enough capacity working towards upholding Moore's law (etc).

>> No.9981262
File: 708 KB, 2560x1600, 1535038824748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder if there's still enough people of enough capacity working towards upholding Moore's law (etc).

Perhaps the amount of people working on it and their capacities/bandwidth is supposed to double every two years also...

>> No.9981267

>Conducting research
>"Wah where is my money?
Get fucked retard

>> No.9981291

Clean your ears out you leaf-eating vermin. I never said I want to be rich, else I'd be working for Google.
I wouldn't want to be that rich either, I believe having more than 100000 euros of cash in a bank account is more money than you'll need.

>> No.9981308

>which is far enough away that light has to travel for hours at worst to reach them from here

...Mars is always less than 20 light minutes away from Earth, our signals would take just barely longer to reach each other, not "hours". Shit thread, moron OP, fuck you :^)

>> No.9981359

Can we just remove garbage threads like this? This isn't science of math related, it's just trashing people because you don't like them. At least the race and IQ threads contain actual information and something resembling discussion.

>> No.9981851

>Why the hell are those 2 retards wasting money like they are?
Because they pay almost no taxes. They somehow have to spend their money. This way they give people jobs and help the economy. Should they just pile it up instead?

>> No.9982227

>muh cyber brain

Didn't you hear? We already hit Power Wall. Our computers won't be getting better until some kind of revolution happens.

Digital humans are a dream as far away as FTL travel.

>> No.9983165


>> No.9983170

>Amazon hits the $1,000,000,000,000 market cap
>Stock immediately plunges
Explain this scientifically please.

>> No.9983173

No we haven't. We can't make transistors smaller but that doesn't mean we can't make things faster through design changes and novel transistor set ups. Now the speed of increase for computer speeds will start to decrease, that much is true.

>> No.9983197
File: 985 KB, 640x640, TIIIIIMMMMMMMBBBBBEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting money


>> No.9983360
File: 130 KB, 1024x709, a_landis_balloon_hab_in_the_atmosphere_of_venus_by_eburacum45-d72tvs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can go Venus.

>> No.9983386


>> No.9983406
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x610, CAUTION SLIPPERY WHEN WET.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason-3 launch's 1st stage landing.


>> No.9983430

okay this made me burst into a maniacal laughter

>> No.9983431
File: 11 KB, 362x453, CAUTION SLIPPERY WHEN WET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9983448


analog brains sound better!

>> No.9984379

>why are these successful people doing things differently to how I would do them
Well. Because they're successful.