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File: 245 KB, 1280x720, forerunner human war Charum Hakkor Battle in 150k BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9830791 No.9830791 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine if humans discover aliens about 300 years into the future.
How will the racist rednecks react? Will they declare war on the aliens and the non-whites because they think non-whites and aliens are both not human?

>> No.9830873

A year later, no one will really care. Much like everything else that happens in human life.

>> No.9830889

I think humans will be very dumb in 300 years.

>> No.9830898

So the possibility of seeing aelins in 300 yeard we will be fucked.

>> No.9830903

If you find alien intelligent life that you could contact or interract with it would more than likely reduce most of human differences by a few orders of magnitude. Look at how the world wars transformed the citizens of the US to begin to more identify with the federal nationality rather than their individual states because they had more alike than dissimilar.
When you throw in hyper intelligent slime molds who respire methane and use their excrement as their written language then suddenly this guy who's a slightly different shade of beige than you who roots for a different sky wizard doesn't seem so different.

>> No.9830906


>> No.9830916

>How will the racist rednecks react?

>> No.9831051
File: 38 KB, 320x417, 12313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist rednecks

diaper faggot detected also saged

>> No.9831071

At the current rate of humanity getting dumber and the hoardes of the middle east&africa swamping the western world i dont think we will ever became a multiplanet race.
In a billion years some species will pass along earth and laugh at yet another tomb world and how they are superior.
Maybe some alien college kid will write a thesis on how instead of investing in getting of the fucking planet the race put all its resources in feeding a exploding population problem and how we where retarded for doing it and are better of death.

>> No.9831118

>triggered samefag

>> No.9831124

We would all be obliterated once you realize the chances of alien life being more than a million years more advanced than us is practically guaranteed

>> No.9831142

Look at this planet and its teaming with life. But only one creature has a desire to travel through space. And even they don't really care now that the cold war is over.
The odds of there being a life form that cares to travel the stars, and also manages to not kill it's self are so ... Astronomical.
Basically, when we find intelligent life its likely it will be like most creatures here. Happy to feed and fuck, and that's about it.
Sooooo, the same creationists who think the earth is 6000 yrs old, but somehow also believe that black people are monkeys, will continue without change.

>> No.9831160

I think about this a lot.
I imagine everyone would lose their minds to begin with, but then in a surprisingly short amount of time after the initial news everyone would get used to it and start taking their existence for granted like all the other weird things we've learned to ignore.

>> No.9831389

Assumptions based on blind faith

>> No.9831412

There won't be any racist rednecks in 300 years. Just brown people.

>> No.9831431

We cannot predict that there even will be racist/rednecks in the future, take the example that racism was invented in the mid-late sixteenth century to justify slave trade. We also cannot predict the levels of communication we/them have (I mean languages and social cues). If I were a betting man I would say that roughly half of the population of Earth would completely freak out and wan to destroy/use them with malicious intent, and the other half want to make some kind of peace/coexistence; but that all depends of who finds who first and who even gets to who first.

>> No.9831434

>it's self
>its likely
This looks exactly like bait, but I can't see a hook.

>> No.9831435

>300 years from now

lol, yeah the Native Americans are gonna make a comeback too.

>> No.9831436

racism is as biological as homosexuality

>> No.9831438

I knew racists were gay

>> No.9831442
File: 53 KB, 600x450, dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if humans discover aliens about 300 years into the future.

we will fuck every orifice we see, we don't discriminate

>> No.9831927

>all its resources in feeding a exploding population problem and how we where retarded for doing it
Dude the entire earth's population can settle in skyscrapers in Texas.

>> No.9831958

firmly embedded in OPs thumb i believe

>> No.9832076

probably try and kill them and take whatever they own like humans have always done since we have existed.

>> No.9832381

Unless drastic changes are made, this is a likely scenario.

>> No.9832418

It is a myth the racist rednecks discriminate. On the contrary: they will fuck anything.

>> No.9832420

Anyway, racist rednecks aren't really part of actual humanity anyway. So it is moot.

>> No.9832502

That's because deep down they know their racism is just a cover for trust issues.

>> No.9832507

No it is not you fuck head, it is a social construct like the idea that people accept homosexuals.

>> No.9832518

Why does everybody in this thread type like sub 100 iq spastics lmao @ your lives

Alien life that we can expect to see in the next 300 years will be visiting us, not the other way around, and if they have unlocked the stars like that we’re finished

>> No.9832637
File: 214 KB, 1348x1086, The+great+silence+reposting+to+show+a+bunch+of+peoplespace_028015_5083738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does everybody in this thread type like sub 100 iq spastics
Probably It's just one sad nigger venting his frustrations here.
>if they have unlocked the stars like that we’re finished

>> No.9834184

hope the will. Yet fighting aliens will be a lot harder than fighting niggers

>> No.9834350
File: 99 KB, 705x579, 4048a848211f407152c13325fe63f2c4--tau-empire-deathwatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffer not the xenos to live

>> No.9834541

Dumb plot armour artistic impression
>as if the glorious tau masterrace would ever let the filthy gue'la within melee range

>> No.9835886
File: 271 KB, 800x600, 30d1d0233fce73a86b6bd3dcd4be4cef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying old man like impaired eye vision Tau will ever see the space marines coming right at them.
>Implying fire warriors shitty reaction timing will be quicker than an astartes crossing three trenches to bury his power hammer into the Tau's head.
These samurai space commies are the worst and don't deserve the attention of the Emperor's finest but due to the Imperium's GLORIOUS administration and the Tau being such a pest they get it. If the Tau existed in 30k that shitstain on the galaxy would of been cleaned in a few years.

>> No.9835913

The rednecks would just hold out their bibles and exclaim; "In the name of Jewsus, begone demons!"

>> No.9835914


>> No.9835916

This is the exact plot of District 9.

>> No.9835923

***Spoiler Alert***

Ayys have been here for a very long time and are being dealt with in a diplomatic way.

>> No.9835966

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.9836924


>> No.9837016


>> No.9837040


>different sky wizard

You still share space with people who believe in a sky wizard, or a different one who only respect your freedom in a time of global crisis, but will want to destroy/convert you and ban stuff you like and will go tooth and nail to do so, while the aliens don't want to mess with our politics and are okay with we doing whatever the hell we please.

At worst, mankind will still be divided between people who dislike each other and one or more of the groups actually allying themselves with the aliens who actually respect your freedom as long as you do so also.

>> No.9837132

look dad I read the 3 body trilogy

>> No.9837188

nobody is saying that space is an issue