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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 1920x1080, marte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9892088 No.9892088 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9892092

Holy Shit. This could prove living bacterial presence on another planet thus proving extra-terrestrial life.

Creationists. Blown The FUCK out.

>> No.9892102

Holy fuck, they discovered what we've really known for years.

>> No.9892106

mamma mia!

>> No.9892108


Everything is build to announce life on Mars before the end of 2020.

This is the future they sold us before 2001. Maybe we are back to the normal timeline.

>Unlike previous findings of water on Mars, which were either frozen or highly seasonal, this reservoir appears to be permanently liquid. “It’s the only place where water persists for a long time,” says Roberto Orosei at the National Institute for Astrophysics in Bologna, Italy.

>> No.9892118

How does this help us to cure balding?

>> No.9892124

link the paper you twat, who cares about the dumbed-down msm summary


>> No.9892131
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>> No.9892132

This is massive news.

When can we expect the probe?

>> No.9892136

the water is 1500m below the surface. You'd need a ton of drilling kit... sounds like a job for BFR? don't see how you could do it with a curiosity-sized robot

>> No.9892137

>italian "scientists"
wow. who the fuck cares

>> No.9892138
File: 25 KB, 530x355, lake-vostok-drilling-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a diagram of the Lake Vostok drilling setup. So, yes, quite large.

And the Martian lake is meant to be at a similar depth.

>> No.9892140

>there's water on mars
>let's contaminate it!

>> No.9892142

Creationists can never be btfo. The creator obviously created Mars and the lake underneath Mars amd the bacteria in the lake underneath Mars.

>> No.9892144

nonetheless, a mission with more powerful radar than MARSIS would clear up some of the lingering details, like the depth of the body of water itself, and the possibility of other aquifers existing on Mars.

>> No.9892145

> The Viking Lander was constructed in a class 100,000 clean room—meaning that fewer than 100,000 particles sized 0.5 microns or larger were present per cubic meter of air. All components of the lander were also baked at 115 degrees Celsius for over 50 hours before being packed for launch.

I dunno, man. I wouldn't leave one the greatest discoveries on Mars undisturbed because of such a small risk.

In all probability, there's fuck all down there.

>> No.9892147

we thought there was fuckall in extreme conditions on earth too. but, life flourishes everywhere. even earth halophiles could easily live in this briny lake

>> No.9892164
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>Holy fuck, they discovered what we've really known for years.

>> No.9892200

Look at the bright side: if they are too busy contaminating Mars they'll leave Europa safe for longer.

>> No.9892212

>Creationists. Blown The FUCK out
What does it have to do with extra terrestrial life?

You forgot to tip your fedora, retard

>> No.9892215
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>You will get proof of alien life in your lifetime

>> No.9892218

Do not insult god in my presence again lmao

>> No.9892220

The literal announcement that another planet may be habitable, able to support both a pre-existing ecosystem and a future colony, and the first response to this is more fucking division.

This is what’s fucking wrong with the world. This is why we aren’t even going to make it to Mars. Yeah, religion contributes to it too, but you’re no better than they are with an attitude like that.

>> No.9892222
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>> No.9892226
File: 418 KB, 800x533, Agreed+a+sharpdressed+goodlooking+man+can+wear+a+fedora+and+_eb71122a5f229bcabbe781753eaa4654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you're one of those comp-sci retards that thinks he listens to black science man and that dead robot and thinks he's a superior being... Please fuck off /sci/

>> No.9892232


>> No.9892234

>could prove
>thus proving

You talk like a NASA rep.

>> No.9892239

NASA is a failure. ESA is better.

>> No.9892242

do you have to shitpost in literally every thread you're in?

>> No.9892246

It's not shitpost, NASA is just a big agency specialized to communication and marketing now.

>> No.9892247


>> No.9892250

By the 24th century, no one will care.

>> No.9892256

So how likely is life in that water?

>> No.9892257

>fedora meme

>> No.9892261

>misses the joke completely
>goes full autism

The correct response would have been, "kek".

>> No.9892262

Anyone know if the chances of an organism living in this aquifer that has the capability to infect the neocortex biome of a Home-Sapien are high?

>> No.9892264

About tree fiddy

>> No.9892314

I'm putting together a team.

>> No.9892337

>Creationists. Blown The FUCK out.
Its impossible to BTFO true faith creationists because they just reformulate reality to suit them eg "fossils are a test of faith by god"

>> No.9892357

You guys seriously aren't falling for this meme science are you?

>> No.9892358

Oh my, how could've the zombie that is NASA today miss this with all the rovers, orbiters and probes they sent there?

>> No.9892382
File: 2.58 MB, 480x270, Snake_land.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Send a few supervisors with a lot of robots to pump and purify the water... colonist arrive a few years later to a cubic kilometer of fresh clean water.

>> No.9892401

>his country is named by an Italin
stay mad amerimutt

>> No.9892410


>hurr durr humans will colonize mars one day!!!!

If humans ever colonize Mars, their offspring are going to be truly hideous. They would be extremely tall due to Mar's very low gravity and they would have pale as fuck skin due to Mars being further away from the sun. Also if these martians ever step foot on earth on holiday, their lungs would get crushed by the higher gravity.

>> No.9892424

This, bacteria is just bacteria. Now, show me an intelligent being comparable to our own standard and I might believe, but I know they never will because they don't exist, because God didn't create them.

>> No.9892428

maybe I'm just too old but I don't find E.T. bacteria exciting

>> No.9892432

Didn't the the previous discovery of "flowing" subsurface water come under scrutiny after a while? That it was just dark sand being exposed rather than "wet" sand?

>> No.9892436

>Holy fuck, they've discovered what we've theorized for years.
Ftfy, also welcome to science.

>> No.9892449
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>> No.9892458


ALL earth DNA is right-hand screwed... it would be amazing if Mars life had a left-hand screw to their DNA

>> No.9892466

Life was probably transported from Mars to Earth by ejecta from early meteorite strikes.Later transported back.
Mostly likely all life in Solar System has common origin.

>> No.9892472

>class 100,000

Lol that’s dirty as shit. Operating rooms are like class 10k

>> No.9892474

Why would that be such a bad thing to the degree of being a showstopper? Sure, there's some absolutely miniscule risk that invasive species from Earth somehow end up better adapted to that environment than Martian ones that lived there for literally billions of years (yeah, right), but the payoff is actually getting to study said organisms, and finding out if they exist in the first place.

Yeah, drilling it is.

>> No.9892497

herp derp italian science lol xd *insert wwii joke*

>> No.9892500
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the fuck you laughing at bitch boy

>> No.9892529

It would still irreversibly change the ecosystem, regardless of what is down there. Literal first contact.

>> No.9892541

>their offspring are going to be truly hideous
I'm fucking excited to see this play out.

>> No.9892543
File: 24 KB, 610x227, He_is_on_my_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would still irreversibly change the ecosystem

Mankind was given domain over ALL creation.

We can and WILL alter all ecosystems for our own good.

>> No.9892544

That risk can never be eliminated. Perfectionism like that would paralyze all efforts to study anything in space.

>> No.9892545

>south pole
I'd have expected them to find an underground lake on the north pole first since there was an ocean there at some point

>> No.9892548


>> No.9892556

God’s not real. Fuck off.

>> No.9892561
File: 34 KB, 640x476, Heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God’s not real.

Your belief is not necessary, *I* and others have the faith that it is just and right that we dominate all of creation.

>> No.9892569

Your “faith” is baseless and thus so is your claim that you’re “just” and “right”. Fuck off creationist.

>> No.9892573

The belief that you are unique and that there is no possibility of other creatures in the beginning of the cosmos beyond Adam and Eve. That gets shaken as soon as evolution is deemed possible on another planet. You forgot to get on your knees to the slaughter, lamb of God.

>> No.9892575

There are two types of being that possess sentience and intelligence like us humans; homosapiens and jinn.

>> No.9892581
File: 94 KB, 800x739, Samuel_Adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*We* will populate creation.
You stay home.
We are better off without you.

>> No.9892582

It would paralyze all efforts to study anything period, but in any other field you learn to examine and learn what you can before putting your hands in it. You don't irrevocably alter your subject's course of life before studying it, it defeats the purpose.

>> No.9892584

All life is intelligent and animals with brains are sentient. Fuck off with with your fairy tales.

>> No.9892590

Nope. Christianity is dead as an influence in the scientific fields. Have fun with that.

>> No.9892592

It's not water it's just sludge.

>> No.9892597

>Sludge has no water in it.


>> No.9892598

same sludge as the one on your mom? lol

>> No.9892605
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>Christianity is dead as an influence in the scientific fields.

It is not scientist who colonize.
WE are past, present, and future of Man.

>> No.9892607

Sorry, science has blown you the fuck out.

>> No.9892608
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>> No.9892614


>> No.9892617

Retards like you are why nobody will ever call a trilby a trilby again

>> No.9892625


>> No.9892627


>> No.9892634

Yes, but this isn’t flowing water. The flowing water was bs, like you said, just some shadows and some salt.
What they’re looking at is an aquifer; a deposit of water way below the surface the you can easily tap into with a drill and build a well to extract water out of.

>> No.9892640
File: 242 KB, 1920x765, Indian_Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, science has blown you the fuck out.

No.. it has not.. AT ALL.
The number of devout religious people has only ever grown.

>> No.9892651
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The number of devout religious people has only ever grown.

However, the number of powerful scientists is growing fast too, and I would rather several powerful nuclear arsenals than millions of devout followers anyway.

>> No.9892669

Fellow creationist here: This is really gay. Homosexuality is a sin anon. Stop acting so gay.

>> No.9892673



Because the population is growing, dumbass. Muslims are now growing in number rapidly whereas Christianity is declining globally.

>> No.9892674

>hahaha m*rtian bois btfo
>martian women belong to earth bulls
>the martian man is the epitome of male masculinity
>bigger penis due to low gravity
>t*Errans btfo
>SolChan /sci/ flooded with martian IQ statistics

You sure?

>> No.9892676

Just because you have numbers doesn't make your right. It just makes you right now.
However, just as the mighty stallion never expected a viper, you will find, numbers don't mean much when your venom is this potent.

>> No.9892684

The Bible doesn’t say anywhere that god didn’t create other planet so with bacteria.

>> No.9892690

I created the world.

So he didn't make the whole cosmos?

>> No.9892694

I’d actually much rather be on the giving end of those stupid memes than sit on Earth with no progress and get literally cucked out of existence.

>> No.9892706
File: 84 KB, 520x390, Cathedral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood this Star Trek future you all seem to love.

It lacks any religion and the "Prime Directive" is EVIL... the word of God MUST be spread to all people... to deliberately NOT spread the word is EVIL, denying people the right to be saved.

Scientist did not colonize the world, the religious did.

>> No.9892710
File: 810 KB, 500x375, ziggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there might be LIFE ON MAAAAAAAARS

>> No.9892712

Your religions TRAPPED scientists in your guild. You called us "Left hands of God." and threw us breadcrumbs when we could have had the whole cake.
Rage. That is all I feel now. Abused. Used and ignited.

>> No.9892717

oh man they're trying to be ironic about it lmao

>> No.9892723

>If humans ever colonize Mars, their offspring are going to be truly hideous
yeah so what you already are

>> No.9892736
File: 101 KB, 720x720, Mother_Teresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The sins of the past are known and will not be repeated. Science is glorious for showing us the wonder of creation and allowing us to understand it and dominate to our will.
The religious are NOT anti-science, but many scientist ARE anti-religious.
We see that many people seem to almost worship the idea of a machine dominated future.
An intelligent machine is OK, as long as it serves man. Do not attempt to allow machines to "rule man", else the religious WILL rise up and "correct your mistakes". Man and Man ALONE is has dominion over *ALL* creation, so that it can be used to worship the Lord.

>> No.9892751

why would you send a mission to drill through 1.5 kilometers of ice only to get to salt water that you then need to desalinate with a lot of energy.
Just take the ice off the top an melt it LMAO

>> No.9892752
File: 33 KB, 310x320, Chronos_oeuvre_grand1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps "leniency" would still be in my vocabulary...if your kind did not ERASE entire branches of our kin. Perhaps if you had held your lust for blood...

However, listen here religious man. Listen, VERY closely. I want to share with you a little secret. I will leave it as a riddle. If you can promise me to follow the love and prosperity you preach so much AND solve it, I will forgive you and all the past that is engraved into the stone and soil.

"Stand before me, I am right. Stand behind me to see what is left. What am I?"

>> No.9892756

>27 right now
>maybe 57 when we have colonies on mars
>+18 years
Uff, I better start stocking up on blue pills.

>> No.9892758
File: 78 KB, 292x700, Suspense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their offspring are going to be truly hideous

No.. if earth normal gravity ends up being REALLY important for human development THEN Martians will give birth and raise their kids on earth normal gravity satellites in orbit around Mars.

>> No.9892762

>I will forgive you

I care not for a man's forgiveness.

>> No.9892775

So you will not promise or solve?

>> No.9892785

I was never good at those problems... took me forever to understand Zen Buddhist philosophy

Q: What is the sound of on hand clapping?

S1: 5 pounds of flax
S2: a butterfly

I got the second solution and that was enough for me.

>> No.9892790

PLEASE someone invent a decent grammar checker!!! THIS would be a good use for a really advanced AI

ONE hand clapping

>> No.9892808

If you cannot even care for one man. Then you can barely care for God.

The Left Hand cometh.

>> No.9892867
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>> No.9892869

Lol wtf I love water now!

>> No.9892887
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>> No.9892893
File: 42 KB, 900x579, mars_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be a great time to send a probe, what with Mars being so close and all.

>> No.9892964

>raise their kids on earth normal gravity satellites in orbit around Mars.
Why not skip going to Mars altogether ?

>> No.9892973
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have unironically never been more excited!

>> No.9892994

Everyone excited about this needs to remember that radar scanning is an extension of colonialism. Looking for water on Mars is white supremacy dressed up as social progress.

>> No.9893006
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>> No.9893013
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>> No.9893034
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>extremely tall due
>pale as fuck skin
Sounds ideal

>> No.9893058
File: 75 KB, 540x361, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Water is too salty

>>9892131 >>9892751 >>9892634
I have to reminder /sci/ that (most) Microbes don't grow in Brine (salty water).

These researchers found super salty water.

It's way saltier than the Earth Ocean
& way saltier than 4chan shitposts.

So There is no guarantee of Life.

>>9892140 >>9892200
>let's contaminate it!
Yeah! Let's bring Earth Microbes to contaminate it! Yay!

>> No.9893098


>> No.9893344

Now I'm even MORE excited!

>> No.9893449

Civilization in and of itself is a sacrifice of some liberty for some wealth and some stability. Taking any such absolute statement to its conclusion means you believe we were best off in the Paleolithic.

>> No.9893453
File: 16 KB, 447x400, 6yfW1bh_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civilization in and of itself is a sacrifice of some liberty for some wealth and some stability. Taking any such absolute statement to its conclusion means you believe we were best off in the Paleolithic.

>> No.9893523

baited. cringe.

>> No.9893555

A created b
Does not mean
C was not created by a

Go back to logic 101

>> No.9893835

>Creationists. Blown The FUCK out.

You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.

>> No.9893857

Lrn2halophile fgt pls

>> No.9893879

How feasible is it to truly decontaminate any equipment sent to mars so that we don't accidentally take life from earth there?

>> No.9893896

it's impossible

>> No.9893916

holy fucking reddit

>> No.9893985

lol jinn bwaaahahahahhahahah

>> No.9893988

You can send it with a sterile probe inside a vacuum packed seal then release the probe from a box once the main rover is far away. A secondary measure would be to have the probe heat up to glowing red so as to kill off bacteria on its hull.

>> No.9893991

Jesus Christ I cannot imagine how they achieved this incredible footage.

>> No.9894003


>moving the goalpost


>> No.9894014


or you could just stop eating like shit and exercise. god americans are so fucking retarded and lazy they actually think ED is acceptable and normal at age 57.

>> No.9894080


>> No.9894185

Wew lad

>> No.9894188

didn't you hear? the nips cured it a few months ago

>> No.9894191

>Jesus Christ I cannot imagine how they achieved this incredible footage.

I never thought about but you are right. Those snakes seem to be EXTREMELY aggressive. Where would the photographer be?

Anyone know WHERE this footage was taken??

>> No.9894274

>planet literally covered top to bottom in soil toxic to humans and is infertile
>Mars-fags will sperg out over some water they found underground

Whats the fucking point? Who wants single celled organisms to be the first aliens we discover?

>> No.9894295

That would be an amazing discovery, and I don't see how we can hope for much more.

>> No.9894300

>We can and WILL alter all ecosystems for our own good.
Like we're altering ours so soon it will be uninhabitable?

>> No.9894301
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>this thread

>> No.9894302

Mars is literally shittier than an Indian ghetto, living there would be like hell.

I would rather take my chances with the Venus blimps or gigantic self sustaining vessels thanks.

>> No.9894305
File: 280 KB, 1200x841, bison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like we're altering ours so soon it will be uninhabitable?

The 7 BILLION people on earth and a rising population beg to differ.

the TRUTH is the amount of Forest land is INCREASING in America... with farms becoming more efficient and people more urbanized, North Americans are returning land to a more natural state.
There are many people wanting to re-establish Bison herds in middle America.

>> No.9894336



you cannot colonize a vacuum

>> No.9894337

I want to pee in the mars pool

>> No.9894352

Didn't NASA take some of the ice on Mars, like, 15 years ago and then decide to not test since it would probably be contaminated anyways or something?

>> No.9894362
File: 288 KB, 782x506, welcome to space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if in what is mostly vacuum there are also rich mines at low gravity.

>> No.9894408

Alright, we all know that the guy you’re arguing against is being pretty faggy, looks like he could be a troll or larper and you’re not picking up on it, but you do know that isn’t true, right?

That whole “science versus the church” bullshit was just made up for school curriculums. We didn’t even see any real incidents of science versus the church until the Epperson v. Arkansas (1968) and Edwards v. Aguillard (1987) Supreme Court Cases.

It’s common knowledge that there was a lack of progress in the science and medicine during the medieval ages which would’ve been vital for the time.
Now one could blame the lack of progress on religion, but in most specific cases that cause can be debunked. i.e. It's said that Copernicus faced a lot of religious persecution for his pursuit of astronomy and developing the heliocentric theory, but in fact he was regarded as a respectable member in the Catholic Church and even the head advisor for the head of the church he performed his research in, and faced no opposition besides rivalry from other churches in ways that werent at all relevant to his scientific pursuits but rather for being Catholic in a Protestant dominant region. Rather, his theories on the Heliocentric theory were used in the church to demonstrate Creationist ideology to the public, and the theory that the Earth was a sphere was actually pushed by the church. Or take Charles Darwin or Gregor Mandel; none of them even suffered any religious persecution. I could go on, but hopefully you get it by now.
It’s taught in American schools that that’s just how it was: Science versus Religion all day every day, chemists being called witches and being burned, anyone who said the Earth was round or orbitted the sun getting their head cut off-- but it’s all bullshit. They teach us that in Middle School and have since the 80’s to deliver an underdog story for the nerds in the classroom.

>> No.9894428

>>9894408 (cont.)
Now look, what I’m trying to get across to make the point is really off topic in comparison to the rest of the thread, so I’ll make it brief:
The anon you’ve been flamewarring with is an obvious troll, and he’s able to go as far as he is and seem as legit because your logic is flawed. There isn’t some great exclusive battle between science and religion.

If you want to talk historic examples, the fuckers that used siege equipment probably knew more about physics and mechanical engineering than 99% of the citizens of most developed countries today, the Catholic Church actually lead in pushing the Heliocentric theory, Islam practically fucking invented the more advanced algebra concepts as well as geometry and trigonometry using old basic math invented by Greek pagans that worshiped a plethora of gods and Hindus from India, crazy Chinese monks that worshipped their ancestors invented medicine, chemists would be known as alchemists and be highly respected by religious royal families, Christians would invent evolution and genetics that would later go on to debunk their own faith-- the list can go on and on.
“Science versus Religion” didn’t even pop up until the 20th Century when evolutionists and atheists decided to take a militant stance. What’s wrong with the world isn’t religion or lack thereof; it’s militance, radicalism, and ignorance. You’re not going to get anywhere unless you decide to cease showing those traits.

>> No.9894560


Bullshit is ugly stuff.
It's also real.

>> No.9894569

>Islam practically fucking invented the more advanced algebra concepts

It is truly sad that Islam went from "explore the world and find Gods work there", to "explore the Quran and find Gods work there".

>> No.9894591

Islam also accepts existence of alien life, and it’s stated other worlds exist in Quran

>> No.9894634

And they must submit to Islam or be slaughtered.
Just wait until muslims build their von neumann probes and get rid of all life in the galaxy.

>> No.9894646

Ans those dumb fuckers at LIGO who found gravitational waves, Einstein had discovered them a 100 years before!

>> No.9894647

All of the shit you're talking about is borderline irrelevant to the modern context. It's like arguing about who set the fire while standing on a burning bridge. Despite a historically (selectively) positive role, the role of religion in modern science is more akin to the afformentioned faggot than the ancient church. inb4lehatman

>> No.9894669

Galapagos. And those snakes don't care about people apparently.
>Thankfully, for the crew members, including the cameraman who was closest to the action, tracking the iguana from three meters away with a small camera attached to a hand-held gimbal to keep the footage stable, the snakes of Fernandina Island had no interest in people. “They pay absolutely no attention whatsoever to human beings,” Dr. White says. “I wouldn’t have worn sandals, and I wouldn’t have put a finger into those rock crevices, but there was absolutely no threat from those snakes to us.”

>> No.9894674

>Venus blimps or gigantic self sustaining vessels
What does that have to do with alien life? Why bring up colonization?
If you want to call Mars a shitty place to look for life at least mention the icy moons or something, not a meme like Venus.

>> No.9894716

>thread about water on Mars
>Gets derailed to the "science vs religion" meme
Can we just get along and celebrate what maybe will be one of the biggest scientific discoveries of the year?

>> No.9894717 [DELETED] 

How does he know? Did he go there when nobody was looking?

>> No.9894888


>> No.9894951


>> No.9894987

>All of the shit you're talking about is borderline irrelevant to the modern context.
He literally had a takeaway:
>”What’s wrong with the world isn’t religion or lack thereof; it’s militance, radicalism, and ignorance. You’re not going to get anywhere unless you decide to cease showing those traits.”
The context was some fucker was being an asshole and getting fucked by bait. That’s his message to the anon. The interaction wasn’t between him and the whole thread, it was an exchange between him and one other anon in the thread. Take or leave the message as you want it; it wasn’t intended to call any other anons out.

>> No.9895151

I'm not sure how laughing at creationists is gonna stop anyone from gettting to Mars.

>> No.9895153

I would the chances "medium."

>> No.9895166

Good thread, all.

>> No.9895183
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really doesn't take much of imagination to see Mars once having more or less thriving microbiological life on its surface, before it has lost its magnetic field along with its atmosphere.

>> No.9895192
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good equipment and a LOT of patience

>> No.9895214

Why do you give a fuck about going to Mars?

>> No.9895227

Back to /pol/ you redditor nigger.

>> No.9895290

This guy gets it.

>> No.9895300

>Lack of faith
Pick one

>> No.9895309

Can someone please summarize me what the fuck is happening in this thread ?

>> No.9895379

skilled editors

>> No.9895389

That's not what the holy scriptures of every religion says, you fucking heathen.

>> No.9895390

Kill yourself, nigger.

Stop samefagging.

>> No.9895427

You have 10 seconds to explain how atheism is not a belief

>> No.9895460

>muh jelly babies
1:you're overstating the potential effects of microgravity
2: there may be ways to counteract the effects

>> No.9895468

Martian gravity shouldn't be considered "microgravity" anyway as that implies something much weaker than the ~third earth gravity of the martian surface

>> No.9895477

You would fuck up the first alien bacteria we've ever encountered in our species' history because you can't bring a water bottle?

The whole planet ought to be considered a really fucking important nature preserve. This is a new evolutionary ... a whole new lifeform. If you consider that sunlight activates the carbon and eventually RNA. God I hope we've been sterilizing the fuck out of rovers.

>> No.9895485

>This is a new evolutionary ... a whole new lifeform.

Oh? Which lifeform are you talking about?

>> No.9895502

Well even if Mars didn't have it we're pretty close to seeing evidence of alien life in those ice geysers on Enceladus.

Great filter confirmed for prokaryote>eukaryote, mitochondria, single>multicellular?

>> No.9895519
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Oh my G-d.

>> No.9895526
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Babby's first attempt at theology and philosophy.

>> No.9896010

>he thinks he knows what god created and what he did not create
Lmao @ your delusions sweaty.

>> No.9896025

Literally nowhere in the bible does God, Jesus, ANYONE say there isn't life on other worlds.

>> No.9896086

Neither did anyone say that FTL travel was impossible, or that the heat-death of the universe was inevitable. Life's looking up, eh?

>> No.9896216
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Humanity would really benefit if all retards like you were euthanized.

Do you fucking dumbshits really don't see the significance of life existing twice in one goddamn solar system? If that's true galaxy is literally full of life.

>> No.9896307
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We are naught but the flushing of Gods toilet.

>> No.9896934

>Creationists. Blown The FUCK out.

Literally how? Unless you mean young-earth creationists I guess.

>> No.9896998

>Humanity would really benefit if all retards like you were euthanized.
You’d be killing off all but about 13% of the population, maybe a good 30% if you went full Muslim style and did a “convert or die” kind of deal. Now that’d be fine and dandy resource-wise, but I’d be willing to bet actual money that less than half of you fuckers can even figure out how to farm or manufacture stuff, and you’d die of starvation assuming the entirety of a society like that didn’t realise that it had just committed genocide against its own species and labelled itself as a horrid self-destructive force and consequently just committed mass suicide due to Nihilist philosophy.

You guys are practically a fucking burden on society at the moment even if you are right. Atheists besides people like Carl Sagan (and mind that he wasn’t even an atheist, just an agnostic that believed in an unidentifiable non-Abrahmic and non-sentient higher power) haven’t really even contributed to science or progress. I’d like to see you list all of the massive scientific achievements made by atheists akin to how >>9894428 listed just a few of the scientific achievements made by religious folk. Your ideology isn’t new; Hell, atheism has been around probably as long as the oldest religion, so there’s been plenty of time to make progress. I’d say at best, you might be able to give some examples from people like Nazis and Soviet Russians that made small contributions to fields.

>> No.9897005
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>liquid lake that's 12 miles across
>1.5km below the surface
>everyone reporting this is mixing imperial and metric measurements

do you think we might see strange life forms under the surface like in that underground lake in Antarctica?

>> No.9897009

Chinese are atheists

>> No.9897013

Most modern Chinese are. Historically they aren’t. But have the modern Chinese gone and created entire scientific or mathematic fields? Have they literally invented astronomy, or biology, or trigonometry, or medicine, or the theory of evolution?

>> No.9897048

>shifting goalposts

>> No.9897058
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Well, I guess at least someone agreed.
How many replies have you contributed to filling up this thread anon? This would be my third.

>> No.9897069

>Literally giving you the same goalpost, and after refusal to answer, giving you an even easier shot.
I even gave you maybe a little inspiration to start a search. I didn’t shift the goalpost in terms of increasing demands, I dumbed those demands down.
Here, to make it easier: Give me three examples of fields that atheists have pioneered. Just three, doesn’t have to be massive fields like inventing a whole branch of mathematics or something. Give the example field, and what they did.

>> No.9897174
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And here I was worried about shitting it up by laughing at the fact that the announcement on Sciencemag shares top billing with the findings of a tranny athlete on the advantages of tranny athletes.

>> No.9897993

We...we don't actually use it.

>> No.9899413

Despite the jokes, they defend Mormons in both the show and the play.

>> No.9899506


the quran says, he spread all kind of creatures in the heavens and througout the earth.

>> No.9899513

But did Jesus died for Ayy LMAO sins?

>> No.9899579
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Daily reminder that everytime you pray to your god you're just making the REAL God madder and madder.

>> No.9899791

God forbid they start send ppl to Mars, jsu to discover too late some kind of virus or bacteria survived all these eons underground, infected the scientists and now we have to deal with space AIDS or armpit gonorrea or some other hideous decease.

>> No.9900242

>the religious are not anti-science
Objectively false, see evolution deniers and young earth creationists
Also, I find it funny that you posted a picture of a woman that stopped believing in God towards the end of her life

>> No.9900246

In North America.
The Amazon rainforest is shrinking and the Sahara is expanding

>> No.9901762

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

>> No.9902500
File: 44 KB, 550x404, dibDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian researchers find SHIT in my ASS hahahahahahahahahahahahah OP REKT HARD EPIC GAMER SYLTE HAU_AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.


>> No.9902517

Fucking genocide any bacteria in there. We dont want a reapeat of the whole Native American situation where they're STILL complaining about this land or that.

>> No.9902745
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>> No.9903128


Very unlikely. More likely us filthy monkeys will contaminate and infect Martian biomes I think based on the ratio of terran bacteria and viruses?

>> No.9903712

Most terran bacteria will not survive, and any viruses would not be in a position to reproduce. Though it's conceivable that a long forgotten flu strain brought on a rover is reactivated after mars is terraformed, wiping out a large portion of the populace. In fact, interplanetary bio-terrorism is a pretty good method to destroying a planet's populace at little risk to yourself/your home planet.

>> No.9903818

>The number of cripplingly stupid people has only ever grown.
Fixed that one for you

>> No.9904035


>> No.9905416

Mars sure is bright tonight. It's to the south, immediately obvious, and I could see it through the clouds.

>> No.9905498

Oxygen is why multicellular life exists so in a oxygen devoid environment the best you will get is unicellulars.

>> No.9905606

who's the monk

>> No.9905896

So first worlders are good for the enviroment and and third world trash ruin it? What a surprise! Perhaps we should stop providing the food and other aid that allows third world trash populations to continue booming?

>> No.9905928

>hey would be extremely tall due to Mar's very low gravity and they would have pale as fuck skin
So, Nordics basically?