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9981466 No.9981466 [Reply] [Original]

Why has evolution psychologically programmed us to be religious? Even people who are atheists almost invariably find some bullshit meaningless thing to latch on to and give purpose and value to in the same way theists do. But how is this conducive to human survival? Surely being rational would have been better evolutionarily for humanity?

>> No.9981468

Yeah but we just naked apefags

>> No.9981501

A cup of water is still closer to a cup of tea than an empty cup.

>> No.9981502


Lol. Religion is just another form of organization. It's as mythical as our laws, corporations and governments.

>> No.9981525

Does any animal need to be rational to survive?

There's your answer for why humans are perpetually a shit and also religion.

>> No.9981528
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>Why has evolution psychologically programmed
to smile when they see my hair?

>> No.9981531
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Myths (religion) served a crucial role in the formation of the first human tribes. You could gather larger sums of people by having a totem or some shit you all worshipped.

>> No.9981949

>evolution psychologically programmed us
Lrn2evolution fgt pls

>> No.9981960

Op, read Joseph Campbell.

>> No.9981971


>> No.9981973


Bingo, this anon gets it.

>> No.9981981

The first apes to believe in gods and special being were not under the influence of "organizations". OP's question, as well as mine, is why do humans have a natural drive to believe in bullshit.

>> No.9981984

I am not sure it explains the evolutionary angle.

>> No.9981986

Evolution doesn't program you into anything brainlet.

>> No.9982008

'the first apes' would've been very fundamental animists, that's not even close to polytheism or monotheism.

Today we have a mechanistic worldview, in the past people didn't, in the far past they had quite literally nothing to gauge the world except what comes naturally: socialising. You could say they had a social worldview, they thought of things in terms of relationships, social coalitions, victory/defeat (in a social sense), personalities, feuds, and so on. It is the most natural and effective (without additionals built up in culture) way of viewing the world. It's basically ultra-anthropomorphism. If some action or impression of nature is put before your eyes, and you have nothing else, it's natural to think of it in terms of innate human things, namely, as characters or personalities interacting with others and the world at large.

There are many things that have guided and created religion, there are many forms of religion as well (just think of the difference between animism that differs between each band of hunter-gatherers and the Catholic church which holds/held immense power as Christianity is intentionally embedded as a power structure into governments, Catholicism being a centralisation of them all).

>> No.9982078


>> No.9982082

Evolutionary psychology is horseshit for the most part.
Things like "fight or flight response" are legit.
most other shit is just made up.

>> No.9982116

Scrutinizing your first impressions of things has never been very important for survival.

>> No.9982476

Generally, larger tribes more effectively war against smaller tribes given roughly the same level of technological sophistication.

>> No.9982485

We're goal-oriented and need to find purpose in being alive and within actions, otherwise we'd just vegetate and die.

>> No.9982492

>Surely being rational would have been better evolutionarily for humanity?
Working through every possibility step by step is a luxury granted to the extremely successful and their descendants. In the midst of a world where anything larger than a cat could kill you and/or you faced the grind on a regular basis and one bad set of crops could literally leave you to starve, you wanted all the help you could get, and, hey, maybe that good luck charm really did something. They didn't know whether there was actually some mystic power underlying it, because how the fuck are you gonna test it? Throw yourself into danger constantly?
Superstition and unfounded, illogical beliefs are very rarely only the purview of the religious. People don't understand probability and think they're way smarter than everyone else despite having nothing to show for it. They deny obvious facts while constructing conspiracies out to get them in their minds. At the end of the day, we don't ACTUALLY know how the universe works, we have models that get close enough to be useful, and those models are constantly revised. They might break and need to be fixed if we discover some freak new occurrence or an emergent property of a thing.

>> No.9983221

The human brain is made for recognizing and creating patterns.

Finding meaning in doing things everyday is our brain trying to make sense of randomness.

Religion and Faith in higher power is our brains filling in the blanks of existence.

>> No.9983232

was just going to say this
we're really good at finding patterns and it's why we survived and are "smart"

religion is basically just a pattern explaining tool when we don't have the answers.

>> No.9983234

We're programmed to see patterns in nature. That all events must be caused is one of them, and so we became convinced that the universe and all natural phenomena which on its own has the appearance of not being caused by anything must have some sort of cause, and this cause is what we call god