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9823732 No.9823732 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best strategy when coming into an IQ test? What are the best ways to spots clues in the chain of deductions?

>> No.9823734

Be smart.

>> No.9823807

Don't take it in the first place because IQ tests are meaningless.

>> No.9824240
File: 10 KB, 300x229, This dude literally killed himself as a joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ test
Someone who wastes his life getting a high score on an IQ test (which is meaningless since he prepared for it) can't be anything but a brainlet.

>> No.9824267

>Don't take it in the first place
>because IQ tests are meaningless.
Incorrect. The actual reason to not take an IQ test is to keep the delusions of grandeur that keep you alive, going.

>> No.9824271

Yeah it's magic sauce that separates someone like Von Neumann from a high school dropout.

>> No.9824313

>doesn't understand probability

>> No.9824366

Youre not supposed to have strategies or study for them. That defeats the whole purpose of the test.

>> No.9824522

>Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability.[9][56] A high reliability implies that – although test-takers may have varying scores when taking the same test on differing occasions, and although they may have varying scores when taking different IQ tests at the same age – the scores generally agree with one another and across time. Like all statistical quantities, any particular estimate of IQ has an associated standard error that measures uncertainty about the estimate. For modern tests, the standard error of measurement is about three points[citation needed]. Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes.[22][57][58] In a survey of 661 randomly sampled psychologists and educational researchers, published in 1988, Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman reported a general consensus supporting the validity of IQ testing. "On the whole, scholars with any expertise in the area of intelligence and intelligence testing (defined very broadly) share a common view of the most important components of intelligence, and are convinced that it can be measured with some degree of accuracy." Almost all respondents picked out abstract reasoning, ability to solve problems and ability to acquire knowledge as the most important elements.[59]
>Mackintosh 2011, p. 169 "after the age of 8–10, IQ scores remain relatively stable: the correlation between IQ scores from age 8 to 18 and IQ at age 40 is over 0.70."
>Terman, Lewis Madison; Merrill, MaudeA. (1937). Measuring intelligence: A guide to the administration of the new revised Stanford-Binet tests of intelligence. Riverside textbooks in education. Boston (MA): Houghton Mifflin. p. 44.

>> No.9824523
File: 8 KB, 312x268, fuck_off_brandon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anastasi, Anne; Urbina, Susana (1997). Psychological Testing (Seventh ed.). Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall. pp. 326–327. ISBN 978-0-02-303085-7. Lay summary (28 July 2010).
>Silverman, Linda Kreger (1991), "Review of The IQ Controversy, the Media and Public Policy", Gifted Child Quarterly, 35 (3): 153–156,

>> No.9824564

Get a good nights sleep and have a large hardy breakfast. If you have test anxiety let you're administrator know

>> No.9824571
File: 41 KB, 610x368, DfcXL-IUYAI-Q-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took your stupid fucking GIQtest and scored a 137.

Easy to place people in a box with your racist, antiquated metric though. Try harder next time, kiddo

>> No.9824579
File: 142 KB, 860x424, ffs_brandon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg, that isn't me you fucking retard.
You agreed with IQ in another thread, you spastic.
Stop posting, and stop posting your IQ when trying to disagree with it, you edgy high schooler.
Fuck, off, Brandon.

>> No.9824581

Go take a test derived from Raven's Progressive Matrices in person, with a psychologist and then find out your real results.
Pro-tip, you're probably nearer 100, than 144.

>> No.9824587

>You agreed with IQ in another thread, you spastic.
Wrong again.

>blah blah blah Raven's

So, is that the only IQ test you consider valid, then? Is the Raven's somehow superior to other tests? Your arguments make no sense whatsoever and are starting to become contradictory.

Sorry I'm smarter than you. Like I said in another thread, I wouldn't even post here if it wasn't so hilarious watching neckbeards foam at the mouth in irrational anger.

>> No.9824597
File: 958 KB, 6017x1433, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want me to post your capitulation?

>> No.9825052
